Bns pets. Mounts in Blood and Soul Blood and Soul

Complexity: 2/5;
Race(s): Lin;
Type of weapon: Wand.

Overview per class

Summon Master (Kotovod or Summoner) in is a universal class. His versatility is manifested in a versatile direction: ideal for ranged combat, for healing his allies, and can also become a tank in some cases. From this combination, they can be useful both in a group and do well on their own.

Pros and cons of Kotovod


  • Versatility: you can try yourself in the role of a hill or a tank;
  • Great to handle both solo and in a group;
  • You have some advantage in PvP, because the enemy will have to fight with two opponents at once;
  • Several options for evasion, waste and exit from negative states;
  • The ability to hang a skill on the enemy that deals damage over a certain time and at the same time move further.


  • A small amount of HP;
  • Low level of protection;
  • Low physical damage.

Which cat to choose?

After we have created a character and reached the plot task “Chapter 4. Conversation with the teacher”, we are offered a choice of 5 assistants:

  • smartass;
  • Sly;
  • Fidget;
  • Podliza;
  • Quiet.

The name of each of them reveals the character of the cat, but in reality they differ only in appearance.

Summon Master Skills

All character skills can be improved in three different branches, for example: damage (damage), stun and knockdown. Thus, you can create the perfect build for your comfortable game. However, for beginners, it is better to turn to ready-made ones that will help you better feel the class.

PvE builds for dungeons


When choosing "Air", all skills are honed under the branches of damage, protection and healing. Such a build will provide ideal survivability, as well as maximum help to all party members in the form of a heal.

This build is the most popular among a large number of players.


"Earth" is less popular among the players, however, despite this, it is endowed with its own distinctive features. This build is more focused on healing.

PvP Arena Builds



PvP combo attacks

This class was previously considered an imba in battles between users. However, despite this opinion, this is far from being the case. If we talk about the Arena, then on the Bronze rating it may seem to you that victories will “flow like water” (if we do not take into account experienced and competent opponents who can win at any rating). With the “Silver” rating, you can feel noticeable tension and losses, then “rolling your face on the keyboard” won’t work.

The cat breeder in the BNS, like the other classes, requires a high reaction, experience and knowledge of the work of all abilities. In this case, we suggest you get acquainted with the most important and effective combo attacks for PvP.


For a comfortable solo game, you should pay due attention to your assistant. One of the most important skills is:

It allows you to make a cat a tank, thereby creating conditions for safe damage. However, it should be borne in mind that the cat will be subject to attacks and, accordingly, damage from the enemy, in this case it is very important to look after him and treat him in time.

If you are in a group, the most common skill you will need is:

By pressing the "Q" key and using it, you, as they say, "put the cat in bow." This allows you to aggro the enemy with a cat for 8 seconds, while the damage inflicted by the boss will be insignificant.

How to change the appearance of a cat in BNS

The game has a function to change the appearance of your pet. This will require:

  • teleport to the Outlandish Forest in the Emerald Village.

  • Find hairdresser Park Kemsu and his cute assistant Jung Wol. They will help you change the shape of your pet's face, eyes and body, as well as change the color of his coat. changes will not bring any performance indicator, only aesthetic pleasure. Accordingly, you will need n-amount of gold for the transformation.

Is it worth playing as a summoner in Blade and Soul?

Not only is the look of the class endearing, it is also quite powerful. If you plan to play alone, then the class is ideal for you, as you will have a faithful assistant at your disposal - a cat.

In a group, summoners will also be useful, because at the right time they can become tanks or, no less important, heals, which will save in an emergency. Undoubtedly, to play in the Arena, you will need experience, because you do not immediately get used to the fact that you have to follow the main character and pet.

As a result, the Summon Master is ideal for beginner players who like to play alone. This does not mean at all that the class is useless in a group. Such a character will be welcome in any group, and especially if he has experience in passing this or that dungeon and knows the mechanics. In some of them, the skills of this particular class are very important.

The Summon Master is a unique class in the game that uses a pet, a huge, fighting cat, as its main weapon. In general, the class is quite strong and relevant due to the fact that in order to play it effectively, you do not need to be a noble pianist and accordion player at the same time. Like summoners (summoners) in many online games, you need to control both the main character and the pet at the same time, but in Blade and Souls all the skills of the pet are transferred to the personal skills of the Summon Master, so its control is quite simple.

