Cal of duty black ops 3 walkthrough. Walkthrough Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Hi all. Continuing the topic of Call of Duty, today we will talk about a very important and complex component of the game - this is the passage of Call of Duty Black Ops 3. There are many missions, and everyone has difficulties, so in our article we decided to collect all the information about each mission. Only the passage, without unnecessary water about the plot and long discussions on abstract topics. We read and appreciate.

Black Ops 3 has several game modes. story campaign You can walk in about 7-8 hours. It consists of 11 missions, in each of which you will have to try, depending on the chosen difficulty level.

From this article you will learn:

covert operations

You gain control of the character after the intro scene.

From the video, you learn that the Prime Minister of Egypt has been captured, and your squad has captured the communications center. Shoot the enemies behind the iron door and go with your group. Several soldiers will rush at you below. Shooting enemies from cover, move on.

The person you're looking for is in the interrogation room ahead. After saving Said and Khalil, you will be attacked by another group of the enemy. Destroy the enemy on the balcony and on the first floor.

We make our way to the next location, where even more opponents await us. Some of them will hide behind boxes. The goal is the elevator, which is located at the other end of the bridge. Eliminate four enemies in the elevator before they can get out and you will receive a reward. Then enter the elevator and go upstairs. A fresh batch of terrorists will be waiting for you there, but they will come to your aid.

The next target is the hangar. Follow the captain. Clear out the hangar. Next, the second hangar. There is an armored personnel carrier standing there - try to get rid of it first of all, or it will quickly get rid of you. You can destroy it like this - you will see a plane from above, if you shoot at missiles, then they will smash the armored personnel carrier.

After clearing the hangar, move on. The path lies through the enemy lines to the bridge. Two enemy pickups will be blocking your path to the target on the bridge - throw a grenade at each vehicle and move towards the building to the right of the bridge. In the building, go up to the second floor and put on a night vision device (night vision device). As soon as the light turns off, start the total destruction.

Returning to the street, you will hear strange sounds and see robots emerging from the smoke. Hit only the first five and retreat to the garage - you still won't destroy all the robots.

After the negotiations of the captains, sit down at the machine gun and shoot the enemies that interfere with the movement. At the end of the journey, you will have to protect the escape pod. Defend from cover. You still won't be able to fly away on the capsule, because an evil robot will come and inflict damage on you. And Taylor will save you, after which you can proceed to the second mission.

New world

This mission starts with a long cutscene. The situation is as follows - you are in a deep sleep, there is a chip in your head, and everything that happens around is a simulation.

When you regain control, you will enter the factory. Start your journey to victory with Diaz.

Be sure to use tactical mode. In this mode, enemy troops and dangerous zones are marked. Meet with Diaz, he will give you a briefing from which you will learn about parkour, mines and drones. At the end of the briefing, you will encounter turrets that need to be hacked. Then you will meet with a group of robots, which will make you remember what happened in the first mission and take you to real world.

In a new place, you will be introduced to Sarah and taught a new skill that can disable equipment. When chasing a spy, you can safely ignore the rest of the enemies. Sarah says that you must connect to the mind of the spy, and find out all the information. After connecting, we get into a new virtual reality. The goal is to understand how terrorists work.

After that, you will be given a new ability. Destroy all enemies and move on. In the process, use the skill with the funny name "Firefly". Try to use all the skills that you have just acquired, since the situation requires practice.

As a result, you get to the control panel and with its help you will find out all the necessary information.

In the next segment, you need to save the passenger train. Here you just need to go forward, learning new skills along the way. Learn the terrible truth about the terrorist attack. Watch the final scene, return to the real world and you can move on to the third mission.

In the darkness

This is the first mission to feature fully customizable gear - explore all the options and customize to your liking.

After the intro cutscene, follow Hendrix. Try to move towards the point and hide in shelters. When an enemy in a metal suit appears, blow it up with grenades.

Climb up the ruins and keep your grappling hook ready - the wind here be healthy. Go to the building behind Hendrix. You need to carefully go through the building and continue moving. The next target is the ship. Break through the fight. Once the area is safe, hack into the terminal and take over the captain's bridge. We are watching one of the best scenes of the game - a storm begins and another ship falls on your ship.

