Pokemon coordinates in Sydney. Where to look for Pokemon? Maps for Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO is one of the most popular mobile apps. recent years. Searching and catching magical creatures with the help of the phone has conquered the world community. Pokémon coordinates can be very diverse, and sometimes players have difficulty finding new pets. Our short review will help to cope with this problem. simple ways capturing creatures.

Pet Spawn System

The algorithm for the appearance of a particular creature in the game is based on a random principle. However, this does not mean that the Pokemon coordinates appear randomly. Some things increase the chance of encountering a common or rare pet. Useful items that can be purchased in the store greatly increase the chance of catching a Pokémon. In addition, the probability of capture increases in certain locations, rich in the loss of excellent items or creatures.

Best Pokémon Coordinates

"Fishing places" in the game are attractions or places with a large crowd of people. The most famous of them:

  • city ​​of New York. Location coordinates: 40.781695-73.966492. This area has been recorded great amount various Pokémon, including rare specimens.
  • Opera House in Sydney. Pokemon coordinates: 33.8590635805737-151.2131743133068.
  • Lelade Lake in Melbourne. The location is located in the following coordinates: 37.7651298, 145.3509665. In this area, a large accumulation of rare ones has been noticed, which can subsequently evolve into powerful Dragonites.
  • A great place to look for pets is the city of Tokyo.
  • In the German city of Hamburg big chance find legendary Pokemon.
  • Arbat in Moscow.
  • Shevchenko park in Odessa.

Of course, these are far from all the best places to catch Pokemon, the coordinates of which are known. To find out about such locations, you need to get acquainted with the most common programs and sites that offer information about the appearance of pets on the world map.

Programs for fishing

Coordinates for catching Pokemon can be found in special programs such as Pokevision. This official map shows the available creatures near you in real time. A special convenience in this program is the countdown of time until the pokemon disappears. But Pokevision has one huge drawback. This card is extremely difficult to use for technical reasons. The fact is that the servers of this program are heavily overloaded, and service maps can be studied very rarely.

Also, this program only works in certain areas of the world. The project is quite "raw", but continues to develop, so that soon this program will work at full capacity and become useful for our region as well.

Poke Radar

The best site to find coordinates for catching Pokemon is Poke Radar. This resource is created by the players themselves, who contribute places where they were able to catch a rare creature. This program does not belong to cheats or hacks, so it can be used officially. Moreover, Poke Radar offers many useful features to its users, such as filtering Pokemon on the map. But keep in mind that there are quite a few players on the Web who deliberately enter the wrong coordinates of rare Pokemon. So before you go on a search, study the information in detail and read about the reviews of other players.


This site is one of the best, but since it is designed for the United States, Russian players will find little use there. Of course, if they do not want to go in search of rare Pokémon to America.


This program is much more useful than the previous one. Pokefind allows its users to see the closest Pokémon of a particular species. Such a program will be indispensable for those who want to collect a complete collection of creatures.

Poke Crew

This site marks the coordinates of rare Pokémon that have been found by other players in your city. Of course, the service is designed for large metropolitan areas, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kyiv, Kharkov, and so on. The principle of operation of the Radar service. That is, active players mark the places on the map where they managed to catch rare pokemon. When using the service, keep in mind the "virtual trolls" who are very fond of putting the wrong coordinates. Read the comments carefully before accepting information. This will help avoid disappointment from unnecessary searches.

Finding Gyms and PokéStops

In addition to Pokemon coordinates, many players will find it useful to know where GYM and PokeStops are located in their city. A special page will help you find the nearest similar locations. Google Maps. Unfortunately, so far, in most cases, only pokestops and halls of European and American countries are marked on it. But since the game is gaining popularity in our region, it will soon be possible to see all such locations located in your city here.

Virtual travel

Many players cannot afford to travel to Australia, Japan or America to catch a rare and valuable Pokemon. After all, this is quite a costly business. In order to virtually travel to places rich in pets, users can use some programs or utilities, such as Fake GPS. With its help, the player enters the coordinates of the best Pokémon and virtually goes on a search. Please note that the use of such programs is strictly punished by the administration of Pokemon GO. If the moderators catch you with this cheat, then you face at least a temporary blocking of your account.

