Final Fantasy I Walkthrough. Final Fantasy XV: Game Walkthrough Episode Walkthrough - One Angry Gamer Ff Walkthrough

Square Enix released Final Fantasy XV: Episode Promotion season pass holders and those who want to split their coin to buy an episode and see what Prompto's perspective was like. For gamers who are looking for a full episode walkthrough to either help them or see if it's worth buying, maybe this new DLC walkthrough will help you figure it out.

After obtaining Nilfheim's powers and after a short cinematic, players will be inside the facility where they can inspect the control room.

Ardyn will jump out to explain to "Proppto" that he is at the First Magitek Plant and that he is nothing more than a test tube baby. He encourages Prompto to look up Verstael chief Beshitia for more answers.

The level design is very similar to something from Metal Gear Solid.

You can hide behind objects and shoot from afar.

You can use R1 to attack and the left number pad to switch to the handle. You can press the digital pad to switch to the Prompto pistol for ranged attacks.

If you sneak up on an enemy, you can perform a trick with "X" to steal the enemy's weapon. You can use bumpers to zoom

L1 will let you zoom in like a standard shooter and R1 will let you carry enemies with a projectile from a distance. You can also use Square to dodge or take cover.

Watch out for various weapons throughout the hall. You can hook up a carefree bazooka and equip it with the right number pad. In addition, you can grab a sniper rifle, which will allow you to take out enemies from a distance - from all the way around the room no less.

Be careful how you use weapons. Cannons have limited ammo and Prompto can only hold a small amount of extra ammo.

The game encourages players to mix and match attacks to replenish ammo, forcing players to get close and use melee attacks to steal enemy weapons.

Follow the navigation markers on the map to your next destination.

As soon as you bring out a small detachment, you will need to go to the next object. Inside the next facility, Prompto will discover that Verstael tried to create cloned soldiers, but took up residence in order to fill Magitek with babies.

Go to the main facility and bring out the magitek soldier. There will be several waves, so it's best to stay close to the door where there are some sniper rifles on the counter.

After clearing out the soldiers, you can go to the end chamber where Prompto will see some of his clones in the pipes and finally meet Verstael.

Prompto also discovers that the demon that attacked Lucian was called the Diamond Weapon, which is what destroyed the capital in the movie Kingsglaive.

Aranea eventually comes to save Prompto after Verstael turns into a demon.

Aranea helps Prompto get through the Metal Gear device and put it on the snowmobile.

You can use the right trigger to speed up, the left trigger to slow down, and the circle button to jump. Press "Square" or "R1" to shoot the snowmobile.

Be sure to avoid getting hit by barrage while you are riding the snowmobile, otherwise you could end up in a fragmentation loop that keeps coming off the snowmobile.

Keep moving forward until you reach the chapter checkpoint.

You will have the option to burn the Promoto wrist barcode or not. But he won't budge.

After a lengthy cinematic of Aranea and Prompto throwing themselves into a hot party, players will have the option to pick up side quests or continue with the main mission.

You will need a snowmobile to get from one mission to the next or you can upgrade it.

The next mission involves examining the body running from Noctis and following Pryna the dog.

After Prompto regains his trust, he will rejoin Aranea to travel to the next Niflheim base. Prompto's techno music will kick off, giving players extra power and incentive to attack Nilfheim's Magitek base.

It's best to take out as many guards as possible using the sniper rifles on the tower.

Once you pull out the soldiers, there are some more reading material in the base, as well as a few squads of soldiers to fight.

There are several waves of enemies that you will need to take out before you can continue. It is best to use the rocket launcher to take out the soldiers in groups.

Awakening in Balamb Garden

Road to Timber

On the table in the new room, don't forget the gun magazine for April

We go to the main exit where Sid will talk about a new mission

After the dialogue, you need to talk to him and he will give a lamp that we immediately activate

Here is a detailed description of all chocobo forests.

Beginner's Forest

Location: Trabia, Winter Island.
There are four crash sites in total. Of these, you just need to find one from where only one chicobo falls (the topmost one), and the job is done. And somewhere else there is an Aura Stone.

Location: Trabia, Sorbald Snowfield.
We stand in the very center and blow the whistle. 3 chicobos will fall from the sky. Then we go further and exactly between the two chikobo dun one more time, two more will fall. Now you need to send back the bottom left and top left. Each of them will also take a friend with them, and as a result, only one copy will remain in the clearing. There is also a Flare Stone here.

Intermediate Forest

Location: Trabia, Bika Snowfield.
Two of the chicobos are already on the ground. You have to go and send them back. Then, at the very exit, near the broken tree, one more whistle must be made, and the goal will be achieved. Look in the local thickets for Shell Stone and Holy Stone.

Location: Centra, Nectar Peninsula.
Here you only need to whistle once. The only chicobo hid over a patch of grass at the very top, illuminated by the sun. Ask Chocoboy to move away, because above the place on which he stands, you can dig up good Protect Stone and Meteor Stone magic items.

Challenging Forest

Location: Centra, Lenown Plains.
This field is a kind of bowling alley. You need to build a chicobo with a pyramid and “break” them with one blow. First, we call one in the middle, then two more, then one more behind the left extreme. The skittles are lined up, now we act to the left of Chocoboy. Strike! There are also three magic stones Flare Stone, Ultima Stone and Meteor Stone in this forest.

Location: Centra, Talle Mountains.
This is perhaps the most difficult of the forests. Blow the whistle in front of Chocoboy, two will fall. Then blow above the left, one will fall, and the other will fly up. Dunem in the place of the one who flew away, and he will return to earth. We blow above it again, and another one will fly. Now we stand between them all and blow for the last time. There are also Holy Stone, Ultima Stone and Aura Stone.

Chocobo Sanctuary

This is the sacred forest of the chocobos. You need to get here only riding a chocobo and only after completing all the puzzles in all the forests. We have completed the puzzles, so we take the chocobo in the forest, which is north of the Trabia Garden, and we ride it south to the crater, then east to the beach. From beach to beach we pass to an island overgrown with trees. In the forest, keep to the left side all the time and you will fall into the sacred forest. Here we will be given a Chicobo card. You can buy Gysahl Greens from the kid for 600 gil apiece, they will be useful to us, so take it “for everything”. We ask him to catch a chocobo one last time and get out of here.

Immediately after catching the first chocobo, a mini-game called Chocobo World will become available to us. She will unlock two more Guardians, Boko and Mog, see the Chocobo World section for more details. During combat, Boko can be summoned to help with Gysahl Greens. Mog, in turn, is called by a special team and heals all the guards for money.

We return to the main tasks, we go to Balamb. The city is occupied by Galbadian soldiers, we tell the sentry that we have information about Ellon, and we go inside. Go to the house located on the right side of the street, talk to the girl there. Then go to the next house (Zell's house) and talk to his mother. Now let's proceed to the room to the right, where we will talk twice with a little boy, he will run away. We go to the hotel and talk to the guards. Then further to the pier and talk to the local soldiers. Then back to Mother Zela, then back to the pier. The dog will sniff us and run. We follow her to the railway station. Now run to the exit from the city. Distract the guard while the kid is talking to the owner of the hotel. Returning back to the city, you will see a boy standing in front of his house, he can help us escape from the city. In principle, this is not necessary, but if you feel like getting out of here, you can use the services of a little prankster. We go into the hotel owner's house and play cards with his daughter (or with the hotel owner himself). Our task is to win a rare Pandemona card. That's it, the running around is over, we go to the hotel and engage in battle with Raijin

It is better to get here by car, because this place is located quite far on the other side of the continent, and enemies along the way will meet with a very high frequency. To the right of the entrance lies the Life magic, draw it out. The huge statue in the center has the Reflect magic and the Solomon Ring item. Actually, we came here for this ring, with the help of it you can call the secret guard GF Doomtrain. This requires the following items:
6 pieces of Remedy + - they can be obtained from regular Remedy using Alexander's ability to improve medical preparations Med LV-Up.
6 pieces of Steel Pipe - can be taken from a monster called Wendigo or converted from Elastoid cards.
6 pieces of Malboro Tentacle is the hardest part. From cards, these items are much easier to obtain. But if there are still not enough cards, then we go to hunt these creatures. You can meet them on the plains of this continent.
When all 18 items are collected, just go to inventory and activate Solomon's Ring. Now all pressing matters are completed, we are heading to the Lunar Gate.

Rinoa's dog has somehow got here too. All we have to do here is send Squall, Rinoa and one other character into space. The rest of the heroes, along with Edea, will go back to the city of Estar.

A huge black object is approaching the city. We run rather to the laboratory of Dr. Odin (the one in which he experimented on Ellon). He will tell you that there are three places in the city from which you can get to this very Crazy Pandora. In total, 20 minutes will be allotted for this, but in reality we will need only 5. The first place of its appearance is the city center, the so-called air line. If you click on the square, a picture of this zone will appear, so you can easily find it. Moreover, you can run to it in 2 minutes, and then wait 3 minutes until this colossus arrives. By the way, to the left of this screen is a soldier with the Combat King 004 magazine, now he must give it back. If you still didn’t have time (which is unlikely), then run to the east of the city, there will be two more places for her to appear. Before jumping in, you will have to fight the Galbadian soldiers, but this should not cause any difficulties either.

Immediately at the entrance is the Meteor magic point, then Curaga lies in the main hall. First take elevator #3. On the right there will be a barely noticeable staircase, we go down it into a small cellar. If you did everything right in the second hallucination with Uncle Laguna, then you can collect a lot of good items here. First, immediately before the stairs we suck out the magic of Confuse, and in the closet on the right we select LuvLuv G. Then we run to the left. This whole location seems to have turned 90 degrees since the last time it was visited in the past, so the stone that once blocked our passage will now play the role of a bridge and help us get through the items. In three open hatches we take Power Generator, Phoenix Pinion and draw out the magic of Silence. Further along the path we select the Combat King 005 magazine and run into the secret door, there is Ultima magic. These outer doors were opened as a result of the loss of the old key in the past. Now we get out of here and run into the elevator number 1. To the left is a Holy magic draw point, and to the left is a small cave with a Spd-G Scroll item. On the next screen, save and run upstairs straight to the boss. But the boss will not want to fight, but will simply throw us out.

We will take Rinoa to a special isolation ward and follow Piet. Let's look at the monitor. The monsters on the moon have already gathered in a heap and prepared for the so-called moon cry. Let's go talk to Ellon, she will say that she can't help, because she didn't know Rinoa in the past. There are two rare cards at this base: Piet has the Alexander card, Ellon has the Laguna card. Suddenly, Rinoa's mind will go crazy, and she will go to remove the protection from the sorceress Adele. To remove the second level of protection, she will have to go into outer space. We go after her, take the space suit in the pantry and fly to the receiving compartment. But the compartment closed, and Squall did not have time to fall into space. We return to the control room. Then we take the elevator to the right and eject from the base. There is another mini-game - you need to catch Rinoa. Press the triangle to fly faster. If it doesn't work the first time, you can try again. But the SeeD rank will decrease from this, and it will all look pretty stupid. Having met with Rinoa in space, we jump into the spaceship.

