System requirements for Star Citizen. Star Citizen PC system requirements

At the moment, in the vastness of the gaming market, there are a lot of interesting projects that not only received excellent financial support from the players, but are also the most anticipated games. One such project is Star Citizen, a game that has garnered about $ 141 million in support. Each time the developers improve the game, change the main engine, add new elements and much more.

But users began to worry about whether they would play the game, since the developers added so much that from the technical side it would be too demanding on the computer system. Therefore, in order to understand the issue, we decided to outline the system requirements for Star Citizen. This will not only open the veil of secrecy, but also allow you to prepare a powerful computer in advance for a comfortable game. But do not be alarmed, since the indicators are not very high.

What kind of game is it?

But before we write down the system requirements for Star Citizen, I would like to take a look at the game project itself. This entertainment is a space simulator of adventure and exploration. The developers propose to go to the vastness of space as a space pilot and try to achieve success in creating your own career.

The game has a number of technical and content features, for example, it will be possible to land not only on space stations, but also on planets. There are a number of control models, for example, during flight you use one control pack, while playing as a character - completely different, and in shootings, the action is completely similar to a first-person shooter. In fact, it is quite difficult to describe all the interesting features of a game that has been in development for a long time. It has an incredible amount of possibilities that provide a springboard for a space simulator.

The main goal of the adventure

For Star Citizen, the system requirements became a pivotal point for a wave of doubt. The fact is that all the beauty of the game and its technical side requires a lot of resources, but the developers themselves assure that the main load will still fall on the server. Therefore, it is better to first disassemble the main goal of the adventure, which is simply to become a good pilot. There are factions in the game, you are free to do whatever you want, so there is no ultimate goal - the gamer just enjoys an interesting adventure, tries to realize himself, explores space and thinks over further plans. Everything will depend on your decisions, willingness to act, luck, faction and many other points. There are no restrictions for users here, so they are free to do whatever they want.

Game features

It is impossible not to note the peculiarities of this adventure, which are primarily the ability to personally explore space stations and personal ships. The game has an interactive research system, so you can go into every room and talk to any player. Each ship has its own number of modifications and a line of customization. In total, it is planned to introduce into the game about a hundred different ships with several hundred types of weapons, etc.

Character development is planned for 100 levels with dozens of different abilities. The hero will be able to use various weapons, will have a choice in customization and belonging to one or another faction.

Regarding the planets, any of them can be personally explored by landing and using ground vehicles. True, first you should study its nature, find out the climate, etc.

We can talk endlessly about Star Citizen, many plans have already been implemented, even more ideas are in development, so all we can do is just wait and hope that the developers will succeed. Although the last few alpha tests have shown that they are moving in the right direction and for sure this project will be a new masterpiece. But for now, it's too early to discuss what Star Citizen's release date, system requirements for optimal launch, what DLCs are planned, and more. The developers cannot even give an approximate forecast, although as for the technical equipment, we can provide approximate information. Do not forget that the game has already been given a try and we took this moment to do a little analysis.

Minimum technical requirements

Now let's get to the bottom line: Let's take a look at the system requirements for Star Citizen. The minimum requirements are as follows:

  • Everything is clear with the operating system: there should definitely be at least Windows 7 here.
  • To run the game at minimum settings, you will need a dual-core processor of any brand with a capacity of preferably 3 GHz.
  • It is better to prepare RAM with a margin, so we equip 8 GB.
  • It is better to find a good video card with a minimum video memory of 2 GB.

That is, in fact, all the equipment in order to start the game. But do not relax: the indicators are taken from the analysis of the alpha version, which can change several times and significantly add to the technical requirements. But now you are aware of the core system requirements for Star Citizen.

Having learned about the launch threshold, now you can discuss high-quality computer equipment, which will allow you to enjoy all the beauties of the game. You shouldn't rush to change everything for yourself: perhaps your computer will allow you to enjoy realistic space. But again, we remind you that these Star Citizen system requirements are approximate and everything may change for release:

  • The operating system is unchanged, but it's better if you have Windows 10.
  • Now let's touch on the processor, it must be at least as powerful as the Intel Core i5 4600 model, and the better the processor model, the higher the quality.
  • In terms of RAM, we recommend 14 GB minimum.
  • The video card is worth buying a new one, as you will need an Nvidia GeForce 900 series model.

