The best mods for Dragon Age: Origins. What is DayZ Origins Origin Mod Arma 2

Today, many interesting ones have been created and published for Minecraft. Some of them are ordinary addons that only improve the work of some addons. And others, in turn, are full-fledged mods that radically change the gameplay.

With each new version of the game, the textures of mobs, resources, armor and other content almost always change in it. Especially for those players who dream of returning the old look of the chests, the Origin mod was created. It will make some of your textures, including chests, just like in the old versions of the game.

This mod, although it does not have unique content, can add some variety to the game, especially if you use global add-ons. Most of them completely change textures and add new content. And among the huge list of such additions should be Origin. It will return the familiar textures to you, but will not remove new modifications.
In general, if you want to install this mod, then initially we advise you to read the article in full, and then decide whether you need this modification or not.

The main feature of the Origin mod

Almost every Minecraft lover knows that at least some modifications are needed for an exciting game. They bring new features, which make the gray world of Minecraft more colorful. But for those who do not like the updates that have changed almost most of the textures of the standard Minecraft, this mod has been created.

The main feature of Origin is that it will return to your game the usual textures of chests, and some other resources and items. Thus, even if you use a lot of global add-ons, your textures will return to their previous, more familiar state.
Origin for the most part is a kind of addon that only fixes some content. But despite this, it is quite useful and, most importantly, fully functional.

Before downloading it, make sure that you have the 1.7.10 version of the game installed. Otherwise, you will not be able to install and use this mod.

Players who do not know how to install add-ons, please note that a special instruction is located a little lower, which will help you deal with all sorts of problems. Have a nice adventure!

Dragon Age: Origins is a great game, but alas, it is a product of its time. BioWare released Dragon Age in 2009 while working on Mass Effect 2, so Dragon Age sometimes falls into the same design trap as the first Mass Effect.

If you played Dragon Age in the year it was released, then it is likely that you missed the mods that reveal the project from the other side. In the last five years alone, enthusiasts have released several dozen amazing mods that are recommended to all fans of the series. So before you start fighting templars and mages in Dragon Age: Inquisition, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the 15 key ones that started a successful series. Initially, there were 18 mods in the list, but some of them had to be cut out, because they were either removed by the authors themselves, or they were incompatible with the game for one reason or another.

Dragon Age, due to its venerable age, does not have integration with the Steam Workshop. To be honest, it's even surprising that the game itself is on Steam and not an Origin exclusive. All the mods collected here are available on the official Dragon Age mod portal, and each of them has a separate installation guide. I advise you to use the convenient DAModder application with a clear interface that will simplify the download and installation of mods.

It's only now that I'm getting used to the Steam Workshop that I'm starting to realize how chaotic and inconvenient third-party modding portals can be. And while DAModder may save you some headaches, it doesn't work with all mods. Some of them, like the same Bash Locks, require manual copying of the code into files with the .ini extension. Others, like Dragon Age Redesigned, have their own .exe installers. I still recommend using DAModder, but I emphasize that the program will be useful for about half of the mods from the list.

Does this mean that I'm a whiner who needs to serve everything on a silver platter? After hours of fiddling with readme.txt files and multi-page PDF manuals to install the right mods, yes, I'm a whiner. And I advise everyone to be. And now let's move on to the best mods for Dragon Age: Origins.

Gameplay mods


I almost never pick thieves/hackers/shadows in RPGs. If the characters in an RPG reflect the character of the players, then apparently I am a person who blows everything around and accidentally breaks furniture just by falling on it.

For those who also destroy everything in their path, closed chests and doors serve as a sad reminder that you cannot explore every corner of every cave. We don't have the skills to pick tiny locks, so we can't enjoy the secrets behind closed doors.

Unless, of course, you have the Lock Bash mod installed. Thanks to this mod, warriors and mages in Dragon Age can knock out castles with a huge hammer or destroy them with magic. There is even an animation of the destruction of castles, so this feature does not stand out from the general atmosphere. I ran into a couple of bugs while playing with Lock Bash installed - for example, I couldn't talk to quest NPCs through doorways (namely Blacksmith Owen in Redcliffe), so I had to remove it for a while. However, such bugs are extremely rare, and this beautiful mod deserves your attention.


The most useful and at the same time the most ambitious mod on this list, Auto Loot, makes searching corpses noticeably faster. It is enough just to click on a dead enemy, as all the contents of his inventory will be transferred to you without any delay. Let's face it, you'd hit the Take All button anyway, so why waste your time on it? The game knows to pocket everything and doesn't judge you.

