What to do so that cs go does not lag. Lags CS GO - Problem Solving

Lags in the game: causes and ways to fight

I decided to write an article here, because I see quite a lot of topics in the style of "ahhh! Everything lags on the server! What to do!?", In which advice is given without explanation. As a result, the problem may be solved, but the misunderstanding about the reasons still remains. After reading this article, it should disappear


So, in the general case, a lag can be called all intra-computer phenomena that interfere with a normal game. Examples: "slide show", picture freeze, game object freeze. But a neighbor with a perforator cannot be attributed to lags, although he interferes with playing: lol:

All causes of lags can be divided into:
1) Problems on the player's computer - the player himself can solve them;
2) Problems on the communication channel between the player's computer and the server;
3) Problems on the server.

Below we will consider all this in more detail, but first, a list of terms used in the article.

List of definitions

HL, Half-Life- in the article is used as the name of the engine (but not the game about Gordon Freeman!). The data from the article is applicable to all mods created on this engine, including Counter-Strike.

Client is a program (Half-Life) running on the player's computer that communicates with the server and draws a picture of the game world.

hlds, HLDS, Half-Life Dedicated Server- this is such a program, actually the server part for Half-Life.
Server - The computer on which the hlds runs.

kvar, he is CVar, he is Console Variable- a variable used in Half-Lfe that changes any game parameters. Can be changed by the user from the console (hence the name). Kvars are used both on the client and in the HLDs. Quars that only affect the server side are prefixed with sv_ (examples are sv_gravity, sv_clienttrace); Client-only cvars are prefixed with cl_ (cl_lw, cl_lc, cl_updaterate).

List of cvars

List of cvars, the purpose of which you need to know:
1) Client:
cl_updaterate- the number of packets per second that the client wants to receive from the server (it wants, but not the fact that it will receive), 1 / sec
cl_rate- outgoing client bandwidth (for data from client to server), bytes/sec,
that is, the maximum data transfer rate to the server
rate- incoming client bandwidth (for data from the server to the client), bytes/sec, or the maximum data transfer rate to the client
net_graph- determines the type of display of statistics on the network connection. can take values ​​from 0 to 3 (more on that later)

2) Server:
sv_maxrate- maximum data transfer rate for one client, bytes/sec
sv_minrate- minimum data transfer rate for one client, bytes/sec
sv_maxupdaterate- the maximum number of packets per second that can be transmitted to one client.
sv_minupdaterate- the minimum number of packets per second that can be transmitted to one client.
sys_ticrate- defines the maximum number of frames that the server can calculate per second. The hldse uses the value 1000/sys_ticrate (this is in milliseconds) as the break interval between frames.

Materiel. How hlds controls data flow to clients.

The return of data to the hlds is controlled separately for each client, based on two factors:
1) the number of packets per second transmitted to the client, let's call this value updrate
2) the maximum transfer rate to the client, let's call this value cmrate.

I. The initial data for determining the updrate are three variables - this is the client cl_updaterate, and the server sv_maxupdaterate and sv_minupdaterate. The algorithm for determining the update rate can be written as follows:

updaterate:= cl_updaterate;
if updaterate > sv_maxupdaterate then updaterate = sv_maxupdaterate;
if updaterate< sv_minupdaterate then updaterate = sv_minupdaterate;

It can be seen that by default, updaterate is equal to the client value. However, it must not go beyond the maximum and minimum values ​​defined in the hlds.

Here are some examples for better understanding:
cl_updaterate=30, sv_minupdaterate=20, sv_maxupdaterate=60. In this case, the client will receive 30 packets per second from the server, that is, what the client wanted, he got.

cl_updaterate=100, sv_minupdaterate=20, sv_maxupdaterate=60. In this case, the client will receive 60 packets per second from the server, since the value has reached the upper threshold.

cl_updaterate=10, sv_minupdaterate=20, sv_maxupdaterate=60. In this case, the client will receive 20 packets per second from the server, since the value has reached the lower threshold.

II. The initial data for cmrate are the values ​​of the client variable rate and server sv_maxrate and sv_minrate. The algorithm for determining is exactly the same as for updrate, that is, by default, cmrate = rate, but if the value goes beyond sv_minrate or sv_maxrate, then it is limited.

