skyrim kill vittoria vici. Passage of the dark brotherhood

If you meet her on the streets of Solitude she will immediately defend herself: "Some say I got my position because my cousin is the Emperor. Nonsense. The man"s given me nothing. He can't even be bothered to attend my wedding. She will then tell you: "Good business for the East Empire Company means all the more gold for the Empire." She will then hint on her status: "I don't have time for anyone too lazy or cowardly to make their own way in this world." Should you approach her while she is at work, she may say: "Hmm? Sorry, I was lost in thought. I"m planning my wedding, you see. So many details to work out."

With the civil war roaming across the land, the upcoming marriage between Vittoria Vici, an Imperial with obvious ties to the Legion , and Asgeir Snow-Shod, whose family staunchly supports the rebellion, is an event known all over Skyrim. Their union is seen as a step towards reconciliation and peace, and the wedding and celebration is expected to go on for days. All over Skyrim, the patrolling guards, both Stormcloaks and Imperials, will happily tell you: "The Emperor"s cousin Vittoria Vici is getting married soon. The reception will be public - anyone in Solitude can attend." In the Solitude market, local merchant Evette San and Silana Petreia will have a joyful conversation about the wedding, with Silana saying: "Nice to have something happy in the midst of the war.", and Evette replying: "Vittoria is practically glowing." Even at the party at the Thalmor Embassy, ​​the guests will mention: "Did you know Vittoria is the Emperor"s cousin? Best stay on her good side." and Did you know Vittoria's getting married? They say the Emperor might even come to Skyrim for the wedding!" In the wilderness, you can encounter two confused travelers from Cyrodiil , Plautis and Salonia Carvain , on their way to the wedding ceremony, although they have some problems locating Solitude:

Plautis: "Come along, no more, we need to find our way to Solitude."
Salonia: "Why are we even going to a wedding at this far flung end of the Empire anyway?"
Plautis: "I told you, it"s the wedding of Vittoria Vici, an extremely well connected merchant with the East Empire Company. The Emperor's cousin? Remember? Hopefully these gifts will put us in her good graces, secure that import deal, and lead the way to an audience with the Emperor."

Related Quests [edit]

  • Bound Death Until: assassinate Vittoria Vici at her own wedding.
  • Diplomatic Immunity: Infiltrate a party at the Thalmor Embassy .
  • The Spiced Wine: Convince Vittoria Vici to hand over some spices.

Quest Related Events [edit]

Diplomatic Immunity [edit]

If you meet the requirements for Vittoria to be at Elenwen "s fashionable party at the Thalmor Embassy , you can find her wandering around among the other guests, obviously only waiting to get out of there. If you approach her she will admit: "I find these parties such a dreadful bore." and "One thing everyone can agree on. This war is bad for business." When asked if her company does business with the Thalmor, she will explain: "A delicate question, to be sure. I"m the Emperor"s cousin, and the Empire has little love for the Thalmor. On the other hand, the Thalmor have considerable funds and are looking to expand their shipping. I haven"t signed any deals yet, but I "m sure my cousin will want a cut if I do. What better way to soothe his wounded pride?" When asked what she is doing at the party, she will admit: "Just between us, I"ve got more important things to do than attend these meaningless parties." Due to you being undercover, you will have to cause a distraction in order to sneak away from the party unnoticed. However, Vittoria will only help you with the distraction if you have completed The Spiced Wine and have a Speech skill of 50 or above. First you will have to ask for her help, and the option will not appear without completing The Spiced Wine: "Oh? Something interesting, I hope?" If you choose to say "never mind", she will say: "Yes, that"s probably for the best. I really shouldn't risk getting on Elenwen's bad side." If you want her help, you will have to explain that you need a distraction: "I don"t know... I don"t want to do anything that might offend Elenwen. There is a lot of money at stake, after all." If you exit conversation, she will say: "Come and visit me in Solitude sometime." If you still want her help, you will have to persuade her. If you have too low a skill in Speech, she will reject you with: "I don't think so. Sorry. I would love to help you, but Elenwen can be very vindictive. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side." If you meet her requirements, she will instead say: "Well. Anything to relieve the boredom. As long as it doesn't get back to me." and add: Don't worry. I"ll play my part." She will then head over to party drunk Razelan and whisper: "Just play along." She will then create a scene in front of everybody:

Vittoria: "How dare you! You disgusting pig!"
Razelan: "What? I didn't... hmm? No, listen, you must have misunderstood... I don't mean to say I wouldn't be interested... what I mean is..."
Vittoria: "The head office will hear of this, Razelan! You"re a disgrace to the East Empire Company, and to the Empire itself!"
Elenwen: "Razalan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He"s disturbing the other guests."
Razelan: "I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I"m completely innocent!" / "This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides!" / "Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I"m innocent this time!"
Vittoria: "Oh, Ambassador Elenwen, that won't be necessary. It is just Razelan, after all. I "m sure he"ll behave himself for the rest of the evening, won't you dear?"
Razelan: "Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind." / "That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind."

The Spiced Wine [edit]

Before the wedding gets underway, pay a visit to the Solitude market and talk to local vintner Evette San to start the quest The Spiced Wine . She will admit having problems with a shipment of spices for her special wine , saying: "I"ve got a shipment of Spices the East Empire Company is holding up. I need someone to convince them to release it." When you accept to help her out, you will be pointed towards Vittoria Vici, who handles the shipments. When approached about Evette's problem, Vittoria will respond: "Ah yes. If she wants to pay the two thousand gold tariff than[sic] we"ll be all set." Should you exit conversation, Vittoria will bid you farewell with the words: "I really need to get back to planning my wedding.." and "Now if you"ll excuse me. The East Empire Company has several accounts, and it "s up to me to balance them."

You will then have three options; either pay, persuade, or bribe:

Option Dialogue
"Sure, I"ll pay the tariff."
(2000 gold)
"You will? I mean of course you will. You can tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly."
"Evette can"t afford a tariff. She can barely afford her stand."
Passed: "I suppose I could make an exception. I do like her spiced wine. Fine, tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly."
failed: "That's not my problem."
"I"m sure we can work something out."
Passed: "That would be acceptable. You can tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly."
failed: "I"m afraid of you[sic] bargaining without the metal to back it up."

Bound Death Until [edit]

While Solitude prepares for the celebration, the once feared and dreaded Dark Brotherhood is nothing but a shadow of its former self, and is in desperate need of a way to regain its reputation in and around Skyrim. An offer from the mysterious Amaund Motierre , who wants Emperor Titus Mede II assassinated, puts new hope into Brotherhood leader Astrid , who quickly reckons the upcoming wedding of the Emperor's cousin the perfect opportunity to get to Titus himself. Once you have talked to Delvin Mallory to confirm Amaund's identity, you will find that Astrid has already come up with a plan: "Now then. I hope you have something nice to wear. Because you"re going to a wedding." She will then share her plan: "Well, more like the public reception. It should be a lovely affair. You"ll mingle with the guests, eat some cake... stab the bride. Oh yes. You "ve got to kill the bride. At her wedding. And they say romance is dead." You can then choose between three responses, all of which will lead her to elaborate on the macabre task:

Who's the target?
"Her name is Vittoria Vici. She oversees the East Empire Company"s business holdings in Solitude. The wedding is being held in that city, at the Temple of the Divines. Her death will cause an uproar, which is exactly what we want. Vici is likely to address her guests frequently, as is the wedding custom. Kill her when she does that, and I promise you a significant bonus. Now go. And give my best to the bride."

