Quests and tasks in Black Desert. Quests and quests in Black Desert Bdo all quests

One of the important components of MMORPG games is the system quests. Black Desert 2015 is no exception, only the quests here are not quite typical. This does not concern the plot or zadanie, but the accrual of rewards. So, for completing the quest you will not be given any money or experience. Get you faction points . You can use them in different ways: spend them on opening map nodes and open yourself access to resources, buy a house or other real estate on them (thus saving blood gold), or exchange them for an item offered by the NPC. In any case, it becomes clear that you need to go through quests, because they are the key to gaining access to trade, exploring the world. You can level up your character by killing monsters (grinding), because quests will not give you a quick shop-up.

Quest types

The blackdesert-online game involves the player completing three types of quests: guild, story and NPC quests.

1. Guild. Become available if you are a member of one of the guildiya. The task will be issued by the commander, and you can see it in the guild menu.

To take this quest, you need to pay money. Each task has its own due date, so keep an eye on the time. But the reward for completing it is also significant: the guild can gain experience, guild points. As a result, the level of the guild is growing. You can also get some valuable items: siege tents, sharpeners, potions, etc.

Guild quests can be of three types:

To kill simple mobs;

On killing elite monstry;

To create specific items.

You may need to kill a lot of ordinary mobs, from 250 pieces. But this is considered a team task, so all the killed monsters of each member are counted. Depending on the level of the guild, the monsters will gain strength.

2. Story . They are issued by your Black Spirit (Black Spirit). If you are already one of the Black Desert players, then you are probably familiar with your Black Spirit. He joins at the very beginning of the game and follows you inseparably throughout the game path. It will help you learn the history of the mysterious world of Black Desert by issuing quests, completing which you will advance through the story and receive much-needed special items (armor, weapons, food, etc.). Story quests are activated only when you reach a certain level. Clicking "\" , you will summon the Black Spirit, talk to him and take a new task, or turn in an already completed one.

The quest is visible on the right side of the screen. After completion, you will see a highlighted inscription, which means that the Spirit can be called again (while you are completing the quest, the Spirit will not come to you), turn in the job and take a new one. The Black Spirit will give out the appropriate reward, such as a mount, equipment, or some rare items.

As you progress in the game and the number of tasks completed, your Spirit will grow and improve. From a small black cloud at the beginning of the game, to a completely intimidating character.

3. NPC quests. They will open when you reach a certain degree of intimacy or level in relation to your NPC. Then the NPC will issue a game task. Understanding that an NPC is ready to give you a quest is not difficult. There are several ways to view assignments:

1. You can use the mini-map. The NPC with the quest will have a yellow box above their head with an exclamation mark.

2. Being in a location, it is enough to view the entire list of NPCs and select a character with a task (the button is located in the right corner, below).

3. If you see an NPC ready to submit a quest, you can simply walk up to him and take the quest. Such a character will have a glowing yellow square above his head. If you accept a task for completion, the color of the frame will change to blue, and after completing the quest - to red with a checkmark inside.

Additional quests can be obtained by killing a mob. In this case, the task simply falls out of him, if you want - take it, if you want - no.

To view the number of active quests and progress for each, you need to use the hotkey "ABOUT". The first tab shows the quests in progress, and the second one shows those that you have already completed. Also, running quests are displayed on the screen (on the left by default). Next to each task there are hints about where the quest is to be completed - a wavy arrow, what rewards await - a stone, the characteristics of the task - a flag.

All NPC quests are divided into several types, depending on the characteristics of the task. This:

- Mini-games. This konkurs is that you need to perform certain actions. For example, to catch a fish, shoot a weapon at a target, play a melody, roll a cart. To fulfill the conditions of the game, you need to have additional inventory, which can be bought for fractional points. All commands require successful completion.

- Repeatable. They can be found in different settlements. For example, in Heindelberg "Quest for a kite", and in Velia - "Quest for a cat".

