Which doctor treats gambling addiction. How to get rid of: addiction to computer games

Gambling addiction refers to diseases of a psychological nature, from which there are no medical methods of treatment. The process of getting rid of addiction takes place in the office of a psychotherapist. However, professional help does not always give the desired results. Especially in cases where the patient does not realize the importance of independent work on his illness.
A common misconception is the argument that getting rid of it is easy - just not playing is enough. Depending on willpower, a person suffering from this ailment may for some time deny himself the temptation to place a bet again, but without a powerful motivational foundation, such efforts quickly come to naught, and the interruption mode ends with the next game.
It should be remembered that people with an unstable emotional warehouse, prone to stress and closed in themselves often suffer from gambling addiction. Any little thing can provoke such a player to a breakdown. Moreover, the so-called withdrawal syndrome leads to the fact that a person himself begins to look for a reason to break loose.
Psychologists in such cases recommend starting with a comprehensive removal from the game environment. To do this, it is necessary to neutralize as much as possible situations that can push you to the game. It is necessary to avoid visiting places where slot machines are located. You should spend less time at the computer and increase your productivity in order to reduce the temptation to go virtual.
On the way to getting rid of gambling addiction, it often becomes necessary to fill the void formed after giving up the game with some kind of “substitute”. And it’s good when it becomes a hobby for sports, family pastime or an increase in activity in social activities. However, often the refusal to play can aggravate other hidden ones, such as, for example, a passion for alcohol, high-speed driving or drugs. In order not to let go from one extreme to another, it must be remembered that at the initial stage of the fight against gambling addiction, an important role is played by “putting things in order” in the mind of a person and positioning himself in society. You should be clearly aware of the origins that led to gambling addiction - and often this is not a desire to realize your passion or elementary greed. The root of gambling lies much deeper and is often associated with lack of fulfillment in professional or family life, lack of domestic comfort and pathological envy towards more successful relatives and relatives.
Having understood the origins, a person suffering from gambling addiction will have to do serious work on himself, and make every effort to realize the destructiveness of the motives that push him to a slot machine or the next batch of a card game. Reassessment of values ​​will achieve an impressive result if a person suffering from gambling addiction finds support and understanding from the side of relatives. The drastic reduction in free cash is also a major deterrent for the pathological gambler.
Gambling, like any disease, is divided into easily diagnosed stages. The most difficult one is characterized by a permanent desire to play and a lack of satisfaction from winning. In fact, the game process turns into a single chain of actions, without which a person no longer understands existence. Concomitant depression and a deep sense of shame, sometimes lead to sad consequences. At this stage, self-treatment rarely leads to the desired result, and serious psychotherapeutic treatment must be used to combat gambling.

Computer addiction, otherwise known as gambling addiction, is today recognized as one of the most common types of psychological addictions and is an independent form of non-chemical behavioral addictions. Addiction to network video games is no less dangerous for its negative consequences, like drug addiction or alcoholism.
Gaming addiction is characterized by the presence of an obsessive irresistible craving for games on various devices: computers, laptops, game consoles, tablets or smartphones. A person becomes absorbed without measure by the very process of the game. It increases the time frame spent for entertainment in the virtual world. He loses the ability to resist his intrusive attraction to the game.

It has been established that network multiplayer online role-playing games of different genres and styles most often cause the strongest addiction. The main difference between such games is the presence of a huge number of players around the world and their close interaction within the virtual space.
As a rule, a participant in a browser game chooses a certain character for himself and controls his various actions in order to achieve some goal. The chosen character, most often, is a representative of a non-existent, fantasy world.

What gambling addiction is fraught with: “surprises” of addiction to computer games
Computer addiction creates a number of significant problems for the individual. The main danger of gambling is the rapid development of psychological dependence. Computer addiction in its development goes through three stages.
In the initial phase - the stage of adaptation - a person experiences a slight passion for browser games. He discovers a new carefree virtual world, where he finds clear advantages over his gray everyday life.

