Two worlds 2 romance. Two worlds ii reviews

At one time, the adventures of the brave mercenary Insert-your-name in Antalore were remembered by the players for their beautiful picture for their time, good design and elaboration of the surrounding world. And also - a mind-boggling number of bugs of all kinds, terribly staged dialogues and the complete absence of anything resembling a balance. However, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then. It's no joke, even in our world almost three years have passed, and even in Two Worlds, read, all five.

There are really a lot of changes in Antalore. However, the brave mercenary Insert-your-name could not see this. In the end, he spent all this time not somewhere in the resort, but in the dungeons under the castle of Emperor Gandohar.
Despite the fact that there were two endings in the "Two Worlds", the beginning of the second part had exactly one, bad one - Gandohar's plans were successfully implemented. The former sorcerer proclaimed himself emperor and settled comfortably on the throne in the fortress of Hatmaar. Aziraal settled down in Kira's body no less comfortably, and our hero naturally landed in the zindan.
But the successes of the unfortunate ruler ended there. The wayward deity flatly refused to cooperate and share its power with some miserable mortal and tried to break out of control with a simple and understandable goal - to burn the whole of Antalor to such and such a grandmother. the sorcerer began pumping strength to keep Aziraal in Kira's body.
From the forced role of a magical battery, the former mercenary is saved from nowhere by the der-command of the orcs that has appeared from nowhere! The green guys famously crack down on the guards and help the hero escape - in exchange for the latter's active participation in the overthrow of the self-proclaimed emperor. Our protégé has nowhere to go - where is Gandohar. there is Kira, and the main character does not intend to leave his sister in captivity, and even obsessed with the ancient god. Thus begins the new adventures of the old protagonist.

For five years, the brave mercenary Insert-your-name has changed beyond recognition in the most literal sense. Gandohar's dungeon worked better than any beauty salon - the hero became younger and prettier, his movements became much smoother, his face went to a new level of detail, and his hair stopped looking like wood shavings. the first part.

This is interesting: those to whom this citizen was dear for some reason may be slightly upset, because there is no question of any import of the hero here. But this is more than offset by the new character editor, which has become a little more difficult to use, but gives out quite sane faces.

Sitting in the dungeons for a long time and a complete lack of training did their job - a great fighter (a sharp shooter, a wise magician or who are you?) again rolled down to the level of a green beginner. who at first will not be able to lift a heavy sword, or pull a bowstring. But soon he will learn how to sneak up on enemies and cut their throats, disassemble and improve weapons and armor, make long spells from blanks with a bunch of effects, and brew all sorts of different potions. In general, a lot to learn, All this is achieved by learning and improving the relevant skills.

This is interesting: the hero also knows how to play musical instruments, from drums to guitars. You don’t need to learn any skills, you only need notes and the instrument itself. The performance of music is a mini-game similar to a greatly simplified Guitar Hero, for well-played songs put coins from passers-by.

In contrast to the first part, where there were only one or two useful abilities and counted, here most of the skills are very out of place. There are no clearly defined classes in the game, each character can learn the skills of any of the six groups - close combat, small arms, magic, theft, handicraft and general physical training. However, creating a jack-of-all-trades will not allow a maximum skill level cap based on the physical characteristics of the character. Low accuracy will put an end to attempts to develop shooting talents, and a weak-willed character will not be either a magician or an alchemist. Fortunately, the developers abandoned the old crafting system - the hero stopped mysteriously “gluing” two identical weapons into a third, more powerful one. Instead, he can dismantle the weapon into its components: pieces of iron separately, pieces of wood separately, leather into one pile, rags into another, and so on. All of these recyclables can be used to upgrade other items.

This is strange: how a hero gets a sharper sword from a sword, a stick and six pieces of scrap metal is a mystery. However, compared to what it was before, this is an undeniable progress.