Materiel. How hlds forms packets. What is choke. ( Simplified version)

When HLDS works, all data that should be sent to the client is added to a separate buffer (it is different for each client), where they wait for the moment when the time to send them comes. As soon as the time has come, the data begins to be written to the packet. A cmrate limit is imposed on the packet size so as not to overload the bandwidth allotted to the client. The maximum packet size associated with this limit can be calculated as cmrate/updrate, i.e. the maximum rate divided by the number of packets per second. But what happens if the server generated more data than it can send? Then everything is simple - only data that fits into the maximum limit is written to the packet, the rest are left to wait for the next transfer. A one-byte svc_choke message is also added to the packet, which indicates that the hlds could not send all the data it generated. Yes, this data will come to the client in the next packet, but it will come with a delay. And if the data queue on the hlds grows and never ends, then on the client you can observe such a sickly increase in ping, and the value of choke = 99 (you can see it in net_graph 3).
A separate point worth noting is that the packet size check is performed only if the server is running in Internet mode (sv_lan 0). With sv_lan set to 1, this check is disabled. This may be the reason for the appearance of lags when changing the hlds to sv_lan 0 with unconfigured sv_maxrate/sv_minrate.

We carry out diagnostics.

So, to get rid of lags, you need to know their cause. And the reason will help us to find out a very good tool built into hl called net_graph, which displays information related to data transfer in real time. There are 3 display modes, we will use the first one (net_graph 1).
To begin with, we will give a description of what is generally displayed there:

1 line - fps, desynchronization interval (roughly speaking - ping), cl_updaterate value
2nd line - information about data from the server: current packet size and average reception speed
3rd line - information about data to the server: current packet size and average upload speed
Line 4 - graph of data from the server. Each dot is an incoming packet, the height of the dots shows the delay (ping), the higher the dot, the greater the delay. The points themselves can be of 3 colors: green - a normal packet, arrived on time, did not stay anywhere :) yellow - a packet with a choke marker, which means the server could not send all the data due to the rate policy; red - the package was lost on the Internet;). The number of loss (lost packets) and choke packets can also be seen in numbers in net_graph 3 mode. The value displayed there should be understood as follows - how many packets from the last 100 were lost (loss) or overflowed (choke).
Line 5 - current value of cl_cmdratre
Line 6 - two graphs (although it's hard to see them there) They are updated synchronously, each column corresponds to one frame that the client draws.
The first graph is one pixel high at the very bottom. Contains red dots. They mark frames in which cmd packets were not sent to the server (it can be said that it is an analogue of choke for the client, that is, the client has data to send, but it cannot send it, since the sending time has not yet come). If the packets are sent to the server after each frame is rendered, the graphics are not visible at all.
The second graph - purple at the bottom and red at the top - shows the level of desynchronization between the client and server state. If you look closely, it is a comb (like this - //////). The degree of desynchronization depends on when the last packet was received from the server. Consequences - with a newly received packet, desynchronization is minimal, and with a large delay in incoming packets, it is maximum (the graph in this case turns into a red bar at the top)

Examples, descriptions and solutions

Below is a set of 6 screenshots + descriptions for them

1. Symptoms - slideshow, low fps. Reasons: it's time to dump the hardware on the client, or something else eats processor time (maybe an antivirus, or vice versa, some kind of virus).
Solution: Find and destroy the object using the CPU, or run to the store for a new computer.

2. We see red dots on the green graph - packet loss. This is not the best screen to demonstrate, but there is nothing else unfortunately. Symptoms are players jerking during the game, delaying shooting or other actions. It is especially well manifested when several packets are lost in a row.
Solution: There is no single way, because the reason may be beyond your control (maybe a drunk admin stumbled over the cable). What can be done is to cut down everything that uses the network, especially torrents and downloads. You can try to collect ping/traceroute diagnostics and send it to the provider's support

3. And here we have a frieze on the client's computer. Symptoms - sudden "fading" of the game for 200-300ms, after which the normal continuation. On the netgraph, it is accompanied by a jump of the green chart "under the ceiling" (on the screen you can see two friezes with a small interval), while there are no deviations on the lower chart. Reasons - mainly related to drivers or hardware. The freeze that can be seen on the screen was caused by the "smart" behavior of the hard drive - after 5-6 seconds of inactivity, it parks the block of heads, and when you try to read something, it unparks them, while the whole system freezes for a while.
Solutions - try to put a clean OS "nearby" and see if there will be friezes on it. If there are - a problem with iron, we are looking for the culprit by sequential replacement of components. If the flight is normal, it was in some very smart driver. It may also have an iron-iron conflict, or an iron-driver. In general, a single solution is difficult to find.

4. The most common problem now is choke, yellowness on the graph, which should be green;) Symptoms - an increase in ping with a large number of players, or on maps where many objects are visible at the same time, shooting delays, you can see the movement of other players and objects in jerks.
Cause: The server is generating more data than it can send.
Solution: You need to increase the speed allocated to the client. We put a larger rate (for example, 300000) and see what happens. If the yellowness has disappeared, you can congratulate yourself on solving the problem :) If not, we are trying to get through to the server admin. If you are the admin, then set a larger sv_maxrate in the hldse (100000 for example). You can also raise sv_minrate - this will help players with a default config (there seems to be a rate of 6000) to avoid choke-s and lags.