The second stage can be conditionally called the phase of strong enthusiasm. During this period, the time that the gamer spends on games increases. He is already determined with any particular game and chooses a character for himself, endowing him with certain qualities in fantasy.
The third stage of computer addiction is the phase of stable attachment. The subject is aware that spending time in the game is useless, but he is not able to independently abandon the game process. In this period, a person experiences significant dissatisfaction with the real circumstances of his life, so he increasingly finds "refuge" in the virtual space, in which he allegedly achieves some success.

The least evil from gambling is the useless loss of time for activities that are not able to bring any benefit to the subject and cannot contribute to the full development of the person. A person with gambling addiction ceases to effectively manage their time.
Often, excessive activity in online games deprives a person of the opportunity to fully interact in society. Gambling makes it difficult to establish and maintain friendly relations, it becomes a serious obstacle to ensuring normal contacts in the family.

A virtual time eater does not allow a person to develop his abilities, gain new knowledge, and hone professional skills. Massive browser games force people to sacrifice pleasant and useful leisure time for the sake of active participation in online events.
Once in a gambling addiction, a person begins to fully identify his personality with the chosen hero. A person who has been absorbed by computer addiction ceases to perceive the objectively existing reality, evaluating what is happening in reality by the criteria of the virtual world.

The subject loses his individuality and gradually degrades as a person.
What is so captivating network games? One of the reasons for the development of computer addiction is the following circumstance. Solving the problems of everyday life involves the application of certain efforts and psychological costs. At the same time, communication in the gaming space does not require intense physical, moral, mental work. Therefore, it is easier and more convenient for a person, instead of overcoming life's obstacles, to simply ignore them, using "teleportation" to the virtual world.
Problems unresolved in a constructive way begin to grow like a snowball. As a result, a tangle of unresolved difficulties forces a person to simply “move” into the virtual world. He loses the meaning of life and ceases to perceive natural human values.

Another companion of computer addiction is frequent mood swings. If the gamer does not have the opportunity to indulge in the game, he begins a real "breaking". His mood worsens. He becomes angry and aggressive. He has nervousness and irritability. Panic attacks may occur. In order to quickly get into the world of the game, he is capable of various immoral actions.
As soon as a person has access to the virtual space, he experiences a state similar to bliss. His mood improves, lightness and energy appear. The person feels like a happy person and is ready to conquer the entire "virtual" world.

According to doctors, computer addiction can give rise to dementia, since most virtual entertainment leads to constant and excessive excitation of the central nervous system. The lack of inhibition processes contributes to the rapid development of dementia. The thinking of the patient loses flexibility. His attention is scattered, his memory worsens. The quality of recognition and assimilation of information deteriorates significantly.
The degradation of mental abilities also occurs due to the fact that due to excessive addiction to games, a person ceases to be interested in events taking place in the environment, and his horizons are significantly reduced. The structure of the patient's motivation is dominated by destructive motives and primitive impulses associated with the plot of the games.

People who are addicted to online games have an increased risk of developing depressive conditions, in particular: bipolar disorder. The gamer eventually acquires a variety of social phobias that lead to his isolation from society. Often, gambling turns into the fact that a person is unable not only to fully fulfill their duties, but also cannot simply serve themselves on their own.
Dependence on computer games rewards a person with a host of unpleasant physical symptoms. His eyesight is getting worse. There are frequent headaches. Over time, sleep problems arise. There may be intense pain in the area of ​​the wrist of the working hand.

How to get rid of computer addiction: overcoming gambling addiction
The main conditions for successful and complete getting rid of computer addiction is a person's awareness of the presence of a serious problem, the presence of a sincere desire to overcome the destructive craving for spending time in the virtual space. However, in most cases, a gambler does not understand what dangerous abyss has swallowed him up, and his close relatives sound the alarm that the player has a problem. It is this factor that once again proves the similarity of computer addiction with other forms of addictive behavior - drug addiction and alcoholism.