The pretentiousness lies in the fact that the modder Pheelon really does not want you to forget the name of the author of this work. Therefore, whenever you collect loot from enemies, a message will appear on the screen stating that the service is provided by Pheelon's Auto Loot © mod. Every. God's. Once.
By the way, the last paragraph is provided by Pheelon's Auto Loot© mod.


From time to time, melee sword fights end with a combination of powerful blows in which one of the opponents dies a harsh death, which is more suitable for any. This happens relatively rarely, but if you would like to see such brutality more often, then the Forced Deathblows mod is at your service. Settings allow you to make special kills a regular event or even the standard ending of any sword fight. If you've played Sniper Elite, you'll see the familiar x-ray kill animations that show you in great detail how the enemy's guts are torn apart.

Mods to improve graphics and environments


One of the most modest mods on the list, Improved Atmosphere, usually gets sidelined when it comes to useful addons. But we couldn't pass it up, because Improved Atmosphere makes simple NPCs in each city more realistic - they go about their business and throw lines, reacting to the actions of the hero. They gather around the fires, eat, walk around the location and behave like ordinary people.

At the same time, your companions also become more talkative, which pleases exactly until the endless skirmishes between Alistair and Morrigan start ringing in their ears. The corpses remain in place even after you have searched them, adding an element of gloom to the game. This mod allows you to make the world more alive and realistic - the cities and the environment now look not like dollhouses built specifically for the fun of the player, but like real fantasy places.


All Dragon Age heroes have very nasty teeth. Just disgusting. “But wait!” you say. "Brown teeth are historical realism." Do you know what I think about such realism? I do not need him. I came here for the fantasy elves, magic daggers and other fabulous paraphernalia. Therefore, the White Teeth mod made it to my favorite list as it whitens the teeth of all characters. I did some serious research and realized that the characters are 600% less obnoxious. Thanks White Teeth!


This mod made me realize how old Dragon Age: Origins was. After the release of Mass Effect 2 in this series, it became possible to make helmets invisible to look at the faces of your favorite characters, even if they are clad in heavy armor.

But back in 2009, for this it was necessary to install a mod called No Helmet Hack, which added a special book to each character that did not take up extra space in the inventory. Using this book made helmets invisible and vice versa. Simple, elegant and efficient.


As I have already noted, Dragon Age is inexorably aging. And the Dragon Age Redesigned mod is a great way to enjoy the game for all newbies. It redraws the faces of the characters, making random NPCs no longer look like cartoon trolls, but look like sand-stained cartoon trolls. Most of the companions have also been improved - for example, Morrigan has 4 versions of the face to choose from.

The installation process of Redesigned is not as pleasant as redrawn faces: two separate files need to be downloaded. One of them for some reason needs to be run twice in order to properly install the mod. For each of the satellites, a separate archive with textures was created, which also needs to be downloaded manually, so to update the entire squad, you will have to download and run approximately 8-9 files in total. The final result, of course, pleases, but is it worth the effort? I'm not sure, but it's up to you. I will only note that this mod for some reason conflicts with the White Teeth mod, and some (but not all) allies' teeth are painted back to their original color.

Mods to improve satellites


The mabari dog is the best friend of the Gray Warden, and is prized for its strong jaws, pointed ears, and muscular chest. These are fantastic pets, which are indispensable for magicians and fighters who attack at long distances. However, his place in the squad is quickly taken by more powerful companions who can carry items in their inventory, use artifacts and, of course, talk.

By adding an additional slot for dogs, your mabari becomes a permanent fifth member of the squad, tied directly to the main character. A bloodthirsty mabari dog that doesn't move a single step away from your character, of course, unbalances the Dragon Age combat system a little, but just look at those big sad eyes. Is it possible to abandon this creature? Of course not. Who is a good dog? Who is our good boy?


You see a dark crow landing on the fence. A sinister-looking elixir is tied to its paw. Drink it and… you can redistribute your skill and skill points at any time!
Well, that was unexpected.

Since the Dragon Age playthrough strategy can change depending on the class of the hero, it would be nice to be able to redistribute the skills to create the most effective squad. And the Character Respecialization mod allows you to do this without breaking the rules of the fantasy universe. After installing the mod, in almost any city you can find a dark raven and change the skills of your hero.