5. Here we would observe an obvious comb on the lower graph - this means that the client receives data at too large time intervals. In the game, it can be expressed by a slight increase in ping, a slight twitching of objects, players.
Reasons: low cl_updaterate or very low sv_maxupdaterate on the server side. It is treated by increasing the values ​​of these variables. Also, this behavior can be caused by very low server FPS (< 50). Решается разгрузкой процессора на сервере, либо поднятием значения sys_ticrate (если он имеет малое значение, т е < 100). Можно еще поставить плагины для увеличения серверного фпс, только при перегруженном ЦП они не спасут.

6. Here you can see a freeze on the server side - there was a very long break between frame processing on the server. On the netgraph, it is expressed by a jump on the lower desynchronization graph, while there were no problems with the delivery of packets (the upper graph is normal).
There are several reasons:
1) usually associated with high disk usage on the server, when the hlds tries to read something, there is a delay.
2) may occur due to blocking requests to an overloaded subd. Solution - we switch to non-blocking (threaded) requests, though here we cannot do without rewriting the plugin code
3) low priority given to hlds. If a process with a much higher priority than hlds was found on the server, while it loaded the entire (all) CPU, then hlds goes to smoke for this time.

Many thanks to berq for such respectful articles! Taken from

A CS:GO game, despite having simple graphics, can also be demanding on PC performance. Many gamers naively believe that nothing has changed since version 1.6, but they will be wrong. From here, simple questions arise, what to do so that Counter Strike does not lag? And those who closely follow the latest patches and their characteristics know the answer.

Causes of lags

Basically, errors occur due to non-compliance with the requirements of the game or the lack of the required Internet speed, which affects the ping. The main hardware of your PC must be constantly updated after a while, because otherwise it will not be possible to avoid brakes. Also, do not forget that many use pirates, which slows down even the usual menu, mouse

Which PCs and OS versions are prone to lag

  • The main problems are observed on weak laptops and the same stationary computers. RAM, video card and processor become obsolete the fastest.
  • As for Windows, everything is much more complicated. Although version 10 is the newest, it also receives a lot of complaints. Still problems are actual on 8 versions. The most stable performance on Windows 7 x64, with the latest build updates.
  • We will add to the list providers with low speeds, which, moreover, are still constantly repairing their network. Here you need to forget about the normal operation of CS:GO.

How to set up a game without lags?

We will bypass all manipulations with the video settings of the game itself - any user, in case of glitches, first of all turns to them. The player adjusts the values ​​of the main parameters seen in Youtube, lowers the detail and turns on multi-core processing, but this does not work often.

Separately, I would like to say about the classic application GeForce Experience, which has its own item for each game - "Restore". Such an update will set the optimal NVIDIA parameters for CS:GO. In addition to this program, there is Razer Game Booster, GameGain, Game Fair, etc.

The program itself will set the optimal game values ​​for the system

We have collected tips on optimizing and the system itself for the game, because many slow down at the minimum. These tips are relevant for both the official version and the pirated version.

If everything was fine, but then it suddenly started, then restarting the PC remains the most effective way. If after rebooting the graphics still lags, then we clean the registry with the CCleaner utility. Additionally, disable all software that is not involved in the game process (view the background and tray), disable the antivirus, and also uninstall unnecessary games from the hard drive.

Through the shortcut "My Computer" you should enter the system properties. On the left is the menu list. You need to find "Advanced system settings". Entering this submenu, you do not need to move anywhere else. The first "Parameters" will be the path to optimizing the system. Among the four items, select the value "Ensure the best performance." Further OK.

Improving the performance of programs in Windows 10

An option is to unlock the potential of all cores. With relevant knowledge, unlock the CPU yourself. For those who do not know what it is about, the Cpu Core Parking Manager utility will help simplify the task. You install it. Activate through a shortcut with administrator rights. The only lower slider is unscrewed to the right to the maximum (100%). We fix the result by clicking on Apply. Perform a PC restart.

Unlocking cores with Cpu Core Parking Manager

Do everything according to point number 2. Staying in the same menu, click on "Advanced". At the bottom will be "Change". Remove the checkmark from the top item talking about automatic selection. Manually enter the parameter of allocated RAM: "2047" in the fields that will be available after setting the point in "Specify size". Now click "Ask" and agree to the changes. Now, despite the load on the system, the PC will allocate additional virtual memory when CS:GO is turned on, which will automatically increase performance.