Enough talk. Just tell me who to kill.
"Very well. The target"s name is Vittoria Vici. She oversees the East Empire Company's business holdings in Solitude. The wedding is being held in that city, at the Temple of the Divines. Her death will cause an uproar, which is exactly what we want. Remember, we want people to notice . Kill Vici while she's addressing her guests, as is the custom, and I can promise a bonus. Now go. And give the bride a special kiss, from me."

(remain silent)
"Your target"s name is Vittoria Vici. She oversees the East Empire Company's business holdings in Solitude. The wedding is being held in that city, at the Temple of the Divines. Her death will cause an uproar, which is exactly what we want. Vici is likely to address her guests frequently, as is the wedding custom. Kill her when she does that, and I promise you a significant bonus. Now go. And give the city of Solitude a celebration they"re not likely to forget."

"And they say romance is dead."

You can then ask Astrid a slew of additional questions to make the task easier, and why Vittoria has to die. First of all, she will provide more details on the contract: "This is a public kill. How do you do it is entirely up to you. Arrow to the throat? Knife in the belly? Your choice, so long as it"s loud and messy. Because of the current political climate, people are going to assume the murder is related to the bad blood between the Legion and Stormcloaks. In any event, when Vici dies, it "s going to be complete pandemonium. Best have your escape route planned out in advance." Astrid will also reveal that she has little interest in the ceremony itself, and wants you to hit during the public banquet. When asked when the wedding will start she will explain: "Soon. I"m not exactly sure when. But not to worry - the ceremony itself is being followed up by a public banquet that will last for several days. Both Vittoria and her husband will be there for the duration, and everyone in Solitude is invited to attend. You"ll have plenty of opportunity." Last, but not least, she will explain who Vittoria is, and her relations to the Emperor: "An excellent question. Vittoria Vici is the first cousin to our dear Emperor, Titus Mede II. Vici has obvious Imperial connections. Her husband has ties to the Stormcloaks. Their union is a step towards reconciliation. So if there"s a murder at the wedding... Not only will it stall the peace process - it will send shockwaves throughout the entire Empire. The Emperor"s hand will be forced. He"ll have to travel to Skyrim to deal with the aftermath... and he"ll find the Dark Brotherhood waiting." While Astrid cares little about the civil war or the casualties in its wake, she will explain why the Emperor isn't attending the wedding of his cousin: "He had a trip to Skyrim planned for months, and canceled at the last minute. Much to his cousin"s dismay. Seems the Emperor realized his presence would necessitate a more direct role in the ongoing hostilities. A role he was, obviously, unwilling to take. All that will change with his cousin"s murder. Everyone will think it was motivated by the conflict between the Imperial Legion and Stormcloaks. And the Emperor will be forced to come clean up the mess."

When you arrive in Solitude, Vittoria Vici and Asgeir Snow-Shod have been pronounced husband and wife and the subsequent festivities are in full swing in the courtyard outside the Temple of the Divines . Vittoria Vici and Asgeir Snow-Shod will host the banquet seated at a small podium, at times walking up to the overhanging balcony where Vittoria will share her love and joy to the numerous people present. She will say three lines, each of them randomly picked from three options:

"May you all be as happy in your lives as I know I will be in mine."

First line: "Honored guests."
"Good people of Solitude."
"Good friends and neighbours."
Second line: "I just wanted to take this time to thank you all for being here. To thank you for sharing this wonderfully happy day with myself, and my new husband."
"Are you all enjoying yourselves? Please, eat, drink, and make merry on this most happy of days."
"My husband Aesgir and I thank you for coming to our reception. We thank you for sharing the love we have for each other."
third line: "I thank you all again for making this the best wedding a woman could ask for."
"You have all helped make this a truly extraordinary wedding. All of my dreams have come true. So thank you. Thank you all."
"May you all be as happy in your lives as I know I will be in mine. Thank you again for everything."

The guest list includes numerous Solitude citizens of all classes and statuses, from local beggar Noster Eagle-Eye to Jarl Elisif the Fair . While most of them enjoy the banquet immensely (see for full details), the parents of the newlyweds, Vulwulf Snow-Shod and Alexia Vici , will be engaged in the expected, heated political debate:

Vulwulf: "Typical Imperial rot. You speak of Skyrim like you know the land, know its people. You" re from Cyrodiil! You know nothing about us! Nothing!"
Alexia: "Oh, I know enough. I know those trouble-making Stormcloaks refuse to submit to Imperial authority. Such seditious behavior. Why it"s treason!"
Vulwulf: "And when the elves marched into your beloved Cyrodiil, and everyone took up arms against them, wasn't that treason? Against the Dominion? Huh?"
Alexia: "Why that"s not the same thing at all. The Dominion were invaders. conquerors. We had to fight them, to preserve our own way of life."
Vulwulf: "My point exactly."

The happy couple wisely ignores their bickering parents and keeps the party running, both of them overwhelmed with joy. If you approach Vittoria, she will welcome you with open arms: "What an amazing day this has been. I hope you"re enjoying the festivities. I "m... I"m just so overwhelmed. Such kindness... for me." As you are on a quest for the Dark Brotherhood, you can choose between three possible responses, although Vittoria"s happiness will overshadow all your attempts:

"I"m... I"m just so overwhelmed. Such kindness... for me."

The Stormcloaks say hello!
"Oh! Well, you tell your Stormcloak friends "hello" right back at them! This is a day of healing! Legion, Stormcloaks - all are welcome here!"

Hail the Imperial Legion!
"Ha ha ha ha! Yes, yes indeed! Hail the Imperial Legion! Hail the Stormcloaks! Hail Solitude and the Eight Divines! On this glorious day, we honor everyone! Ha ha ha ha!"

(remain silent)
"Oh, no need to be shy! My day is your day! Please - eat, drink, make merry! We"re all friends here!"

After that, she will proceed with the wedding and will, when greeted, almost declare the civil war over: "Please, enjoy the festivities! This is a day of peace and happiness, when Imperials and Stormcloaks join together, as equals!" Her husband will constantly be by her side and will be equally joyful. If you are male, he will remark: "Now now, fella. Let"s not get too close to my new bride, eh?" If you are female, he will jokingly say: "Well aren't you a pretty thing?" should my new bride by[sic] worried? He he he he." When asked if he thinks the party is good, he will respond: "The best. Vittoria"s a good woman. Any man should be so lucky. I know my father"s not happy about me marrying an Imperial, but that"s his problem."

"My wife is dead! Dead!"