- Escort and delivery. Their essence lies in the fact that you need to take an inactive player to a certain place or deliver something to its destination.

-On mobs. Simple tasks that require the destruction of a specific number of mobs or knocking out some things from them. These quests are easiest to get from a mercenary in a tavern. For killing mobs, the mercenary gives a reward. You can even get experience and Money.

- For research. A destination is given that needs to be explored in detail. Additionally, you may need to find something, use it, etc.

- Trading. Issued by NPCs who trade. You need to take the goods to a specific NPC. As a reward, you get wheels that expand your inventory.

- On skills. Something needs to be created or acquired. It can be cooking, crafting, hunting, gathering.

- Special. Those tasks that are not included in any of the listed categories. For example, early activation of PvP mode.

For completing a quest from an NPC, you can get a potion, skills, indemnity points, knowledge or items.

Quest types:

Also, all quests are divided into types, depending on the method of completing tasks:

Knock out a scroll of knowledge from a monster;

Kill so many mobs;

Knock out a specific number of items from the monster;

Pick up the right item;

Explore a cave or location;

Something to inspect;

Accompany the character;

bring goods;

Make something.

Some tips for completing quests

Each type of quest is displayed not only in the general list, but also has special hints. For example, it can be a description of the task and the possibility of refusing to complete it; an arrow indicating the execution point; reward.

The hint icon that guides the search for a quest is not available for all quests. Most often, it leads either to a certain area or to an inactive character. To use a hint, just click on the wavy arrow, and a light circle with a pointing arrow will appear near the player. You need to clearly move in its direction, and you will see a light pillar in the place of the required NPC.

On the map, the place where you need to complete the quest is highlighted in blue. Additionally, there may be a blue inscription above the head of a mob or NPC, regardless of the actions required of you (kill, request, escort).

Quests in Black Desert are one of the most important occupations in the game, thanks to which you can get a lot of important goodies.

It is worth noting that, in principle, BDO, as an MMORPG, is not tailored for the mandatory completion of tasks and quests, since without them any player can safely swing, engage in trade, fishing, cooking, alchemy, etc. However, within the framework of this article, we will review the most important and important rewards and trophies for the game, which can be obtained after completing many quests in Black Desert Online.

Why are quests needed?

So, let's start with the fact that all the quests in the game are divided into categories:

- Story missions;

– Ordinary (disposable);

– Daily (recurring);

– Group;

- Guild;

- Handicraft.

In addition to the above categories of tasks, the developers introduce some of the new types of quests for exploring the world of BDO (search for NPCs, opening new locations, studying mobs, obtaining secret knowledge, etc.).

Story quests in the game have their own history with a pretty impressive plot that is interesting to go through. At the same time, the dark spirit, which is actually a guide in the game, offers the most trump reward for completing story quests - sharpening weapons / armor, game experience (Exp), skill points, expanding inventory slots, inlay stones, scrolls for additional experience gain, weapons, jewelry, armor and much more. At the same time, after completing story missions in Black Desert, you can simultaneously receive several useful items. In order to receive several useful rewards at the same time, you need to complete quests to summon single bosses.

One-time quests give not so sweet trophies, but among the rewards you can also see slots for expanding the backpack, skill points and experience. It is important to say here about the opportunity to receive as a reward - influence points, which play a crucial role in the economic development of any player. After all, for these points of influence, you can create trade and transport nodes, increase cells in the warehouses of cities, grow, collect and craft resources. You can also create workshops for the production of sharpeners, furniture, vehicles, tools, armor and other things. Therefore, for those players who are interested not only in mobs, completing quests and gaining influence points will serve as one of the main roles in the process of personal “capitalism”.

Daily quests give mostly only influence points and do not hint us at getting any fat trophies. However, doing them is not difficult and fast. Even if you perform them often, you can get a solid increase in influence points.

Group quests, like in most MMORPGs, involve completing difficult tasks that are best completed as part of a group.