Pokemon GO is mobile app, which has gained immense popularity among the gaming community. Outstanding game process and the interweaving of different styles do not allow us to accurately determine the genre of the project. In most ways, the app is similar to an RPG. Topics by type: best places to farm Pokemon GO, and the ways of pumping them only confirm the presence of a role component. In addition, there are several other reasons for talking about the game as a full-fledged RPG:

  • The presence of a pumping system for squad members;
  • Personal character development (trainer);
  • Items for improving and pumping heroes;
  • Obtaining valuable rewards through the routine extraction of artifacts.

The algorithm for the occurrence of an event in Pokemon Go is based on a random principle. However, this does not mean that artificial intelligence works randomly. With the help of certain things, it is possible to increase the likelihood of a rare Pokémon appearing. All farming tools are divided into several categories, among which:

  1. Useful items sold in the game store;
  2. The use of third-party programs (there is a possibility of being punished).
  3. The use of certain locations, which are the focus of the drop of the best items or creatures ;

A lot of tips and tricks have been written on the first two points, but there are some difficulties with the last one, so you need to figure out where the locations rich in pokemon and artifacts, as well as to understand the causes of their occurrence.

Location of "fish spots"

As mentioned earlier, the system for finding items for the game is formed randomly, but in some territories the probability of finding something useful increases. In many cases such locations are tourist places where coaches congregate. For clarity, we suggest considering the best points on the map, where high user activity was noticed:

  1. New York is the central park of the city. Area coordinates: 40.781695, -73.966492 . In this place, a huge number of different Pokemon were spotted. The search for standing specimens is difficult due to the large number Pinsiramov(common being).
  2. Sydney - Opera House. Location coordinates: - 33.8590635805737, 151.2131743133068 . The second largest location in terms of the density of inhabited animals. It features a moderate number of "fresh" Pokémon, as well as an abundance of potential wards of the water element.
  3. The Japanese city of Tokyo is a great choice for farming experience due to the close density of PokéStocks.
  4. Melbourne - Lilydale Lake. Location coordinates: - 37.7651298, 145.3509665 . This lake is a gathering place Dratini, which, with proper care, can evolve into powerful Dragonite.
  5. German city of Hamburg. At first glance, an unremarkable territory, but with a long study, it turns out that in Hamburg there is a high probability of catching rare specimens, including: Porygons, Vaporeons, Aerodactels.
  6. Los Angeles - Santa Monica. Area coordinates: 34.01206212041891, -118.49673271179199 . Provides a wide selection of wards. There are evolutionary forms of the strongest characters in Pokemon GO (Machok, Ivysaur, Cubon).

Programs for virtual travel to any point on the map

Traveling to Australia, the US, or Japan to gain extra experience or valuable Pokémon is quite expensive. In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, there is a utility called Fake GPS. With her assistance, the user will be able to go to a given point on the globe to gain experience points or find a standing Pokemon.

It should be noted that the use of such software threatens with punishment in the form of a complete blocking of the profile or a temporary restriction on the performance of certain actions.

Now every app fan knows where are the best places to farm Pokémon Go , and is also aware of spoofing programs and the consequences that can occur if a user is caught using such utilities.

I decided to merge all the points that I know myself. I think you yourself know what to do with all this.
I'll start with the tightest.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: New York Central Park

40.781695, -73.966492
You can say the ideal point, almost all Pokemon are found there, but at the same time everything is overflowing with useless Pinseers.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Sydney Opera House

33.8590635805737, 151.2131743133068
A good place for the density of Pokemon, almost like Central Park only without garbage. Lots of water pokemon.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Tokyo, Japan

35.701695, 139.771198
A VERY good point EXACTLY for the farm exp. Pokéstop density is HUGE, but there are few strong Pokémon. This point is only for farming experience, so far the most the best way in this plan.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Tokyo, Japan

34.70430269315191, 135.5077850818634
Pikachu is the dream of your life? Then this park is for you.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Lilydale Lake, Melbourne

37.7651298, 145.3509665
Lots of Dratini to farm Dragonites.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Hamburg, Germany

53.5530600326993, 9.923685193061829
I can’t say anything for sure, but rare Pokémon are often found here, like Porygons, Vaporeons, Aerodactels, etc.

I’ll also add a couple more points for farming individual Pokemon:
-37.7633869612057, 145.35428166389465 Aerodactel(spawn from 30 min. to 6 hours)
-33.859431, 151.229435 Electrobuzz
37.80198532630738, -122.41267204284668 squirtle
40.75696123684052, -73.98322105407715Magnemite

P.s. You probably already know this, but I’ll say it again, when moving a long distance, there is a high chance of getting a soft ban for ~ 2 hours, so that you don’t have to log into the game for 6-12 hours before moving.