When Vittoria dies, the party will change from joy to horror and all of the guests, including the Penitus Oculatus agent, will start running around in panic. Guards will arrive and look for the killer, and Brotherhood member Veezara will arrive and provide unexpected help on behalf of Astrid. If approached, the widowed Asgeir Snow-Shod will be shocked and repeat: "My wife is dead! Dead!", while all the party guests will have specific to the tragic kill.

Upon your arrival back to the Sanctuary, Astrid will rejoice in the deed: "Haha! The news is everywhere! Vittoria Vici, the Emperor"s cousin, butchered at her own wedding! Let "s see his eminence try to ignore this." When spoken to again, she will then congratulate you on your success: "With Vici" s murder, you "ve started us down a path the Dark Brotherhood hasn" t traveled in centuries. The assassination of an Emperor. And now, your reward. A unique spell to summon a legend of the Dark Brotherhood. His soul serves us now in death, as his body once did in life. This spell will allow you to summon a powerful spirit to fight by your side. He serves the Brotherhood now in death, as he once did in life."

In Solitude, the wedding decorations will be gone and all the guests will have returned to their daily life, although hope for peace will be gone. None of the citizens will speak of the tragic event, although the guards will comment: "The cousin of the Emperor was murdered! In Solitude, at her own damn wedding. Not a chance we would have let that happen here.", "I heard you were at the wedding of the Emperor"s cousin. In Solitude? Gods, that must have been horrible..." and "Look, that Vici woman had a bodyguard. I know it"s terrible she got murdered at her own wedding, but the city guard is hardly to blame..." Widower Asgeir will have returned to Riften and will never speak of the tragedy again, while his deceased wife will be buried in the Solitude Catacombs , still wearing her wedding dress.

Wedding Dialogue [edit]

The guest list is quite long, and everybody has something to say about the event or the newlyweds, or they will just reflect on the brief moment when the civil war seems very far away. All of them will have greetings related to the wedding, and the majority of them will answer whether or not they are having fun at the banquet. Naturally, they will also have a comment to the tragic end to the biggest wedding in Skyrim history. The table below displays all possible comments from the guests:

Name Greeting(s) having fun? After the kill
Alexia Vici "My nephew, the Emperor. Too busy to attend the wedding of his beloved cousin. We won't stand for this slight, I assure you." "I most certainly am not. I"ve just lost my daughter to a Nord beast, and my nephew Titus is too busy playing Emperor to even show up." "My daughter! Dead! Noooooo!"
"What my daughter sees in that... barbarian, I"ll never know."
"The thought of paying a dowry to that, that... Stormcloak turns my stomach."
Elisif the Fair "A marriage of both love and political advantage. A rare thing indeed." - "The Emperor"s cousin is dead! This is a disaster!"
"By all the gods, the groom has been killed. At his own wedding! I can only think of my own husband..."
Kaid "This wedding is boring. I wish they had jugglers." "Not really. It"s just a bunch of elders standing around, looking important. I wish something exciting would happen." "What's going on? Why would somebody do that?"
"When my aunt got married, they had a cake that was three feet tall. I got really sick that day."
"I heard Vittoria Vici is the Emperor"s cousin. I wish he came to the wedding. I never saw a real live Emperor before."
lodi "Sorry, no time to talk. I need to keep playing." - "I should never have taken this job!"
Noster Eagle Eye "Long as I stay out of the way, the guards don't seem to care about me being here." "Am I! Free food and wine, and nobody trying to throw me in the dungeon. I wish they did weddings here every day." "I didn't do it!" You saw! I didn't do it!
"I"ve eaten more in the last two hours than I have in the last two weeks."
"If I"m really lucky, I"ll get to kiss the bride for good luck."
Nura Snow-Shod "Vittoria may be pretty, but does she have the right hips for the job? I want grandchildren, and lots of them." "Oh. Why... why certainly. I keep telling myself I"m not losing a son, I"m gaining an Imperial. Daughter. An Imperial daughter..." "By Ysmir, this is horrible! I never wanted the girl dead, I swear!"
"To think, my little boy is married. And to an Imperial. Oh, they grow up so fast."
"If my Asgeir is happy, then I" m happy. really."
Pantea Ateia "If you want my opinion, I think they should have paid for an entire quartet. Plenty of bards at the College would have loved the opportunity." "I am, thank you. I do so enjoy singing at weddings. It"s just one of the many duties we at the Bards College are called upon to perform." "I just came to sing! This is a horror show!"
"Ahem. Mi mi mi mi. Pardon me. Just, um, warming up. Never know when I may be called upon for a ballad."
Penitus Oculatus Agent "I"m just here to provide protection for his eminence"s cousin. Please, enjoy yourself." - She's dead! On my watch! This won't stand!
Rorlund "I"m so glad Vittoria and Asgeir chose a public reception. That way the entire city can share in their holy bond." "Oh, yes. Presiding over the union of two lovers is one of my greatest responsibilities. It helps that Asgeir and Vittoria truly care for each other." "Oh, no no no... This is so wrong..."
"Oh, did you miss the ceremony? It was rather quick, actually. The couple seemed more concerned with their reception."
Vivienne Onis "Vittoria did pretty well for herself, marrying that Asgeir. Not a bad looking fellow at all." "Oh my, yes. I absolutely love weddings. I haven"t found my special someone yet, but there"s still hope. Vittoria is, well, getting up in years..." "By the gods, the blood! The blood!"
"I love weddings, don't you?"
"I just can"t wait to be a bride someday. Some day..."
Vulwulf Snow Shod "I still think my boy should have had a traditional Nord wedding. Outside, in the cool mountain air." "No, I"m not having a good time. My boy just married a gods-forsaken Imperial. Skyrim is full of eager Nord women, and he beds down with the enemy." "It was the Empire killed her! I know it! They killed her so they can blame it on the Stormcloaks!"
"They say this marriage is the first step towards peace. Who in Shor"s name wants peace? pfft." "My son is dead! At his own wedding! Only those Imperial dogs would have dared do something like this! Damn them all to Oblivion!"
"My boy, he always did have an eye for the pretty ones. That Vittoria ain't bad, for an Imperial."

notes [edit]

  • Killing Vittoria before The Spiced Wine is started will make it impossible to complete.
  • Vittoria was supposed to be involved in two conversations while working on the dockside. The first conversation, DialogueSolitudeDocksScene1 , involves the three Argonian dockworkers, Deeja , Jaree-Ra , and Gulum-Ei , although all three of them can respond to Vittoria when she says: "Big shipment coming in later tonight. I need you three working late." To which one Argonian will say: "Oh, we"ll make sure it"s emptied out by morning. You can trust us!" and another will continue with: "Yeah, we"ll get the valuables out of there, no problem!" Due to the extreme conditions of the conversation, it will practically never take place.
    The second conversation, DialogueSolitudeDocksScene3 , involves Greta , who never goes near the docks, so her plea: "Got any work? I ain" t begging. I just need a job. anything." And Vittoria's answer: "Sorry, I have everyone I need at the warehouse. Times are tight." will never be heard.
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Skyrim - Dark Brotherhood (walkthrough)

The Dark Brotherhood is an ancient group of assassins whose hideouts are scattered throughout the game world. Having performed certain actions, you yourself can join the dark brotherhood and go through a large number of missions in any way related to this organization.