Guild quests are mandatory promotions, which we will talk about in more detail in another article.

Crafting tasks are not useless in nature, since they firstly introduce the player to different types of crafts and secondly give a good increase in crafting experience and the opportunity to get good tools.

In the end, I would like to draw the following conclusion and at the same time answer the question - is it worth bothering and wasting time on quests? Answer: Basically, quests in the Black Desert game, as well as in Lineage 2, do not bring experience. Therefore, if you want to quickly level up a new character, you can ignore the quests and go straight to the grind. By the way, stable grind (on mobs) also gives a solid profit, since you can knock out a lot of sharpeners and expensive things. But if you like trading, crafting and more variety in the game, then completing quests will give you the opportunity to grow well economically. However, in doing so, you will lose a significant proportion of the time that you could spend on a non-stop download. The ideal is to combine business with pleasure. That is, combine both grinding and completing quests. Thus, you can, and swing and earn extra money on collecting and crafting.

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The quest system in Black Desert is not typical, as in most MMORPGs. The reason for this is mainly that completing quests does not give any exp or money as a reward, but they do give Cooperation Points. These points are freely redistributable, you can use them to open nodes to gain access to resource extraction, purchase a house, or exchange them for an item that an NPC offers you. Quests are a key feature for exploring the world and gaining access to the trading aspects of the game, but are not meant to be the fastest way to level up.

Quest types

There are three types of quests in Black Desert:

  1. When a certain level is reached, a flashing button appears "\" The Black Spirit, by calling which you can get the quest.
  2. Quests given by NPCs
    Upon reaching a certain level or degree of intimacy with an NPC, he may give the player a quest. Quests of this type are divided into several types
  3. Guild Quests
    The guild master can issue a quest to the player, it can be obtained through the guild menu.

Let's describe each type in more detail.

  1. Story quests given by Black Spirit (black spirit)

    So, from the very beginning of the game and further around the world of Black Desert, we will be accompanied by Black Spirit (black spirit), so the quests given out by him are considered a storyline.
    Called the black spirit with the key "\" , at this moment it flashes on the screen and the spirit begins to curl around you.
    The black spirit appears when the character reaches a certain level, or completes the previous quest. This quest will be visible on the right side of the screen.

    This type is displayed in the list of quests in this way.

    After completing the quest, the corresponding inscription will be displayed on the screen, after which the spirit can be called again, turn in and take a new quest, having received a reward. As a reward, you can get rare items and items of equipment, the first mount.

    As you complete tasks and progress in the game, as well as with an increase in level, the black spirit also grows.

  2. Quests given by NPCs.

    Upon reaching a certain level or degree of intimacy with an NPC, he may give the player a quest.

    You can find an NPC that gives a quest in a particular location:

    In addition, some mobs drop items that can be used to activate the quest.

    Quest display stages over NPC

    In the quest menu, you can check the number and progress of the quests you have taken. This menu can be opened with a hotkey "o": the first tab - running quests, the second - completed.

    Completed quests are also displayed on the screen (by default, on the left). Next to each quest there are hint icons: the location of the quest (curvy arrow), a description of the quest with the ability to refuse (flag), the quest reward (stone).

    Upon completion of the quests, the NPC can give out skill points, potions, items, knowledge, or Cooperation Points.

    Types of quests given by NPCs
    Quests issued by NPCs are divided into several types:

  3. Guild Quests
    Guildmasters can select quests from the guild mission menu to give to all guild members.

    To select a quest to complete, you need to spend a certain amount of money (quest price), in addition, you need to take into account the time to complete it (completion time), but the completion of these quests will bring a good reward to the guild: guild points, experience points, for which you can either get useful skills (both active and passive), or raise the level of the guild, which allows you to recruit more members. As well as additional useful things in the form of sharpening stones, a siege tent (received by the clan leader).

    For guild members, the guild quest is displayed in the full list of quests.