Benefits of the Summon Master in Blade and Soul

  1. Multitasking: the character can perform various functions - from a tank to a DD;
  2. A combat pet often annoys opponents in PVP quite a lot, because it is difficult to deal with two creatures at once (a cat and a cat breeder), because you need to regularly switch the bonus from one target to another;
  3. Lots of damage over time, allowing you to be more mobile - put a DoT on and run while it deals damage;
  4. A lot of waste back and ways to get yourself out of negative states.

Cons of the Summon Master in Blade and Soul

  1. Outgoing instant physical damage is still quite low compared to other damage classes;
  2. Relatively weak defense and amount of health;

Summon Master Abilities in Blade and Soul

Many skills are not initially available, but are unlocked upon reaching a certain level. Inside the game tutorial will help you learn the initial skills, and we will describe all the main skills of the class in brief to create a general picture of understanding the possibilities of the Summon Master.



F button:


Button 1:

Button 2:

Button 3:

Buttons 4:

Z button:

Button X:

Button C:

Button V:

Q button:

Button E:

Button S:

Summon Master Passive Skills in Blade and Soul

Summon Master Upgrades and Skill Lines in Blade and Soul

Roses - we learn either the first branch or the second.

  • The first will make the projectiles not reflected and will make it possible to immediately release the Wasp Swarm.
  • The second one will make it possible to very quickly impose stacks of poison on the enemy and, in addition, allows the skill to act in AOE.

Often the second leveling branch is better, because quick poison and AoE are always relevant - both in PVP and PVE.

Aspen swarm - in this case, only the third branch will be relevant, because the reload speed of the skill does not drop, one-time damage is significantly increased (and the Summon Master in Blade and Soul has so many poisons, so strong nukes matter) and it becomes possible to instantly reuse skill on crit.

Bindweed-bloodsucker - the best branch - the second. For with its help you can restore your own Chi and HP of your pet. You can also use additional abilities while this ability is active.

Takeoff - only the right branch is relevant, because it deals increased damage and stuns the enemy when used. During the cooldown of the skill, you can use the first level of the skill to bring the pet closer to the enemy.

The tenacious vine is the first branch is the most convenient, because at the end of the upgrade, the skill begins to hold opponents for 8 seconds, while a similar branch makes it possible to restore Chi, but we have enough skills to restore Chi.

Absorption of power - only the second branch is the actual pumping, because the healing from the first branch is not the greatest, but the additional AOE skill that stacks with poisons is very useful. In addition to all this, it can impose additional stacks of poison on the enemy.

Pollen is a powerful skill that grants protection from ranged attacks. It is best to download through the first branch, because then when using the skill, all allies in meditation will become invulnerable, meditation will also be accelerated and 20% of the allies' HP will be restored.

Thorned Chestnut is a trap that burns 10% Chi per second to all enemies within its range and blocks the use of all movement skills. A useful thing to move away from the enemy and heal, or deal increased damage.

Dandelion is a counter-attack skill that is very annoying to opponents in PvP. If the enemy does not notice the use of this skill, then he will be very unpleasantly disappointed. If our build is focused on a pet first of all (or any ally), then we pump the second branch. If on yourself - the first.

Encouragement - it's simple. We download the first branch if the pet lacks protection, in your opinion, and the second - if the attacks.

Tsap-Scratch - it is best to pump the second branch, as it reduces the enemy by 50% hp and blinds the enemy for 5 seconds, which can play a decisive role in the battle.

Headbutt - each option is relevant. We pump depending on your style of play. The first branch restores a lot of HP, and the second allows you to enter the enemy into a mental faint and knock him down. Each branch is good in different conditions.

Shock - each branch is good in its own way. If you are counting on the rapid destruction of the enemy, then you should take the third branch, which allows you to deal a lot of damage, if you want to fight crowds of enemies, then study the first branch. For all other cases, the second branch will be the most optimal.