In this article, we will tell full walkthrough of the dark brotherhood of skyrim.

Joining the Dark Brotherhood:

To become one of the brotherhood will require a lot of effort. The fact is that The Dark Brotherhood has no official representation, and all its bases are located in hidden places. But one of the members of the dark brotherhood can be found and by following some instructions, you can become one of them.

To do this, you must go to one of the cities or settlements of Skyrim and listen to people's conversations. Sometimes, some villagers start a conversation about a boy named Aventus Aretino, who brought the Dark Brotherhood to a halt with magic.

After that, you will have a quest in your journal "Lost Innocence".

To complete this quest, travel to Windhelm, House of Aretino. With the help of master keys, break the lock and enter the house, there will be a boy Aventus, who will take you for one of the dark brotherhood.

Next, he will ask you to kill Grelod the Good, who in every possible way mocks the orphans in the Riften orphanage. No matter how you kill Grelod, none of the orphans will tell you what happened, and Aventus will give you a plate worth 100 gold.

Completing the quest "With such friends ..."

After a short time, a messenger will come to you and give you a note with the words "We know", and when you go to bed, you will be kidnapped by the brotherhood and moved to an abandoned hut. In the hut, you will meet Astrid, who will say that the order to kill Grelod was intended for her. To repay the debt, Astrid requires you to kill one of the three captives who are next to you.

In fact, you do not have to kill the prisoner, but for this you will need to send Astrid herself to the next world. Of course, by killing Astrid, you will not be able to join the dark brotherhood, becoming her enemy, so it is better to make a choice on one of the prisoners. After killing the prisoner, you will go to the secret hideout of the dark brotherhood, where you will become one of them.

Once in the Dark Brotherhood hideout, Astrid will approach you and tell you to take some assassination quests from Nazir. Also Astrid will give you dark brotherhood armor suitable for the respective activity. You can find Nazir in the crowd of other members of the fraternity, who are entertained by the girl Babeta.

After talking with Nazir, you will receive an order to kill the following persons: Beitild, Narfi and Ennodius Pafia.

1. Narfi is located in Ivarstead and you need to kill him very carefully, as there are guards walking nearby.

2. Beitild lives in Dawnstar and you can kill her late at night when she sleeps at home.

3. Ennodius Pafiy lives near the village of Anga in a tent. You can kill Ennodius by any means, since there is no one close to him.

After completing all orders, return to Nazir and receive a reward.

Completing the mission "Goodbye Love"

In this task, you need to go to Markarth and complete the order of the assistant pharmacist named Muiri. In total, you will have two targets: Alain Dufont and Nielsin, although the latter can not be killed.

To kill Alain Dufon, go to Raltbthar, in addition to our goal, there will be a large number of bandits located in various rooms. You won't be able to stealthily kill, so just clear all the rooms, including Dufont and his personal bodyguards.

Nielsin Shatter-Shield will be much easier to kill, just go to Windhelm and wait for the night. As a rule, Nilsin wanders the street until late at night and often enters the hall of the dead, where the murder will take place as discreetly as possible. As a reward for this, you will receive 600 gold and Muiri's ring, which improves the quality of potions by 15%.

Completing the quest "Whispers in the Dark"

After the arrival of one of the important members dark brotherhood named Cicero, the order in the organization begins to change dramatically, which Astrid does not like. In order to find out what Cicero is up to and what role the coffin of the Night Mother plays, Astrid asks you to conduct a thorough surveillance.

To do this, you must sneak into the room to Cicero and climb into this coffin.

After that, Cicero will go into his room and will not say anything important, but instead you begin to hear the voice of the Night Mother. Further, the mother of the night says that now you will be her voice in the dark brotherhood, and that the first person she wants to meet is Amon Motierre. Having told everything to Cicero and the brotherhood, the task will be completed.

Completing the quest "With the death of silence"

After committing several contract killings on Nazir's tip, Astrid comes to you and gives permission to meet with Amon Motierre. Amon is located in Volundrud, in the next room right behind the entrance. During the conversation, Amon says that he is an adviser to the Emperor Titus Mede II himself and wishes his death.

To make you understand the seriousness of intentions, Amon hands over the letter and the Amulet of the Elders. Astrid doubts its veracity and therefore asks Delvin to check the amulet in the Rat Hole tavern (Riften). After reviewing the amulet, Delvin declares that such things are not just thrown around and the intentions of Amon Motierre are as serious as possible.

Complete the quest "Till Death Do Us Part"

Now Brotherhood completely believed Amon, and decided to kill the Emperor. The problem is that the Emperor is not in Skyrim, and in order to summon him, you will need to kill his cousin Vittoria Vici. You need to kill Vittoria right at her wedding with Asgeir Snowmobile, one of the most important personalities among the Stormcloaks.

According to all the inhabitants of Skyrim, the weddings of such individuals should end the war, but the murder will break all plans, and the Emperor will be forced to go to negotiations. There are various ways to kill Vittoria, but the following will be the most effective:

1. Shoot Vittoria with a bow left on the balcony at the time of the speech.

2. Throw the statue of the Gargoyle right on Vittorie's head.

After killing the bride, Vizara will come running to you, who, thanks to a diversion, will give you a chance to escape from Solitude.

Completing the task "Vulnerable Spot"

A new target to attract the Emperor's attention will be Gaius Maron, son of Commander Penitus Okulatos. In addition to the murder, you must throw him a note stating that it was he who planned the murder of Titus Mid II. The difficulty of killing Gaius Maron lies in the constant movement around Skyrim, so before that you must steal the schedule of all checks at the Penitus Okulatos headquarters.

After that, wait until Guy Maron is in one of the cities and kill him, if you wish, having dealt with his guards.

Completing the quest "Cure for Madness"

While you were completing tasks, Cicero staged a pogrom and almost killed Astrid, thanks to which he signed his own death warrant. Hoping to escape, Cicero fled in an unknown direction, and Astrid's husband went in pursuit.

In order to help Arnbjorn and kill Cicero, Astrid gives you Tenegriv's horse and a hint that some answers about the jester's location are in his room. After finding five sheets in Cicero's room, you realize that there is another shelter and the jester is definitely there. When you reach the second shelter, you meet the wounded Arnbjorn, who will tell you that Cicero's vein has been cut, and you can find him by following the trail of blood.

After listening to the advice, you follow the tracks and come to the entrance to the shelter, by the way, the password will be the phrase "Innocence my brother." Then everything is simple, follow the bloody trails, go through traps and kill ghosts. At the end, you can decide whether to kill Cicero or not, any actions are of no particular importance.

Completing the quest "The Killer Recipe"

Now you need to kill the chef Gourmet, who will cook for the emperor after arriving in Skyrim. But there is one problem, the fact is that no one knows who a gourmet is and what he looks like, the only confirmation will be the diploma that he carries with him.