Good luck in catching Pokemon!

The owners of iPhones and gadgets running on Android are cunning when they say that, they say, they got carried away Pokemon GO game for those reasons that, walking and traveling, find like-minded people and new friends, just like themselves, passionate about the application. In fact, if you don’t prevaricate, everything is obvious - Pokemon players literally went crazy from the peak of the popularity of the new mobile game, and launch it in order to quickly catch a new funny monster in their vicinity and replenish their collection. Well, the main dream of any hunter of cyber-creatures that flooded real world, - Capture an exclusive rare Pokémon.

The desire of the Coach (player) to get a rare Japanese character of the game into his wards makes him wind hundreds of kilometers, leave his native land, embark on adventures and travel, moving away from his usual habitat. All players who have tasted the principle of a mobile application begin to scour the city, country or world, hoping to hit an unusual little animal with a pokeball.

The so-called "augmented reality" format, which is turned on and off in the application in the upper right part playing field during the battle at the Stadium or when trying to catch a Pokémon, allows you to see monsters through the cell phone camera, as if through magic glasses. And thanks to the included navigator, the author of the toy can literally “throw” creatures where the Trainers are trying to find them. Also in the game there are special effects that allow you to literally feel the presence of Pokemon next to you. It’s not yet the time to talk about how cyber monsters appear here or there, but it’s quite obvious where rarely found in nature come from in the toy.

List of rare Pokémon GO

It’s worth clarifying right away that the “rarity” level of a Pokemon in the application does not have a specific framework. That is, an unusual Pokémon may be for a particular region of the player's residence, but may often be found in other places. This is easily explained by the nature and geographical preferences of the monsters themselves. For example, some prefer to live near water sources, while others try to settle in warmth, others only at night, respectively, during the day such an animal will cause an unprecedented stir and, naturally, will be ranked among Rare Pokemon. According to Niantic developers, Pokemon of specific types also choose different locations, so they are more or less common in different areas.

The list of rare Pokémon in the game below is based on player data, and is ranked from the most unusual monsters to those that are often found in different locations.

Definitely catching Pokemon in Pokémon Go very cool, but much cooler if you find rare representatives. On the this moment there are no one hundred percent tactics that will tell you exactly where and how to find them. However, in this guide, you will find tips that may come in handy when hunting for rare, epic and legendary Pokémon.

As you know, different types of Pokemon are tied to their elements - for example, water ones are most often found near water. There is a suspicion that this formula also applies to rare species, so try to look for them in unusual places, always trying new, yet unexplored locations / buildings.

Also, many players say that often in places where you can find rare Pokémon, there are golden leaves. Thus, you need to study the area more carefully in search of golden leaves.

Another way to get rare Pokémon is to subscribe to the Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter, where they sometimes send free codes.

It is worth adding that the chances of catching rare view increase with your level - the longer you are in the game, the more likely you are to catch a rare Pokémon.

While these are tips for catching rare Pokémon, there are also suggestions on how to get Legendary Pokémon. This is possible during events such as the one where humans are tasked with fighting Mewtwo.

Another way to find epic and rare Pokemon is another Niantic game, Ingress.

Step 1: Install Ingress and complete the tutorial(link to download)
Pokemon Go uses geo-targeting in the same way as Ingress. The main task in Ingress is to collect XM (white dots) and get energy, which is similar to pokestops. As a rule, the emergence of XM mainly occurs near crowded places such as shopping malls and attractions.

Step 2: Finding Rare Pokémon
While playing Ingress, look for the location with the highest XM and then visit Pokemon GO to see which Pokemon are shown in the nearby list. Look for Pokémon that are 2-3 steps away, then head back to Ingress to find a high concentration of XM nearby. Head there and then open Pokemon GO to find the exact location of the Pokemon spawn point.

Step 3: Catching Rare Pokémon
You are now ready to find the location of the rare Pokémon. The next location will show up once you collect XM, it will take about 5 minutes to spawn. Go to the next location and you will find another rare Pokémon. Catch them all!

To make it easier for you to navigate, there are two tables that divide Pokemon into types of rarity and how often they are found.

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