    Eat three types (in different tabs) of guild quests:

    • on normal mobs
    • on elite mobs,
    • to create something.
    The easiest to kill mobs, though the number of mobs is significant (for example, 250). But since the quest is issued for the entire guild, then killings by all guild players are taken into account. With the upgrade of the guild, the quests also change (for a larger number of mobs and more enhanced ones)

Hints and quests
In addition to the special display of each type of quests in the general list, all quests in this list have hints (some may be missing).

Has its own quest system. If you want to learn the mechanics as quickly as possible, learn more about the game world, get additional influence points and useful things, then you will have to complete various quests. You can receive tasks either from the Black Spirit, who accompanies you throughout the game, or from numerous characters (NPCs).

Black Desert quest window

At any time in the game, press the O key to open a window with completed and current quests. There is a built-in filter here, you can also study the detailed description of tasks here. You have the opportunity to even refuse to complete a particular task. Why do it? You will learn about this below. Finally, there is the most important feature that greatly simplifies your task - automatically following to the next item on Black Desert quest.

Filters are of several types:

  • Selecting a task by its type - craft, research or combat.
  • The choice of a quest depending on the series - history (plot), quests from the Black Spirit, etc.

If you open the global map, you can see the detailed description of the quest if you click on its LMB symbol. In this case, you will not know what the reward is. If you click on this RMB symbol, then your character will automatically begin to follow to the desired location.

Right: quest window

How to complete tasks, classification of quests in Black Desert

Any NPC you meet in the game will give you quests. Someone does it right away, while other characters do it when a number of conditions are met, which include reaching a particular character level, friendship with this NPC, etc. Take a look at the map and you will see exclamation marks. They indicate those characters who are ready to give you a task.

But that's not all, because exclamation marks come in one of three colors:

  • A yellow exclamation point indicates that this NPC can give you a quest.
  • A blue exclamation mark indicates that the quest given by this character is in progress.
  • The red exclamation point indicates a character from whom you can take a reward for completing a previously taken and completed quest.

Please note that the Black Spirit is not displayed on the map. To understand that you have completed his task or he has the next for you, pay attention to the icon in the lower right part of the screen. It is she who will be highlighted at these moments.

Except quests in Black Desert from the Black Spirit and NPCs, you can complete the missions received from the guild. These tasks can be activated by the head of the guild.

Black Spirit from Black Desert

In total, there are seven different categories of quests you can complete, including the Black Spirit Quest, Story Missions, General Quests, Research Quests, Trade Quests, and Crafting Quests. Finally, every day there are certain quests, which are called daily.

What is the reward for Black Desert quests?

Award for passing quests Black Desert can be XP, influence points, energy, equipment, furniture, potions and other items. Other tasks will give you additional rewards that you can choose from (for example, they will offer three items, but you will only get one).

There is one important note: if you receive an item as a reward, then make sure you have free space in your inventory before picking up a well-deserved trophy.

What to do if the task is not running?

There are different situations when you are unable to complete a particular task. Let's list them:

  • Taken the same quest to gain knowledge from different characters on the same account.
  • The fact is that if one of the heroes completes such a task, then information about this is stored in the memory of the surname. In order for another character to receive and complete the quest, you must first cancel it, and then take it again.
  • Quests related to the collection and transfer of items to any character have certain features. First you have to find and extract the resource, and then transfer it to the quest giver by selecting the phrase in the dialog box. Please note that you need to get this resource. If you get it in a different way (for example, buy it), you won't be able to use it to turn in the quest. Those resources that you, although you obtained, but did it before accepting the quest, will not work either.

Why does the quest chain break in Black Desert?

Very often, storyline quests are interconnected and follow each other. But not always after the completion of the current quest, you can immediately get the next one. In many situations, you will first have to wait for a certain amount of time to pass. But this pause will end not after, for example, a day, but when certain conditions are met. Either you will have to gain knowledge, or you will have to reach one level or another, etc.