Therefore, before you kill the cook, you need to find him, for this you will need to interrogate one person named Anton Viran. Anton is located in Markarth and works there as a cook, having learned the necessary information, kill Viran and go in search of Gourmet.

It turns out that the best cook is the orc Balagog gro-Nolob, who currently lives in the Night Gate tavern (White Coast). You can kill the Gurman at the moment when he goes out on the bridge for a walk. After committing a murder, take a letter from Gurman, and hide the body in the water.

Completing the quest "Death of the Empire"

We leave for Solitude and with the help of a letter we go to the kitchen as a Gourmet cook. Next, we prepare soup with poison and serve it to the emperor. After eating a few spoons, the emperor, not understanding what was happening, dies right at the table. At this moment, you can only run, but at the exit you are blocked by the guards and Maron.

It turns out that it was a double of the emperor, and the guards were specially preparing an ambush for you and the entire dark brotherhood. After dealing with the guards, run to the shelter as soon as possible, as it is being stormed by an entire imperial army.

Completing the quest "Death Incarnate"

In a hurry, we return to the shelter, where you have to participate in a small battle in which Arbjorn will die. As a result of the fire, you and Nazir are trapped, and the only way out is to climb into the coffin of the mother of the night. After that, the coffin lid will close and you will find yourself in the water. Fortunately, other survivors from the dark brotherhood will have time to save you.

Next, you find Astrid completely burned and covered in blood on the floor, it turned out that she betrayed you in the hope of saving the brotherhood. Realizing her mistake, Astrid performed the black sacrament on herself in order to atone for her guilt before the brotherhood. After that, you must take the dagger and finish off the tormented Astrid, moving on to the last unfinished goal - killing the Emperor!

Completing the quest "Glory to Sithis!"

In the last main mission of the dark brotherhood, you must get to the real emperor and finally send him to the next world. After talking with Motierre in Whiterun, you will learn that the emperor plans to sail from Solitude back to the capital and that Maron will also be on the ship. To complete the case, go to the port of Solitude, where you will meet Maron.

After killing Maron, swim to the Kataria ship, which is moored on the opposite bank. You can climb onto the deck by anchoring, then everything is as usual, deal with the bodyguards and enter the Emperor's room. It turns out that Emperor Titus Mede is very old and at the same time wise, he knew that you would come and he was ready for death.

After a short conversation, Tit Mead asks for the last favor, and this is the death of the traitor Amon Motierre. After killing the real emperor, go to Motierre, find out where he left the reward, and decide whether to kill him or not. Next, take the gold, and invest this money in the restoration of the dark brotherhood shelter. Thanks to this, you will become the leader of the brotherhood and will be able to enjoy all the benefits of the shelter.

Summing up - Passage of the dark brotherhood of skyrim:

Now you know the whole process of passing the dark brotherhood skyrim. But the adventures do not end there, because after the restoration of the brotherhood, Nazir and the Night Mother have a lot of "work" that there is no one to do. Good luck!

Finally, Astrid decides to fulfill the contract. In order to eliminate the Emperor at minimal cost, a number of conditions must be met.

The first is to kill Vittoria Vici, who is the head of the Eastern Imperial Company in Solitude, as well as the emperor's cousin, that is, represents the interests of the Empire. She is soon to be married to Asgeir Snowmobile, who has ties to the Stormcloaks, so this marriage could be a step towards peace between these warring factions. “Marriage for love and convenience is the rarest case,” says Elisif, who was present at the wedding. However, if Vittoria Vici is killed, her death will most likely be attributed to the Stormcloaks, and this incident will force the Emperor to visit Skyrim.

Head to Solitude, the wedding is in full swing. The newlyweds sit in front of the audience under a small balcony, which they will periodically climb to deliver a solemn speech. In order to get the bonus, you need to kill Vittoria at the very moment of the performance.

There are three options to complete this task invisibly:

Gabriella will tell you about the parapet, which is just opposite the balcony. Moreover, a caring sister has left you a nice gift - on the very parapet you will find a unique enchanted bow, several arrows and a potion that increases bow damage.

Babette will tell about a different way. Directly above the balcony hangs a bulky stone and very old gargoyle. With proper effort, the statue can fall right on the head of the victim. To get to the wall from which you can throw the statue, climb the stairs, which is located next to the Gloomy Castle. Wait until Vittoria comes out onto the balcony, remember her position, boot up and place an elemental rune in this place. This method is more difficult than the previous two, but how cold-blooded!

The method is suitable for those who are sick with lycanthropy. Find an inconspicuous place near the castle and turn into a werewolf. Then you just break into the balcony and tear the bride apart, and then get out of there as quickly as possible, or risk being squeezed by the guests. The problem, however, is not serious, a series of quick blows or a roar will correct the situation, but you will most likely be hurt, and you still need health. Once you get down, immediately run to the exit from the city, ignoring the guards.

To make your task even easier, take with you a potion of invisibility or a spell with the same effect. With due skill, the guard will not notice you.

When the deed is done, Vizara will come to your aid, sent by Astrid to distract the guards from you. While the lizard takes the hit, run out of the city.

As a bonus, you will receive (500-1500), and by completing only the main task, you will receive the summoning of the spirit of the legendary assassin, who will fight by your side (in this spirit you will recognize Lucien Lachance, an old acquaintance from the Dark Brotherhood of Cyrodiil).

You can also remove two unique rings, a wedding wreath, wedding sandals and wedding attire from the bodies of the newlyweds. These items are not found anywhere else in the game. You can talk to the guests, they will give out various interesting remarks. A beggar who comes, for example, will say that in the last two hours he has eaten more than in two weeks. And the groom, if you play as a female Nord, will say that your character is beautiful, and will already know with whom to cheat on his wife immediately after the wedding. A good hubby, not yet married, as he already knows who will be his mistress! Yes, and says it at the wedding in the presence of guests. (especially since his wife is sitting next to him!)

"Belated Funeral"
(Delayed Burial)

Even before joining the Dark Brotherhood, you can complete the "Belated Burial" quest given by one of its members. On the road north of Whiterun, there is a wrecked cart with Cicero circling next to it. Based on his story, he is taking the body of his mother to a new crypt, but the wagon broke down, and the owner of the nearest farm refused to help. Cicero will send you to the Loreius Farm, which is not far from the road, and ask you to convince Vantus Loreius to help him. For the service, he will pay you 400-600 gold (depending on the level).

Note: if you do not want to help Cicero and support the owner of the farm, and also inform the guards, then after you join the Dark Brotherhood, when you visit the farm, you will find its owners killed.