A similar pattern is observed with spells and alchemy. To compose an enchantment, you need a magical amulet, in which you can place from two to seven scrolls with spells, and hang a bunch of modifier cards to each of them. With a certain skill, you can, for example, create a fireball that, when it explodes, will heal the main character and summon skeletons to the enemy's head,
The potion brewing system does not require much thought at all. We take the ingredients, mix them in an alchemical cauldron, and look. what happened. The benefit of various ingredients in Antalore is scattered - just know how to mix the potions.

Unlike the first part of the game with its dozens of cities and villages that are not clear from each other, here you will not get vivid impressions from every corner of the game world. Alsorna, a flourishing and practically uninhabited island, with all the desire not to be confused with Hatmandor - a seething center of civilization in the middle of the desert. The cursed village, locked in the swamps, will bring a tear of nostalgia to fans of Quest for Glory - as, indeed, the villages of horse breeders in the savannah. But there were no horse races in QfG. But there is.

This is interesting: the hero also forgot how to fight on horseback, And thank God, because before he did it very badly. Now the horse is only a means of transportation across the savannah. Along with equestrian battles, almost all bugs related to horseback riding have gone into oblivion.

Vast sea spaces have been added to the game. Unfortunately, boating is not far removed from horseback riding from the first part. In the sense that it is very inconvenient to operate a watercraft and almost never necessary.
Alas, all praise concerns only open spaces, And most of the dungeons here can be represented as a straight line. From the fact that in the game this straight line is twisted with all sorts of loops, there will be no branches or options for passing in it. And if you see a locked door, it means that there is either a lever nearby, or a small detour, usually a couple of meters long. But all the dungeons are long and full of monsters, this is in order. And they are also rich in similar areas - what can you do, not handmade, the dungeons here were made up of several types of standard blocks. And in such dungeons will be about a third of the game.
Enemies are pleasantly surprised by their well-developed intellect. Except for occasional traffic jams in narrow aisles, there is really nothing to complain about.
Different monsters behave differently. For example, stupid zombies in the swamps go straight to the player, and as soon as water gets in the way, they will wander along the bottom. Small, but very painfully biting werewolves move exclusively by jumping and winding in such a way that mom does not grieve. Each monster has its own vulnerabilities and weaknesses, having studied which you will beat them much more effectively.

This is important: information about the resistance of monsters to one or another type of damage should always be looked at very carefully. And always carry a spare weapon with you or keep spells from several different schools of magic at the ready. Living statues can be cut with a sword for a good half an hour, but they instantly crumble from a couple of blows with a good club. And wood roofing generally looks at a hero who has not stocked up on a torch or fiery arrows, solely as fertilizer.

Two Worlds 2 boasts excellent storylines and original quest texts, but the quests themselves almost always come down to one of three options: "go there, bring the item", "go there, kill everyone there" or "go there, talk to somebody." In most cases - with the addition "and at the same time kill all the enemies in your path."
You can't get lost along the way, even if you try hard. His Majesty the Marker will carefully indicate the position of the current target on the map with an accuracy of up to a meter. Traveling the world for your own pleasure will not work either - all the places where the hero is still too early are carefully covered with doors with red locks that cannot be opened.

The linearity of the dungeons turns into dignity. when it comes to online play. A group of mercenaries, whooping and bellowing, trample enemies to the floor and slam into walls. Machine fighters menacingly march ahead of the party, blocking the passages. And archers and magicians, who no longer need to win back runners for short distances, shower the enemy with a hail of arrows and the most deadly spells from the arsenal. Fortunately, the absence of “friendly fire” only disposes to this.
The network mode is organized in much the same way as in the old "Cursed Lands". Some MMORPGs, such as Vindictus, are now guided by a similar scheme. Another interesting mmorpg - and . There is a city - a non-combat zone, in which each player can easily distribute skills or fill a backpack with everything necessary for a hike. It plays the role of a kind of "lobby". You can only leave the city on a mission - by joining an already created game or by organizing your own.
The most fun type of game is cooperative play. It is a special campaign of seven missions, each of which becomes available only after completing the previous one. It’s impossible to play at a level you haven’t reached yet, but it’s easy to replay the ones you’ve already completed. Experience flows like water, money too, especially if you go through the solo campaign. However, some missions cannot be completed alone - not because the monsters are too strong, just at the levels there are puzzles that require the participation of several people. For example, buttons at different ends of the hall that need to be kept pressed so that someone can go through the opened door.
After accumulating ten thousand coins (which does not take much time in the cooperative adventure mode), you can buy land for yourself, thereby opening a new type of game called the "Village". Managing your own estate is very similar to managing a castle in Neverwinter Nights 2. We invest money, build buildings and complete errands for the headman to keep the inhabitants happy. And the village, in turn. slowly invests in us, bringing a stable income.
It makes no sense to describe game modes like "Arena", "Tournament" and "Hunting for Crystals" - everything is said in the title. Variations on the theme of Deathmatch are alive and will live - except that in the latter case, the team that has collected the most crystals of faith scattered across the field wins.