Enlarge the paging file

The game menu is not the only option to lower its characteristics. Graphics requirements can be lowered even further via "Video.txt". The path to the file will be: "Steam\userdata\" Your ID number"\730\local\cfg". According to the screenshot, enter the new correct data (1024 and 768 mean your screen resolution):

Enter these parameters (0, 1, 2) in Video.txt
  • To understand your ID, go to https://steamid.io. From Steam we copy the address of your profile. Paste on the specified site and press "lookup". We are looking for mentions about ID. On the contrary, the code will be indicated. Here it will be the starting point for finding the folder with the nested "video.txt".

Everyone uses commands in CS:GO. They help diversify the interface, improve hitting the enemy, etc. But among them there is one important one that will help optimize graphics and FPS. We do everything through the "Set launch options" menu. We drive in the following parameter: + cl_forcepreload 1 -novid -threads x -nod3d9ex.

Setting preset launch options in CS:GO


These settings should fully solve the problem with lags in CS:GO and increase FPS. Finally, I would like to note that it is better to install Windows 7 x64 on weak laptops, if you have x32 or a brand new ten, it is better to roll back. If these “dancing with a tambourine” do not help, then it remains to turn to the wallet and buy a few RAM sticks, change the video card, and further down the list.


What to do if CS:GO lags | It's CS baby!

In 90% of cases, lags are associated with the weakness of the computer or the presence of viruses in the system. Before sounding the alarm, check out the minimum and recommended hardware requirements for the game:


CPU: 3GHz single-core Intel or AMD processor

RAM: 1GB for Windows XP, 2GB for Windows Vista / Windows 7

Video Card: DirectX 9 compatible 256 MB video card, Nvidia 5000-8000 series or AMD 3000 series.

Operating system: Windows XP SP2

CPU: Dual-core Amd or Intel processor

RAM: 1GB for Windows XP, 2GB for Windows Vista/7

Graphics: DirectX 10 compatible 512 MB graphics card, Nvidia 400 series or AMD 5000 series.

Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit

DirectX compatible sound card

6 GB disk space

If everything is OK according to the requirements, scan the system with an antivirus. Disable all third-party applications when starting the game: Skype, Torrent, ICQ, close browsers. The same Google Chrome loads the system and eats half a gigabyte of RAM with a lot of open windows. Open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del), go to the "Processes" tab and carefully examine the applications running on the computer. Disable unnecessary, but NOT system applications!

Set the minimum video settings in the game:

Commands to Increase FPS

Open the console in the game and write the following commands:

cl_disable_ragdolls 1 - removes ragdoll physics from the game.

dsp_slow_cpu 1 - slight decrease in sound quality. +50 fps guaranteed.

mat_disable_bloom 1 - disable the bloom effect. Another +50 fps.

r_drawparticles 0 - removes almost all animation - shots, water splashes, etc.

These commands will help increase FPS and performance in the game.

The problem may be related to contamination of your cooler. Remove the cover of the system unit and carefully clean the main cooler from dust. The main cooler is located in the center of the motherboard directly above the processor:

You can completely reduce or remove lags with the right settings for the video card.

Parameters necessary for a comfortable game

To set the settings that are activated in the game immediately after launch, you should:

1. Open Steam.

2. Right-click on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

3. Then click Properties.

4. Then click "Set Launch Options".

Novid - to remove Valve's intro video


Case opening simulator in CS:GO for FREE.

W 640 -h 480 - to run the game with a screen resolution of 640x480 pixels

Full - to run the game in full screen mode

Window - to run the game in windowed mode

Noborder - to run in borderless windowed mode

Low - to run with low priority

High - to run with high priority

Dxlevel 81 - to use DirectX 8.1

Dxlevel 90 - to use DirectX 9

Heapsize 262144 - allocates 512 MB of RAM for the game

Heapsize 524288 - allocates 1 GB of RAM for the game

Heapsize 1048576 - allocates 2 GB of RAM for the game

Noaafonts - to disable screen font smoothing

Freq 100 - to change Hertz for HL1 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85=Common LCD 60-75 72=Common

Refresh 100 - to change Hertz for HL2 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85=Common LCD 60-75 72=Common

Soft - to run the game in graphics mode

D3d - to run the game in Direct3D graphics mode

Gl - to run in Open GL graphics mode

Nojoy - to disable joystick support

Noipx - to disable the LAN protocol

Noip - to remove an IP address without the ability to connect to servers

Nosound - forcibly turns off the sound in the game

Nosync - forcibly disables vertical sync

Console - to access the developer console

Dev - to enable mod for developers

Zone # - to allocate more memory to files like autoexec.cfg

Safe - to run the game in safe mode and disable audio

Autoconfig - to restore default video settings

Condebug - to save all console logs in a text file console.log

Nocrashdialog - to cancel the display of some errors (memory could not be read)

Toconsole - to run the game engine in the console if no map is defined with +map

A +r_mmx 1 - to start the game with a console command or cvar command on the command line (instead of cfg)

Exec name.cfg - to connect the config named "name"

Graphics settings - how to increase FPS in CS:GO

For a comfortable game of CS: GO, you need 120 FPS. It is at this frame rate that the movements of the character will exactly repeat your passes with the mouse. If you have a weak computer, then you will have to conjure with the settings of the video card, as described below.