Why are the requirements so high? It's simple: the game has not yet been optimized and has not offered a final product. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the exaggerated requirements. But if the player already has such a computer, then he should be congratulated, because it is definitely not worth worrying about whether the game will work or not.

Now that you know the approximate system requirements for Star Citizen, we are one step closer to release. Of course, this is a small step, but everyone's faith in the best, the great attention of the players and the good work of the developers will do their job and very soon we will be able to go on an endless space journey.

Star citizen Is a space simulator developed by Roberts Space Industries. It is based on the CryENGINE 3 graphics engine, which makes the game more dynamic and beautiful.

Diversity and freedom in the game awaits us, so that each player will find something to do to his liking to engage in trade, conduct space battles or explore the universe. As for the universe, it develops and changes from your actions. By discovering the universe and exploring new planets, you can leave your mark on history.

Due to the fact that the galaxy is dynamic, factions and communities play a huge role in it, although you can choose the path of a loner. Despite the fact that in Star citizen the main race inhabiting the universe is people, all sorts of extraterrestrial races will also be present.

When is Star Citizen due?

Star Citizen's release date is scheduled for 2019 year... The game is currently in alpha testing.

Star Citizen is the most popular game in the world. After the initial round of fodfunding ended back in 2012, which resulted in Cloud Citizen developer Imperium Games receiving $ 6.2M in funding. During its entire existence, the game has raised more than $ 175 million.

That's certainly an impressive amount, but the problem with Star Citizen is that studio - Cloud Imperium Games has yet to deliver on its promises. Originally scheduled for release in 2014, Star Citizen has been delayed countless times, from 2014 to 2015 and then to 2016 ... now it no longer has an expected release date.

These frustrations are tempted by the sheer yearning for what Star Citizen is trying to do. Created by veteran developer Chris Roberts, who previously created the classic Wing Commander series in the 1990s, Star Citizen intends to be a space game. It pulls in everything from different genres, from combat simulators to first-person shooters. The studio posts regular videos detailing the updates to the game's universe, but the question ultimately facing Star Citizen is: can he capture his great vision as a cohesive whole?

Star Citizen release date

I wish I could tell you when the game comes out, but it seems even Star Citizen Cloud developer Imperium Games doesn't know when to expect it.

Fans have suggested that she can be expected by the end of 2018. Moving on to previous release schedules, game creator Chris Roberts said Star Citizen won't have a traditional commercial launch, so it's possible it will leave alpha by the end of this year. Star Citizen Alpha 3.1 is currently available, which includes a bunch of moons and ground stations to explore.

Star Citizen received a new trailer this year E3 to showcase additional content coming with the upcoming Alpha 3.2 update.

The trailer was not supposed to show anything like that, but it sure looks pretty. Planetary exploration, tons of ships and building structures, and to be honest, not a lot of gameplay footage. However, if you're a Star Citizen fan - and you've probably spent a lot of money on it - you'll probably be very happy with the trailer.

Star Citizen: Everything You Need to Know

What is Star Citizen?

In essence, Star Citizen is part of Elite: Dangerous, an MMO-style part of EVE Online, a sci-fi ship and first-person immersive shooter.

Currently, very little is known about the general direction of the game, and as it stands, you will only need to buy the full version once to have access to it for life. We are promised huge open worlds with many ships, stations, etc. Considering that you have to pay for the game once and you can get the rest of the patches and add-ons for free, this sounds pretty good.

Why does Star Citizen take so long to release?

Star Citizen is broadly ambitious. Cloud Imperium Games' biggest problem comes down to the final version of the game, which cannot be released in any way. A large number of fans gained access to the alpha, and began pouring money into the CIG treasury. This was the reason for the creation of a larger-scale game, taking into account the endless funding.

According to creator Chris Roberts, the game is almost ready. At the moment, the developers are busy filling the game world with missions, stations and much more.

What do I get for supporting Star Citizen now?