In order for the elevator in the middle of the ship to start working, you need to kill eight monsters that live here. Moreover, they must be killed in pairs, that is, depending on the color. The fact is that creatures of the same color will revive each other, so they must be killed in a row, one after another. I usually deal first with two purples, then with two reds, yellows, greens, but, in principle, this can be done in any order. After killing everyone, we rise to the control room.

For starters, you can fly to Dollet, there are still some prizes left. Specifically, you need to go to the art workshop, which is located on the right side of the main street. The boy drew a white bone on his grandfather's picture, he says that he just wanted to express his emotions. But in fact, in a place with a bone, the dog buried an object. The first such item lies on the central square, we approach the dog and take it out, this is the X-Potion. While we were running, the grandfather had already painted a new picture, and the kid fucked it up again. The next item is buried literally the next screen up from here, Mega-Potion. We scroll through this procedure a third time and get Elixir, which lies right in front of the entrance to the workshop.

It's time to talk about the queen of cards, in fact, this old man is her father. He can draw new cards, which can then be won from certain people. But he will draw only if we play certain rare cards to his daughter. You probably already understood that the queen of cards moves every time after such a loss. So, in this way, you need to move it to Dollet, and only then the quest will begin. We already lost the Minimog card at the very beginning of the game - in Deling (opposite the shops) you can now win the Kiros card from the man in black. We already lost the Minotaur map too - the wife of the mayor of the fishing horizon got the Irvine map. The Chicobo card can thus be exchanged for the Chubby Chocobo card, it will be with the teenager in the Balamb Garden, sitting opposite the library. Be sure to play the Alexander card to the queen, then the owner of the pub in Timber will have a Doomtrain card. The last fraud will take place with the same Doomtrain card, for which we will be able to win back the Phoenix card from Presidential Assistant Estar. You may have difficulty finding the queen of the cards, so I'll explain just in case. Each time she names the region, but does not say exactly where she will be. You already know in Balamba and Deling, in Dollet - the second floor of the pub, in the village of Shumi - a hotel, in Vinhill - the pub Rhine, in the fishing horizon - railway tracks, in Estare - the presidential palace or the moon gates (those from which flew into space ). Don't worry about lost cards, they can be won back from her little prankster son who lives here in Dollet with his grandfather (or herself).

Before we leave town, I advise you to go to the pier to look at the idiot guy. He can't swim, but he will jump into the water. lol:

This is a lake located north of Timber. Press the cross on the shore of a small peninsula and a black shadow will immediately appear. In a conversation with her, select the answer option "Try humming" several times, then the shadow will ask you to find her friend Mr. Monkey. He lives in the forest near Dollet. After talking with the monkey, go back to the shadow, it will start pouring out cryptic clues.
Take some time off at Eldbeak Peninsula - this place is located across the ocean to the northeast of Dollet, at the very tip of the oblong peninsula. There will be a stone pillar with the inscription "TRETIMEASUREATMINOFFDEISLE". If you do as the shadow said, remove the words “time off” from here, you get “Treasure at Minde Isle”, that is, the treasures are buried on Minde Island. This islet is located in the south of Estar. Somewhere a little south of its middle lies the item Luck-J Scroll.
At the beach in Balamb, something special washes ashore at times - on the beach near Balamb, the first mysterious STSLRM stone is lying in the sand.
You "ll find something on an island east of Timber, too - on an island east of Timber you can find a stone with the words "REAIDR" engraved on it.
There "s also something on top of a mountain with a lake and a cavern - not far from the former garden of Galbadia, a stream flows from the mountain. Directly above this stream, on the top of the mountain, monstrous birds hatch eggs. Kill the birds and get a stone with the inscription "ESNPD" .
Mr. Monkey had a rock like this I think... - in order to get this hint, you need to throw stones into the lake until the message "The Rock skipped many, many, times" appears. After that, you need to go into the forest to Mr. Monkey and throw stones at him already. Sooner or later, he will throw a return stone "URHEO".
Having collected all four stones, we return to the shadow, she will decipher these inscriptions. If you read the letters from left to right from top to bottom, you get the phrase "Mordred Plains has treasure". Mordred Plains is a vast plain that extends to the north of Esthar. We land in its middle and talk with multi-colored stones. There are four of them in total, but you need to act only on the basis of red stone replicas. He always lies, so we go in the opposite direction. If he says “The treasure" s not here! ”, Then the treasure has been found. Press the cross again in this place and take the rarest Three Stars item into your inventory.

Take a break at the railroad bridge

- this is a hint that there are points of drawing magic on the railway bridges.
Also, the shadow will tell about a small town located in the middle of the forest on the continent of Center. People in this town lived happily ever after. But when we arrive there (near Edea's house), we see only an empty place strewn with stones. Perhaps this city was destroyed, or perhaps the shadow itself is so ancient that it remembers the village that existed millions of years ago. In general, this mystery has not been solved to this day.

There is still one small secret left in the city of Balambe. Take Zell to your team and step into this quiet town. The girl at the entrance will say that some person was looking for Zell. Talk to his mother, she will say that she did not hear anything. Now we go to the hotel and spend one night there. In the morning we will find Zell in the hall, talking to a girl. This girl is in love with him and will gladly give Combat King 003 magazine. Also, if during the occupation you did not win the Pandemona card from the daughter of the owner of the hotel, now you can win it from him. He stands right in front of the entrance to his establishment.

Lunatic Pandora

The ominous Pandora hovered over the Sorrowful Place. Before flying here, you must first fly to save Rinoa in the witching memorial, visit the orphanage and go in for a conversation with the President of Estara. We win the Squall card from the president and agree to complete the task. If you initially did everything according to my instructions, then now you should have absolutely all rare cards in your piggy bank. Win regular cards at least one of each, and an asterisk will appear in front of the Cards column, which indicates that you are now a great card collector. We fly up to Pandora and crash into it with all our might. Attention! Now comes the point of no return. If you haven’t done some things yet, haven’t completed quests, or haven’t upgraded your characters enough, then you can still change your mind and return. So, a fight with Raijin and Fujin is immediately waiting for us inside, they still remain loyal to Seifer.

HP: 22200
Attack: Lightning
Weakness: Poison
Immunity/Absorption: No
Steal: Power Wrist x1

Raijin's strength remained at approximately the same level. The only thing is that now he will also use support magic too. Still absorbs lightning and still has great blindness.

HP: 17,900
Attack: Wind, Blind, Silence, Poison, Confuse (random action)
Weakness: Poison
Immunity/Absorption: Wind
Steal: Megalixir x2

Similar to Raijin, only absorbs wind attacks and is not blinded as well. Watch out for her status magics and Metsu's new move. She has fewer lives, so at first it’s more convenient to defeat her, and then take on the man.

After defeating them, we move on. Along the way, we will meet old familiar losers Biggs and Wedge. Now they were forced to fix the electrics. They won't fight, they'll just drop everything and go drink beer. Waiting on the next screen is a robot, the one that kicked Zell's team off Pandora earlier. It's payback time.

HP: 42,300
Attack: No
Weakness: Lightning
Immunity/Absorption: No
Steal: Laser Cannon x2

The robot consists of three parts: two shields on the shoulders and a body. Applies a fairly strong Corona attack, which instantly resets the number of lives of all characters to one. Heal right away, otherwise the Medigo Flame and Homing Laser techniques will completely reset the life indicators. In principle, to win, it is enough to crush only its core. But for every damage to his body, he will respond with a powerful counterattack. The sides of it are too well protected, so steal a couple of Vit Up and Str Up from them, and don't touch them at all again. As a compromise, you can use Quazakotla on it

So, we are left with the last fight - with Seifer. His friends already refuse to help, Fujin even speaks in long sentences and expresses everything that hurts her.

HP: 34,500
Attack: No
Weakness: Poison
Immunity/Absorption: No
Steal: Hero x1, Holy War x1

Immediately at the beginning of the battle, Odin will appear on the battlefield and try to cut Seifer. But on the contrary, it will be cut itself. I strongly advise you to draw Aura magic from him, unless of course you got it on the islands. Seifer will not resist for a long time, and at the end of the battle, a certain Gilgamesh will appear and end the battle with his blow.

GF Gilgamesh is the new Guardian, Odin's replacement. He also attacks randomly, depending on the luck of the characters. And he does not disdain even bosses. And Cypher, meanwhile, took Rinoa hostage and dragged her to the sorceress Adele

Lunatic Pandora

Let's go one screen below (the place where they fought with the robot), there should be a huge crane on the right. On the upper platform, we take the Break magic and climb up the arrow. Ahead of us is a metamorphosis - the sorceress Adele will merge with Rinoa. The boss on which many challenges skid.

HP: 51,000
Attack: Stone
Weakness: Wind

Steal: Samantha Soul x1

The difficulty of this battle lies in the fact that Rinoa is tied to Adele's body, and it is impossible to allow the latter's HP level (somewhere around 9000 at the beginning of the battle) to become equal to zero. Expect Adele to cast Ultima any second, so keep at least one character with a consistently high hit point. In no case should mass attacks be used, because they will damage Rinoa as well. Cast Regen magic on her or just heal from time to time. I also advise you to bind the basic elements of magic to the physical attack: fire, lightning, ice. Be sure to steal the Samantha Soul item from her.

HP: 32,500
Attack: No
Weakness: None
Immunity/Absorption: No
Steal: Meteor Stone x1, Ultima Stone x1

In general, of course, the battle is not very difficult, it just meant that by this time the characters would already be exhausted by the previous sorceresses. Know that this witch can also use Ultima magic. Protect yourself from it, for example with Shell magic. Also, for each of our attacks, she will respond with a powerful physical counterattack.

Once in the shelter, we go down to the beach. Seeds of the future and the magic of Triple will be scattered along the way. Our final destination is Ultimecia Castle. You can easily get there along the hanging chains, but first you can look into the portals that will take us to the main world

We need to enter the second portal. First we go to the chocobo forest, take the vehicle. Chocoboy, oddly enough, survived the apocalypse with ease. Riding a chocobo through shallow water we move to another island. Our ship Rognarok is in the desert, and not far from it there is another gate that will become active after we enter it. Members of the card club appeared inside the spaceship, unless of course you completed the corresponding quest. You can play any rare cards from them, convert them into items and play them again. The Card Queen also made it to this world, she can be found near the escape module that Piet once evacuated from the moon base. Now she plays the most powerful cards and uses the rules collected from around the world.