NVIDIA graphics card setup for CS:GO

Right-click on the desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel.

Go to “Adjust image settings with preview” and check the box for “Advanced 3D image settings”:

That. the game will pick up our settings. Then select "Manage 3D Settings". In the menu that opens, turn off the “Anti-Aliasing - Mode” parameter:

Then go to “Program settings”, select Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in the drop-down list.

In the settings window, we work with the following items:

    Disable anisotropic filtering. It affects the clarity of textures. Don't worry, you won't really notice the difference in game.
    Disable vertical sync. This function removes the block from frames per second.
    Turn off dim background lighting.
    Enable shader caching to reduce CPU load.
    In the "power management mode" select the maximum performance mode.
    Turn off all anti-aliasing options: FXAA, gamma correction, transparency and mode.
    Turn off triple buffering, because. it applies to vertical sync, which we disabled earlier.
    Texture filter - quality. Here we put "High performance".
    Texture filtering - negative UD deviation. Here we put "Allow".
    Texture filtering - trilinear optimization. Set On.

After making the changes, click “Apply” and restart the computer to save the settings.

Setting up an AMD Radeon graphics card for CS:GO

Right-click on the desktop and select AMD Catalyst Control Center.

Select Options - Advanced View.

Go to the “Games” tab and click on “Settings for 3D Applications”

Click "Add" and specify the path to CS: GO:

\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo

    In the item “Anti-aliasing mode” we specify “Override application settings”
    Sample smoothing - None
    Morphological filtering - Off.
    Anisotropic Filtering Mode - Override Application Settings
    Anisotropic filtering level - 2x
    Texture Filtering Quality - Performance
    Wait for vertical update - Always off
    Tessellation Mode - Override Application Settings
    Maximum Tessellation Level - Off.
    Frame smoothing - Off.

After making the changes, click "Apply" and close the application.

Then we press the AMD button in the lower right corner of the desktop and select the very first item:

There we select “3D Graphics Options“ - Standard Settings - High Performance.

In the same window, in the Tessellation item, select Off. Under “Catalyst A.I. : Texture Filtering Quality” select “Performance”.

After all these magical manipulations, we restart the computer and enjoy the high, like my skill, FPS :)

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What to do if "CS: GO" lags? detailed instructions

Many gamers are wondering what to do if "CS: GO" lags. This game is very popular, but, like any other product, various problems can occur with it. Therefore, we have to think about what could cause such behavior and how to solve the problem. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Yes, "CS: GO" has many reasons for lags. But most of them are easy to eliminate without outside help. What are the possible scenarios for the development of events?

Server overload

What to do if "CS: GO" lags? Try to take a short break and start this product a little later. It has already been said that this game is very popular. Sometimes the cause of lags can be a simple server overload. This happens when a lot of people play at the same time in "CS: GO".

This problem is in principle inevitable, and it does not depend on the user. It remains only to wait until the load on the game servers decreases. Only then will the toy work again in full.


What to do if "CS: GO" lags? Try changing your graphics settings. It is likely that you have medium or high graphics settings. Yes, it's so nice to play, but not everyone succeeds. On older computers, it is preferable to play on the minimum settings.

Set the graphic indicators to a minimum and save the changes. It is advisable to restart the game after that. If the reason lay in the graphics settings, then "CS: GO" will work in full force without lags and delays. A fairly common case that is easily corrected!


What to do if "CS: GO" lags, but at the same time the system requirements allow you to play at maximum settings? It's time to check the operating system for viruses. Often they cause glitches in a variety of applications, not necessarily in games. It's just that lags are immediately noticeable in them.

If it turns out that your operating system is infected, cure your computer as soon as possible. Only after that the performance of the programs will return to the full. It is advisable to reinstall "CS: GO" after treatment. Then there won't be any problems. Unless the cause of glitches is something else.


Do you have "CS: GO" lag on your laptop? What to do? Try updating or completely reinstalling the drivers on your computer. As practice shows, such a trifle can also cause crashes in games. And not necessarily in "CS: GO". Pay special attention to graphics drivers.

After the implementation of the idea, restart the computer. Now you can start the game and see if everything works. In principle, reinstalling the drivers helps very often, although not always.


Lag "CS: GO" at the minimum? What to do in such a situation? If you have checked the operating system for viruses, and also updated the drivers, you can only advise one thing - to play on another computer. Most likely, your machine simply does not have enough system resources to ensure the application is working.