Therefore, it is extremely important to tactfully, but at the same time persistently, suggest that a person with a computer addiction visit a clinical psychologist or psychotherapist for advice. An experienced specialist will help the gamer look at the existing picture of his life without the veil created by being in the virtual world. An initial consultation with a psychologist will allow the player to gain motivation to start treatment for computer addiction. Also, the specialist conducts a conversation with the relatives of the patient and suggests to them a constructive model of behavior with a person who has been captured by gambling addiction.

At the first stage of treatment of addiction to computer games, it is extremely important to determine the cause that gave impetus to gambling. For these purposes, the psychotherapist uses a variety of tests to establish the dominant character traits of a gamer, determine the level of anxiety, and confirm the presence of a depressive disorder. If the provocateur of computer addiction is depression, it is advisable to conduct pharmacological treatment to stabilize the emotional status of the gamer.

However, in most cases, drug therapy is not required to overcome gambling addiction, since the root of the problem is often hidden in the unresolved psychological problems of the gamer. To eliminate the destructive model of thinking, transform destructive character traits into positive personal qualities, it is recommended to conduct hypnosis sessions, attend individual psychological consultations by the gamer and participate in group trainings.
During such classes, a person acquires the skills of functional interaction in society, gains knowledge on how to build relationships with colleagues and loved ones. He learns how to overcome difficulties without prejudice to the psyche. During psychotherapeutic sessions, he gains true self-esteem, gets rid of inferiority complexes, forms new life values ​​for himself and discovers useful hobbies.

How to overcome computer addiction without resorting to the help of doctors? The main task of the relatives of a gambling gamer is to involve him in activities that are not related to gaming processes. It is necessary to show a person that in the real world there are activities that can bring a sea of ​​​​positive emotions.

What can we offer a person suffering from gambling addiction?

  • Many positive sensations will bring long walks through the forests.
  • We can invite a gamer to winter fishing or arrange a real hunt for him.
  • Canoeing, mountain climbing, snowboarding and skiing will help you survive the thrill.
  • A less adventurous person can be invited to a bike ride or rollerskating.
  • Massive games that simulate battles in virtual space are very useful, for example: paintball.
  • To get an ocean of positive will help watching high-quality films, visiting theatrical performances.
  • If finances allow, it will be invaluable to organize a trip to some exotic countries or go on a tour of places of interest.

  • The main task of the gambler's relatives is to think over leisure in such a way that the dependent person receives new, previously unknown impressions and discovers the luxurious possibilities of reality.

    Another important step to overcome computer addiction, which must be performed by the gamer's relatives, is the choice of the right behavioral strategy with the patient. In no case should you reproach and reproach the gambler for his harmful addiction. Such actions will only embitter the sick person and force them to completely “move” into the virtual world.
    It is necessary to show the dependent person what an indispensable and beloved person she is. We need to turn to him for advice, ask him to provide all possible assistance, correctly assign certain duties to him. In a word, relatives need to help a person increase self-esteem and gain self-respect. Of great benefit in the treatment of addictions is sincere praise addressed to the patient for the slightest achievement.

    A huge mistake that many relatives of the patient make is to deliberately turn off the Internet or deprive him of the right to use gadgets. Instead of useless prohibitions, we can offer the gamer to set the time for computer games on his own. Hint that he is a strong-willed person who is able to control time herself.

    However, one should always remember that computer addiction is a severe form of addictive behavior that can be treated only through the intervention of a psychotherapist. Therefore, in order to tear a person out of the virtual world and return to reality, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible.

    Gambling addiction is a type of addiction, the essence of which is an uncontrollable obsessive desire to play. One German study found that between 1.5% and 3.5% of teenagers show symptoms of gambling addiction.

    According to the American Association for the Support of People with Gambling Addictions, 48% of "gamblers" have thought about suicide at least once and 13% have tried to commit it.

    In absolute terms: out of 500 people from 8 to 18 have a pronounced gambling addiction, at least 1 of them tried to die. How to get rid of gambling addiction?