When you regain control, swim down the escalator to where Hendrix is ​​already standing. Swim with him through the small door, then through one of the broken windows on the right. Follow the yellow marker until you get out of the flood zone.

When you see an enemy, use the micro-rocket launcher to eliminate several opponents at once. As soon as you clear the entrance, carefully go further.

Lots of 54i drones will be waiting for you inside. Some are located on the top floor. Use grenades to hit hidden enemies and make sure DNI targeting is working - this will allow you to see enemies behind cover. Making your way deep into the building, you will meet an enemy with shields. There are two options here - headshots with a combination of hand-to-hand combat or, in a simple way, a grenade.

Keep moving forward and follow Hendrix until you come to a ruined building with a lot of enemies inside. A squad of robots and soldiers is waiting for you, so be ready to shoot them as you move through the rooms. After stripping, go to the console, which is located on the balcony.

We go after Hendrix and go down the cable. After a short dialogue, he will open the blocked door - and the final fight awaits you at the top. Hide behind cover and calmly shoot everyone. We watch the final video and move on to the next mission.


After the intro scene, you will start the fight again with Hendrix. You need to get out of Singapore, and enemy units will try to stop you. Don't let them do it.

Eliminate enemy soldiers and robots near the building ahead. Walk through the market. Use tactical mode to find all enemies. Tactical grenades will be very useful for disabling squads.

When you're ready to move on, head up the stairs at the other end of the market. Be on the lookout - two soldiers and a turret are located outside the window on the second floor of the bar. Eliminate the enemies and keep going forward. Around the corner is a box where you can change equipment and skills.

We pass further and see a detachment of soldiers on the rocks ahead. Some will run down the path towards you. Hide behind rocks and don't rush forward - the best tactic is to shoot everyone from behind cover using tactical mode.

There will be even more soldiers in the next area. The turret is placed on top of a small hut in the middle of the area. Take control of the turret or destroy it before moving on. Once the area is clear, jump across the gap towards the city and enter the building on the left.

The following groups of enemies will be even larger and more diverse - you will meet with robots, aerial drones and soldiers with shields. Shoot at the legs and throw grenades.

You can rejoice when you find a huge robot called P.A.W.W.S. It can be hacked and wreaked havoc. If you can’t hack it, then it’s okay - just destroy it with the weapon that you have.

The next area is a multi-level building. Even more soldiers, including a field commander. On the ceiling you will see blue stalactites - shoot them and they will fall on your enemies.

We move upstairs and after a couple of floors, we come across a group of robotics and two sentry guns. You can hack everything or just blow it up. Next, hack the terminal and wait for the development of events. After watching the cutscene, defend Hendrix from waves of enemy soldiers. You will have to make a lot of efforts to survive and protect your partner.

After all the enemies are over, head towards the destroyed building and go up to the top floor. Jump into the water and swim to the point on the map. After that, get into the boat, grab the turret and shoot the enemy from all sides. Mission completed.


After the start of the mission, you will see a large building ahead and soldiers in it. Watch out for snipers on the roof. If you have a silenced sniper rifle, then you can take out these snipers without drawing the attention of other opponents.

As you approach the building at the other end of the parking lot, the large robot A.S.P. come to life. Take the flare gun near the fountain, but don't rush to shoot. You will need to shoot at his sensor with normal weapons, otherwise he will shoot down your missiles. When the sensor is disabled, switch to the rocket launcher and hit it.

Then we go inside the building at the other end of the parking lot, follow the direction of the target and listen to Hendrix's speech.

After that, you must follow Hendrix to the facility until you encounter a group of hostile soldiers. During a firefight, use tactical mode to see better in the dark. Further, even more enemies will be waiting for you - soldiers and drones. Hide in shelters, shoot back and move towards the target on the map. Once the area is safe, Hendrix will open a path underground and you will find yourself in a room with a glowing seal on the wall.

We continue to move and shoot all the robots, of which there will be a lot. When you destroy everyone, go into the room with skeletons and watch the cutscene.