Black Spirit Quests

The Black Spirit appears at the very beginning of the game and, looking ahead, stays with your hero forever. It is those quests that the Black Spirit gives out that are plot and tell the story of the game.

To summon the Black Spirit, you need to press the not quite familiar \ key. Automatically, the Black Spirit can appear when reaching a new level or completing his current quest. The name of the quest will appear on the right side of the screen.

When the task is completed, an inscription will appear on the screen stating this. Summon the Black Spirit, turn in the current quest to him, collect the reward and take on a new task.

Quests in Black Desert from NPC

Each character in the game gives your hero a quest under certain conditions. For example, when reaching a higher level or increasing friendship (affinity) with this NPC.

To find a character who can offer you quest in Black Desert, pay attention to the map, where you will see a yellow exclamation mark.

In the lower right part there is a list of all the NPCs of the settlement you are in. Among all the characters listed, you will notice those who have quests for you. Just double click on his name to see the hero.

It also happens that when you kill a particular mob, you can pick up an item with which you can activate a new quest.

Classification of quests from NPCs

The tasks that you can receive from NPCs are divided into several types. They are repeatable, mini-games, mob quests, trading, exploration, non-skill quests and special quests.

It is clear that repeated quests in Black Desert are completed several times, with a certain time interval. They are taken from the same quest giver. For example, such quests include "Quest for a cat", "Quest for goats", etc.

Mini-games are understood as tasks that, in their structure and content, resemble, excuse the tautology, mini-games. To complete the mission, you usually have to acquire an additional item by spending cooperation points. For example, you may need a gun, flute or fishing rod. You will need to execute certain commands, which are the main part of these quests. Tasks of this type are “Shooting”, “Fisherman” and “Ratcatcher”.

Quests for mobs in most cases are associated with the killing of one or another monster. Often you need to kill either a certain number of some creatures, or knock out the desired item from them. Often these tasks can be obtained from mercenaries located in taverns. The reward for completing the task is experience points and valuable coins that you can exchange for good money from merchants.

More narrowly focused tasks are associated with escorting NPCs from point "A" to point "B", the delivery of some object, the study of some area. It is noteworthy that for completing trade quests you get a wheel that expands your inventory. Of the special quests, for example, we will give one that offers you to activate the PvP mode ahead of schedule.

Quests from the guild

Guild masters can choose different quests from the general list of missions in the guild. These tasks they can issue to members of the guild.

To select the task that you want to complete, you will need to spend one or another amount. This parameter is called the "quest price". You will also need to take into account the time to complete the quest. But if such tasks can be completed, then the guild will receive a decent reward, which may include guild points, experience and various items, including sharpening stones, siege tents.

Quests from the guild are for ordinary mobs, for elite monsters and for the creation of some kind of item.

Although the tasks of the first type are associated with the killing of simple mobs, usually the required number goes off scale - about 250 pieces. On the other hand, the quest is issued for the entire guild, so the total number of mobs killed by all its members is calculated. The higher the guild level, the more substantial and difficult the quests will be, but the amount of reward received will also increase.

An example of a quest. Treasures of Valencia quest chain

Before describing this chain, we note that in order to successfully complete 21 tasks in this chain, huge amounts of energy points, time and money will be needed.

In general, to complete the entire quest chain, you will need:

  • 3 bars, each with 1 million gold.
  • 520,000 gold to purchase all four books.
  • Several shovels.
  • Huge amount of OP.
  • 5 glasses of beer.
  • Consumable items - tea, water, cans for HP, MP and FP.

You can take the first task from NPC Aru-Aru. Look for it in the territory of the capital of Valencia. The character will ask you to interact with various books. This is quite simple to do, but after that you have to steal 3 items at once. Each stealing attempt costs you 12 EP. And the first time, for 3 calls, stealing exactly 3 items is unlikely to work for you!