"Lost Innocence"
(Innocence Lost)

In order to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, you must complete one quest. To start it, just listen to the whispers of the townspeople or ask someone for fresh gossip. One way or another, but you will learn that a certain boy from Windhelm (Windhelm) named Aventus Aretino (Aventus Aretino) threatens to perform the Dark Sacrament and invoke the Dark Brotherhood. This will start the Innocence Lost quest. Indeed, when you get into his house (the lock is of minimal difficulty, but you will need the master keys), you will see a child performing a gloomy ritual. Aventus will be delighted with your arrival, mistaking you for a representative of the Dark Brotherhood. Accept his task and go to fulfill.
From a conversation with the boy, it will become clear that he is an orphan. After the death of his mother, Aventus was sent to an orphanage in Riften, but he soon escaped from there. The reason was Grelod the Kind (Grelod the Kind) - the guardian of orphans, who in every possible way torments her wards. She will need to be killed.
Grelod spends all his time in the orphanage, sometimes locking himself in his little room. There it will be best to liquidate it; orphans will be delighted with what they have done. Return to Aventus, who will also be glad to see you and will pay for the service with a family treasure - a plate worth 100 coins =).

"With such friends..."
(With friends like these...)

In a few days, a messenger will find you, who will hand over a note with the Black Hand's mark and the inscription "We know." After receiving it, go to bed - the awakening will not be pleasant and will start the quest "With friends like these ...". You will come to your senses in an old abandoned house in the north of Skyrim. You will be met by Astrid - a representative of the Brotherhood and will say that you acted not quite honestly - they took away the contract that belonged to the Dark Brotherhood. And this debt you have to work off right here: Astrid brought three tied victims and offered to choose any for killing. It doesn't matter who you choose: Vasha is a brash Khajiit who, according to him, is not the first time he gets into such trouble; Alea Quintus is a nervous and sharp-tongued single mother; Fultheim the Fearless is a mercenary who managed to send many souls to the other world in his life *. Kill anyone and your debt will be forgiven. However, Astrid is in no hurry to let you go: she will offer to join her family - the Dark Brotherhood. When you agree, she will give you a password and direct you to the hideout.

The last Skyrim hideout of the Dark Brotherhood is located in Pine Forest near the city of Falkreath, it is hidden in the stones right next to the road. The door, according to the old tradition, will ask the question “What is the music of life?”, To which you must answer “Silence, my brother.” Astrid will be waiting for you inside. She will tell you about herself, and also offer to meet her family. After meeting, contact Nazir (Nazir), most often he can be found either in the common room or in the dining room. It is he who will give you the first tasks.

*Actually, you can kill Astrid too. But then the road to the Dark Brotherhood will be closed to you. However, there are those who want to know about her death. After the kill, go to any guard and report what happened. You will be directed to the commander of the Imperial Legion, Maron, sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood. He lives in the settlement of Dragon Bridge, which is not far from Solitude. Commander Maron will be inexpressibly times your news, and will also share that he recently discovered their shelter and sent his people to storm it. And he will offer you to join this operation ...

"Contracts of Nazir"
So, Nazir gave you the first contracts. There are three of them in each, as expected, you need to kill the ordered victim. You can perform them both at once, and each separately.

(Beitild) - the owner of the mine in Dawnstar. Previously, she was in business with her husband, but now she is at odds with him and is his competitor.
(Ennodius Papius) - an imperial from Anga's Mill. To be more precise, he lives a little east of the mill itself in a tent by the river.
(Narfi) - A beggar who lives on the outskirts of Ivarstead. Sometimes it goes down to the river.

All three victims are extremely simple, eliminating them does not require any wisdom. After completing the contracts, return to Nazir.

"Goodbye Love"
(Mourning Never Comes)

Astrid will give you the next contract. You need to find a young Breton Muiri, who will tell you the details of the next task. Muiri lives in Markarth and works at The Hug's Cure, an alchemy shop. The girl will tell you that she wants to take revenge on her former lover named (Alain Dufont), who seduced her in order to rob her friendly Shattered Shield family.
In fact, Alain Dufont is a robber who, along with his gang, is hiding in the Dwemer ruins of Raldbthar (Raldbthar). His camp is set up inside not far from the entrance, the corridors are patrolled by guards, and the victim herself is surrounded by several fighters. Exactly above them there will be a ledge with stationary Dwemer crossbows aimed at the gang. You can try to shoot the whole group of them.
But Muiri also asks you to provide another service for an additional reward - to kill (Nilsine Shatter-Shield). The deceived family declared Muiri a traitor and abandoned her, so the girl so subtly decided to take revenge on them. Nilsey lives in the western part of the city of Windhelm, the house is locked with an expert-level lock, but the victim is already leaving it at 6 in the morning, her path will lie through the deserted city cemetery.

For completing a contract with an additional task, you will receive a significant cash reward, as well as a special gift from Muiri - a ring enchanted to increase the effectiveness of the potions you create.

"Whispers in the Dark"
(Whispers in the dark)

The arrival of the Coffin Keeper of the Night Mother, Cicero, has turned the life of the Dark Brotherhood hideout upside down. Astrid suspects that he was plotting a betrayal against the Dark Brotherhood and even managed to win someone over to his side, as a muffled conversation is periodically heard from his room. You have to find out what and with whom Cicero is up to. The best place for surveillance is the Mother's coffin itself, climb into it and wait. Soon Cicero will come, but will not say anything interesting. Instead, the Night Mother will speak to you. She will say that she has chosen you as a Listener, and now you will voice her will. And her very first will will be a conversation with Amaund Motierre in the tomb of Volundrud.
It's time to leave the coffin and announce yourself to Cicero. At first he will not believe you, but say the secret phrase that Mother whispered to you "Darkness comes with the death of silence", and he will recognize you. However, this news will not please Astrid. She should think about the situation, but in the meantime she will send you to Nazir for new contracts.

"Contracts of Nazir"

Nazir will give you two contracts - to kill a Nord (Hern) and an Orc (Lurbuk).
is a vampire who lives with his vampire girlfriend Hert at the Half-Moon mill, north of the hideout. It is not necessary to kill a girlfriend, but it is not forbidden either. Don't forget that vampires are vulnerable to fire, and that they can infect you in combat.
- Orc bard from Morthal (Marthal), who lives in a local tavern. They say that a bard from him is useless, and Nazir even had to arrange a lottery for the customer. At night, the orc sleeps in one of the rooms.

"With the death of silence"
(The Silence has been broken)

Astrid considered your conversation and gave the go-ahead for a conversation with Amon Motierre. Go to the tomb of Volundrud, which is not far from Whiterun (Whiterun). You don't have to climb far - Amon, along with his guard, is literally in the next room, not far from the entrance. The Breton will say that his order is not so simple, but you will receive a decent reward for it. The victim is the Emperor of Tamriel himself (Titus Mede II). As proof of the seriousness of his order, Amon provided a letter and a valuable amulet. Take them to Astrid, who is hesitant to give an answer right away, so she will send you to Riften to Delvin Mallory to assess the true value of the amulet. Delvin is located in the Rat Hole Tavern in the lower tier of the city. You will most likely not be welcome there, but no one will touch you in the tavern. Delvin will tell you that such amulets are worn by members of the Council of Elders and do not part with them just like that. He agrees to buy the amulet and gives a receipt for Astrid.