The next area will be partially filled with water, in which the robots sit in ambush. After you disassemble them into chips, exit through the door at the end of the area. And in the next room, get ready to meet the enemy face to face - the drones will attack from close range, so use a shotgun.

We pass into the circular hall and meet with the boss. You must destroy Diaz in the middle of the room. To do this, you need to shoot at the indicated areas at the top of the tower. Until the end of the boss fight, you must protect Hendrix from the robots that come to the aid of Diaz. First destroy them, then the towers, and finally shred the boss. In total, you need to survive several waves of robots, shoot the towers and then the boss will be defeated.
As soon as you win, then leave this hall until it is flooded. Hendrix will follow you.

When you run to the sealed door, take cover behind the large crates and shoot back at the enemies. Hendrix will then tell you to open the sealed door to flood the entire room. During the flood, follow him and he will lead you to the exit. Swim to the surface while avoiding bombs and drones chasing you. The mission will end when you reach the surface.


The mission begins with the fact that you need to eliminate the enemies in the apartments, following Hendrix. If you can do it before him, you will get the achievement. Going outside, you will meet several more enemies and a huge robot. The fight will begin in slow motion, so we quickly shoot the soldiers and only then we disassemble the robot for parts.

Follow the marker on the map. As soon as you go out into the open street, you will see how the soldiers douse civilians with fuel. We advise you not to shoot immediately, but to act according to the following plan. Shoot snipers on rooftops. Then shoot at the soldiers on the street, being careful not to hurt the civilians. At the very end, destroy the drones that will attack you.

After the rescue, continue towards the target down the street. You may encounter several enemy units along the way. Try to eliminate them quickly and without noise.

Then you will go out to the temple, but do not run headlong there - there are snipers on the roof, and flying drones in the air. We eliminate everyone and continue moving towards the temple, trying not to stick out and not run into enemies. There is a second option - to break through with noise and destroy everyone.

After meeting with Hendrix, you will need to get to a safe place. When you reach the large garage, you will encounter a squad of enemy soldiers and an A.S.P. Try to use cover and remember that you must take down the robot's defenses with normal weapons before using the rocket launcher. If you have the lockpicking skill then use it on the robot and you will get more firepower.

We continue to move towards the goal and meet another detachment of the enemy. You can take control of the turret on the left if you have the lockpicking skill. If it is not there, we take the machine gun in our hands and get to work.

Continue to follow the marker on the map. Along the way, you will meet another squad of soldiers with a P.A.W.W.S. robot, which does not have A.S.P protection. Here, if you do not have the hacking skill, you need to use your entire arsenal. At the end of the path, you will meet with a detachment of robots that will quickly collapse from grenades if you have any left by this moment. We reach the marker on the map and enter the building - the mission ends.

Rise and fall

This mission will start with a long dialogue and a long walk. Follow your comrades and listen to the conversation until you reach a dark room. You also need a door nearby. Wait for Hendrix to finish speaking. Then there will be enemies that need to be quickly destroyed. Beware of kamikaze robots on wheels, the purpose of which is to reach you and explode. After clearing the room, go up the escalator and follow the waypoints on the map to see how the story unfolds.

The next task is to defend against enemies and lay explosives. Enemy soldiers and drones will pass through the front gate in large numbers, so use tactical grenades or regular grenades to neutralize the enemy. You need to plant explosives as soon as possible. After installing the last charge, blow everything up and enjoy a short cutscene.

The next area is a destroyed village. Before attacking enemies in the village, we advise you to use the tactical mode and make the necessary notes. After eliminating the soldiers and drones, continue moving towards the hotel and the downed plane. As soon as you clear the location from the enemy and approach the plane, you will be shown a small scene.

After the scene, we go to the next location, where there will be a lot of soldiers, drones and combat robots. The most notable opponent is the big A.S.P. Disable its protection from normal weapons before firing missiles. Or use the hacking skill - it will help you quickly multiply by zero all enemy units, including another A.S.P., which will appear some time after the start of the battle. Once you deal with him, the mission will end.