Undercut is the best to learn the first branch, because it allows you to knock the enemy down and block using his proximity skills. You can also study the third branch if your tactics are based on a quick kill of the enemy.

Protective cover - they often take the second branch, because it allows you to aggro enemies on a pet that will be under 90% protection. It works very effectively both with crowds of enemies and with singles.

Kitty-kitty - you can download both one branch and the second. The first gives resistance to debuffs, and the second - forbids the enemy from using defense skills, in short.

Meow - the second branch is almost always relevant, because it greatly increases physical damage. If 5 stacks of poison hang on the enemy, then the damage will increase even more.

Bypass - I often pump the second branch, because it makes the pet much more tenacious. The first branch is used for a "yolo" attack, with the hope of quickly rushing the enemy.

Summon Master Build in Blade and Soul

One of the build options:

Mounts in Blood and Soul

Friends, hello!

If it is difficult for you to assess the true size of the animal and its appearance before making a purchase, then we recommend that you read our article. It contains answers to many of the questions we hear from players.

As a reminder, you can purchase pets in the premium store: press the "V" key on your keyboard, then go to the "Pets" section and select the "Vehicles" tab.

To saddle a mount, right-click on its icon in your inventory, then give it a name, and it will immediately appear in the "Pets" window, which can be opened using the "P" hotkey. After that, go to the "Vehicles" section, click "Summon" and use the "Riding" skill by pressing "F1".


If you want a useful and classic mount, without the frills, then pay attention to the relatives of horses - unicorns.

These docile animals will become your excellent companions. White, Red and Dark Unicorns, which can be purchased for a period of 30 days or for 7 days, increase the movement speed of the hero by 100%.

Redhorn and Dragon

For lovers of unusual animals, we have Redhorn and Dragon - mounts not for the timid! They will instantly increase your hero's movement speed by 100%, and you can purchase them not only for 30 or 7 days, but also forever.


The majestic Thestrals emerged from the dungeons in search of protection. Now they will faithfully serve your hero, emphasize his individuality and intimidate everyone around with their formidable appearance.

You can buy them for a period of 30 or 7 days, as well as forever. When you receive Thestral, you will increase your hero's movement speed by 100%.

Fox Lord and Cloud Fox

Once the gods saw a large red fox with a gray beard and his faithful companion - a snow-white fox. Offering them protection, the gods asked in return for help to people who suffered from various misfortunes.

Fox Lord and Cloud Fox agreed to this proposal. Now they can be obtained for a period of 30, 7 days or forever. The huge red fox will allow your character to move 120% faster than normal, and the mysterious cloud fox will speed up movement by 100%.

Angry bear

Having descended from the snowy mountains, the Evil Bear roared with hatred for the evil spirits inhabiting the worlds, but, having met brave heroes, he decided to fight alongside them side by side. You can get this ferocious pet for a period of 30, 7 days or forever.

sky lion

The Gods of Light noticed how hard it was for people to rebuild the lands of Tario, and decided to help them by giving them a Heavenly Lion. This legendary mount will increase your hero's movement speed by 160% and will be your perfect companion. You can buy it forever.


If you love fluffy cats, then pay attention to the mysterious Wyverra, who mesmerizes everyone around with her huge blue eyes, and moves very quickly, increasing the hero’s speed by 100%. But she, like all cats, is capricious, so you can buy her for a period of 30 and 7 days. It won't stay with you forever, alas.

old cat

The old cat, amusing everyone around with his funny appearance, loves not only to fish, but also to carry his master. Alas, a cat can only be bought for a limited period - for 30 or 7 days. But it will increase your hero's movement speed by 120%.

Golden Phoenix and Harnessed Panda

And finally, we left two very interesting animals - the Golden Phoenix that rose from the ashes and the Harnessed Panda that flew in from far space, which will carry you very quickly, hold on tight so as not to fall! In addition, these mounts can move through both air and water. The phoenix increases the hero's speed by 160%, and the panda by 140%. The first can be bought forever, and the second only for 30 or 7 days.

As you can see, in the BS game there are a variety of animals that differ from each other not only in their appearance and history, but also in their characteristics. We have described the most noticeable mounts in our opinion, but the choice is always yours, friends.

Sincerely, Blood and Soul team.

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