Check the system requirements of "CS: GO". If some characteristics of the computer do not meet the minimum requirements, lags are inevitable. Either you have to replace the components of the PC, or play on a different machine, or abandon the "CS: GO" completely.

And good day to all, dear visitor and guest of the large PlayNTrade portal! In this article you will find out why cs go lag and how to remove lag in cs go! The editor of RadioactiveRuS will provide this information.

Lag cs go

Many people wonder why cs go lags. So if you played at the minimum wage and after update you noticeably began to freeze during the match. Based on the statistics of complaints for 2016 year, we can conclude that powerful computer didn't lag , and in 2017, after a series of updates, it became noticeable to hang. If you have a problem similar to these, then read on! Below will be written about the increase in FPS.

How to remove lags in cs go

It will not be said here that it is time to buy a new PC or buy more for it! And right away, what I want to say is turn on the antivirus program and check for viruses! Very often this is the cause of all troubles! As for many, it is most often disabled or turned off on purpose, because they use cheats. If it doesn’t help, then go to your browser and clear the cookies in the history. The chance that the friezes will disappear is small, but there is a sense. Go to your graphics settings and see if your specs are too high. It is recommended to cut down in Setting the following, anti-aliasing, vertical synchronization and motion blur. Because they do not play an important role. Just like players with an Nvidia video card, the vidyuha often sets its own requirements based on your approvals. To do this, go to Nvidia management and in the settings, uncheck the automatic selection of graphics in games. Also, you can try to write the fpsmax_1000 command to the console in rare cases, it costs a lower unit, thereby limiting your maximum FPS. Now the most common reason. It's garbage in launch options. To do this, open the Steam window, right-click on CS GO and properties. Next, click on the "Set Launch Options" button. By default it should be empty. We also write the following commands there:

  1. -novid +cl_forcerreload 1 They will allow you to add FPS up to 20.

But if something is entered there and you did not do it, then we erase it. You can also remove blood and other unnecessary special effects. You can see how to do this in this article. Check the system requirements of the game and your computer for a match. Does it even support the game? If not, then be sure to play at minimum wages and turn off everything that is possible so that it does not lag. After the update, which was released on 04/21/17, complaints about friezes have significantly decreased compared to 2016. And the last suggestion is to update your PC drivers. Since installing the latest version can somehow increase your performance in Counter Strike Global Offensive. And the easiest way is to restart the computer so that it automatically closes unnecessary software. Actually, these are all known ways to fix this problem.

This was the end. Now you know why cs go lags, as well as how to remove lags in cs go. See you soon on the site!

Enter the net_graph 3 command in the console. In the lower right corner you will see connection statistics. This is a very useful tool, as it shows information about the incoming / outgoing connection, current ping, the number of lost packets of information during transmission / reception, frame rate.

Loss - a number that shows how many packets were lost during transmission from the server to you. Usually it indicates a discrepancy between the speed of your incoming channel and the server's outgoing one. In order to accept the redundant information that the server is trying to transmit to you, you need to reduce the amount of this information.

Choke - an indicator of how much your computer cannot transmit to the server due to the fact that the speed of your connection does not allow, or the server is requesting too much information.

2. Task manager

1. During the game, call the Winows Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete)
2. In the window that appears, select the "Processes" tab
3. We are looking for the csgo.exe process for hlds.exe
4. Right click on the csgo.exe process
5. In the frame that appears, select "Priority"
5. Set the priority to "Below average", in the window that appears, click OK.

Personally, I tested it, it really works!
There was a ping from 80 to 100, it dropped from 30 to 60!

3. Ping and call quality

Ping depends on the quality of the connection, the higher the quality, the lower the ping, and the lower the ping, the more convenient it is to hit the head. Everyone probably knows that while you are playing CS, there is an exchange of traffic (packets) between the server and your computer, its total amount (MB) depends on how many times per minute requests are sent to the server. The number of requests can be reduced, thereby reducing the traffic exchange with the server. I would also like to add - not a single setting may be suitable, so experiment, look for your golden mean.

DSL-settings: (more than 8 Mbit)
rate 25000
cl_cmdrate "101"
cl_updaterate "101"
fps_max "100.0"
DSL-settings: (for 64 Kbit - 8 Mbit)
rate 20000
cl_cmdrate 51
cl_updaterate 51
Good game!
cl_cmdrate - number of updates (sends) of information from the client to the server, per second
cl_updaterate - number of updates (sends) of information from the server to the client, per second
rate - limit of incoming traffic (from server to client) in bytes per second
cl_rate - limits the flow from the client to the server Quote:
rate #### - Stream (in bytes) from the server side. In general, this value should be lower than the modem connection speed by about 20-30% (because the outgoing stream also exists and, having taken all 100% of the line bandwidth, you will doom yourself.
If you set a value greater than the allowable value, then FlushEntityPacket will occur, the server will “throw” the user with “packets” at his own request at a convenient time for him. It should be taken into account that for a large number of players (16-20) the connection speed plays a big role. It is not recommended to set the maximum value if the packets often do not reach: you need to have a "reserve" for their "retransmission".