Demon among us

This mission begins in the midst of a fight with a juggernaut. Your main opponent will be Manticore, who uses a machine gun and jumps from buildings to your group. Try to stay near the stone structure in the center of the location - there you can hide from the shots. All fire must be concentrated on Manticore. Your party will monitor the progress of the fight and give you hints about their current health level.

When you're done with the Manticore, go to Sarah. She will talk about events in the past and present. And the real battle will begin when you find yourself in the past during the Great Patriotic War. All the soldiers on the screen will come to life and start a war. In this case, some of them will fight with you, and the Germans against you. Follow Sarah across rough terrain to a machine gun outpost and take out the enemy units.

The next area is a small village. Push the enemies back and enter the large shed on the left and clear it of the enemy. Then go along with Sarah further, destroying the German soldiers. Look for a fountain, near which there should be a rocket launcher. It will be needed when a German tank appears that needs to be destroyed.

After the destruction, go to the church and the cemetery, hiding from machine gun fire on the hill. As soon as you reach the church, a tank will appear that will turn into an A.S.P. What a twist. You already know how to deal with such MechWarriors, so follow the scheme. You will be hindered by German soldiers who have settled in the church, so try to deal with them before destroying the robot.

As soon as you deal with the enemy A.S.P., Sarah will approach you and you will see another cutscene. After the video, all the warriors will turn into zombies. As soon as you clear everyone again, Sarah will begin to turn into a zombie and ask to put her out of her suffering. Satisfy her request and move on to the next mission.

sand castle

In this mission you will pilot a fighter jet. Naturally, first you need to destroy enemy fighters using available weapons and heat traps. To aim a rocket at an enemy, you need to keep him in the capture grid for a certain time. And if they point at you, then shoot off the heat traps and try to maneuver. When you clear the sky of the enemy, you will need to eliminate enemy air defenses.

Land after destroying all air defenses, run to the platform and prepare for defense. You need to cover for Kane while she disables the comms. The enemy will not leave your actions without attention, so meet the enemy soldiers fully armed. If you have a hacking skill, then it would be a good idea to hack an air drone and attack the enemy from the air. After turning off the communicators, return to the plane and eliminate other platforms.

Then you need to land and follow the marker on your map. As soon as you enter the building, you will be attacked by enemy soldiers and drones. Protect Kane and shoot the enemy. Then we board the plane again and fly to the next marker. When you reach the destination, dive into the pool and swim with Kane to the destination - there you can watch the next scene.

After the scene, you will need to eliminate several enemy units and help Khalil's unit. We board the plane again and attack the enemy in the sky, after which we eliminate ground units from the air. Here it is important not to hurt the soldiers from Khalil's detachment.

Then we land and meet with Hendrix, who will lead you to the facility. It is necessary to clear out the remnants of the resisting soldiers and drones, after which you will enter the room where Maretti is hiding. He will try to knock you out with his sniper rifle, so hide behind cover and try to overload the generators. As soon as you overload the generators, a cutscene will begin. We watch it and run to the plane to complete the task.

Lotus Towers

After a short dialogue at the beginning of the mission, you find yourself in the thick of things with Hendrix. Break through the corridor and destroy the soldiers who are holding the civilians. you can use hand-to-hand combat or grenades, but try not to hit the civilians. Move from target to target until you clear the rooms of the enemy using tactical mode.

A detachment of drones and soldiers will be waiting for you in the corridor. We hide in shelters and eliminate everyone, after which we move on to ventilation. We climb into it and crawl until we crawl to a small room with an enemy. We use tactical grenades to clear the room, after which we hack the console and watch a short video.

After viewing, we hide in a shelter and when the wall explodes, we destroy the arrived drones. There will be a small squad in the next room - eliminate everyone, paying attention to the shelters where soldiers can hide.

After clearing, follow the marker on your map. Next, you will encounter a giant robot P.A.W.W.S. Try to use cover, because in open space his machine gun is very dangerous. Use grenades and large-caliber weapons to destroy it.

In the next area, you will be met by enemy units and sentry guns. If you have the hacking skill, hack the cannons and take out the soldiers. During the elimination, be prepared for an attack from the back.