Dragon Age, do you know that we live in an era of tolerance? So it's time to wave rainbow flags. The Equal Love mod removes all companion interaction restrictions and you can now flirt, kiss and fall in love with any companion regardless of their gender. Moreover, the new conditions of the game directly affect its ending, so the male protagonist can now [spoiler] with [spoiler] provided that he chooses the ending with provided [spoiler].
But adding same-sex relationships to the game doesn't mean that gamers will be able to arrange weddings between heroes and mabari dogs, and therefore your relationship with a faithful pet will develop in a completely platonic way.


Most relationships between people, as you know, are based on the presentation of gifts. In Dragon Age 1, finding special "gift" items used to lead to a lot of dialogue as we tried to figure out who the item was for. The Madd Gift Guide mod adds hints to the descriptions of these gifts in the game, so now we know exactly which of our companions to give them to. If you're determined to win the "Best Gray Guardian of the Year" competition, then this mod is an irreplaceable find.


Many probably remember Sir Gilmour - a kind and noble childhood friend, who appears in the game for just a few minutes. Initially, it was he who was supposed to become the new Gray Guardian, but he sacrifices his life so that the main character and his mother can escape from the burning castle.

However, Sir Gilmour can be brought back into the game with this mod. Moreover, he is ready to join your adventure and even has full voice acting, which is a rarity in the world of amateur modding. The voice acting is quite decent, and the character fits perfectly into your squad. After installing this mod, you can find a miraculously survived childhood friend in the village of Lothering.

Story mods

The hell out of Howe [plot spoilers]


Earl Rendon Howe sooner or later becomes a thorn in the heel of any Dragon Age player, and his dastardly betrayal actually starts a separate storyline. How negative is this? He was voiced by Tim Curry himself, if that tells you anything.

Regardless of how you progress through the game, the fight with Howe is an important story event. But the outcome of this fight is a little disappointing, as the writers decided to give Howe the death of a typical Hollywood villain, who always manages to say a few words at parting. However, with this mod, the necessary emotional intensity appears in the scene thanks to additional cutscenes. Howe is a real bastard who deserves suffering, and now we at least see this suffering.


For those who want to step away from the Dragon Age universe and try something new, the Baldur's Gate 2 Redux mod is perfect. Erenicus Cave, easily recognizable by fans of the classics, has been completely recreated by the modding team, along with the original sounds and famous dialogue from Baldur's Gate 2. And while this project was supposed to port the entirety of BG2 to the Dragon Age engine sooner or later, forum posts indicate that that the developers have already lost all interest in this. However, they can be thanked at least for the opportunity to spend an hour or two in a familiar cave and indulge in nostalgia.


Another exciting addition to the rich Dragon Age universe, Alley of Murders is a new campaign featuring a serial killer operating in Denerim. Local law enforcement officers can not find the criminal, which means that it's time for the Gray Warden to intervene. The mod has a full-fledged voice acting (sometimes not very convincing) and is completed in about half an hour.

So, we have a new mod for called DayZ Origins what does this mod add? Let's figure it out.

The action of the mod takes place on a redesigned map Taviana 3.0, now we have some kind of target. We are given the opportunity to find out - what was this infection that spread throughout the world? Why are the dead walking again? Can this nightmare be ended? There is only one way to find out - to mine supplies and explore, explore and explore more until you reach the truth.

There is some division on the map. Nothing is permanent: there are always rich people influential people and there are always the poor. And instead of crawling in the mud, starving for days, being in danger every second, the rich built a huge wall, hired armed mercenaries and live happily ever after - "and let the whole world wait"

If you enter this territory "of good", then you will simply be shot, like any infected, but the reward is so high (medicine, weapons, food, equipment, everything to explore the island on your own terms), it's up to you - just be another survivor and die ingloriously or take a chance everyone and "take the bull by the horns"

The system for changing day and night has also been redesigned, new buildings, items and vehicles have been added.

Quote: Screenshots

The Sun Origin is a post-apocalyptic RPG with an alternate history of an Earth set near a hotter, more radioactive sun. The shooter from the developers of AGaming will appeal to all fans of Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

In the gaming universe, only a few survived the giant solar flare. The fate of the survivors is gloomy, because the struggle for depleted resources - water and food threatens to be serious.


The plot is quite interesting. A lot of tasks, a lot of not wasted time and enemies. The game even has a backstory: in 2003, the Sun released a mass of energy towards the Earth, equal to 200 billion nuclear bombs.

The space hurricane burned the upper layers of the atmosphere and brought with it radiation that burned cities. And everyone who did not have time to hide in shelters died or became mutants. Cities were wiped off the face of the Earth, and communications and electricity sunk into oblivion.

Your hero is a Raven from a new generation, who will have to go to the surface of the burned Earth in search of food and water. Raven's mission is to find food supplies that will save his colony from certain destruction.