    Addiction (English addiction - addiction, addiction), in a broad sense, is an obsessive need felt by a person for a certain activity. The term is often used for phenomena such as drug addiction, drug addiction, but is now also applied to non-chemical addictions, for example, behavioral ones, examples of which are: Internet addiction, gambling addiction, shopaholism, etc.

    Causes of gambling among children and adults

    • conflict relations in the family;
    • inadequate relations between children and parents;
    • unproductive, negative communication with peers;
    • the difficulty of building a constructive dialogue with the outside world;
    • lack of social recognition;
    • lack of meaningful prospects for self-development;
    • crisis of values;
    • lack of funds for leisure activities in any other way.

    These reasons, at first glance, are related to children and adolescents. In fact, they determine the gaming addiction of any adult.

    Gambling can be seen as a way of detachment from the real world. A person “leaves” into the game when he does not find positive reinforcements in the surrounding reality.

    What psychological changes occur with gambling

    • a person receives good emotional reinforcement during the game;
    • the nervous system becomes excited;
    • the concentration of dopamine in the blood increases;
    • the player experiences a surge of energy and enjoys the process.

    The game provokes typical reactions in the body that can be observed when playing sports. But the problem is that the possibilities of a person involved in sports are limited by the physical world.

    A playing person feels limitless possibilities in himself. This permissiveness, to one degree or another, is transferred to real life, forming specific character traits.

    The study “Psychological factors in the formation of resistance to gambling in adolescence” conducted in 2013 revealed the following changes in the internal attitudes of gamers:

    • risk appetite;
    • inability to calculate the consequences of their actions;
    • overestimated level of claims;
    • self dissatisfaction.

    These changes negatively affect the emotional sphere and sometimes lead to attempts at self-affirmation in non-standard ways of behavior. Many computer games are asocial in nature, subconsciously form a destructive model of behavior in a person. For example, they need to kill people (sometimes in very sophisticated ways), knock down pedestrians, engage in robbery and robbery.

    How to get rid of gambling on your own?

    To get rid of any addiction, including gambling, you must first realize that addiction is a problem. To do this, a person must lose motivation.

    Modern computer games take an extremely long time, which can be spent on more productive purposes.

    1. Sports

    Of course, the best alternative to the nervous tension behind a computer game is physical activity. Sport brings pleasure to everyone without exception. If someone thinks otherwise, then he simply has not found his “own” kind of activity. If you don't like lifting weights, take up swimming. If you are bothered by a large number of people, study at home. Try light fitness, Pilates, yoga or qigong.

    2. Communication

    Friendly contacts with other people normalize our well-being and mood, allow us to share experiences, thoughts, feelings.

    There is a hypothesis that the species Homo sapiens was able to survive and spread throughout the planet, thanks to community and communications.

    Empathy and empathy is what allows people who spend a lot of time at the computer not to turn into insensitive robots. Feel the value of communication, and the people around you will “pull” you out of gambling addiction.

    3. Hobby

    Find your passion in real life. For example, start cooking. If you approach this business creatively, it can take a lot of time so that there will not be any left for games.

    Professional help

    The help of a professional psychologist, as a rule, is individual. It is determined by the characteristics of the patient: his personal history, value-semantic guidelines, motivation, intellectual development and other factors.

    1. Group psychotherapy

    Psychotherapy in a group is most effective in the case of gambling addiction. The scarcity of communication, the lack of close and warm contacts - is inherent in all addicted to games.

    The group develops friendly relations. People, without realizing it, help each other.

    Group classes allow a person to open up, to see the same person, i.e. yourself from the side. The mechanisms of self-identification and empathy are launched.

    2. Individual psychotherapy

    In individual sessions, a deeper study of mental material takes place. Corrective techniques are used to:

    • building relationships in the family;
    • elimination of self-doubt;
    • formation of positive value orientations;

    3. Hypnotic techniques

    Hypnosis has been successfully used to treat all types of addictions. However, this method is usually a last resort.