4. What should be written in the config so that it lags less?

Before starting the game, turn off icq, stop downloads and everything else that creates extra traffic.

Rate 20000
cl_rate 9999
cl_updaterate 100 (if ping is off scale, then "30")
cl_cmdrate 100 (if ping is off scale, then "30")

To be able to control connection parameters, you can add this to the \cstrike\config.cfg file:

Net_graph "1" or "2" or "3"
net_scale "5"
net_graphpos "2"


Rate - Restriction of incoming traffic (Bytes / sec.)
cl_rate - Limiting outgoing traffic (Bytes / sec.)
cl_updaterate - Number of updates from server to client (incoming traffic) per sec.
cl_cmdrate - Number of updates from client to server (outgoing traffic) per sec.

Some more useful config settings (file \cstrike\config.cfg):

cl_cmdbackup 2 // Whether to resend a copy of the package on loss (?)
cl_resend 6 // Number of retransmissions of a packet on loss
cl_timeout 500 // Timeout before disconnection when connection with the server is lost, in sec.
cl_lc 1 // Lago compensation - prediction of shots hit (1=on/0=Off)
cl_lw 1 // Lag compensation for shooting animation (1=on/0=Off)
cl_allowupload 0 // Disabled uploading custom decals to the server
cl_allowdownload "0" // Disabled downloading maps. Through the modem in the archive, they download much faster.

Create a ping.cfg file in cstrike. Write this in ping.cfg: cl_allowdownload "0" // Allow downloads from the server cl_allowupload "0" // Allow downloads from the client cl_cmdbackup "2" // Number of packets sent cl_cmdrate "11" // Frequency of sending commands cl_download_ingame "0" / / Load files while playing cl_lc "1" // Optimize speedcl_lw "1" // Optimize weapons cl_lb "1" // Optimize effects cl_nodelta "0" // Disable delta compression cl_nopred "0" // Don't predict movement cl_resend "1" // Wait time responsecl_showfps "0" // Show FPScl_updaterate "11" // Game update ratefastsprites "2" // Sprite type max_shells "0" // Amount of rendered ammo max_smokepuffs "0" // Amount of smoke rendered amp_decals "10" // Amount of smoke rendered mp_footsteps "1" // Sounds of footsteps net_graph "0" // Connection graph zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" // Zoom sense net_graphwidth "130" // Connection graph width net_graphpos "3" // Connection graph location cl_latency "-200" // Simulate or compensate pushlat delay ency "-200" // Imitation or compensation of delayscr_conspeed "10000" // Console crawl speed rate "2100" // rate (game update rate) fps_modem "61" // FPS modem cl_rate "1300" // cl_rate (game update rate) cl_weather "0" // Disable weather// Server network optimization settingssv_unlag "1" // Maintain optimization cl_lcsv_unlagmax "0.5" // Maximum delay time sv_unlagsamples "2" // Number of packets sent// Reportecho "Config loaded* then save . In the autoexec.cfg file write: exec ping.cfg That's it! P.S/ If someone has a ping of 300-500, this is for him :)

5. So, let's start lowering the ping in CS

cl_allowdownload, cl_allowupload - with a value of 0 (this is zero and not the letter o =)) prohibits the player from exchanging models, maps, etc. with the server. In general, this command has practically no effect on ping, so we set 1
cl_cmdbackup - determines the number of packets sent to the server per second, I advise you to set it to 1.
cl_cmdrate - determines the rate at which commands are sent to the server. The optimal value is 20-30.
cl_download_ingame - set to 0, because the team is responsible for downloading other people's models, etc., but we don't need it at all, because the ping is also affected by ...
cl_lc - lag compensation from the server side, it's better to set it to 1.
cl_lw, cl_lb - set the value to 1 for both teams (the physics of grenade flight, blood spatter, etc. will be calculated on the client side) [ - the value 0 prohibits delta compression, set to 0. cl_nopred - set to 0, the actions of the players will become smoother. cl_resend - determines the time after which the packet will be sent if the previous one did not reach. We put 4 or 5. cl_updaterate - determines the speed of updating information about the game. A value of 20 is optimal mp_decals - the number of effects to be visible at the same time. Do you want less lag? Set it to 0. [ These were the main ones, here are some more useful ones: r_drawviewentities - disables the display of models (when set to 0). Leave 1. hud_fastswitch - set to 1 max_shells - number of shells visible at the same time. Set to 0. fastsprites - smoke quality, optimally set to 2. max_smokepuffs - number of simultaneously visible smoke puffs, the less the better. Now, if you are the owner of the server, all that remains is to write the following commands: sv_unlag - compensates for client lags sv_unlagmax - maximum delay compensation time. Leave the default value - 0.5. sv_unlagsamples Determines how many previous packets to use to calculate client latency. One package is enough (value 1).