"Until the death separates us"
(Bound until death)

Finally, Astrid decides to fulfill the contract. In order to eliminate the Emperor at minimal cost, a number of conditions must be met. The first is to kill (Vittoria Vici), who is the head of the Eastern Trading Company in Solitude, as well as the cousin of the Emperor, that is, she represents the interests of the Empire. She is soon to be married to Asgeir Snow-Shod, who has ties to the Stormcloaks, so this marriage could be a step towards peace between these warring factions. However, if Vittoria Vici is killed, her death will most likely be attributed to the Stormcloaks, and this incident will force the Emperor to visit Skyrim.
Head to Solitude, the wedding is in full swing. The newlyweds sit in front of the audience under a small balcony, which they will periodically climb to deliver a solemn speech. In order to get the bonus, you need to kill Vittoria at the very moment of the performance. There are two options to complete this task invisibly:
1. Gabriella will tell you about the parapet, which is just opposite the balcony. Moreover, a caring sister left you a nice gift - on the very parapet you will find an enchanted bow, several arrows and a potion that increases bow damage.
2. Babette will tell you about a different way to solve the problem. Right above the balcony hangs a bulky stone and very old statue. With proper effort, the statue can fall right on the head of the victim. To get to the wall from which you can throw the statue, climb the stairs, which is located next to the Gloomy Castle.
To make your task even easier, take with you a potion of invisibility or a spell with the same effect. With due skill, the guard will not notice you.
When the job is done, Veezara will come to your aid, sent by Astrid to distract the guards from you. While the lizard takes the hit, run out of the city.
In addition to the money due, as a bonus, you will receive the summoning of the spirit of the legendary assassin who will fight at your side (in this spirit, you will recognize an old acquaintance from the Dark Brotherhood of Cyrodiil).

Note: On the body of Vittoria Vici, you can find a wedding outfit, which includes a wedding dress, sandals and a flower wreath, as well as a key to the deceased's house.

"Vulnerable Spot"
(Breaching Security)

Your next target is (Gaius Maro), the son of Captain Maron and an agent of the imperial security service. Guy was sent to the cities of Skyrim to assess the situation and prepare for the arrival of the Emperor. When the victim is dead, it is necessary to put a fake letter on his body, which will indicate his involvement in a conspiracy against the Emperor. Astrid believes that the tarnished name of her son will make Captain Maron harmless for the next attempts to remove Titus Mede II.

In the hideout, talk to Gabriella (Gabriella) and she will give you everything you need to complete the task. The target will start its journey from the outpost of Pentius Okulatus, which is located in the Dragonbridge settlement. In order to get a bonus for completing it, you will have to kill an agent within the boundaries of any of the cities that he visits. Information about his route is in the schedule, which can be stolen in the same outpost:

Morndas - Solitude (Solitude) - imperial tower, evening - Gloomy castle.
Tirdas - Windhelm - royal palace, evening - barracks.
Middas - Riften - Mistveil Fortress.
Turdas - Whiterun (Whiterun) - Dragon Limit, evening - tavern "Prancing Mare".
Fredas - Markarth - Understone fortress, evening - city.
Lordas and Sandas - at the discretion of the target.

As a bonus, you will receive Olava's talisman, which will start an additional task. (More on that later).

"Cure for Madness"
(The Cure for Madness)

Something happened to Cicero during your absence. According to eyewitnesses, he attacked Astrid and wounded Vizara, and then fled. Arnbjorn went after him, but no one knows where he went. Astrid sends you to look for clues in the escapee's room. Look for the last part of his diary. It will contain Cicero's notes about the abandoned Dark Brotherhood hideout in Dawnstar, as well as the password to the door: "Innocence, my brother." Tell Astrid about it. She will order you to find and kill Cicero, as well as find Arnbjorn, he may need help. Moreover, for a quick journey, the head of the refuge will provide you with a horse born of the Abyss itself - Shadowmere, also known to us from the previous part of the Elder Scrolls.

The werewolf will sit right in front of the hideout door. Send him home, and you yourself go in search of Cicero in the wake of blood on the floor. Dawnstar Sanctuary is said to be the first Dark Brotherhood hideout in Skyrim, but has been abandoned for over a hundred years. Inside you will find restless ghosts who will not be happy about your intrusion, as well as several traps. A huge and strong troll Udurfrukte (Uderfrykte) roams in the ice labyrinth. When you get to Cicero, he will already be severely weakened. You will have the choice to kill him or let him live and lie to Astrid.

Note: Summon the spirit of the legendary assassin and listen to what he advises you. Lucien Lachance's ghost will tell you that the Keeper of the Night Mother's Coffin is a special position and killing him is not welcomed by the Brotherhood.
If you choose to let him live, Cicero will soon meet you at the entrance to the Dunstar Sanctuary and offer to become your companion.

"Killer Recipe"
(Recipe For Disaster)

There remains the last step in preparation for the assassination of the Emperor - the elimination of the so-called greatest cook, who is invited to the court to prepare dishes for the table of Titus Mede II. The catch is that no one knows who this chef really is. However, the identity of Gurman's closest friend is known - this is a court cook from Markarth named (Anthon Virane). It is located in the Understone Fortress. Talk to him and, threatening the Dark Brotherhood, find out the identity of the Gourmet. After this, an unnecessary witness must be killed. This is best done late at night, when two of his assistants go to the next room to sleep.
The gourmet turns out to be an orc (Bolagog gro-Nolob) who lives in the Nightgate Inn. At night he sleeps in the basement, and during the day he goes to the river. The bonus task will be to throw the body of the dead into the water, but before that, do not forget to take a letter from the body, which will come in handy in the next quest.

"Death of the Empire"
(To Kill An Empire)

Everything is ready to fulfill the contract. Talk to Astrid, who will tell you about your next steps, and also give you a special poison - brazier root. The Emperor has already arrived in Skyrim and is in the Dark Castle of Solitude. It's time to play the role of Gourmet. Go to the castle doors, Maron will be waiting for you there. Show him the letter taken from the Gourmet's body and go inside to the kitchen to cook Gianna (Gianna). You can immediately put on one of the chef's hats lying on the shelves on the left, otherwise Gianna will still ask you to do it. While cooking the dish, she will periodically ask you what ingredients to use, so at the end, do not forget to offer her to throw the poisonous root that Astrid gave you. When everything is ready, go with the cook to the dining room. Wait for the Emperor to try the dish and, having made sure of the result, run through the door on the other side of the table (it’s convenient to immediately stand next to it), Astrid said that she “agreed” that no one would interfere with your escape.

But on the bridge you will still be expected. Captain Maron and his servants have trapped you: instead of the real Emperor, it turns out that you poisoned a double; moreover, Astrid betrayed you by trading your life for the sanctuary of the Penitus Oculatus. However, the captain, inflamed by the death of his son, was not going to comply with the terms of the agreement, his people are already storming the shelter. Run away from Solitude to save yourself and have time to save the shelter in Pine Forest.

