What is at the end of far cry 4. We are looking for the main characters after the final credits

Here we are entering the finish line, if we talk only about story missions without side missions and the capture of outposts with towers: The Golden Way still managed to crush the power of Pagan in the southern part of Kirat, which is the main and larger one, but with a living dictator, the people will not see a free life , therefore, you need to squeeze Mina completely, for which you need to make your way to the northern part of Kirat, where he lives happily.

The situation is complicated in that there is only one way to the north - a rather narrow Royal Bridge, immediately behind which there is a powerful checkpoint with heavy gates (which even C4 does not take), sniper positions, machine gun points and everything that is supposed to. If Ajay has already learned how to fight successfully with enemies, then the gates have been and remain an urgent problem.

However, the leaders of the Golden Path have their own solutions to this very problem: the passage of Far Cry 4 is slightly different at the initial stage of the mission, while the rest of it is the same, whichever side you are on. So, Amita says that you can capture a truck with some explosive chemicals in the column of the king's army, then drive it point-blank to the gate and blow it up. This will be more effective than the useless C4 here and will surely demolish the last serious obstacle on the way of the rebels to the north.

But Sabal offers an alternative option: he has already looked after a fuel truck, which does not need to be beaten off from the column, but it stands on a small enemy base, therefore it is guarded. That is, you still have to fight a little, only the tactics of extracting an explosive machine and the place where you get it are different. In the case of Amita, we wait for the convoy, shoot the truck driver, pick up the car and fly at full speed to the bridge and the gate to the north. In the case of Sabal - the usual raid on the base, the extermination of all dissenters and the same seizure of the car.

As you drive the truck to the gate, you will repeatedly stumble upon roadblocks blocking your path. Here, a novelty in the passage of Far Cry 4 in the form of the ability to shoot while driving is very useful, especially if you take a miniature M-79 grenade launcher into the pistol slot. But even without it, it’s easy here even with a pistol: for some reason, numerous barrels of fuel flaunt at checkpoints, a couple of shots into which organize spectacular fireworks with all the ensuing consequences for enemies. If it is damaged, you can go out and repair it with a gas burner (Y - get the burner, left mouse button - repair).

One way or another, after passing the Royal Bridge and putting the car at close range next to the gate, think about how you will blow it up. You can attach C4 to the car, you can get a grenade launcher, or you can shoot for a long time and diligently from a machine gun, you can throw grenades, Molotov cocktails ... in general, destroy the car you arrived in by any means. The contents of her barrel on the back will detonate and blow the gate to hell.

Now you can start clearing the checkpoint. There are a lot of enemies, they have sirens in case something happens - it is best to covertly shoot them one at a time from a sniper with a silencer, but no one has canceled the option to go ahead. Moreover, not far from the entrance there is a suitable machine-gun point, having occupied it, you will be able to cover with dense fire all the "wishers", of which there will be many.

Well, when you have already killed a couple of dozen enemy soldiers and the camp is empty, help from the Golden Way will arrive very "on time". All the benefit of this help is thanks and applause addressed to you. It remains only to find the radio room and broadcast a message to the inhabitants of Kirat that the path to the north is open. After the message on the radio, the king's guards will arrive in time. It will be a little more difficult to deal with them than with ordinary soldiers, but nothing supernatural. After killing everyone, you will successfully complete this mission.

Truth and justice

The first and one of the few missions available at all in northern Kirat during the passage of Far Cry 4. We need to get to the village of Utkarsh, where the rebels are already waiting for us in one of the houses. After talking with them in the basement, we will hear voices upstairs: Pagan himself has appeared! He behaves extremely kindly, but as soon as he leaves the house, his soldiers break in and shoot the unarmed family.

We are faced with the task of chasing the villain, and the chase will be very easy if you have an M-79 grenade launcher in your pistol slot. The thing is that we are provided with a gyrocopter, the same small helicopter that has a decent flight speed and good maneuverability. That is, while the enemy on the ground winds along the bends of the road, we fly in a straight line along the shortest route. Very fast and convenient. The main thing is to get used to hitting a target on the go, since grenade launcher shells have a flat flight path.