Ultimecia Castle

Now you can convert all cards to things, because Ultimecia will not play them. The lock has a seal that prohibits the use of any commands other than Attack. In total, 8 bosses are scattered around the castle, from which these very abilities can be taken back. You can also draw some guards from the local bosses that you missed earlier. It is not necessary to defeat them all and you can do it in absolutely any order. But we are going through the game at 100%, so we have to clean the whole castle. We take the Flare magic at the entrance and go inside. You will have to examine the castle in two groups of three people, but do not rush to evenly distribute the guards between them. It is better to tie all the guards to one trinity, and at the right time just exchange the binding systems.

HP: 20000
Attack: Lightning, Fire, Ice
Weakness: Holy
Immunity/Absorption: No
Steal: Elixir x1

This boss has two forms. In the first half of the fight, Sphinxaur just attacks with elemental magic. After losing half his health, he transforms into Sphinxara. Sphinxara summons assistants (Jelleye, Forbidden, Tri-Face) and casts bad statuses. But if you swing your heroes properly, the boss will quickly fall from several physical attacks

You can print magic or limits. It doesn't really matter, since almost all bosses can be killed with one physical attack. I will only say that until you print out the Resurrection ability, you will not be able to revive characters with magic, items, or anything else. We go from here to the right, we go in the door, we go down the stairs, we go in one more door, and here we are in the art gallery. First, let's carefully look at all the pictures, and then we'll go to the largest one and write the words VIVIDARUM, INTERVIGILIUM and VIATOR. It will turn out "The messenger sleeps in the garden", and out of nowhere the boss will appear. The puzzle was that it was necessary to enter the time at which the monster appears. The large clock on the floor just indicates this time, and three pictures correspond to hours (VIII), minutes (IIII) and seconds (VI).

HP: 34114
Attack: No
Weakness: Wind
Immunity/Absorption: No
Steal: Nothing

During combat, he will summon mechanical drones. Being in a critical situation, he will begin to suck energy out of them (for a fool, it would be better if he pulled out from the characters). Actively uses the Mega Pulse Cannon technique, which damages all heroes at once. We do not pay attention to drones, but simply hit him on the head.

On the balcony on the right, you can draw the Meltdown magic, if you, of course, opened the Draw command. We return to the main hall and now we go into the central door. We stand on a huge chandelier and fall down. We open the hatch and go down to the wine cellar. Before entering the fight with the boss, let's draw out the Aura magic, which was lost somewhere among the barrels.

HP: 22400
Attack: Lightning
Weakness: Fire, Ice
Immunity/Absorption: Lightning
Steal: Nothing

If you properly organize elemental protection, you will be able to absorb his Mega Spark electric shocks. Keep in mind that after each such hit, the boss changes his susceptibility to fire and ice.

Now that 3 teams are open, it's time to visit the red giant. To do this, we will return to the art gallery and go from there to another door, then to the basement and into the open room. The door will slam shut. Take the key in the hand near the statue and the boss will appear.

HP: 30000
Attack: No
Weakness: None
Immunity/Absorption: No
Steal: Nothing

It would be nice, of course, to attack him with guards, because he has no protection against them. Diablos, for example. Demi magic can be used very cleverly. At the beginning of the battle, it is desirable to blind him, and the giant will smear

We leave the basement and in the green circle we switch to another team. The second group we go into the central door and fall down from the chandelier. There will be a lever on the right. This lever will not allow the chandelier to fall, press it and switch back. Now we run across the chandelier with the first strike group and go in the door. Before the fight, let's draw the Meteor magic.

HP: 16000
Attack: No
Weakness: None
Immunity/Absorption: Ice
Steal: Nothing

It would be wise to let the guards deal with him, because before dying, this bastard always uses Ultima magic to say goodbye

Then, with a secondary team, you need to go to the left of the room with a basement, past the fountain into the large door, climb the right stairs and pick up the key to the armory on the rope bridge. You have to walk along the bridge, otherwise the key will fall. You can find him later in the same room in front of the armory, you still have to go there. So now we switch to the first group and go there. We open the right door with the key, take Ultima magic at the entrance and fight with the boss.

HP: 15400
Attack: Earth, Silence, Curse (character does not use limits), Berserk (creature loses control and attacks with physical attacks), Slow (ATB bar flows more slowly)
Weakness: None
Immunity/Absorption: Ice
Steal: Nothing

At first, the boss may seem like a monster called Vysage, but soon he will show his true nature and come out of the ground up to his waist. The final form inflicts negative statuses and actively counterattacks. We beat him with limits until he has time to do something bad.

Now with the second team we return to the hall and from there we run to the second floor through the door to the left. We go forward until we find ourselves in a room with elevators. We get up on the bottom and switch. With the first group, we run into the same room only in a different way, through a long corridor with Cura magic (who thought of putting such weak magic here?). We get on another elevator and switch. The second team can now enter the door on the left, there is the Curaga magic and the key to the lever. We leave the room and switch. The first group we run into the basement room, well, where the water runs and the lever is. Open this lever with the key and turn off the water. This action will dehydrate the fountain in the center of the castle. In the fountain, you can now take the key to the treasure room. This room itself is on the way to the elevators (on the second floor, door to the left). The treasury contains Holy magic and four chests. You need to open these chests until all four are open, then the beast will appear.

HP: 38500
Attack: Lightning
Weakness: Earth, Water
Immunity/Absorption: Lightning
Steal: Nothing

We call Pandemon and Leviathan against him, they will quickly deal with him. After every third Thundaga magic, he will use the strongest Thunder Summon, it is clear that from all this you need to put lightning on an elemental binding. Before dying, the boss casts Meteor, be prepared for this.

Located towards the end of the castle. With the first team we pass along the hanging bridge, on which the key once lay. In the chapel, we climb the spiral staircase to the very top and jump onto the huge pendulum (you need to jump from the left side). He will take us to the door, behind which is the magic of Triple and a monstrous dragon.

HP: 89600
Attack: Lightning, Fire, Ice
Weakness: None
Immunity/Absorption: Lightning, Fire, Wind
Steal: Nothing

He will use only one Dark Flare attack, it will immediately kill all the characters. Although, if you put Flare and Protect on elemental protection, then the effect of this multi-elemental magic will be nullified. Combat tactics suggest themselves, you need to kill him before he uses it

There is one more surprise left in the castle - Omega Weapon. This boss is considered by many to be the strongest not only in this game, but in general in the entire Final Fantasy series. Of course, you can skip it, but in this case you will definitely lose a third of the pleasure of passing. To call it, you need to ring the bell located in the room to the right of the hall. The assault team must stand ready at the fountain when the heroes of the weak group strike the bell. After the call, we quickly switch to the first team and run to the organ, because the boss will only wait one minute.

You should know that in the PlayStation version of the game, this boss has a fixed level of 100 and therefore always has 1,161,000 hit points, no matter what level your heroes came to him with. In the PC version of the game, the level of the Omega Weapon changes depending on the level of the characters, like other bosses.
Right at the beginning of the fight, he casts LV5 Death magic, so put a status defense against death in advance. His two attacks Medigo Flame and Terra Break outright kill all the characters. The Light Pillar and Gravija techniques are borrowed from the previous vipon. We do not need to know that it absorbs almost all elements, because we will attack with only limits. There are several ways to win.
The first is Holy War. This item grants immortality to all characters. This method is the most obvious, since Omega will not be able to do anything in this case. If you have at least two of these items (the Gilgamesh card gives you 10 at once), then the whole fight will be an easy warm-up for you.
The second is Invincible Moon. This Rinoa limit works exactly the same as Holy War. But the method itself is rather dumb, since this limit does not always fall out.
The third is The End. A very good selfie limit can end an Omega instantly. It drops out depending on luck, so if you decide to go this way, tie her the strongest magic (Aura) for good luck and attach the Luck + 50% ability.
Fourth - Low Level Challenge. This method is designed for the PC version of the game. Its essence is to come to the enemy with the lowest possible level and pumped as much power as possible, after which, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy will have less health, win before the monster uses its thermonuclear magic. And he will not survive three or four good limits.
Fifth - an honest victory. All of the above methods for me are seen as some kind of cheating and ugly. Therefore, for the notorious laborers who do not want to use any immortality and zeends, I will write another way, the one that the developers originally conceived for this monster. The method itself is based on the knowledge that Omega uses his attacks in a clear, regular sequence. To win, we need Defend teams (Brothers and Cactuar have it), more Megalixirs (100 from Bahamut map) and a high Spirit score (attach 100 Reflect magics to it, put abilities like Spr + 60%). A character with weak magical protection can also be equipped with Auto-Shell (Dumtrain has it). So let's start. First, the boss will cast Lv5 Death, but we already have 100 Death magic on the status defense, so this move will pass by. Meteor will follow, which will no doubt take some HP off. When the turn comes to our characters, we use Megalixir with one of them, and apply Meltdown to Omega with the other. Let the third hero stand on the safety net (if suddenly the boss decides to use a physical attack as well). Megalixir will allow you to approach Omega's next attack with 9999 HP, this is extremely necessary, since Medigo Flame removes exactly 9998 HP for all characters. It turned out that all members of the group had one life point left, and this is exactly what we needed! Now, with all three characters, we can safely apply the limits on the boss. Set limits and don't be afraid that everyone has 1 HP, because the next attack is Gravija. Quickly calculate on the calculator how many integers you get if you take 75% of one. That's right, zero. Gravija won't do any harm. Squall, for example, let him use Renzokuken, and let the other two make the Defend command (I asked you to put it in the command menu above). Terra Break is the boss's most powerful weapon, dealing around 11-12 crushing blows to all characters. But, unfortunately for Omega, fortunately for us, this technique is purely physical, so only one Squall will die, and two will remain on their feet. Before the next attack, you can have time to walk twice. With one forehead, we now revive Squall and let them both into battle. The third is using Mega-Potion, which will allow our characters to get stronger, while remaining with HP levels suitable for limits. If you have a high Spirit stat, then 2000 HP will be enough for you to survive the magic of Ultima. Next comes the Light Pillar magic, which will definitely kill one of the characters. We don’t think about defense, we just hit with limits. So, one of the heroes lies dead again. With the other two, we revive the dead and use Megalixir. And then everything goes in a circle, starting with Meteor. Such cycles can be run as many as you like, until Omega is torn apart.

After winning the information section, the Proof of Omega item will appear in the menu. It says that you are the strongest fighter in the world. All that was left was Ultimecia. We rise to the very top of the chapel, run along the hands of the clock, go down the stairs, save and forward.