After clearing the area, a squad of kamikaze drones will attack you, so hide, follow the target and shoot back on the move. In the end, you will go outside, where you will see a massacre of soldiers and drones. You can hide and watch what is happening - everyone will be too busy to pay attention to you. After the end of the fight, finish off the remnants of the enemy and follow the mark on the map to start the next scene.

After the scene ends, some robots will break through the wall from the front. Shoot the dust cloud or throw an EMP grenade to disable them temporarily. After the total destruction, go down the path to the partially destroyed bridge in front of the billboards. At the bridge, go to the elevator and go to the video.

To complete the mission, you must destroy the flying ship called Leviathan Taylor.
In his arsenal there are powerful machine guns and rockets that destroy buildings in the square. It is good that he will not shoot rockets too often. Aim for the wings and destroy all four turbofans to eliminate the boss and complete the mission.


This is the final mission. After the cutscene, follow the team to the garage. If you have the hacking skill, then take control of the turret on the tower on the right and start a systematic sweep. Then go into the garage and continue cleaning there. We advise you to use melee weapons, as the fight takes place in a confined space.

Follow Kane to the coalescence building, where you will have a fierce fight with two A.S.P. in the yard. Several P.A.W.W.S. will come out of the side garages. - use missiles and grenades to eliminate them. As support, you can use the turrets near the barriers in the front of the courtyard. We add that you should not try to destroy everything in the yard, because the number of robots is infinite. Fight your way through and use grenades. Another A.S.P. with support from flying drones is located next to the front door in the coalescence building.

We enter the building with Kane and follow to the room marked on your map. There you need to hack the terminal, after which you will be shown another scene.

After the scene, you will move into virtual reality, in which enemy soldiers and drones will attack you in large numbers. Here you must use everything you learned in the previous tasks.

Follow the marker up to three arches covered in vineyards. You need to go through each of the three.

The first path is a snow-covered city in which you need to destroy everyone and everything again. Shoot at containers with explosives located next to enemies. After leaving the city, we get into the forest and move towards the goal on the map. An impenetrable vineyard will appear on your way, so look for a passage in it. Then follow the marker and you'll end up in an area with a giant heart. You must burn the heart to return to the arches and follow the second path.

The second way is the desert. Large and open space, where there are a lot of enemies. Follow the mark on the map and shoot enemy soldiers and drones. At the end of the route, you will stumble upon another heart, which is guarded by several kamikaze drones. We burn the heart and return to the arches.

The third way is an Asian city similar to Singapore. Again we follow the mark on the map, destroying the enemy troops. You need to dive under the water, and by exploding depth charges, get to the third heart in order to destroy it. After that, we are shown another plot scene. After its completion, we go to the target down to successfully complete the story mission.

Instead of an afterword

As we said in, the plot is not very impressive. We see the future where artificial intelligence rules the ball, and drones and humanoid robots act as enemies. And the most sought-after skill is hacking, which helps you take control of drones and robots. And everything else depends only on the speed of your reaction and tactical instinct.

Now you know how to complete each mission and you can use our Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 walkthrough guide. That's all for today. If you liked the article, then share it with your friends in in social networks. And stay in touch, because in the near future we will begin the analysis of Fallout 4 - it will be interesting. See you soon, friends.

Watch the opening video of the game, learn all about the situation in Egypt. AT certain moment there will be an explosion, you will find yourself in a room with your comrade in arms. Leave the room, kill the terrorists. Follow your comrade, clear the corridor, exit into the tunnel. Quietly kill the guard, keep the path straight down the corridor. Go to the hall with cameras, find the president of the local country through the cameras. Continue to monitor his torture, and then find a place where an important person will be taken. Go through the barracks, go through the door that will be marked on the map. Wait for your friend's command, break into the room and kill the bandits. Release the president. He will say that a very important general needs to be rescued, so clear the prison of the bad guys. Leave the location through the stairs, kill all the bad guys in the corridor and go to the elevator. Rise upward. You were taken prisoner, but a specialized detachment of fighters saved you from death. Then you have to continue the path behind him to the place of evacuation. Pass through the airport, destroy the crowd of bandits. It turns out that evacuation in this area is impossible, so a special combat squad will go east to defend the position, and you will have to go to the second extraction point. Get in the car. Shoot from the machine gun at the terminators. At the end of the path you will find yourself in an accident, go to the helicopter. You will not have time to sit on it, so the robot will break all your bones and tear off your arms.