Walkthrough "The Sun Origin"

The hero can move around locations, shoot, jump and hide behind cover. The crow needs to eat, complete tasks, kill monsters and other people.

There are a large number of weapons, tasks, and 15 locations: Bunker 216, Common Grounds, Rusty Wasteland, Parking Lot, Empty Lands, Dead Lands, Outskirts of Dead Lands, Marauder Base, Warehouses, Desert Plateau, Transfer Point, Old Beam, Slums, Checkpoint, Old Base.

On the surface, you will be attacked by people and all sorts of creatures. And radiation, streamers, mines and turrets will still kill.

It is necessary to avoid places and objects that glow, they are infected. If the hero was irradiated, it is necessary to take the appropriate dose of the first-aid kit.

List of useful artifact builds

Table 1. Health Build and Armor Boost

Table 2 Assembly for Radiation Conclusion and Bleeding Reduction

Table 3. Radiation Output Assembly and Armor Reinforcement


Management in the game is typical for shooters. There is a function of auto aiming at the target and auto shooting at the target, which sometimes helps out in hot skirmishes. Game in Russian.


pros The Sun Origin is worth mentioning the variety of tasks and locations. Lots of enemies and weapons, interesting passage.

Minuses bugs that are still found in the game, because The Sun Origin is still a raw project and is under development.


  • Gameplay
  • Walkthrough 1
  • Walkthrough 2
  • Walkthrough 3

Name of the game:ArmA II: Combined Operations
Year of issue:2013
Developer:Gamers Dynamic Labs Studio
Publisher:Gamers Platoon Organization
Design:Gamers Ripthrough Studios
Distribution type:mods
Required game version:1.62.103419 or higher
Interface language:Russian + English
Required game language:doesn't matter
Description:Fight to survive in the harsh apocalyptic environment of Taviana 4.0, completely redesigned with a wide range of new features and ornate survival elements. The world has turned into hell, and you are in the very center of it. Existing is more than just surviving, now you have a purpose. What is this infection that has spread throughout the world? Why are the dead walking again? Is there any hope of putting an end to all this? There is only one way to find out, taking as many supplies of food and equipment as possible, go on reconnaissance.
Some things never change: the rich stay rich, the poor stay poor. Even Vera Brezhneva had no idea about such a strange plot. While you were crawling in the mud, looking for leftover food and equipment, the rich were able to build the last stronghold of mankind - the Island of Salvation. They live in comfort, surrounded by high walls and under the protection of armed mercenaries, fearful of the infected. The most interesting thing about this story is that Zhirinovsky knew nothing about this. Don't expect a warm welcome if you pay them a visit. Although, if you manage to get into the city, you will have a chance to acquire improved weapons and uniforms.
All this is possible on the new map Taviana 4.0. Over 60 new buildings with full interiors: hospitals, police stations, museums and military camps. There are more opportunities for exploration than ever before. Will you be able to unravel for yourself the origins of the disaster, or will you just become another walking corpse?