If you invest in Star Citizen now, we'll tell you what you get for your money. Backers of the original game and Kickstarter fans already have access to alpha builds of Star Citizen. For newbies, however, there is a slightly different set of ways you can get into the Star Citizen version of the game.

You will find out what you can buy to enter the Star Citizen world by going to the support section of the official Star Citizen website. Ultimately, these are sets of ships, upon purchase of which you can start the game. Every ship you buy gives you access to an alpha build, and some of the more expensive packages also offer additional bonuses.

If you're wondering about prices, the basic ship costs $ 54, which also includes access to Star Citizen. Larger ships range from $ 100 to $ 150, and if you start buying the Battle Pack, Fleet Pack and various other Pack options, you'll spend between $ 1,300 and $ 18,000. And fans wonder why some people call Star Citizen scammers.

Once you find the package you like, you can choose the insurance for your ship. Designed to help replicate and fuel the economy in the game, it allows you to replace your ship if something happens to it, which, frankly, can happen in wild spaces.

Subscription options are also available to Star Citizen players, although they are not essential. Subscriptions will give you some in-game bonuses, such as cosmetic items for your virtual hangar or an electronic monthly magazine about what's happening on the Star Citizen development team. Understandably, this is really only for Star Citizen tourists.

Star Citizen: $ 175 million investment

Star Citizen Cloud developer Imperium Games announced that it raised $ 34.9 million in fan funding in 2017 alone. With the $ 2 million initial funding from Kickstarter closed, Star Citizen has now continued to raise the amount to $ 175 million.

The Polygon data has a few inconsistencies that are worth highlighting - for example, the number of refunds requested was, but it is clear that Star Citizen is a lucrative CIG funding campaign. In fact, it looks like Star Citizen has raised more money than any game that has had a Kickstarter funding campaign.

The real concern about what might kill Star Citizen is not its fans demanding reimbursement for the lack of a game, but the lawsuit that Crytek has brought against the company.

Star Citizen: CIG and Crytek lawsuit

Initially, CIG and Crytek worked together to develop Star Citizen using CryEngine Crytek to develop the game. CIG has also worked with Crytek to help with marketing and a few other bits and pieces here and there. Relations between the two campaigns were bad, Kotaku said, as Crytek began to lose money and staff left to join CIG's Frankfurt office. CIG then switched from CryEngine to Amazon’s Lumberyard, an engine based on the same technologies found in CryEngine after Amazon bought the technology to save the hesitant Crytek.

What this means for Star Citizen is unclear, but if Crytek wins its claims, CIG may have to fork out.

Is Star Citizen coming to PS4 and Xbox One?

Intended primarily as a PC game, Star Citizen still plans to release on PC only, with no confirmation on PS4 or Xbox One. Star Citizen was originally built using CryEngine, but now that it runs on Amazon Lumberyard, chances are we'll see console ports in the (distant) future.

What are the different Star Citizen modules?

Modules are at the core of Star Citizen's design. Cloud Imperium Games worked on Star Citizen, focusing on building the foundation in four distinct areas to create its giant world with ease. These modules work together to create the final product, but they are also completely autonomous from each other so that players can dive into the areas they like best while the game is still in development.

The first module to be released was the Hangar module, which is essentially a virtual ship gallery where you can explore every inch of the incredibly detailed ship from a first-person perspective. After all, the hangar is meant for you to see all your cargo organized inside the warehouse, rather than just treating it as a static menu.

After the Hangar came out, they released the arena module - mainly for battles. Thanks to this, pilots could launch ships into space and attack AI opponents or other players. Arena Commander also lets you explore the space in free flight with no enemies around, or jump from custom mode known as Vanduul Swarm, where you can take on computer-driven AI.

The final module, called Star Marine, turns the game into a first-person shooter that lets you sit down and take over other players' ships.

There is also a Persistent Universe module that is both available and refined at the same time. It is expected to be fully released once Squadron 42 and the Star Marine module are ready. The Persistent Universe is an open-space MMO-style aspect of Star-Citizen, and thus integrates all modules into the final game.

What is Squadron 42 for Star Citizen?