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Mission 3. In the Dark

Embark on your first major post-learning mission. A storm reigns in the city, so with the help of a hook you can escape from a strong wind. Go straight ahead, climb onto the car and watch the cutscene. terrorists killed civilians, attack them. Ahead of you will be a very dangerous bot that can be stunned with electric charges and killed with grenades or a shotgun. He will give you a lot of problems. After you kill him, you can continue through the ruins of the city. If the wind bothers you, then cling to the walls or the ground with a hook. Go to the secret laboratory of the enemy, there you need to find a server with information. Clear the rooms, contact Kane. Wait for it, download important data and find many corpses of important political figures.

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Mission 4. Provocation

Chat with your Asian friend, everything will end with shooting and his death. You need to get out of Singapore, because now all the local soldiers want to eliminate you. Take to the streets of Bangkok. You need to pass this area, beware of bandits and soldiers. Try to follow through the houses, because the enemies are rarely distracted by what is happening inside them. Get to the base of the bad guys. Log in to the server room. Henderson will download the data, and you will have to protect him from robots. After you finish this task - go outside through the balcony. Move through the balconies, get to the ropes, climb down them, but you will be knocked down. You will fall into the water. Get out of it. Get into the boat, shoot at the robots, watch the video at the end.

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Mission 5. Hypocenter

You have reached the Hypocenter, where the CIA base used to be, you need to sneak and explore this base. Go down with Hendersen, be careful. Get to the hatch, fight back a crowd of robots that suddenly come to life. Continue descending deeper into the complex, activate night vision so as not to die. Activate the door below, walk through the corridors and inspect the area. At some point, the security will work, robots will start attacking you, run away from them to the elevator. Get in it, go down. You will meet Diaz, he has activated the robots to kill you and expose the plans of the CIA. You will have to kill your former comrade. Shoot at the platforms that Kane will open, and then throw grenades at Diaz. Hit him with a bomb three times, and then watch the cutscene. Bandits will try to flood you, swim out of the complex. Leave it.

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Mission 6. Revenge

The terrorists decided to kill Kane, so you decided to save your partner. Make your way through a few stores, quietly and stealthily kill the bad guys. Watch the video, in it you will be shown the execution of innocent people. Try to interrupt it. Go straight ahead, you will see the Asian base. Pass it on the right side, you can not even shoot at enemies, but go through the location in stealth mode. Open the door, go to your base. She is being fired upon by a robot, kill him with a rocket launcher. Watch one more video, in it your base will be watered with fire. Enter the burning building, go up to the second floor, save Kane.

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Mission 9. Sand Castle

The level will be divided into two parts - air and ground. You need to get important reconnaissance from an oil rig, which you will have to infiltrate. In the plane, you will have to fly and shoot at the important combat points of the station in order to break through the defenses of your enemy. Then, together with Henderson, you get to your tower. Move into its very depths, kill the bad guys on your way. Destroy three energy blocks, and then go to the main office. Download data from your computer.

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Mission 10. Lotus Towers

Descend carefully into the drop zone, try not to make any noise. Enter the main building, you need to find Taylor. The whole level just walk around the big building, go upstairs. You will not have any special problems, except for a large number of terrorists. At the end you will meet Taylor, protect Henderson and kill your former boss. Go to the main laboratory of terrorists, don't let them commit a terrorist act.

Mission 11. Life

You need to stop the spread of the virus, so get ready for the final battle. Together with Kane, go through the streets, destroy the robots, reach the large cone building. Find a rocket launcher, use it to destroy a familiar robot, whose shield must be knocked down before attacking. After killing him, go into the building. Examine the rooms, clear them. Move up the elevator, examine the computers. Come out to the main hall, there you will meet the main villain. Henderson will kill him, and you will kill your partner. Further, the research institute will stop working correctly, you will find yourself in the familiar Winter Forest. You need to go through your nightmares again, kill the demons. Follow the checkpoints, find out what really happened in the Renaissance. Watch the final video of the game.