The main trouble of Two Worlds 2 is by no means in the "smooth" dungeons of a single game and not in linear tasks. In the world created by Reality Pump, you want not just to play, but to live, but it seems that the developers themselves are actively preventing this.
They created a huge world. divided it into unique areas, added beautiful cities, but somehow forgot to attach a hero to them. After completing the initial tasks, we will leave the savannah forever - except that somehow later, after completing the main storyline, we will return to win at the races. Almost nothing will stop us on the stunningly beautiful streets of New Ashos. The plot will quickly take us outside the city, and then in general from the island. The swamps, striking in their atmospheric and elaborate history, are nothing more than a run from one corner of the map to another, with the parallel destruction of all undead oncoming. I would very much like to have a reason to stay somewhere, to rummage through the chests and pockets of careless citizens at night, to give a couple of concerts in a tavern - but the quickly ending list of tasks drags the hero further.
The developers wrote excellent texts, but forgot to add the actual dialogues. The response options in almost any conversation come down to "taking the task" or "not taking the task" - in the best traditions of Japanese role-playing games. Yes, in many missions there is a choice, but it is also represented by only two (at best, three) answers. Which, moreover, has little effect on anything - the plot is linear, and whatever you choose, it will still go further along the thumb.
The developers provide the player with a huge set of opportunities for a pleasant pastime in this game, but you will have to look for them yourself. And preferably already when the plot stops pulling forward by the ears - that's why there is a "free game" after the completion of the main storyline.
"Two Worlds 2" is the very case when you can't see the forest for the trees. There are a lot of polished and polished elements in the game, but together they are not linked to each other. Instead of a clear, intelligible narrative and slow getting used to the world - a quick kaleidoscope of events leading to the final video.
The second part is quite far gone from its predecessor. Most of the bugs have disappeared, a glaring imbalance has disappeared, interesting dialogues have appeared ... Now there really is something to do in the world. The potential of the game is very great, but it still needs to grow to the title of a masterpiece.

Last week we reviewed the Polish game about racing motorcycles and ATVs - Nail "d. Today we will talk about another game of Polish origin - the role-playing adventure Two Worlds 2.


"The most anticipated game of the year?" - asks the cover of the game. In a sense, yes: when the first part of the game from the Polish studio was released in 2007 Reality Pump, reviews on it were very different. Someone called her equal to the classic and, someone spat, accusing her of being secondary. Three years later, all fans of the genre held their breath again: they were waiting for the result of the Polish multiplication of Two Worlds by two.


And here you are for the first time sitting down for the game. You go through a slightly drawn-out and therefore even more boring than usual introductory part, in which you are told in detail about how the evil villain is holding your sister, and the good orcs help you escape from him. Then you help the orcs, then you see some kind of prophecy... In general, by the time you are released into the big world, you manage to form the opinion that in this cute, but rather monotonous RPG, you can run around the fields until you are blue in the face and beat hyenas, monkeys and ostriches. The graphics are good on the backgrounds, but they don’t pretend to be more, the plot is kind of vague, but the music is very pleasant.

And then you use the portal for the first time and get into a completely different game.