Main quest giver in the chain: Aru-Aru

For a successful theft, you must sneak up on the character from behind, duck down and press the F2 key. If this key does not work, then perhaps the F1 key is responsible for theft in your layout. When you steal everything, then return to Aru-Aru and turn in the quest.

In order to take the next task, you will need to purchase a dictionary from Aru-Aru. During completing Black Desert quests this chain will need to purchase four books, each of which costs 130,000. The NPC, after you return to him with the stolen items, will ask you to distribute them to other characters. After that, you will need to dig up the grave of the King.

Head to the Valencia Castle and go down into the dungeon. Attention! You don't have to jump into the well! Interact with the inventory device that is used for excavation. This should be done in the place where circles are shown on the ground (in the center of the circles).

The Guardian should appear. You need to destroy it. Having done this, return to Aru-Aru for a new quest. You must dig sand in the desert. Just follow the marker, chat with the target and dig up the desired item. By the way, it is advisable to buy shovels in advance, because they will still be needed.

After this task, you will need to deal with the NPC Giovanni. Aru-Aru will direct you to him after completing the sand digging quest. To get the right item from Giovanni, you will have to deal with two other tasks. Take the first quest - you need to kill fat mobs near the mines, next to the volcano. It's north of Valencia. On the second quest, you need to deal with the Fogans south of Valencia.

After completing the tasks, talk to Giovanni. For the item you need, he asks you to bring him an ingot worth 1 million. You'll have to do it! After that, another quest from Giovanni will begin. Move to one place, and then return to talk to the man again. But he won't be here anymore. Chat with the three partners of Giovanni. Only one of them is telling the truth. But who?

Take the task from the one who claims that Giovanni is digging sand in the desert. Follow the marker, find Giovanni and take the next quest.

You'll need shovels again. Dig sand until you find the right thing. Apparently, the item can only be found in one place - southeast of the standing Giovanni.

Return to the capital of Valencia and approach the new NPC, which is located on the pier. Chat and get a task - to drag 5 glasses of beer. After buying it, give it to the character and get the desired item. Open inventory and uncheck "auto sort". Place the chest and the key in the right order - first the chest, and on the right is the key. You will receive Toki's diamond. Give it to the character in the indicated place.

Complete a few simple tasks until Aru-Aru asks again to buy the book and steal the key from another NPC. It will be very difficult to steal this item. You can use up about 200-300 EP! When you have the key to the Rabam warehouse in your hands. Then you have to travel. Move to the northwest of the desert and talk to the NPC, who will ask you to give him 2 ingots worth 1 million each.

After giving these ingots, move to the indicated place where you need to destroy the monsters. And again you have to go to the other end of the map. Don't forget to bring shovels with you to dig up the item.

Look around this place. Be careful, a piece of the object should flash. This is where you need to dig!

Dig where shown in the screenshot

When you dig up 5 coins, the ruins will appear entirely.

Return to Aru-Aru to complete the quest. This completes his quests.

Chat with the Black Spirit, who will speak to you first. Go to Giovanni, who will offer to rob Aru-Aru. Steal this key and take it to Arehaza. Pass it to the dark-skinned one and communicate with the spirit. You will receive the quest you need so much, according to which you can choose a ring as a reward and an inlay stone.

Complete the task and communicate with the Black Spirit. Distribute a ducat to Aru-Aru and Giovanni for 1000 Influence.

To begin with, to complete the 21st quest in the chain, you will need a lot of time, energy points and funds, so it’s better to prepare in advance by reading this guide to the end.

The first quest in the chain is taken from the Aru-Aru NPC, which is located in the capital of Valencia, and you will have to dance around it until you are blue in the face.