HP: 43000
Attack: All - Any
Weakness: Poison
Immunity/Absorption: Holy
Steal: Nothing

A feature of the next four battles is that all six characters (3 strong and 3 weak) will participate in the fight. Of course, only three will stand on the battlefield, but as soon as someone falls to the ground, an angel will immediately fly in and take him to an otherworldly dimension. Therefore, the task of this fight is not for us to kill her as quickly as possible, but to filter the heroes to the top three.
Weakness: Water, Lightning
Immunity/Absorption: Holy
Steal: Nothing

Ultimecia will merge with her guardian and they will start attacking with a vengeance. The tactics are the same. No matter how beautiful and powerful magic they use, they will never pierce our immortality.

HP: 278900
Attack: Holy
Weakness: None
Immunity/Absorption: No
Steal: Nothing

Ignore Sephiroth sticking out of her ass, hit the top. From the lower part, you can draw the magic of Apocalypse, although why do we need it already. She really has a lot of lives, but with her three cool characters, you should feel completely free and easy in battle.

This walkthrough is based on the PSP version: Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition!

1. Four warriors of light


In this walkthrough, I leave all the names of the items in English so that you do not get confused, so if you play some kind of localization, you will have to match the names yourself. At the very beginning of the game, you are offered to name the characters and choose a profession for each of them. In this part, the characters do not have their own names and personalities. Name them whatever you want, and choose a profession for them. We have a choice: warrior, thief, monk, red, white and black magicians. Everyone has their pros and cons, everything here lends itself to logic. Warrior is good at physical attacks, thieves have high dodge and high escape chance, monk is also good at physical attacks but only melee, black mages specialize in offensive magic, and white mages specialize in support and healing magic. The red magician specializes in black and white magic at the same time, however, since he has a limited number of places for magic, he will not be able to learn all the magic available separately to a black or white magician. And in general, I would not advise him to choose, since he will not be able to learn the best black and white magic, it is available only to white and black magicians separately.

In general, choose professions and name your characters (you can also choose autonames if you are too lazy to come up with them yourself). In my walkthrough, I am based on the standard choice of professions, but with one exception - the substitution of a thief for a monk.

Watch a short screensaver telling that the elements rebelled, and the crystals went out, but suddenly four warriors of light appeared who decided to help solve this problem. Well, in the end you will find yourself near the city and get control. Come into town.


You can interact with the people. Pay attention to the hotel (Inn) near the entrance to the city. Here you can always replenish the HP / MP of the characters for a small amount. In Cornelia, a night in an inn costs only 30 gil, which is very cheap compared to other cities. There are also old people in the inn who will tell you the basics of the game if necessary. There are shops for weapons and armor in the city, they can be recognized by the signs of the sword and shield. With 500 gil in your pocket, you can't run away much, but the prices, oddly enough, are not that high here. In the armory, buy a Rapier for a warrior and a Hammer for a white mage. For the black one, put on the Staff removed from the white magician. From armor you can take Chain Mail for a warrior and Leather Armor for a monk. Do not equip the monk with weapons, take my word for it, the monks are strong in hand-to-hand fights. To the north are shops of black and white magic, on which there is a signboard with black and white crystals. It is important to know here that mages can only learn 3 spells of each level, although four are usually available. I would advise you to start with the standard Fire and Thunder for the black magician and Cure and Dia for the white one.

Then go east across the bridge, you should notice the church. If one of the characters dies in battle, go to the church and the bishop will resurrect the character for a fee. Below the church is an item store, its sign is a teapot. The remaining money should be enough for a couple of Potion and Antidote, buy them, although their prices compared to weapons, of course, are simply frightening, but antidotes are needed, because in this game, poison is a nasty thing that is not removed after resting in a hotel. As soon as you walk up in Cornelia, talk to any soldier to get out. The soldier, noticing the crystals in your hands, will immediately want to take you to the king.

Cornelia Castle

You will face the king. He will assume that you are four warriors of light and will ask you to find Princess Sarah, who was kidnapped by the world's best swordsman Garland. After a short dialogue, control will return to you again. Leave the castle, move along the world map to the northwest to the Temple of Chaos, it is very difficult to get lost here, in fact, the path leads only to the temple. Note on the way to the temple a cave in the western mountain, but at the moment, we do not need it, this is an additional dungeon that we do not have access to yet. When your characters reach the fourth level, boldly step into the temple.

Temple of Chaos

There is a chest with a Leather Cap in the room to the southwest. Put it on someone right now. In the room in the northwest - Potion and Tent. There are no more treasures here, it remains to fight Garland. To get to it, return to the entrance and go straight to the north. I hope that by this time you have still gained the fourth level, and preferably even the fifth. Enter the door and talk to the knight.

The princess is saved. You will automatically find yourself in Cornelia's castle. Now there is no doubt - you are exactly the same four warriors of light from Lucan's prophecy. Then, the king will talk about the crystal located on the northern continent. And, as promised, he will build a bridge to the northern continent in the shortest possible time. After gaining freedom of action, talk to Sarah, she will give you a key item - a lute. Then leave the castle and watch another short screensaver about how the builders will complete the bridge in a few seconds. That's what it means - the order of the king!

Now that the bridge is built, most of the land will be available to us. Run into Cornelia if necessary, heal at the inn and stock up on potions with antidotes. After finishing your business here, go to the bridge. It is located directly above the castle. As soon as you step on the bridge, you will be forced to watch another text screensaver. Once again, having received control, step, finally, on a new continent. There will be a fork in front of you, the mountain will divide the path in half. If you go to the left, you can get into the Matoi Cave and get two Poushen and an antidote there, but we don’t need to go there yet, so if you don’t really need these items, then the cave can wait. Move east through the dense forest. On the way, beware of strong monsters, such as ogres and warg wolves, although they can be pumped well, they can take out a weak team for one or two. Keep heading east until you reach the sea, from there running a little south you should spot a town. Come in. Well, I hope that by this time you have pumped up to levels 6-7 and stuffed money from monsters.


The city is clearly in a mess. The inn is north of the entrance and costs 50 gil per night. Heal if necessary. There is also a church just to the right of the hotel, in case one of the team members was killed. Please note that with each new city, prices in the hotel and the church will increase. After healing, stomp to the north-west of the city, there are three pirates, talk to the captain, he is in the center. He will immediately correctly explain everything to you and inform you that if you want to deal with him, you must have steel I ... cores, yes. A fight with nine pirates will begin. They are quite weak, so they should not give you much trouble. Left without minions, Captain Bikke will apologize, promise to be good and give away his own ship directly for free, directly as a gift. It stands in a bay just south of the city. But we still have things to do in the city. Buy in the armory Broadsword for a warrior, in the armor shop take Iron Armor and Leather Shield for him, as well as a Leather Glove in the amount of three pieces (for everyone except the monk). The shops of black and white magic sell magic of the second level, it would be nice to buy at least Blizzard for the black magician, and in a good way also Slow and Dark for the black magician and Blindna and Silence for the white one. If there is not enough money, then you will have to knock them out of the monsters walking near the city. At the end of the purchases, board the ship.

2. Prince of elves

Random fights will not leave you alone even when you are sailing on a ship. However, only water monsters are found in the sea, so feel free to cast Thunder on them. We need to sail west. You will have to rest against Cornelia, and, if necessary, you can visit the hotel there. From Cornelia we sail south to Elfheim, the city of the elves. You will have to rest directly on the pier. If you are afraid of getting lost, you can always call up the map by pressing SELECT + . Cities are marked with red dots on the map, caves are marked with yellow dots. Elfheim is right below Cornelia. After landing on land, stomp south through the forest, so you should get to Elfheim.


The hotel is located near the entrance, this time the night in it costs as much as 100 gil. Talk to the local people. The people are eating something again, something has happened to the local prince. Is every city in trouble in the world's first FF? Well, anyway, let's go shopping. In the armory, buy a Dagger for the black mage. There are a lot of tasty things in the armor shop. The Copper Armlet is a very good item, but the price is also high. It is better to postpone the purchase until later, but if you really want to take it, get some money from the monsters running near the city and buy two, for the black and white magicians. Buy an Iron Shield and Helm for the warrior, and a Leather Cap for the black mage (equip the white one that was removed from the warrior). The item shop also has a lot of interesting things, such as the Gold Needle, but again, the price is terrible. Better buy two or three Tent instead, they will definitely come in handy.

Magic shops already sell magic of the third and fourth levels. Shops with the third level of magic are located near the inn, and shops with the fourth level are located a little to the north. The magic is good, but the price matches. Some magic is really very useful, like Haste, Fira, Thudara for the black magician and Poisona, Cura, Heal for the white one. But you yourself decide whether to beat out money or postpone the purchase of magic for later, however, by knocking out money, you can pump at the same time. Decent amounts are given for ogres and ogre chieftains that meet right near the city. If suddenly magic is not allowed to be learned, it means that you still have a low level. For the fourth level of magic, the character must be pumped up to level 13. Be sure to also read Square's Easter egg on the tombstone... Anyway, once you're done shopping, head to the nearby castle.

Elfheim Castle

Talk to people. It turns out that a certain Astos plunged the prince into eternal sleep and ran away with royal treasures. The prince himself is sleeping a little to the left of the entrance to the castle. A doctor sits next to him, who says that the prince has been in this state for five years already and that there must still be a medicine somewhere. Well, you need to go looking. Be sure to buy some antidotes before leaving town if you haven't purchased Poisona magic. It's time to head southwest to the Swamp Cave. After leaving Elfheim, stomp to the west. Go around the mountains. If you get lost, feel free to look at the world map. Once you get to the shore, move north until you hit the castle. First you need to go into it.

Western warehouse

Looks like this place is abandoned. Move to the left and go up a little, you will get into the room where the king sits on the throne. He will say that Astos cruelly deceived him and ask him to find his crown, which is just the same in the Swamp Cave. There is nothing more to do here. After leaving the warehouse, move south along the left bank until you notice a small funnel in the ground - this is what we need. By the way, it is advisable to enter it, being at levels 13-14, otherwise the monsters there will give you trouble.

swamp cave

It should be noted that a lot of the local monsters love to inflict poisoning and paralysis on the party, so do not drag out the battles and take care of the antidotes. Also, green slime is found here, which has a defense value of 255, i.e. maximum, so feel free to hit her with magic.

Entering the cave, you immediately find yourself on a fork. Stomp along the upper path until you reach the stairs to the second floor. Get down. On the second floor, go east, go through the door. Get the Dagger from the chest. Enter a similar door located symmetrically to the west and take 680 gil there. Next, move south and go through the next door. In chests, pick up Broadsword and 620 gil. Return to the entrance to the cave. Now, move south without turning, branching east will do nothing but waste time. In the southeast corner there is a door, behind which there is a staircase leading to the second floor.