    Prevention of gambling addiction

    Give games limited time and prioritize

    Gambling becomes a problem when a person is so engrossed that he can't stop playing for hours. If you set a clear deadline for yourself - for example, I play 40 minutes, then I do business - and you follow it, then the addiction to the game will not arise.

    While you are playing, time is running out forever, and your real life stands still. If this continues for a long time, you risk becoming an outsider.

    Therefore, prioritize in life: what you want to achieve, what you want to get, who you want to become. Move towards your goals.

    Learn to relax

    As a rule, gambling develops in response to a high stress load (relative to a particular person). Any game can be seen as a way to avoid external stress (distraction). Instead of playing, learn to relax naturally. Mastering meditation techniques and oriental practices is an ideal way to harmonize your state, safe and effective.

    • FACT

    Most people who play games don't make this a cult. In some US states, for example, 60% to 80% of the population play. In recent years, scientists have paid attention to the positive aspects of computer games. It has been proven that they train attentiveness in a person (including details), speed of reaction, and the ability to solve several problems in parallel. Video games in moderate doses have excellent developmental potential and can be recommended for both children and adults.

    Gambling is a serious problem for everyone - from the green youth, and for the mature business man, and for the grandmother who hopes to increase her meager income from retirement income. The expectation of a big win drives people to spend huge amounts of money, leaving players on the brink of poverty and debt.

    Gambling is like a sticky web

    It doesn't matter what amounts you "squander" in slot machines, funny or just huge, you are surely aware of the harm from your addiction and want to get rid of it.

    How to get rid of gambling addiction easily?

    In fact, gambling addiction has a lot in common with addiction to cigarettes and alcohol, since your craving for games is purely psychological. What is the advantage of gambling compared to alcoholism or drug addiction is that if you decide to "quit", you will not experience physical withdrawal. Although "breaking" at the level of thinking you can not avoid.

    Before you start fighting weakness, think about what gives you the most pleasure when playing slot machines or in a casino. Of course, you want to win and get a cash prize, but the most important thing, as gamers admit, is the gap between the start of the game and its outcome. This is the very drug that creates your taste for the game, gives you excitement and pleasure.

    How to get rid of this addiction quickly and easily? The answer just depends on how much you want it. If you understand the harm that gambling causes you, you will get rid of it on your own, simply by deciding for yourself that you no longer need it, and relatives and friends will become support.

    How to get rid of gambling addiction forever?

    Before we figure out how to recover from addiction forever, let's find out why gambling is dangerous for you. If you think that the biggest problem of gambling addiction is debt and huge losses, then you are mistaken. Yes, money is of great importance in life and it is not easy to exist without it. It is very unpleasant to lose your money, even more unpleasant to "get into" debt and not be able to pay it off later.

    However, most gamblers tend to consider the biggest problem of their addiction problems in the family and at work. Your close people turn away from you, friends cease to trust, and at work they can be fired as an unreliable employee. He feels like a low and dependent person, a sense of shame does not leave him along with depression. If you have been living in depression for a long time and only the game cheers you up, admit it - you are addicted!

    one-armed joe

    If a person who considers himself addicted to gambling gets tired of living with this burden, then he can get rid of gambling addiction forever, at no cost!

    Is it possible to get rid of gambling addiction on slot machines at home without consulting a psychologist?

    In fact, it all depends on what kind of game addiction you are. If, as soon as you see the machine, every time you have to play “the last time”, then most likely you need the help of a psychologist. But what the psychologist will do, you are able to do on your own. These steps are:

    1. The mental attitude to “win” is your desire to live without machine guns.
    2. Search for a new hobby. Most often, sports, an emphasis on a healthy lifestyle, or family relationships help.
    3. Self-control training. Are you a human or a miserable dependent being? Take up over yourself and your weakness!

    Gambling addiction can be defeated, but for this you will have to make a titanic effort. The support of loved ones during this period is very important. Reproaches and accusations will only aggravate the situation.