A CS:GO game, despite having simple graphics, can also be demanding on PC performance. Many gamers naively believe that nothing has changed since version 1.6, but they will be wrong. From here, simple questions arise, what to do so that Counter Strike does not lag? And those who closely follow the latest patches and their characteristics know the answer.

Causes of lags

Basically, errors occur due to non-compliance with the requirements of the game or the lack of the required Internet speed, which affects the ping. The main hardware of your PC must be constantly updated after a while, because otherwise it will not be possible to avoid brakes. Also, do not forget that many use pirates, which slows down even the usual menu, mouse

Which PCs and OS versions are prone to lag

  • The main problems are observed on weak laptops and the same stationary computers. RAM, video card and processor become obsolete the fastest.
  • As for Windows, everything is much more complicated. Although version 10 is the newest, it also receives a lot of complaints. Still problems are actual on 8 versions. The most stable performance on Windows 7 x64, with the latest build updates.
  • We will add to the list providers with low speeds, which, moreover, are still constantly repairing their network. Here you need to forget about the normal operation of CS:GO.

How to set up a game without lags?

We will bypass all manipulations with video settings the game itself - any user, in case of glitches, first of all refers to them. The player adjusts the values ​​of the main parameters seen in Youtube, lowers the detail and turns on multi-core processing, but this does not work often.

Separately, I would like to say about the classic application GeForce Experience, which has its own item for each game - "Reestablish". This update will set the optimal parameters NVIDIA for CS:GO. In addition to this program, there Razer Game Booster, Game Gain, Game Fair etc.

We have collected tips on optimizing and the system itself for the game, because many slow down at the minimum. These tips are relevant for both the official version and the pirated version.

  1. Cleaning the registry

If everything was fine, but then it suddenly started, then restarting the PC remains the most effective way. If, after rebooting, the graphics still lag, then we clean the registry with the CCleaner utility. Additionally, disable all software that is not involved in the game process (view the background and tray), disable the antivirus, and also uninstall unnecessary games from the hard drive.

  1. Resource Optimization

Via label "My computer" you should enter the system properties. On the left is the menu list. you need to find "Advanced system settings". Entering this submenu, you do not need to move anywhere else. First "Options" and I will be the way to optimize the system. Among the four points, choose the value "Get the best performance". Further OK.

An option is to unlock the potential of all cores. With relevant knowledge, unlock the CPU yourself. For those who do not know what it is about, the utility will help simplify the task. CPU Core Parking Manager. You install it. Activate through a shortcut with administrator rights. The only lower slider is unscrewed to the right to the maximum (100%). Fix the result by clicking on apply. Perform a PC restart.

  1. swap file

Do everything according to point number 2. Staying in the same menu, click on "Additionally". Below will be "Change". Uncheck the top item talking about automatic selection. Manually enter the parameter of allocated RAM: "2047" in the fields that will be available after setting the point in "Specify size". Now click "Ask" and agree to change. Now, despite the load on the system, the PC will allocate additional virtual memory when CS:GO is turned on, which will automatically increase performance.

  1. Turning everything to the minimum

The game menu is not the only option to lower its characteristics. Graphics requirements can be lowered even further via "Video.txt". The path to the file will be: “Steam\userdata\” Your ID number”\730\local\cfg”. According to the screenshot, enter the new correct data (1024 and 768 mean your screen resolution):

Enter these parameters (0, 1, 2) in Video.txt

  • To understand your ID, go to https://steamid.io. From Steam we copy the address of your profile. Paste on the specified site and press "lookup". We are looking for mentions about ID. On the contrary, the code will be indicated. Here it will be the starting point for finding the folder with the nested "video.txt".
  1. Teams

Everyone uses commands in CS:GO. They help diversify the interface, improve hitting the enemy, etc. But among them there is one important one that will help optimize graphics and FPS. We do everything through the "Set launch options" menu. We drive in the following parameter: + cl_forcepreload 1 -novid -threads x -nod3d9ex.


These settings should fully solve the problem with lags in CS:GO and increase FPS. Finally, I would like to note that it is better to install Windows 7 x64 on weak laptops, if you have x32 or a brand new ten, it is better to roll back. If these “dancing with a tambourine” do not help, then it remains to turn to the wallet and buy a few RAM sticks, change the video card, and further down the list.

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