Video walkthrough:

Part One - Simulation: Unity Passenger Train

As you watch the video, talk to Taylor. After talking with him, you will realize that you are in a coma, there will be a chip in your head that will create a mind simulation.

Simulation: Abandoned Steel Mill

As you find yourself in another simulation, you will find yourself in a factory. After the appearance of Taylor, talk to him, he will tell you about the bandits. Then meet Diaz, he will be with you on this task. Soon there will be a battle, be ready, break through to the main point and meet again with Diaz, learn from him, he will show you how to run along the walls. Going out into the street, bandits will be waiting for you there, fight with all your might with them. Once you are at the other entrance to the building, you will be told about the gold and blood marks. Do not stand on the mines, they will be placed around the perimeter. At the factory, another battle with opponents awaits you, be ready to fight.

We follow to the destination, when you get to the drones, Diaz will teach you how to connect to the drones. Press the marked buttons and connect to one of the drones, after we pass through the doors that will open and follow straight ahead. On the way, we destroy the bandits and go to the main point. On the drone, it will be necessary to undermine the source. As there will be an explosion, and the drone will be destroyed, follow forward.

Diaz will open the door, go through them. We pass to the marked point, there will be opponents below. Hacking a few turrets. Cyber ​​skills require a cooldown, keep in mind. As you are in the turret, we shoot at the tanks that will move, and also at the opponents. There will be many mines on the ground, you should not step on them. We follow to the indicated point, connect to the turrets and throw lemons at the opponents. Shoot at enemies. As you open the doors, you will stumble upon a piece of iron. You will begin to hallucinate, connect to the necessary console, and as soon as you get the necessary information, Taylor will appear and you will soon move.

Simulation: High-Rise Residential Building

As you are in the next simulation, you will find the home of the scout. Then meet Sarah, she will be with you on this mission. We jump out through the window, there you will encounter pieces of iron. We move forward as soon as possible, and eliminate them along the way. As soon as you are in a huge hall, your training will take place there, it will be held by Sarah. Once you're on the roof of the skyscraper, use the new skill that Sarah taught you. It will remove all equipment from the system. Move forward, chase the scout and try not to waste your attention on opponents. You are on the roof, we catch him immediately. After you will fall down, there Sarah will tell you that you can connect to the head and find out all his secrets, everything he thinks about.

Simulation: Old Subway Tunnels

Taylor will claim that you still do not have information about how exactly the bandits were able to load the bomb into the truck. Meet a new friend named Maretti. You will have a new gift, it is able to lead the piece of iron to self-destruction. After that, we eliminate the opponents and follow the tunnel. In the next room, meet the Fireflies, this is your new gift. Use it and follow forward. Hack the doors and take the cannon you like best from the box. Go to the hall, there will be a column of smoke.

Activate night vision and follow the hall. We eliminate the piece of iron and follow to the indicated place. Along the way, fight bandits and pieces of iron. In the huge halls, be extremely careful, they will not spare you there, fight the enemies with all your might. Once you're at the door, break it open and continue down the hall. At the control panel, connect to it. You will find out how the truck was blown up, how the security pieces of iron were opened, and how, let's say, they activated the bomb.

Part Two - Simulation: Unity Passenger Train

In the next simulation, in a few minutes you will have to save a passenger truck. Use a shotgun against a piece of iron, follow forward. After we rise to the roof and go straight along the train. Then you will be taught new skills. We break the door and you will find yourself in a shopping mall with explosives. You will need to clear it, for this you will need to change the polarity and disconnect this part of the commodity. The man who defuses the bomb will not be saved. We are watching a video in which an explosion will occur. You will wake up later and watch the cutscene again.

Mission 3. In the Dark

Next, you will find yourself at the base. Study it, look at it there is something interesting. We are preparing for a new mission and take the gun that you like best. Then go to the door and start the next mission. We are watching a video. Your goal will be to find and eliminate the cause of the disconnection. You will find yourself in Singapore as soon as you are dropped off, follow your partner Hendrix. Then you will arrive at the desired location. We watch the video and start the battle with opponents. Take cover as often as possible and head towards the main point. You will be attacked by an enemy in an iron suit, to deal with him, use lemons, or run away as soon as possible.