Going down, you will find yourself in a room with three doors. Go south to the end of the location, from there to the easternmost door. Through it, go to the other side of the location to the next staircase leading to the third floor. Get down. The entire third floor consists of 16 rooms arranged in four rows. You are next to the northwest room, which contains a chest with Phoenix Down, take it. Next, stomp into the northeast room. It contains 295 gil. In the second row of rooms from the top, we need two western ones. The first one contains a Cottage, the second one has a Copper Armlet. In the third row, we need two central rooms. In the east lies 385 gil. And in the one closest to it is the crown we are looking for. But for it you will have to fight monsters with a speaking name - piscodemons. By themselves, they are quite strong, but if you have the proper level, they should not cause any special problems. After defeating them, grab the crown. You will not be allowed into the rooms of the fourth row without a mystical key, so let's put aside the robbery of the last row of cave rooms for now and return to the Western warehouse to the king.

After defeating Astos, you will automatically receive a key item - a crystal eye. Although this is a key item, it will not awaken the prince. In any case, we stomp back to Elfheim, heal, buy and return to the ship. Our destination is a cave that we passed by, stomping to Pravoka. The closest way to get to it is by sea. Sail straight north to Cornelia, then round it on the right bank and swim under that bridge that the king of Cornelia was completing, and then north. As you see the pier, disembark and run north to the cave.

Matoi Cave

In the cave, you will notice a strange woman who will stumble every now and then. She will mutter that she needs a crystal eye. And we already have it. We give her an eye, in return we get another key item - an invigorating tonic. And, judging by his description, we need him to awaken the prince. Steal the two Poushen in the cave and the Andidot in the chests on the left if you haven't already, and run back to Elfheim's castle. There we speak with the doctor, we give him an invigorating tonic. The prince will miraculously wake up and give you a key item - a mystical key as a reward. Now you can turn around with him. First, we stomp to the northeast of Elfheim Castle, bypassing it quietly on the grass. There are four chests in the room with Mythril Hammer, 800 gil, 700 gil, and Bronze Gloves. We immediately equip Mythril Hammer to the white mage, and Bronze Gloves to the warrior.

In the Swamp Cave with the Mystic Key, you can now open the fourth row of rooms on the third floor and loot Antidote, 1020 gil, and Silver Armlet there. For the last two treasures, you will have to fight with piscodemons, but they are worth it. Equip the Silver Armlet on the monk. Next, we go to rob the Western warehouse. Entering the tower, go to the maximum to the north, from there to the left to the edge, and then a little to the south. Find three chests in the room. They have Falchion, Power Staff and Steel Gloves. For each of the chests, you will have to fight with mummies or visions, but these are ordinary monsters, so they are even less trouble than piscodemons. Power Staff can be equipped to a black mage, and Steel Gloves to a warrior. The next place where you can profit will be the Temple of Chaos. If you remember, the battle was in the central room, and the chests are located in the corners. In the southeast corner is a chest with a Rune Blade guarded by gargoyles. Immediately equip it to the warrior. In the northeast corner are two chests with a Werebuster and a Gold Needle, also guarded by gargoyles. Werebuster and Rune Blade are similar swords in power, but they have different properties - the former is effective against werewolves, and the latter against sorcerers. Let's take note of this and go for the last treasures that open with the help of a mystical key. We go to the castle of Cornelia. There, without going into the castle itself, we go around it in a circle along the right and northern wall. We go into the castle through the northern passage, we pass a little to the east past the old man, then to the south. You will find yourself near two rooms, each of which has three chests. They contain Cottage, Saber, Mythril Knife, Iron Armor, Tent and a key item - nitro powder. Well, now we can move on with the story.

Talk to the gnomes. One of them will report that they are looking for a levistoun - a stone that can fly. It's funny. Above the entrance is a room with 575 and 400 gil. In the southwest there is a room with as many as eight chests. They have Tent, Great Helm, Wyrmkiller, Ether, Potion, Mythril Mail, 575 Gil and Cottage. Equip the Great Helm and Wyrmkiller to the warrior. We go a little east of the treasure room and talk to the local gnome. He, noticing the nitro powder, will jump for joy, snatch it from your hands, instantly mine the edge of the cave and bring down a piece of the continent. Well ... now the western part of the world is available to us.

Stomp onto the ship and swim to the place that just a couple of moments ago was a piece of the continent. A little north of it, you can see a whirlpool. Not needed there yet. Better sail west past a small island. On the nearby continent, you should immediately notice the pier, and next to it is a small town. Us there.


Oooh... what a messy little town. After talking with the people, we learn that the city was ravaged by vampires. Pay attention to the number of tombstones in the city ... yes, our help here will not hurt. In general, the hotel is located north of the entrance, the cost of a night in it is 100 gil. The armory is a little to the east. In it you can buy a Longsword to a warrior. Just above the armor shop. Uhuhu, it has cool Knight's Armor armor, but its price is also cool ... If by some unknown way you were able to collect such an amount, then, of course, we buy it for a warrior, if not, then we suck our paw and bye we buy two Silver Armlets for magicians, otherwise their protection is still low.In the south there are shops of black and white magic.They sell magic of the fifth level.It would be great to buy Firaga and Scourge.Teleport is also a very useful thing, but to learn it , you need to increase the level of professions and become a magician. It would be nice for a white magician to learn Curaga, Life and Diaga. The latter will be useful against vampires and the undead, which will have to be mutuzed in the near future. There is no church in this city, well, yes, it’s understandable .. "Vampires destroyed. And it looks like they also destroyed the item shop. When you're done with your shopping, leave the city and head west, following the coast until you reach a fork. We won't be allowed to go west yet, so we'll head south along a thin strip land... the main thing it would not be blown up now ... Come into the cave between the mountains.

earth cave

Among the local enemies, beware of the Cockatrace, which can turn your characters to stone. If the fights seem tough, level up to level 20 as random battles happen a lot here. You can also level up on heal gigas west of the entrance. When you reach the corner, with each step there will be a fight with him and a couple of additional monsters (or a couple of heal gigas ^_^). The main thing is just not to stray far, because when you return, there will also be a battle through each step.

Anyway, we need to stomp directly north from the entrance. There, go around the room from either side and enter it. Take 1975 gil from the chest (be careful, an earth elemental may pop out, a very powerful enemy) and return to the entrance. From the entrance, go southeast. There the path will almost immediately split again. Heading to the left, you will reach a room with two chests containing Antidote and 795 gil. Heading to the right, you will enter a room with two chests containing Potion and 800 gil. Then, again we stomp to the stairs. From it we go east to get to the descent to the second floor. On the second floor we go to the maximum to the south, then to the east and to the north. Further, all the way east to a room with three chests containing 330 gil, a Tent, and a Coral Sword. Exit the room and stomp west, turn south at the second turn. Head as far south as possible to reach a room with three chests containing 5575 gil and a Leather Shield. Then, head back to the previous chest room, from which head straight south. You will reach the descent to the third floor. There we go to the east, in the room we take the Sleeping Bag. We continue north. At the fork we go a little to the right and to the south. There's a room with the Gold Needle. Then we return to the previous fork, and from there to the left. Behind the door is a chest with 3400 gil, taking it, then we go west. At the fork we go down, we reach the room with 1020 gil, and behind the door, located even further south, a bat is waiting for us. Talk to her.

After defeating him, take the contents of the chest to which he blocked the path. This key item is a star ruby. So, the further passage of the Cave of the Earth will have to be postponed for now. We go to Melmond to heal. Now we are exactly southwest of this town, but without moving to another continent.

giant's cave

There are no random battles in this cave. Move deep into the cave, go through the second door. Talk to the old man, he will give you a key item - an earthen twig. With it, we will be able to go into the very depths of the Cave of the Earth. Well, we stomp back to the Cave of the Earth, to the place where we defeated the vampire, along the way, if there is such a need, we go to Melmond to heal. Exit through the east door from the room where you fought the vampire and you will reach the stone slab. Wave an earthen twig in front of her (to do this, select it from the menu of key items) and voila, a passage to the fourth floor will open. We're going down. From the stairs we go north, turning west in places, to a room with chests containing Staff, 3400, 1520, 5450 and 1455 gil. Before each chest, you will have to fight an ogre mage or a sphinx, along with the already familiar monsters. Then we return to the entrance to the floor and now go to the southwest, there is a room with three chests containing Tent, Mythril Shield, and 1250 gil. We immediately put the shield on the warrior and stomp from here to the northwest to the next descent. On the fifth floor, go west to the door. Before entering, make sure everyone is healed and the mages have decent MP, then enter and talk to the earth crystal...

Hooray! We were able to restore the earth crystal, there are three more left. We will also be shown a scene that the previously locked door in the Altar of the Earth will open, but it is better to leave its passage at the end of the game. To exit the cave, stand on the circle behind the crystal.

4. Fire Crystal

We run back to Melmond to heal, then board the ship. We need to go west. To do this, we sail south from the town and, as soon as possible, we sail west, we will find ourselves on the westernmost edge of the world map and eventually get to its eastern side. Swim west until you hit a mountainous continent. Then it remains to swim a little to the south, and you should notice the pier. Us there. Get off the ship and move southwest along the coast, reach the forest. A little to the west is an arc lake, and inside it is a city. You can bypass the lake on the south side. We go around it and go into the city.

Crescent Lake

Wow, this is the first city in which there are no problems! No pirates, no vampires, and they never lost princes! Weapon and armor shops are overflowing with mithril items. Buy Mythril Sword and Mythril Gloves for the warrior. Also, a lot of useful magic is sold in the city. Exit is a great time-saving spell, but it requires you to upgrade your profession class. Anyway, I would advise getting Thundaga, Death, Quake for the black mage and at least Stona for the white mage. The rest of the spells for the white magician are no less useful, but it's up to you to decide which is better. Let's not waste space on Exit, because we can use Teleport and buy Protera and Invisira, these spells are very useful and will be needed very often in boss fights. When you're done with your shopping, stomp to the east of the city. There are twelve old men in a round dance. Talk to their leader. I think you can guess which of them is the leader... By the way, his name is Lucan. Remember the name? Remember, remember. Yes, it was he who predicted the appearance of the four legendary warriors of light, and no, he is not the developer of this game. Talk to all the old people, learn more about the crystals, one of the old people will give you a key item - a canoe. You can leave the city. Now with a canoe you have the opportunity to swim across small rivers ... How small? Well, for example, the same Crescent Lake! In the rivers you will meet some new enemies, hydras, ochu and neochu, for the last two, however, they give a ton of experience, but they are still worth being wary of. Now our path lies on Mount Galg. To get there, find the river that flows into the Crescent Lake, and swim along it to the mountains. You need to move in a northwest direction. Come out on land, and you will see a volcano in the center of the mountains. Us there.