List of changes:
Added Missions/Quests that require a PDA (More missions will be added later).
Added Ability to carry and switch between two main weapons.
Added PDA, it is required to receive quests.
Added a First Aid Kit that can store one unit of each medical item.
Added Police Body Armor that reduces damage taken by 35%.
Added Military Body Armor that reduces damage taken by 45%.
Added Special Forces Body Armor that reduces damage taken by 55%.
Added Kevlar Plates for Police Body Armor.
Added Steel plates for military body armor.
Added Ceramic Plates for Special Forces Body Armor.
Added the ability to armor the UniCopter.
Added 30 new entrance military buildings.
Added US HMMW.
Added Czech Mi-171Sh.
Added RHIB with M2 machinegun
Added Ability to kill zombies with a car.
Fixed Problem with different colors of hands and the rest of the skin for female skins.
Fixed Issue with outstretched arms on female gils.
Removed the ability to walk through the walls of the school gym.
Removed the ability to see the player's shoes through the Nest floor.
Removed the ability to walk through the walls of the school gym in Sector B.
Fixed Invisible walls in hotels (Seven, Sector B, etc.) have been fixed.
Fixed Problem with stretched body parts of zombies.
Fixed Invisible walls issue in level 3 houses.
The destroyed cars in Krivozhopl have been moved.
Fixed The problem with the impossibility of leaving the fortress for some cars.
Falling out of the "Nests" window of the second level has been fixed.
Removed a fragment of the railway in the forest near Biysk (061, 082).
Fixed disappearance of things in houses/fortresses.
Removed the invisible wall between the boxes in the fortress.
When exiting the excavator from the operator's seat, the legs no longer break.
Fixed zombies not being able to enter some buildings.
Bots in Sabina's Lab no longer fall through the floor.
Bots in Sabina's lab no longer shoot through walls.
Bots in Sabina's lab can now shoot through the rusty door at the entrance.
Fixed Watchtower flickering black.
Fixed Fall from the second floor of the red factor.
The yellow house in Postojna can now be entered.
Removed the ability to walk through the walls of the church in Martin.
Removed flying tires in Grushnoye.
Fixed Lighting of the large church near Martin.
Removed flying container in Molotovsk.
Moved fences and destroyed cars in Martin.
More holes in the wall of the Belov church.
More holes in the wall of the Belova fire station.
Moved the school above ground in Martin.
Moved the bar above the ground in Kameni.
Removed bollards in Helfenburg Forest.
Moved the road sign located in the wall near Yekaterinburg.
Removed duplicated trees in Kamen.
Moved underground tents in Dalnogorsk.
Added Missing pillars in the bridge of Vladimir.
Zombies no longer walk under the floor in large stores in Sabine, Sector, etc.
Zombies no longer walk under the floor in the "Zakupak" store in Sabina, Sektor, etc.
Removed the ability to walk through walls in the "Zakupak" store.
Added missing textures on the top of the bridge to Novsitran.
Fixed Tower Shadow in Vladimir.
Fixed Falling through the floor in Sabina City Hall.
Removed flying bush near Biysk.
Removed the chair behind the bar in Vladimir.
Zombies no longer walk under the floor of some buildings.
Removed the ability to view from the 3rd person through the ceiling of the building under the tower in Vladimir.
Fixed Issue with fingers on Cop Fortress Skin.
More holes in the fence of the church in Stangrad.
Removed flying furniture in some police stations.
Removed the ability to walk through the walls of the Branibor and Vladimir hospitals.
More holes in the fences of Komarovo.
Fixed an issue with falling into the water tunnel in Sabina's lab.
More holes in Sabina's fences.
Moved a house that was underground in Sevastopol.
Removed the ability to hide within the walls of the hospital in Sevastopol.
Fixed issue with bots shooting through walls in Sabina's lab.
Removed broken leg issues on some buildings in Sector B.
Removed the weird texture on the female bandit skin.
Wave volume reduced by 70%.
Zombies and loot appear IMMEDIATELY upon entering a town/village.
Improved optimization.
Updated loot in Sabina's lab.
Reduced the number of broken vehicles on the roads of Taviana and Novistran.
UniCopter's inventory has been increased to 100 magazines, 10 weapons and 3 backpacks.
Added Painkiller use sound.
Added sound of morphine use.
Added Epinephrine usage sound.
Added the sound of using a blood pack.
Added Palatka to the NATO military base near Vladimir.
The speed of the Prague copter has been increased to 160 km/h.
Zombies can enter the first floor of the fortress.
Uni-Copter speed increased to 160 km/h.
Added Ability to climb on the roofs of high-rise buildings in Sabina, Branibor, etc.
Replaced green buildings in Kamen with entrance red buildings.
The geometry of the Zakupak store in Sabina has been redone.
Added sounds for walking on surfaces in some buildings.
Zombies can now enter yellow houses in Below
Czech Backpack - size increased to 24 slots, 6 weapon slots.
ALICE Pack - size increased to 24 slots, 6 weapon slots.
Elephant Bag (Blue) - size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapon slots.
Elephant Bag (Black) - size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapon slots.
Bear Bag - size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapon slots.
Girls Bag (Dora) - size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapon slots.
School Bag (Owl) - size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapon slots.
Assault Pack (ACU) - size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapon slots.
Patrol Pack (coyote) - size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapon slots.
Bad boy bag - size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapon slots.
AK 74 - damage increased by 10%.
AK 74 GL - damage increased by 10%.
AK 74 GL Kobra - damage increased by 10%.
AKS 74 - damage increased by 10%.
AKS 74 Kobra - damage increased by 10%.
AKS 74 PSO - damage increased by 10%.
AKS 74 U - damage increased by 10%.
AKS 74 UN Kobra - damage increased by 10%.
AK 107 Kobra - damage increased by 10%.
AK 107 GL Kobra - damage increased by 10%.
AK 107 GL PSO - damage increased by 10%.
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DayZ Origins (ArmA II: Combined Operations) torrent free download

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