Of course, here, too, cities and NPCs are suspiciously similar to each other. And it's not that the plot or the concept of the main quests (find, pass, collect, give-bring, kill) changed dramatically. It just doesn’t dump everything that it can on the player at once, but demonstrates its advantages in turn, leaving the player time to enjoy each of them. In fact, this is a whole set of mini-games. It's not just about a dice game in which the hero can try his luck in any city. Here, every locked box or door is also a game: try to open the lock without breaking a single master key. At the same time, you will also have to be an alchemist, since brewing irreplaceable potions is much easier and cheaper than buying. True, it is not always possible to predict the result of mixing a piece of ham, goldenseal and dried termite eggs.

And then the mummy will jump out from behind the corner with a cry of "Boo!"

Modernization of weapons is a separate issue. Now you can not fill your arsenal, dragging three thousand identical swords from the battlefield to the shop, but disassemble the weapon right on the spot, and use the resulting materials to improve another, three thousand and first sword, the very one that is really needed.

Finally, you can even make money here with taste and pleasure: you are offered to play the guitar, violin, drum and flute together with city musicians, and different instruments have different playing complexity.

In general, all of the above makes it clear that sometimes mini-games, developing skills, and finally just equipping a character takes much more time than completing the main plot. Just like in some races digging in the garage is much more attractive than the races themselves.

Speaking of driving! Where would the second part go without one of the chips of the first? Travel from point A to point B you are invited to do on a horse. Moreover, the horse is not here for beauty and not only for acceleration, riding it is a separate art that must be mastered in order to pass one of the mandatory quests. First, don't expect the knight to obey the first keystroke. Secondly, if you mistreat an animal, it will complain about you to Greenpeace or simply throw you out of the saddle. And it can also crash after falling from a height, drown and, finally, just get lost in the vastness of the endless savannah. And no one will answer your desperate cry “Where did I park my horse?!”.

But, of course, not the whole game consists of winding through cities and villages, you still have to kill a hundred or two monsters. The outcome of the duel is always decided by the good old indicators "strength-endurance-dexterity-will" and the speed of chiselling on the mouse button. In the arsenal you can store several complete sets of uniforms for all occasions, and right in the middle of the battle you can go into this very arsenal and, without any embarrassment, change weapons or drink a health elixir in half a second. Opponents will not be offended and will not beat you at this time.

By the way, the opponents on the hero’s path are scattered in a completely random order (so don’t be surprised if some giant ant overcomes you, the storm of all local armed varns, around the corner), and in theory there is an ideal weapon for destroying each of them, only it’s not always possible to remember who needs to be crushed with a club, and who should be poured with fire from a staff. The behavior of monsters is far from always amenable to logic. From most monsters, it is enough to run a few meters away so that they forget about you. Some will pounce on you all in a crowd, and in front of others you can safely dismember all their relatives and fellow soldiers, but they won’t even raise an eyebrow until you come directly to them. It is especially good to sneak up on such guys from the back and kill with a dagger like an Assassin.

In general, the game is not the most interesting and not too difficult. Fans of intricate intrigues will not find anything interesting for themselves in it, and lovers of “role-playing” have nothing to do here at all: the plot is quite linear. But there are still a thousand little things that can please the soul of a gamer. And breaking another lock or poking at the keys again and again with the intention of still playing this unfortunate melody called “Fair” on the violin, you already somehow without surprise note the fact that the clock shows half past three at night.

Let's begin with Two worlds- this is my first RPG (then I was still very poorly versed in games and each project was something unimaginable for me). After playing, I was surprised at the big world, the opportunity to work for different guilds, pump your hero as you want. In short, everything is great. It was written on the packaging Oblivion on steroids. I thought the game would be worse, but I still need to check. Bought The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The version turned out to be better than Two Worlds. AT Oblivion the same, but 10 times better. Developers Two worlds wanted to either earn more money or increase their self-esteem. Installing Two Worlds 2, I knew that TopWare Interactive will make a second attempt Oblivion. But they didn't do very well. Let's see why?