Mount Galg

As you might guess, all the living creatures inhabiting the mountain are fiery. Therefore, use ice magic against monsters if necessary, but do not forget that MP still needs to be saved for bosses, especially if you do not have aether. Also, lava is spilled in places along the road, stepping on it, on which 1 HP will be removed from the team, so try to step on it less. So, we go to the northwest, there is a descent to the second floor. On the second floor, we pass through the nearest door and move north, when you see the nearest chest, turn left to it and take Mythril Helm from it, two fire elementals will guard it, if there are problems with them, use ice magic. Then head south for a chest with 1520 gil. Then go just north of the first chest, there, to the west, you will find a chest with a Great Sword, and in the east, a chest with 4150 gil. Then we go to the maximum to the north, and then to the west, until you hit the wall, you will have to notice two chests, go around the barrier from the south and take 795 and 750 gil from them. Then head down the left side (which is where you came from) and start heading south until you reach a pile of chests. Get Mythril Helm, Mythril Gloves, 1520 Gil, 1760 Gil, Mythril Shield, Mythril Ax, Phoenix Down, 1455 Gil, Antidote, 1975 Gil, Tent, and Hi-Potion from them. Having taken all this stuff, return to the entrance to the floor, from it stomp straight to the west, there is a descent to the third.

If there is a need to heal, drive to the Crescent Lake, while the exit from the cave is nearby. On the third floor, we only need to move east. Descent there. On the fourth floor, we stomp to the southeast, there is a staircase up. We rise again to the third. Head west, at the first fork turn south, at the next fork also continue south, which will eventually lead to a descent to the fourth floor. Here, stomp through the nearest door and take the Gold Needle and 2750 gil from the chests. Then continue on until you notice the next door, behind it in the room, take 1760 gil from the chest. Then head west to the next treasure room, where you can find Antidote, 7340 gil, 880 gil, Ice Brand and Flame Shield from the chests. Be sure to equip the last two to the warrior. Then return to the previous room and go south from it. You will reach a room with chests containing 155 and 10 gil. Further we go to the east to the next room with three chests. Someone already ransacked one of them, and in the other two, take 2000 gil and Cottage. Then return to the previous room and continue your way south. Let's get to the next room with chests... God, yes, the first ffshka is a sea of ​​diversity! In the chests we take 1250 gil and Staff. Then we continue our way to the south, where the descent to the fifth floor is located. On the fifth floor we move straight to the west. There is a room with a chest for which you will have to fight a fiery dragon, but it's worth it, because the chest contains a useful Flame Mail, these are not starting staves for you ... Equip a warrior with it and leave this room. Then move to the southwest, you will find yourself at the next door. Behind her, the boss is waiting for us. Heal up, then talk to the red orb.

Well, now the fire crystal is back to normal. We will be shown a frame that a door has opened in the Abyss of Hell, but we will leave it for the end of the game. Now you can safely leave this nasty cave, standing in a circle behind the crystal.

5. Airship

Now we need to find Levistun. First of all, return to the Crescent Lake and heal, then return to the ship and sail along the mainland to the north to the next port, it is located in a small bay. Then we go along the mountains to the southwest. Canoeing down the river. At the first fork we sail north (both ways north lead to the same place), then west twice. As a result, having made a small, so to speak, semicircle, go out onto land, and after passing a little, you will see a cave. Us there.

ice cave

We stomp along the only road to the descent to the second floor. On the second, stomp to the southwest, there is a ladder to the third. On the third we climb back, but along a different ladder. Follow the only path to the door. There are two chests in the room, as well as a levistoun, but if you look closely, the ice in the room is cracked in places, so if you step on one of these cracks, you will fall to the third floor. Don't worry, this is by design, so we take the Flame Sword and Clothes in the chests, carefully bypassing the cracks, and then fall through anywhere. We defeat evil spirits and leave the room, now we need to go west to the door. On the road there is crushed sharp ice, which has the same effect as lava, so watch your health. There are two chests in the room with Ice Armor and Mythril Gloves, for which you will have to fight white dragons. When fighting them, beware of Icestorm, which deals a lot of damage. Then return to the center of the floor and now go straight to the south (at the lower fork we choose southwest), there in the room in six chests take 7900, 5454, 180, 9900, 5000, 12350 gil ...

Go back to the previous fork and head southeast this time. This path will lead us to the stairs leading to the first floor. We go in the door, go south, take Ether in the chest, then go out the door, located a little to the east. Outside, go south into the room to the chest with 10,000 gil. How much money is there... Next, we go along the southeast path, which will lead to another room with three chests and a crack... In the chests, take 9500 gil, Sleeping Bag and Ice Shield. Then we fall down through the crack. We will be right in the center of the room where the levistun lies. Heal up and go pick him up. Why be treated? Because before that, you have to fight the evil eye, which is inherently weak and does not represent anything special. We take levistoun, it remains to get out of the cave. How to get out? We fall into the crack, and then we return to the place where the crack leading to the leftistone is, but this time we do not fall through, but we pass by this room further to the east, there will be a staircase leading outside. Phew... you can now go back to Crescent Lake to heal and stock up on items. Then we go to the next area. We go to the same river that leads to Mount Galg, but this time we sail to the south, we leave, having noticed the desert. And we enter it, as in a new location.

Ryukan Desert

In the desert, we automatically activate the leftistun. You will see a video showing how miraculously a flying ship can appear from the depths of the desert. More precisely ... an airship, yeah! Having received control, feel free to sit on it! Well, now you can do a lot of things. Most of all, of course, the speed of movement pleases, and the absence of random fights cannot but rejoice. You can land on a flying ship only on a green surface, oddly enough, you can’t land even in the desert, where we found it ... How did it get there then? ..


In the armor store, buy Protect Ring for all characters and three Ruby Armlet (the warrior doesn’t need it, his armor has been cooler for a long time). Only Cat Claws are sold in the armory, we are not interested in them until we increase the class of the profession. Exactly like magic, which by the way is sold here as many as 7 and 8 levels, but you can buy at least Blizzaga. There is nothing else to do here so far, so we board the ship and fly west. Our goal is the western end of the same continent, there is a castle. You won’t be able to land next to it, so find the nearest green dot (it is located a little to the north, on the visible part of the peninsula, which seems to be a separate island on the map) and wander from it to the castle bypassing the sea.

Citadel of Trials

We go forward, we speak with the old man. Then move to the maximum to the north, when you hit the wall, go to the west. Get to the door, climb on the throne in the room and ... you will find yourself on the second floor. Next, we will need to move around the rooms using teleports. Exit the room and you will see a teleporter. Stepping on it, you will find yourself a little north. There is also one teleport here, but in the next room there are two. We select the lower one, we get again into the room with one teleport, we step on it. There are two teleporters in the next room again. We need the bottom one. In the next room, a teleport to the south, it will lead again to a room with two. We select the eastern teleport. Next, we stomp east to the door, inside the room is a chest with Gauntlets, which is guarded by clay golems. These are very good gloves, but we cannot equip them yet.

We leave the room, go down south along the left path, we will find ourselves in a small room with two teleporters, we need the one below. We get into a room with stairs to the third floor. We rise. Here we stomp along the corridor to the north and go through the door, in the nearest chest we take the Healing Staff. Further we go to the West, there, in the chests we take Steel Gloves, Ice Brand and Ruby Armlet. Further to the south, there are also chests here, one someone searched before us, and in the other three take Cottage, 1455 and 7340 gil. Further we go to the east, there another chest and a throne await us. In the chest, the rat tail is a key item. We step onto the throne, defeat two zombie dragons and find ourselves on the first floor. We leave and do all the way back to the flying ship. The next destination is the Dragon Caves. Open the map to see a collection of hotspots near your location. This is what they are. We fly to the easternmost point, land and enter the cave.

dragon caves

From the stairs we go north into the room, there are three chests. They have 2750, 2000 and 1455 gil. Next, we stomp into the room in the southwest. It has a bunch of chests and a talking dragon the size of you. In the chests, get X-Potion, 9500, 1520 and 2750 gil. The first cave is finished. We fly to the second. We need to go northwest. There are two islands there. One, the one to the west contains two caves, and the one to the east one. In the east, there is nothing to do but talk to another dragon. We land on an island with two caves. Through the southern entrance we will get into the Abyss of Hell, we don’t need to go there yet, don’t go. We climb into the northern cave. There we go in any direction, the road will lead us to a room with a bunch of dragons and chests containing Cottage, 500 gil and Elixir. We steal all this from the dragons and return to the ship. To the north there is a forested island with two caves. We land there. There is nothing in the northern cave, but in the southern one...

From the stairs, stomp south along a narrow corridor, at the end of which there is a staircase to the second floor. We get down and move to the north, past a number of swords. In the center sits the king of all dragons, Bahamut. He notices you have a rat tail and considers it a sign of courage and strength. And with just a wave of his wings, he will increase the classes of your professions. Well, now we're just super cool. The warrior became a knight, the monk became a master, and the white and black magicians became wizards! We return to the ship. There is one last island left to eat. It is located just to the west of this. We go into the cave. Take the Tent in the west room, Dry Ether and the Gold Needle in the south room. Having finished robbing the Dragon Caves, we fly to Gaia, where we buy the necessary spells, and if you want, visit the old cities, where magic was also not available due to the lower class of professions, in addition, you can learn lower-level white spells for a knight.

7. Water crystal

In Gaia, just to the left of the eighth level magic shops, there is a man with blue hair. He speaks of a special water called oxial, which flows from springs just south of Gaia, but only fairies can draw it out. And if you talk to a pirate a little north of this place, he will tell you that he caught one of the fairies and sold it to a caravan... okay. Buy Cat Claws for the um... black wizard, then get on the airship and fly to the northwestern continent. Notice the desert. You can land near it in the southeast side. We disembark and stomp on our two to the northwest of the desert. There you will see a small green forest. Touch a small stretch of sand a little to the west of it and you will fall into...


The whole location is just a small tent. Go into it. We need to buy a fairy in a bottle. It costs 40,000 gil. I think you still have money after stealing dragons? If not, then fly to the Citadel of Trials and knock out the monsters. In general, sooner or later, having bought a fairy, we return to the aircraft. Now we're back to Gaia. Entering Gaia, the fairy will automatically wind up. We go to the place where we spoke with the pirate, from there we stomp east until we get to the lake. There our fairy flutters. She'll be thankful you were the only ones to let her out of the bottle, huh... as if we had a choice. In any case, in gratitude, she gives us oxial, with which we can breathe underwater. uhuhu. Although if you think about it... oxial is like a special kind of water... how can you breathe underwater with the help of water... wow... okay. We return to the flying ship. You need to fly to the place where you found the caravan. There is a river in the southeast of the desert, and we need it. Disembark and canoe north. Eventually you will reach a dead end. But... no, it's not a dead end, swim right into the waterfall!

Cave behind the waterfall

At the first and second fork, head west. On the third to the southwest. In general, the essence of this cave is that you always need to turn to the west or southwest. You will eventually reach a door with a bunch of chests behind it. They contain Wizard's Staff, Ribbon, 13450 gil, 6400 gil, 5000 gil and Defender, equip the last warrior. Ribbon can be put on a white magician. Talk to the robot or whoever it is, in general, he will give you a key item - a deformation cube. Then go back to the flying ship. On the way back, on the left side, note the town. We, by the way, go there. Go to the nearest land and enter the city.