But if you don’t have it, the chase will be a little more difficult, the thing is that the passage of Far Cry 4 will be complicated by a small accident: enemy soldiers will knock you down on one of the towers. But there is an ownerless transport nearby, grab it, chase Pagan further until he comes to a dead end. Now he has nowhere to go - kill him. Against the backdrop of this event, a call to Ajay's phone looks very funny. Calling... Pagan. No, not from that world. It was just his doppelgänger.


We are watching the dictator's appeal on TV. Our comrades-in-arms believe that now is the time to inflict the most severe blow on him, depriving Yuma of his "right hand" and part-time defense minister. The same one that put us in prison not so long ago. You don't need more motivation to get there, do you?

So, the rebels know that it can be found somewhere in an abandoned gold mine - drive to this mine, enter the tunnel. After reading one of the notes in the mine, Yuma suddenly appears from behind and sprays another hallucinogenic substances, so wait for the incomprehensible devilry again, feel defenseless again without your probably already cool weapon and a huge supply of health injectors. The passage of Far Cry 4 here again departs from the general pattern.

We leave the mine and go out to a crimson creek. There are no enemies yet, we just go along the corridor level and watch the "glitches" of the main character. Among these are the killings by our colleague on the Golden Path (Sabal or Amita) of dissenters who chose the side of the enemy for the "crown". Yes, forgive me for the spoiler, but a prophetic "glitch", however.

So along the stream you will reach a massive wall - you can’t go around it, but at the top there is a point to which you can hook on a hook - cling, climb up. Continuing the passage of Far Cry 4, you will see a spacious area patrolled by demons. It is better not to fight with them, but to immediately complete the key task - to destroy the gate. This is done with a shot at a vessel standing next to them, it will explode and demolish the obstacle - run at full speed there.

After passing the destroyed gate, you will see that there is no further without climbing on the hook: like a spider-man, swing on the hook and cling to the next ledges on the go. Everything is simple here. This is how you get to Yuma. And here the fun begins: again the demon Kalinag, but now there is a chance to kill him once and for all. This is quite difficult to do, as you need to act quickly.

To successfully complete Far Cry 4, you need to carry out a combination of attacks three times - "shot" - "finishing". That is, shoot the enemy with a bow while he is crouched and writhing in pain, run up and finish off with a "quick kill" ("F" key). And if the first such approach is generally cloudless and easy, since no one interferes, then on the second, a ghostly tiger will appear to help Kalinag, causing, nevertheless, not ghostly damage at all. You won't be able to kill him, hitting him, you will just force him to respawn and nothing more. Therefore, you need to do everything quickly and not be distracted. Our goal is a demon, so shoot him. And rush to immediately finish off until the tiger appears again.

Far Cry 4- video game in the genre action-adventure and open world(open world), released on November 18, 2014. Developed by the well-known studio Ubisoft Montreal, and sensational for its games, such as: a series Assassin's Creed(), Watch Dogs and recently released. You can see the articles for these games on the relevant links.

The main goal of crafting should be weapon slots, since moving around with one pistol is a little bit boring (only free slots are available at the very beginning of the game).


It is important to have a weapon with you: a revolver with a silencer, so as not to make noise near. Rifle for open conflicts. Sniper rifle (preferably silenced) for silent kills at a distance. An instrument of global destruction for clearing fortresses and sending turntables to the underworld.


Don't be afraid to use stealth elements. Sometimes, it's better to clear out an outpost by stealth than to make a noise in the whole district, so that all honest people come running….


When you clean up outposts, or fortresses, an important goal will be to turn off the alarm, otherwise, after turning on the signal, turntables will fly in.


When allocating ability points, immediately accumulate on - a ride on an elephant, removing 2 leaves from plants, killing with a knife and, of course, well-being points.


The ability to kill with a knife is similar to the previous series of games. That is: he stabbed one, threw it to the one standing in front, and so on ... By the way, it’s very fun!