Originally launching its Star Citizen funding campaign, Squadron 42 is a standalone single-player campaign designed to bring the Star Citizen universe to life while rewarding players with Star Citizen bonuses in-game. Described by the developers as "the spiritual successor to the Wing Commander," Squadron 42 centers around an elite military unit and your character's journey from being drafted to the United Earth Empire (UEE) to their eventual and optional citizenship. It is played out as a mix of spaceship combat and first-person shooter, and seemingly contains a complex conversation system and optional co-op play.

Squadron 42 is originally slated to be released in multiple chapters, with around 20 hours of gameplay for each chapter, with the first episode of Squadron 42 yet to be mastered.

Where can I find out more about Star Citizen?

With thousands of players already in the existing Star Citizen alpha, there are many places you can go to find out about what's happening in Star Citizen or the wider community. Heading over to Reddit / r / starcitizen is a great place to start, although it's worth reading the FAQ before jumping into the discussion. If Reddit seems a little too intimidating, the official Star Citizen Forums are a good place to look, and you can also head to the Imperial News Network for a rundown of Star Citizen-related issues.

Here you will find information on the system requirements for the online game Star Citizen for a personal computer. Briefly and to the point, get information on Star Citizen and the requirements for PC, operating system (OS / OS), processor (CPU / CPU), amount of random access memory (RAM / RAM), video card (GPU) and free hard disk space (HDD) / SSD) enough to run Star Citizen!

Sometimes it is very important to know the computer requirements in advance to comfortably run the Star Citizen online game, which is why we publish both the minimum and recommended system requirements for Star Citizen.

Knowing the system requirements, you can proceed to the next step, Download Star Citizen and start playing!

Remember, usually all the requirements are conditional, it is best to roughly estimate the characteristics of the computer, compare with the system requirements of the Star Citizen game, and if the characteristics are approximately close to the minimum requirements, download and run the game!

Star Citizen minimum system requirements:

As you can understand, these requirements are suitable for playing Star Citizen at minimum salaries, if the characteristics of the computer are below this bar, then it can be very difficult to play Star Citizen even at the minimum graphics settings. If the computer meets or exceeds these system requirements, then a comfortable game with a sufficient level of FPS (frames per second) is ahead, possibly even at medium graphics settings.

  • Operating system (OS / OS): Windows 7 (64bit) with Service Pack 1, Windows 8 (64bit), Windows 10 - Anniversary Update (64bit)
  • Central processing unit (CPU / CPU): Quad Core CPU
  • Random access memory (RAM / RAM): 16GB + RAM
  • Graphics card (GPU): DirectX 11 Graphics Card with 2GB RAM (4GB strongly recommended)
  • Hard disk (HDD / SSD): 47 GB
Operating system Windows 7/8 (64 bit)
CPU Intel Core i5 660
RAM 16 Gb
Free hard disk space 30 Gb
Video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
DirectX version 11

Star Citizen requires a lot of computer resources to play properly. Its graphics are on the normal level, but you can only enjoy it with a good video card from the category of Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or better. You can find information about the video card if you use the context menu on the desktop in the "Options" tab, or it is better to open the system settings of the computer and look at the "Display" tab.

In addition to the video card, the computer must have Direct X version 11 or higher. On Windows XP, versions higher than 9.0 are not supported, which means that for Windows 7 or Vista you will have to install more advanced versions of Direct X on your computer. You can download Direct X from the official website, where you can choose the current version that suits your operating system.

The game runs on Windows 7/8 (64 bit) operating systems. The game will not work on older versions, and it will not work correctly on newer versions.

RAM is an important piece of hardware. The game requires about 8 Gb. The hard disk requires about 30 Gb of memory to install the application. You can find out if there is enough memory on the hard disk using the context menu that is called when you click on the local disk in the "My Computer" window.

An Intel Core Quad or better processor is capable of adequately handling Star Citizen data and not overloading.

Ways to check system requirements

1. The system parameters of the computer can be found using the Win + R key combination, after which you must enter dxdiag and press Enter.

2. On the desktop, right-click on the icon my computer, in the window that opens, select Properties.

If the computer starts to perform poorly while the application is running, you can reduce the settings to their minimum levels, which will increase performance at the expense of graphics degradation. If this option does not fix the problem, then you can check out other similar games on the site that will meet the system requirements of your PC.

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