"Death Incarnate"
(Death Incarnate)

The hideout in Pine Forest is already under siege, and you'll have to kill a few Penitus Okulatus warriors before breaking through. Fight off the attackers to find at least one of the survivors. Unfortunately, no one but Nazir and Babette can be saved. The task is complicated by the fact that the cave in which the shelter is located is gradually collapsing, blocking almost all the moves. Go to the dining room, where Nazir will already repel the attacks of the guards and help him. After that, you will hear the voice of the Night Mother, who will call you again, but this time to save you. Go to the room with her coffin, climb into it and hug the Mother. The shutters will slam shut, and the collapse will not harm you. A little later, Nazir and Babette will pull out the coffin. The shelter will be almost filled up, burying the bodies of the dead under it.

The Night Mother will speak to you again. She will send you to Astrid, who also miraculously survived and is in the same cave. It turns out that she performed a Dark Sacrament on herself to try to remedy the situation, and is close to death. Take the Blade of Woe next to her body and kill Astrid at her request. So her soul will be forgiven and go to Sithis.

"Glory to Sithis!"
(Hail Sithis!)

The Night Mother wants to speak to you again. The contract is not cancelled, and must be killed. Talk to Nazir, who will support you, and also inform you that he will move to the Dawnstar Shelter with Babette, since it is pointless and dangerous to stay here.
In the meantime, go to Amon Motierre, who moved from the tomb to the Prancing Mare in Whiterun. The news that the contract will still be fulfilled will please him, and he will inform you that the Emperor is about to sail to Cyrodiil, however, you still have a chance to get to him. The ship "Kataria", on which he sails, is still in the port of Solitude. Also in the port is and, so you have the opportunity to return the favor to him. Stock up on patience, master keys and go to fulfill the contract.

After killing the captain, who is standing on the pier of the warehouse of the Imperial Trading Company, swim directly to the ship, which is standing on the water in the middle of the bay, climb up the anchor chain and get into the hold. Wait for the movers to finish their work and hide in the room. On the way you will have a dining cabin, which contains a bard and one guard. Both will sit with their backs to the stairs. Wait for the second guard to hide in the next room and run to the stairs. Ahead of you will be a door with an expert-level lock and another staircase. Further - the chambers of the Emperor with a lock of the "master" level.
The emperor is already waiting for you. He is ready for his death, because he knows that the Dark Brotherhood is not retreating. However, before dying, he will ask you to kill the one who ordered him. Your right to comply with his request or not.
Amon Motierre already knows about what happened, and your reward is already waiting for you where Motierre performed the Dark Sacrament - in the tomb of Volundrud. 20,000 gold will be hidden in the urn.

"Where to hang the enemy's head"
(Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head)

Nazir and Babette have already settled in the Dawnstar Sanctuary, but its appearance still leaves much to be desired. Nazir will offer you to talk to the already familiar Delvin Mallory from Riften, who will agree to help you with the situation. Go to the Rat Hole and meet the Fence. Here are his rates:

New flags - 1000 gold;
Torture room - 5000 gold;
Poisoner's corner - 5000 gold;
Secret entrance - 5000 gold;
Master's bedroom - 3000 gold.

By the time you arrive, everything will be ready. The rooms are furnished, the victims are moaning in the torture chamber, and Nazir has already found new people.

"Dark Brotherhood Forever"
(The Dark Brotherhood Forever)

This concludes the main quest line for the Dark Brotherhood. But the Mother of the Night will continue to speak to you, so do not forget to visit her, and she will supply you with new customers. If this money is not enough, then Nazir, as before, will have simple contracts (if you have not completed them yet).

Additional tasks

« Nazir's contracts »


So, Nazir gave you the first contracts. There are three of them in each, as expected, you need to kill the ordered victim. You can perform them both at once, and each separately.

(Beitild) is the owner of the mine in Dawnstar. Previously, she was in business with her husband, but now she is in a quarrel with him and is his competitor.
(Ennodius Papius) - an imperial from Anga's Mill. To be more precise, he lives a little east of the mill itself in a tent by the river.
(Narfi) is a beggar who lives on the outskirts of Ivarstead. Sometimes it goes down to the river.

All three victims are extremely simple, eliminating them does not require any wisdom. After completing the contracts, return to Nazir.


Nazir will give you two contracts - to kill the Nord Hern (Hern) and the orc Lurbuk (Lurbuk).

an Empire who lives with his vampire girlfriend Hert at the Half-Moon mill, north of the hideout. It is not necessary to kill a girlfriend, but it is not forbidden either. Don't forget that vampires are vulnerable to fire, and that they can infect you in combat.
An orc bard from Marthal who lives in the local tavern. They say that a bard from him is useless, and Nazir even had to arrange a lottery for the customer. At night, the orc sleeps in one of the rooms.


The following contracts, available after completing the quest "With the Death of Silence", are not included in the list of required ones. Completing them can become an additional source of income for you, as well as help you gain respect from Nazir.

(Deekus) - Argonian, marauder. He earns a living from what he finds on sunken ships. His camp is located in the very north of Skyrim on the seashore.
(Anoriath) - Bosmer from Whiterun. He has a trading post in the city and co-owns the Drunken Hunter with his brother Elrindir. Sometimes he leaves the city to hunt.
(Ma "randru-jo) is a skilled Khajiit mage traveling with a caravan of merchants between the cities of Skyrim - Markarth and Whiterun.

(Helvard) - Nordic warrior from Folkreath. Lives in the Jarl's Longhouse and is his housecarl. "Search for an Assassin from the Past"
(Locate the Assassin of Old)

This quest can only be obtained after completing the "Breaching Security" quest. Moreover, you must fulfill an additional condition. As a reward, you will receive Olava's talisman, which makes it possible to learn a special prophecy.

Go to Whiterun and present the talisman to Olava the Feeble. She will understand that you came from Gabriella and will tell you that soon you will have to find the Dark Brother - an assassin from the past, who found his peace in one of the tombs in the north-west of Skyrim.
Your goal is the tomb of the Forest Stronghold (Deepwood Redoubt), located in the mountains near the settlement of Dragon Bridge. The dungeon outside and inside is stuffed with Outcasts, as well as all sorts of traps, there will be one door locked with a “master” level lock, however, in the nearest room there will be one of the Outcasts who has a key to it.

The tomb will have to go through; from it you will find yourself in the Forest Valley - a spacious camp of savages, surrounded on all sides by rocks. It is necessary to cross this camp and enter the next tomb - the Witch's Nest (Hag's End). Witches and fortune tellers will already be waiting for you there, and magic runes will be added to the traps. You don't have to go far: in one of the rooms behind the throne there will be a secret door that opens with a lever on the wall. Behind the door in a small room will lie the same assassin.

"Search for Caches"

If you bought a "torture room" from Delvin Mallory during the restoration of the Dark Brotherhood's Dawnstar Asylum, then this will give you a few more additional tasks with a nice reward. In total, there will be four victims of torture in the cell, and, accordingly, there will be the same number of hiding places that they will point to in order to stop the torture.

The first cache is in an old swamp stump south of Solitude.

The second one is north of Windhelm in a hollow stone.

The third is located in the tundra west of Whiterun (Whiterun) also in a hollow stone.

The fourth cache, in which treasures are hidden, is located in a hollow stump near Riften.

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