    Curious video on the topic - "The Curse of Gambling"


    We believe in your desire to be happy and free, and wish you good luck in getting rid of this disease. The main thing is to pull yourself together. Already a tangible step towards success will be the fight against the desire to go online to spin roulettes.

    Outside the 21st century. This is the age of information technology, the development of computers, social networks, and with it the disease of gambling. It should be understood that gambling is not just, it is not a joke or entertainment. After all, doctors really consider gambling a dangerous serious disease, which is compared with alcoholism or drug addiction. For this reason, gambling addiction also needs to be treated. There are several types of gambling addiction. It includes addiction: sports betting, spending money in slot machines, casino games, and many will be surprised, but another type of addiction is attachment to computer games and social networks. Unfortunately, a huge number of people suffer from the problem of gambling addiction, and these people are both young people and adults. That is why the disease of gambling is really terrible. Do not forget that any addiction must be treated, because it develops stronger every day and such a disease as gambling can destroy your entire family, make you unhappy. It is good that there are clinics where gambling addiction can be cured for money, but it is also worth remembering that in the early stages, addiction can be treated at home. After all, the most important thing in any problem is to recognize it.

    If you take the first step, show yourself as a strong side and understand that you have a problem, then your life will get better much faster. Remember that problem solving starts with acceptance. When you said to yourself: "Yes, I'm sick." You have more chances to get rid of the problem - this must be done in order not to torment yourself, not to spoil the life of yourself and your loved ones. Indeed, many do not realize that, for example, social networks are a real huge addiction in our time. She needs to be treated too. With the advent of various platforms, both on the global Internet and in Runet, more and more people are absorbing addiction. But the biggest trouble is that people cannot admit it to themselves and many do not know that this is really a problem.

    What are the consequences of gambling addiction?

    • Health problems. A person who is addicted, for example, to computer games, most likely will definitely begin. It can be back pain, blurred vision, immunity weakens, problems with the central nervous system begin. Cardiovascular diseases, lack of oxygen and more are also possible.
    • Loss of money. Any game addict spends more money than they earn, this is a statistic you can't argue with. It is very rare that someone manages to recoup all the costs.
    • Loss of time. Most often, addicts suffer from the fact that they lose time, precisely because they could spend it on their family members or on making money, for example. In this regard, the disease of workaholism is much more useful, because it is better to earn money with help than to waste it.
    • Family problems. If you embark on the path of addiction, be prepared for the fact that your loved ones will suffer from this and most likely you will not be able to avoid family problems, it is better to take the time that you spend playing with your spouse or play with your children. After all, it’s also unpleasant for them to look at how you, instead of spending time with them, spend it at the computer.
    • Criminal liability. Often, people who are addicted to slot machines, which are prohibited in our country, may commit both light and serious crimes. That is why you should not start playing. And if you have already noticed the signs, it is better to start treatment on time.

    How to get rid of gambling addiction at home

    The first step in getting rid of addiction. Find out what exactly you are addicted to. This procedure is very easy to do. Just note the time and see how much time you spend on a particular activity. Neutralize the source. Make it so that there is no longer a source of traction in your house and in front of your eyes. And don't get too close to him.

    Replacement. Just replace your gambling addiction with another hobby. The best solution in this case would be to start playing sports. Now there are a huge number of specialized gyms for every taste, in different areas it is better to spend time getting in shape and in order than spending so much time at the computer. Diversify your life. Go online to an event site and write yourself a plan for the week that lists the places you would like to go. This option may be more difficult for those who live in the provinces. Residents of metropolitan areas have more opportunities, because they have many more opportunities to attend interesting events than those who live in the provinces. This is a very important step that needs to be done, because after the replacement it really works great. Close ones. Start finally making time for your loved ones, parents, wife and children. After all, there is nothing more important than your family and understand that they are worried about you and do not want you to feel bad, so take the first step towards a new happy life. Don't go back to gambling addiction anymore

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