Elephants are living tanks. But it is worth remembering that even a tank can be eliminated. In short, take care of the elephants...


If there is a chance of acquiring a Wing Suit, then immediately buy it. Probably everyone will agree that flying is better than falling, am I right? This is how we think...


Whenever possible, search all chests and corpses of opponents. Give preference to caves. In the boxes you can find almost everything you need in the game. After all the trash can be sold ....


Use mortars. If you act covertly, then only one of them will be able to bomb the entire fortress. It is very useful when cartridges and grenades run out, and turntables in the sky.

And now we will tell you about the endings of the game, and how to get them!

Attention, the material below contains spoilers!!!

The first ending can be obtained in just 15 minutes.

Take a look at the 1st cut-scenes when you get to Pagan Ming's residence. He will spot a Golden Path terrorist and ask you to wait. And here the main thing is not to go anywhere within 15 minutes.

The tyrant will return and lead you to your sister's burial place. Inside the temple, you must put an urn with the ashes of your mother, then set off with Ming to shoot. Everything.

The second ending is Pity Pagan.

Finish the Golden Path quests and support the idea of ​​one of the heroes. After the elimination of the Royal Guard, break the Ming sculpture and go inside the castle.

No need to shoot him, and he will declare you the Lord of Kyrat, telling you about his sister, mother and founder. He will climb into the turntable and fly away ...

Third ending - Kill Ming.

Similarly, in fact, the continuation of the second ending, but then just shoot Ming in his palace. Just don't find out the truth about your sister.

Fourth ending - Shoot down the helicopter.

The same, in fact, as for ending 2, but when the villain takes off on a turntable, shoot from a grenade launcher, or something powerful. A helicopter can be found nearby, with Pagan's golden pen and lots and lots of money...

Post-credits scenes:

  • if you choose Sabal, you must kill Amita... Sabal will be the favorite of the "Golden Path". If you visit him in the castle, he will tell you that he took good steps so that people understand their own mistakes.
  • if you choose Amita, she will become the head, and will tell you that she is actively recruiting people for the "Golden Path".

This material will answer the most popular questions about Far Cry 4. Be careful - at the end of the material there are several questions, the answers to which contain spoilers.

Who is the main character

Ajay Gheil, son of rebel Mohan Gheil.

Who is the maniac

Pagan Ming, a tyrant king who came to power in a military coup.

Who is better - Amita or Sabal

It is up to the player to decide, each of them has its own character and negative traits. Both Amita and Sabal want to make Kirat better. Choose the one whose views are closer to you.

How to improve the Gale house

Buy upgrades from the Overseer.

How are the difficulty levels different?

The higher the difficulty level, the more realistic the battles become and the smarter the opponents.

How to make an injector

Gather two green plants and then craft an injector.

How to unlock all weapons

Weapons are unlocked gradually as you progress through the game. But if you're impatient, use the cheat trainer.

How to pass the king's bridge

To do this, you will need a fuel truck with chemicals near the bridge in the military camp. Destroy the guards, steal the fuel truck, take it to the bridge and blow up the car at the gate. This will break through the fence and you will be able to capture this control point.

How to kill a rhinoceros

To do this, you need an elephant fighter or a Perforator machine gun. It is enough to make four accurate shots to the head, and the rhinoceros will fall dead.

How to shoot down a helicopter

A sniper rifle is effective against a helicopter (with its help it is enough to kill the pilot, and the transport will fall) or an RPG (one successful salvo, and nothing will remain of the helicopter).

When is Shangri La open

You need to complete the task from Reggie and Yogi, they will give you the first "thank", after which Shangri La will open.

Why sleep

To pass the time if you don't like wandering Kyrat at night, for example.

Why flowers

Flowers are needed to create various injector concentrates. The type of concentrate depends on the color of the flower used.

Why money is needed

They are used to buy equipment, ingredients, and other useful items, including home improvements.

Why do we need grass

Glades with grass serve as pasture for animals. If you mean flowers, then they are needed to create various injector concentrates.