First, a sneaky NPC will require you to go and just talk with different items in the form of books:

But next, he wants you to steal 3 items from different NPCs:

It should be noted that stealing is quite expensive - 12 EP for each attempt, and there can be quite a lot of them! To successfully pull off the theft, go behind the back of the NPC and press the appropriate key (usually F1 or F2). All stolen? We go to hand over the quest to Aru.
Please note that in order to take the next task, Aru requires you to buy a Dictionary from him, as a result of all the quests, you will have to buy all 4 books of 130 thousand each.

After you have stolen all the items to order, we return to Aru, he will ask you to distribute the stolen items to other NPCs, after which he will send the king’s grave to drip:

We run towards the castle of Valencia, where we go down into the dungeon through the main entrance (DO NOT jump into the well!). Activate the excavation device at the specified point. which is in inventory:

The Guardian will appear. who needs to be killed, by the way, is a rather fat bastard who constantly spams debuffs.

We return to the city to Aru, now he will send us to dig sand in the desert:

We run according to the sign, the main thing is not to miss and not get lost! We're talking about a flag. we dig, we dig, we return (it is better to buy more shovels in advance, they will still be needed!)

Then the trouble with the NPC Giovani begins, damn him! Aru will send you to him immediately after the end of the quest with the digger. however, in order to get what you want from Giovanni, you will have to complete 2 subquests, otherwise this skatinyaka will not give you the item you need. Well, we first take the quest to kill fat mobs in the mines of the volcano (north of Vaplencia), and then the quest to kill the Fogans (south of Valencia):

Completed one by one, passed, and then Giovani will ask you to hand over to him 1 ingot worth 1 million (10G):

We hand over and get the knowledge we need along the main chain:

We run on the following quest from the long Giovanni:

We return ... and .... Giovanninet is in place!

However, his accomplices promise to tell us where he is hiding, but two of the three lie blatantly!

We take the quest from the one that says that Giovanni is digging sand somewhere in the desert and run along the mark:

We find the fugitive and take the following quest:

Joe will again ask us to serve, and therefore we take out the stocked shovels and start digging sand until we get the right item. It is worth noting here that in our open spaces you can dig endlessly, because the item gets, apparently, only in 1 single place - South-East from Giovanni, look at the radar:

We return to the city and go to the next NPC on the pier. but he is also not a miss and asks to bring 5 mugs of beer:

We bought beer, gave it away, got what we wanted, now we need to add it correctly in the inventory. To do this, uncheck auto sorting and set the chest and key in the correct order:

We receive a diamond and take it to its destination:

Further, everything is quite easy, until Aru again asks you to once again buy the next book from him and steal a new key from the NPC. Here it took me about 250 EP, until luck turned to face me.

Here the stage of traveling for your own money begins again: first you will be sent to the north-west of the desert, and there the good uncle NPC will ask you to give him 2 ingots of 1 million gold each...

We give the ingots and go on his instructions to kill the nearest mobs, after which we will again be sent to the other end of the map to dig sand (don't forget the shovel)!

On our servers, coins are digging purely in 1 place, see the radar:
(Look closely when you approach the excavation point, a piece of stone will flash for a second and disappear, you need to dig in that place. These ruins will then appear entirely as soon as you dig up 5 coins)

As soon as you dig up 5 pieces, return to NPU Aru, he will finish torturing us with this.

And he will send us again to the rogue Giovanni, who will ask you to rob Aru in order to get another key:

We carry the key to Arehaza, give it to the Negro, after which we again speak with the spirit:

We get the desired quest, according to which we will be given a ring to choose from, as well as a very expensive inlay stone:

After completing this quest, the spirit will speak again and offer you to give Aru and Giovanni a ducat each, for which he will reward you with 1000 influence points!
That's all.

Total required:

  • 3 bars of 1 million gold
  • 520k gold to buy books
  • 5 regular beers
  • shovels for digging
  • consumables: water, star anise tea, cans of HP/MP/FP
  • many OR

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  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Houses and estates in Skyrim On the territory of Skyrim, you can not only rush with weapons and cut out everything that moves on assignment or without. Here...