The hotel is just south of the entrance. If you talk to the people, you can hear some things about the oxial and the Sunken Temple. You can buy the magic you like, as well as stock up on things. Now we need to run to the southeast of the city. There is a woman and a boy with blue hair standing there. The kid says that he saw some kind of shining garbage that fell from the sky. Yes, this is exactly the robot that was in the cave behind the waterfall. Talk to the woman, find out that she is a mermaid. She will notice you have oxial and ask you to save other mermaids. Now we have access to the barrel. Well... apparently it's some sort of submarine. Ok, let's say. Climb into it and find yourself in...

Sunken Temple

As you might guess, the bulk of the monsters here are water, so Thundaga will be an excellent magic against them. To begin with, we move north to the first intersection. We go to the right, we take away 2000 gil in the room. We return to the central passage, and this time we go to the left, at the end of the path is a room with 9900 gil. Then we move to the northeast, on the way there will be several rooms, but they are all empty. As a result, you will have to get to the stairs to the fourth floor. Here go south to the door, there is nothing behind it, do not worry. From here you can go west or south. Let's go west first. At the fork to the south, so we get to the crossroads. We go west, at the next fork north, turn right into the room behind the chest with 20 gil and continue north again. Turn west as soon as possible, then go north as far as possible, you will have to get to the door. Here lies one of the coolest treasures of the Sunken Temple - Diamond Armor, equip a knight with it and stomp as far south as possible from here.

In the southwest corner is a room with a chest containing a Light Ax. From here we stomp to the east, at the fork we turn north, we get into a room with Mage's Staff. Then we continue to move as far as possible to the east. Then, going a little south, we get into a room with 12350 gil. Then we boldly go up to the fifth floor. This the top floor of the Sunken Temple. Strangely enough, there are no random battles here, but there is a lot of treasure. Anyway, first we steal the key item. We stomp as far as possible to the north, we do not pay attention to the doors for now. Then to the west, the path will narrow a little When the path is wider, stomp into the south room, there are three chests that contain Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm and a key item - rosette stone. gil, Antidote, Diamond Shield, 5000 gil, Diamond Armlet, 1760 gil, 9000 gil, 10000 gil and 10 gil Equip a knight with a diamond shield and one of your favorites with a bracelet, since there are three characters and one bracelet.When finished Not with robbed mermaids, go back to the third floor.

If necessary, return to Onrak to heal, as a boss fight awaits us soon. In general, then we need a staircase in the northwest, going down it, we will get to the second floor. On the second floor, we make our way to the north to the maximum, there we climb to the third and immediately to the fourth floors. We stomp to the southeast, we go down back to the third floor... In the room in the chests we take 110 and 450 gil. Then we continue our way to the south, exit the door and go down to the second floor. We go west to the crossroads, then a little south and east to the room with 7690 and 8135 gil. Then we go straight west, we get to a room with three chests containing 385 and 5450 gil, as well as Giant's Gloves. We leave the room and stomp north until we see the door on the left. We go in, take it in the room from chest Light Ax. Next, move east to the next room, in it we take 2750, 9900 and 7340 gil, as well as Ribbon from the chests. Then we go northwest to the left of this room, there is a descent to the first floor. Go up a little, then to west, at the fork we go north, past an empty room, then turn west, this path will take us to the door to a huge room. him to the next door, behind which there is a water crystal.Let's talk to him...

After the victory, once again they will show the opened door to the secret dungeon. By the way, the mermaid is in shock!! Well, now there is only one crystal left to restore - the wind crystal. We step on the circle behind the water crystal and exit the Sunken Temple.

8. Wind Crystal

Heal and buy everything you need in Onrak. We return back to the flying ship, our path lies in the city of Melmond. There, go to the northeast, notice a dude in a powdered Englishman's wig. His name is Unne, talk to him. When he notices a rosette stone in you, he will at first take it for a pill... but, having understood the whole point, he will jump for joy and tell you that with the help of this stone you can decipher the Lufenian language... I wonder how you can decipher the language with the help of a stone ? Oh, well, okay. Then Unne will offer to teach you the Lufenian language as well, and you will master it in a second. Well, now our path lies in Lufeniya. It is located just south of Gaia. As usual, there is nowhere to land near the city, build airports or something ... in general, you can land only a little west of the pond, which is located north of the city. From there, on foot, stomp half the continent to the city.


Magic shops in this city are downright hidden... In general, we go to the northeastern part of the city, find a gap in the fence there, stomp straight east from it and voila! The last spells of the eighth level. Moreover, it can be said to be the best magic in the game! So... the essence of our arrival in the city is a conversation with Bell, he is standing in the southwest corner of the eastern platform. Talk to him and he will give you a key item - bells. With them, we can get into the Sky Fortress. By the way, if you talk to the people, you can also hear about Tiamat. Return to the airship. If necessary, heal in Gaia. The next destination is a tower in the desert. The desert is located just south of Gaia.

Yakhnikurm Desert

Of course, you can’t land near the tower, so we land in the east of the desert and enjoy hiking. The tower is located in the middle of the desert, if you tried to enter it before, it was impossible without bells. Along the way, there are quite strong opponents, you can even pump on them. Also, if you want to collect the entire bestiary, two of the rarest monsters in the game are found in this desert, these are numbers 85 and 103.

Mirage tower

To get into the Sky Fortress and kill Tiamat, you first have to go through the Mirage Tower, which is a kind of gate to the Sky Fortress. Enemies here are both old and new. As soon as you enter the tower, on the left you can see the stairs to the second floor. You can immediately get to it, but you still need to rob the tower! We enter the nearest door, here in the center of the room we take away 800 gil, Healing Helm, 18010 gil, 3400 gil, Vorpal Sword, 2750 gil, Aegis Shield and Tent. The shield prevents turning to stone, so it makes sense to put it on the knight. Having collected all this goodness, we return to the door from which we came. A little to the left of it there is another door, we go out into it, we find ourselves near the stairs to the second floor. We rise. We move along the path, it goes almost exactly. After you take the stairs to the third floor, the path will start to break, so head south, snuggling up to the central room. You will have to get to the door. Enter it. Go to the center of the room and take in the chests Dragon Mail, 10000 gil, Sun Blade, 7600 gil, Cottage, 13000 gil, 12350 gil, Thor's Hammer, 7900 and 8135 gil. Equip the knight Sun Blade, and the white mage Thor's Hammer . We leave the room through the right door and go north. A robot walks there, if you talk to him, he will tell you about his friend who travels somewhere in the west. Well, you understand what kind of friend he is talking about. We rise to the third floor. There is nothing to profit on this floor, so we just go south. There is a door to a room where you will have to fight the blue dragon. Then we speak with the robot, he will say that in order to get into the Sky Fortress we need to use the deformation cube, but we have had it in our pocket for a long time. We step on the panel just above it and get into ...

sky fortress

The fortress is multi-story, the monsters here are relatively strong, most of them love to use death magic, for example, the evil eye that you fought earlier. In any case, the enemies here are varied, and if it annoys you when you meet the same opponents, then you will like it here. You can always go back if the need arises. Please note that the place where you got is like a crossroads. In general, first you need to go as far south as possible, you will reach a room with a chest containing a Razer. Now we return to the center of the intersection, from it we will need to go east, at the end of the path there is a room with 180 gil, 5000 gil, Protect Ring, 6720 gil and Healing Helm. Then we follow from the center to the west. In the room there, take 7900 gil, 4150 gil, 9900 gil and Potion. There was only a way to the north, we go there and we rise to the second floor. We go down, we get to the center of the room, there are three roads to the east and to the west. To the northeast is Diamond Gloves. To the east are Diamond Shield and Ribbon. In the southeast are Black Robe and White Robe. In the southwest, the key item is adamantite. In the west, 880 and 13,000 gil. To the northwest are Mythril Helm and Cottage. Then we go straight to the south, there is a teleport to the third floor.

First, go a little to the right and talk to the robot. He says that through the viewing window you can look at the whole world. Let's get a look! It's a healthy ball in the center. We look and see that the energy of four crystals intersect at one point. Do you understand which one? In the Temple of Chaos! Do you remember this place? From the viewing window we go east, there is a room with six chests, they contain 8135 gil, Protect Cloak, 9500 gil, Clothes, Gold Needle and 6400 gil. We return to the window, from there we go north to a room with 5450 gil, Potion, 9000 gil and Protect Ring. Again we return to the window and now we stomp to the west. There in the room we take Sasuke's Blade, 3400 gil, 4150 gil and Gold Needle. A little south of the room, a teleport to the fourth floor. We rise.

The penultimate floor, and there are no chests, not in order. Moreover, there are several teleports to the fifth floor, so there will be no problems finding them. Stomp, for example, to the west past two holes, and then to the south, also past two holes. On the fifth floor, you just need to go north and talk to the crystal. It is also worth noting that on this floor in a random battle you can meet a rare monster - War Mech. This is a very strong monster, which in some versions of the game can compete with Chaos itself. The chance of meeting him is 1:64. And if you collect the entire bestiary, you need it. It is not necessary to beat him now, you can return after leveling up, after going through a couple of secret dungeons and improving weapons. But just in case you stumble upon him now, here are his stats and strategy for fighting him.

After the death of the monster, the last crystal will be restored. Once again, they will show how the door to the Rustle Bay, another secret dungeon, opens. Step on the circle behind the crystal here as well to exit.

9. Last Chaos

If you remember, from the viewing window it was clear that the energy of the crystals intersected above the Temple of Chaos. It was in it that we defeated Garland at the very beginning of the game. But before you go there, you need to get a special weapon. Remember the adamantite you picked up in the Sky Fortress? Should have used it. Our destination is Mount Duergar. In it we stomp to the west, then a little to the north and go into the room. There is a blacksmith in it, his name is Smith. Talk to him and he will forge Excalibur from adamantite. Do not be shy, but immediately equip it to the knight. If you need to heal or buy, go to Cornelia. Also finish off the missing monsters for the bestiary, if you suddenly missed someone (see the corresponding section), you must have all numbers up to 119 inclusive filled (with the exception of 108, this is a green dragon, we will meet him in the Temple of Chaos, and 118 if you left battle with the WarMech for later).

Then you can go to the Temple of Chaos for the final battle. This is the last location after which the game ends, so it makes sense to go through all the secret dungeons before it if you are interested. To do this, see the "Soul of Chaos" section. However, it still makes sense to drive to the Temple of Chaos for Masamune, the third most powerful weapon for a knight in the game, and then return to go through additional dungeons after that. The best weapons in the game are still out of reach, so chasing Masamune isn't a bad idea.