The plot of the game is the same as in the first part (the main character must free his sister and kill Gandahar). The idea is boring, but there are moments where it is interesting to play. I would say more, but apparently the developers didn't work too hard writing the story. I was surprised by the ending, where Gandahar turned out to be a hero, he sacrificed himself to save the world. I can’t understand - I’ve been doing various quests throughout the game, helping the rebels, climbing in New Ashos, when I was ready to kill him, I stood near the door, the guards appeared and said that the emperor was waiting. He explained everything to me that it is necessary to perform a ritual in order to imprison Aziraal. I immediately asked myself, why did Gandahar keep the main character in prison for several years? I could say everything at once, otherwise I ran, performed boring tasks. And the main villain turned out to be Cassara, who from the very beginning helped the main character. My opinion: next time, you don’t need to come up with such a plot, because it is very annoying.


Starting to go through the first chapter, I realized that the imagination of the developers is very lame (to make it easier for you to imagine, if a Greenpeace employee played this chapter, he could safely sue TopWare Interactive). Because it is necessary to kill animals: ostriches, monkeys, vultures, cheetahs, rhinos, there are still not enough giraffes and hippos. But there are also stronger enemies: varnas, skeletons, giant scorpions, mummies, dead knights, thunders.
In the second chapter, the monsters are already stronger, much more interesting to fight. At least it’s not a pity to kill dinosaurs, giant snakes, werewolves, and in the Swallow it’s better to be only with a pumped hero, because there are so many things, you’re afraid to go around the corner. I had a hard time going through these monsters: phantoms, gargoyles, spleens, mortifires, trongs, etc.
The third chapter was easier to pass, there were no strong monsters, well, for example: zombies, ghouls, ghoul wolves, killer bees and other undead.
But the fourth chapter turned out to be so difficult that there are 5 different monsters on each corner and I didn’t pass with my level 38 (I decided to just run, otherwise I wouldn’t have passed).


The developers took the basis for guilds from the game Oblivion. "Well done", since in the first part there was not a single guild at all, you only help mages, brotherhood and thieves, in the end only reputation grew and that's it. But to be honest, it would be better not to do it, because everything turned out so crooked that there is no desire to participate in the affairs of this organization.
For example, the guild of magicians, I think now the most interesting thing is cool tasks, various gadgets. And what really - I go into the building, I see merchants standing on both sides, the room looks like Stalingrad after the occupation by the Germans. I go up to the second floor and there are also merchants. It turns out - this is not a guild of magicians, but a shopping center.
It is better to keep silent about the guild of fighters, there are also only merchants and only 3 members of the guild. And there are still illegal fights.
And the Thieves Guild is in the sewers.
I did not find the necromancers' guild (in the first part, it was a village where you can find necromancers). The question is, for whom do I perform tasks?
After this nonsense, I was very surprised when I went to the "University of Magic". Students are standing, reading, preparing for exams, you see how two professors are talking, but they speak like deaf-mutes. AT Oblivion and you could hear people talking. You go into the library, it looks like a real one. People are looking for information. Here, these organizations should have looked something like this in order to really feel that you are in the guild of magicians, fighters, thieves and necromancers.

Atmosphere and Music

The atmosphere is very good. I didn't like the music itself, but it fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the game. If you are in Hatmandor or Bay, the music will be oriental. Some houses, furniture, things, everything will be in oriental style.
And in New Ashos, the style is Japanese, and while you are in the city, you will be accompanied by Japanese music. The whole city is like ancient Japan. Perhaps, it seems to me, but the developers paid the most attention to the New Ashos.

Ratings: Graphics and Animation - 7/10 Atmosphere - 6/10 Story - 4/10 Music - 6/10 Gameplay - 5/10
Total - 5/10

This does not mean that the game is bad, clumsily made. Just TopWare Interactive in pursuit of Bethesda Softworks and her project The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, forgot how to make normal RPGs. This company has a promising future. I believe that the second attempt failed and the third attempt should not be started. But so far they've got a shot in the milk.

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