What happens if you collect all the masks

You will receive infinite mercenary summon tokens.

What happens if you collect all the posters

You will receive bonus experience points.

Where to find nahur

Nahurs are found in the highlands of the Himalayas, but they can also be found in some villages where the locals keep them in cages.

Where to find Bhadra

The first meeting will take place in Banapur, where she will need to be rescued from a burning house. Then she will constantly move with the leaders of the mercenaries throughout the game, depending on the plot.

Where to find a honey badger

It is found at the foot of the mountains and at the tributaries of the river.

Where to find a helicopter

You won't be able to control a helicopter, but there are gyroplanes in the game. You can find them at roadblocks and during missions. Gyroplanes are scattered all over the map, finding them will not be a problem.

Where to find pigs

Pigs are domestic animals, you can find them in the villages of local residents.

Where is the arena

You can enter the arena during the Shanat mission. Yogi and Reggie will inject you with a drug, and you will wake up in the arena. Subsequently, it will be marked on the map, and you can return there.

Why is it automatically treated

As in most modern shooters, health in Far Cry 4 is restored automatically as intended by the developers.

How to pass the task "Who am I and why do I live in this world"

These are two drug trials from Yogi and Reggie. The first is a flooded tunnel. Swim it forward, find the equipment and get to the end of the checkpoints. Second - fall into the water from the helicopter, get ashore, destroy the enemies, collect equipment and get to the checkpoint.

When will North Kirat open?

After completing the mission "Key to Northern Kirat".

When will the map open

In the second chapter after the capture of the bell tower.

Who killed Mohan

His wife is Ishwari.

How to remove black bars on top and bottom

Black bars will help remove a special mod.

How to put Russian

During the game, press F3 and select the appropriate language.

How to skip videos

To skip intro videos, in the game shortcut, write -skipintro after the "object" field.

What is the difference between Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 4 Gold

Far Cry 4 is a standard game without any add-ons. Far Cry 4 Gold is a game that includes all released expansions.

When they kill - black screen

Update the game to the latest version.

What to do if there is no sound in the game

Update DirectX with DirectX 10 installed first.

What to do if Far Cry 4 won't start

- Make sure you are running the licensed version of the game;

- Make sure your computer meets the system requirements of the game;

- Run the game as an administrator;

- Make sure that the path to the game does not contain Russian letters, and your name in the system is written in Latin;

- Before starting, close unnecessary programs and turn off unnecessary devices;

- If you are running the game on a laptop, connect the charger and turn on the maximum performance mode;

- Update graphics card drivers and DirectX, C++ Redistributable, Microsoft XNA and NET Framework libraries.

Where are the saves

Go to the root folder of the game, go to the “bin” folder, then go to the “profiles” folder.

What is the Season Pass

A subscription that gives access to all existing DLC.

Who voiced the game in Russian

This was done by Ubisoft itself.

Attention! Answers to the following questions contain spoilers.

How Far Cry 4 ends

The game has five endings:

    At the beginning of the game, you need to stay at the dining table and wait for Pagan Ming. After his return, you will scatter the mother's ashes and the game will end.

    It is necessary to choose the path of Sabal and support him - this will return the traditional Kirat. Amita will die, Pagan Min will die, Bhadra will become a nun, and Kirat himself will pass into the power of Sabal.

    You need to choose the path of Amita and support her, then Kirat will become a rich land through slave labor and the sale of drugs. Bhadra will not become a nun, Pagan Min will get a bullet in the forehead.

    If you leave Pagan alive, he will fly out of the country and leave Kyrat to you.

    If you blow up the helicopter on which Peygan Min flies, then you can pick up the golden hand and become the ruler of Kyrat.

What happens if you don't kill Pagan

He will run away and you will never see him again.

Where to find Amita after the ending

If you supported the path of Amita, you can find her in the city of Tirta. If you supported the path of Sabal, then Amita will either be executed or can be found in the nearby caves, where she will prepare a military coup against Sabal.

What to do after passing

You can go to Kirat and see how the world has changed after choosing the path of Amita or Sabal.

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