We go up through the ruins, a storm will begin, prepare yourself a large anchor in advance, Hendrix gave it to you at the beginning of the task. Once you're at the building, follow your partner. Once you are in the water, use the anchor. As you pass the underground room, you go straight to the building, there is an ambush waiting for you, be ready to fight. We go into the building and eliminate the enemies. As soon as everyone is dead, we follow to the next main point. As you will be at the port, we head to the ship and fight the bandits. After that, Kane will get in touch, he is your operator.

We will give you some tips that will make your passage through the "Realist" level easier.


  • Weapon: I recommend using a Sniper Rifle with a thermal scope and an FMJ mod like the SVG-100 or Dakon. These snipers in most cases kill the enemy with one shot. In addition, with the help of the thermal sight, you can see all the enemies through the walls and shoot them without much resistance. If you're more into close combat, then take the LMG, which kills in two shots. Alternatively, you can use the XM-53 DF, which performs well against groups of enemies or large robots.
  • Capabilities: Of the abilities, I advise you to download Camouflage, Mass Paralysis, Improved Hacking and Swarm of Fireflies. Camouflage will make you invisible for 15 seconds, allowing you to get behind enemies or quickly run to new cover. Paralysis will allow you to stun up to five robots at once, at which point you can quickly shoot them down. Hacking will allow you to break robots that will help you clear the area. A swarm of fireflies will distract the enemies - people and you will get some advantage in battle.
  • Tactics: If you play solo, then I advise you to download Emergency Reserve and Repulsor Armor. The first ability gives you a free respawn, which is a huge plus for solo players. The second ability can deflect most grenades and rockets, saving you a lot of unnecessary deaths. If you are playing in co-op, then instead of the first ability, you can pump in Traversal Enhancement to run along walls and create unpleasant surprises for enemies. Well, this is your decision.

General notes:

  • Level up: try to play on Realistic difficulty already with level 20. You will have full access to the best weapon and abilities. You will usually be able to change your set of abilities and weapons through the Core, and make many encounters easier.
  • Shelters: try to always be in cover and fire at the enemies with the SVG-100 or the Drakon with the thermal scope, so you can kill the enemies through the walls. Never go out into open space, and if you really need to, then do it very quickly.
  • Cooperative: try to play with friends to make the passage easier, as they can revive you and you won't have to restart the mission. Let one of your teammates upgrade their invisibility camouflage and then he will be able to resurrect you without harming himself, and you will be able to pass certain areas without any problems.
  • Warlords: these guys are a real pain, thankfully there are a couple of ways to deal with them. You can use Enhanced Camouflage to go behind them or Swarm of Fireflies to heal them.
  • Use your abilities: as stated above, your abilities are your saviors. In particular, a Swarm of Fireflies and Improved Camouflage can save your life or the lives of friends in co-op more than once.


  • Rise and fall - Installing earthen spikes: This part can cause a lot of pain, especially if you're playing solo. Enemies will always spawn and the last burst of charge will also spawn enemies. So use camouflage to set up a charge and then quickly leave. If you're playing co-op, your friends can revive you if you get shot after planting a charge. You will have multiple breakpoints and the last one can cause the most problems. When playing solo, you will have to destroy the enemies near the spike, plant a charge, and then leave the area using camouflage.
  • Sandcastle - Hack the consoles to get to the sniper: As always, camouflage is your best friend. Use it to get to the console and hack it, after that wait for the ability to reset and go to the next console.
  • Lotus towers - battle on the carrier ship: It is better to go solo or with two players, if there are more players, then the difficulty will increase. To the right is a ruined building. Go there. There, use the sniper rifle or the provided mini-weapon to damage the enemy while he is using his cannons, then stay behind the wall to sit out the rocket launch. Repeat until you win.
  • Life - Yard ASP: This courtyard can become a problem when the enemies keep coming. Focus on taking out the first ASP as that is the only way to progress. After that, focus on the second ASP and hack the console at the end of the map, use the camouflage to get to the console undetected.

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