Temple of Chaos (final)

The first floor of the Temple of Chaos is exactly the same as before. Enemies are among the first, but the location itself is inhabited by tough enemies, including those that can be found anywhere in the world. Also here you will have to fight again with the four bosses who guarded the crystals. In general, on the first floor we need to stomp straight to the north, go into the room with the black crystal. You can talk to the bats. The characters will focus the light of the four crystals on black and the path will be open. Step on the place where the black crystal was and you will be transported 2000 years ago to, so to speak, the real Temple of Chaos. Unlike the original game and Origins, you can leave the temple, if you really need it, here.

We leave the room. The first floor of the temple is rather linear. There are four stairs on the first floor. We are interested in the one in the southeast corner. We go there, we rise to the second floor. From here we stomp to the east, where another silver staircase awaits us. We rise to the third floor. You will find yourself in the northwest corner of the floor. We go to the maximum to the south, then we go east along the columns, they will lead to the central room. Upon entering the room, you will have to fight with a deadly eye, but this is just a joke. There are two chests in the room with Dry Ether and Elixir. We take them and go to the center of the room to the stove. Wow, the knight will play the lute we got a hundred thousand years ago. A ladder will appear. We go down it.

On the second floor, exit the room and head west and then north to the northwest corner of the floor. There is another staircase that will lead us to the first floor. On the first floor, head west, again to the northwest stairs leading to the basement. Here we go to the maximum to the north, then to the east, past the first passage to the south with columns. From the northeast corner we stomp to the south, past the door, behind which there is nothing. Anyway, we need the southeast corner, there is a ladder. Heal up and go up the stairs.

After defeating the Lich, you can go down, and if you do not want to fight him again, then do not step back. Yes, and there is no point in pumping on it, since they give much more money and experience for ordinary monsters on the floor. On the second floor of the basement, go west, as you notice the columns, start moving north, there is a door. We go into the room and stomp east to the next door in the lower wall, exit through it and go a little south, then west to reach the stairs that were visible at the very beginning. But before climbing it, let's go south, there are two rooms. We go to the left, take the Protect Ring. From the chest we go to the southwestern corner of the room, there is a door, we leave through it. We stomp down the corridor to the room with the chest containing Sasuke's Blade. The left room is finished, now we go to the right. We take Protect Cloak there, and in the southeast Megalixir. Now it's time to return to the stairs leading down. We go, but I advise heal.

Having defeated Marilit, we go down to the third floor of the basement. Go through the small room. Next, move south, go through the door. In the room, we stomp along the corridor and exit through the south door. Then we rise above and go into the northern door. In the room we leave through the central southern door opposite the tombstones. Then we go down past the square columns, resting against the lower wall, we go to the east. And there...

On the fourth floor, move south, when there is no way to go south, stomp to the east. In the southeast corner there will be a room with a chest containing Masamune. Of course, we will immediately equip it. Then we return to the ladder from which we came. This time, we take the path to the northeast. Very soon you will come across...

If you lost here or Tiamat seemed very difficult to you, then you should think about leveling up the characters, because the last boss will be much cooler. If you came here only to steal Masamune and recruit monsters into a bestiary (by the way, a rare iron golem lives on the fourth basement floor, which is number 123), then you can also leave to go through secret dungeons, since only the last boss remains.

One way or another, having defeated Tiamat, we should stomp to the northeast of the floor, this is where the stairs to the last floor of the Temple of Chaos are located. There are no random skirmishes on the last floor. You can calmly heal, eat esters. On the fifth floor of the basement, enter the central room through the south door. Er... Is that Garland? Yes. He will say that we really defeated him in the future, but the four great powers saved him and sent him to the past, where he was reborn into...

After defeating Chaos, enjoy the final stop... um, well, more precisely, enjoy the text against the backdrop of nature. So you saved the world, so you passed the progenitor of all Final Fantasy. After the credits, you will be prompted to save, but in any case, do not save to the old save! Yes, you will receive Clear Data, but all the old achievements will be erased, only the bestiary will remain. Therefore, if you have not yet completed bonus additions, then save to a free cell.

The passage was written based on a perfectly balanced team - Fighter, Black Belt, White Mage, Black Mage. However, it is suitable for any other composition of characters, the differences will be only in the details. For convenience, the passage is divided into chapters, but this division is purely conditional and is intended only to facilitate reading, like the titles of the chapters.

The world is shrouded in darkness. The winds have stopped blowing, the sea is raging, the earth is rotting (what happens to the fire is unknown). People are powerless to turn the tide of events, their last hope is an ancient prophecy: "When the world is plunged into darkness, the Four Warriors will appear..." And the said Warriors did come. Each carried with him a magic ball capable of dispelling the veil of darkness.

Chapter 1. The stolen princess

After reading this powerful plot, give names to four heroes (there are no plot names for them) and select a class for each of them. The team starts their adventures near the city Coneria, in the north of which stands a tall castle. Our heroes have no equipment, their inventory is empty, but they have 400 Gs for initial expenses. First of all, enter the city and start buying equipment. Weapon Shop, Armor Shop, White Magic Shop, Black Magic Shop, Item Shop, Inn and Clinic are at your service. All these institutions are present in all cities without exception; only the location changes, but they can be easily identified by the sign. In the first five, you can buy and sell goods of the corresponding kind. In the Hotel for 30 Gs, you can restore all the heroes of HP and MP to the maximum, and also save. Killed heroes are resurrected in the Clinic - for 40 Gs. Buy Rapier and Chain Armor for the Fighter; Black Belt - Wooden Nunchuck and Wooden Armor; White Mage - Iron Hammer, Cloth, spell Cure; Black Mage - Small Dagger, Cloth, Fire spell. Equip new equipment, exit the city and go to the castle.

So far, our movements here are limited. The doors of the castle treasury are locked with the Mystic Key, so we move straight up to the stairs to the second floor, there we also go upstairs and enter the throne room. The King of Coneria will report that a certain Garland has kidnapped his daughter, Princess Sarah, and will ask you to save her. We return to the exit from the castle and prepare for the operation to free the girl. Preparation consists of walking around the city and hunting monsters. You need to upgrade the team to at least level 3 and earn 400 gold, with which you can buy Harm and Fog for the White Mage in the Magic Store, and Lightning and Sleep for the Black Mage.

After pumping, rest in the Inn and move to the northwest. It's hard to get lost, because the only way. At the end of the road you will find Demon Temple- come inside. So far, access to the most valuable rooms in it is closed, so from the entrance we immediately go north and in the main hall we find the knight Garland and Princess Sarah. When you try to start a conversation, Garland will shout that he will not let anyone near the princess, and attacks.

Boss: Garland
HP: 106 . EXP: 130 . G: 250 .

Dealing with a kidnapper is easy. The fighter and the Black Belt attack him melee, the Black Mage casts Fire, the White Mage heals the wounded (if there are none, you can wave a hammer). To a rested level 3 team, Garland is practically not dangerous - he can, at most, injure one of the heroes. The boss will be destroyed in two or three moves.

Talk to the princess - she will thank you, and the team will be in the throne room of Coneria's castle. Talk to the king and princess: the first will order the construction of a bridge across the strait in the north as a sign of gratitude, and the second will give lute passed down in the royal family from mother to daughter. Level up again and bring the team to level 4. It's better to swing in the Temple of Demons - there they give more experience for monsters. From the chests in the room in the upper left corner of the Temple, take the Heal Potion and Cabin, and in the lower left - Cap (put it on the Fighter). Once you're done with that, go north from Coneria and step onto the bridge.

The idea of ​​the campaign is that the Balls of Heroes shone two millennia ago, and now they are useless cobblestones. We need to find a way to light them up again, and only then deal with Evil.

After crossing the bridge, move east and turn south as soon as possible. There is a port city Provokia. Come into the city and talk with one of the inhabitants; it turns out that the city is captured by pirates. It is necessary to help the poor, especially since it will serve our purposes. We go to the upper left corner of the city and meet Bikke, the pirate captain. He will not be afraid of the Warriors of Light and, after a disparaging remark, will set his team on the heroes.

Mini Boss: Pirates
HP: 6 each. EXP: 40 for each. G: 40 for each.

Despite the impressive number 9 fighters, the pirates will not be able to offer any resistance at all. Just attack them with physical attacks, choosing a separate target for each character. Any successful attack by Fighter and Black Belt is guaranteed to take down one enemy, Mages can sometimes take two hits. In a few moves, the crew of the pirate ship will be killed.

Bikke, at the sight of such deeds, becomes very cold, promises to stop the atrocities and, as a ransom, will give you his ship standing in the port. This vehicle is capable of moving quickly across the seas, but cannot swim along rivers (too shallow) and has a very serious drawback - boarding and disembarking can only be done in ports (they are easy to recognize by the stone border). Do not rush to set sail - another rocking session awaits you. Wander around Provokia, exterminate the monsters until the team reaches at least level 6. You also need to earn extra money to buy in Provokia Shops: Fighter - Short Sword, Iron Armor, Wooden Shield, Gloves; White Mage - Gloves, spells Anti-Lightning, Invisibility, Mute; Black Mage - Gloves, spells Ice, Slow, Temper. The Black Belt does not need to be purchased - in fact, when he reaches level 5, sell him to Wooden Armor, since "in the naked" his protection will be better than any armor worn. The hotel here charges 50 G, the Clinic charges 80 G.

When you're ready, rest and board the ship. Swim west to Coneria, and then south, fight the sea monsters along the way. Your goal is the port almost due south and slightly west of Coneria, located near a large forest. In the middle of the forest is a clearing with a city and a castle; That's what it is Elfland. Check the map if you can't find it right away. Land on the beach and go to the city.

Chapter 2 Earth ball

Walk around Elfland. The city differs from the rest in that it has four Magic Shops at once - two White and two Black Magic. This is explained by the fact that in one pair they sell spells of 3 levels, in the second - 4 levels. In the Hotel they charge 100 G for services, in the Clinic - 200 G. The prices in the stores are absolutely insane, although the equipment is very good. Therefore, we leave the city and proceed to the most intense pumping session in the game. You need to upgrade the team to at least level 10 and purchase the following items of equipment: Fighter - Silver Sword, Iron Shield, Wooden Helmet; Black Belt - Iron Nunchuck (As soon as possible); White Mage - Cap, Copper Bracelet, spells Cure 2, Harm 2, Anti-Fire, Pure, Anti-Ice, Anti-Mute; Black Mage - Cap, Copper Bracelet, Large Dagger, spells Fire 2, Lightning 2, Hold, Fast, Ice 2, Confuse. Also buy some Pure potions - local monsters are very fond of poisoning heroes. A lot of money will be required; note that the most profitable enemies so far are ogres (195 Gs from the snout). In order to save gold for holidays, it is better to swim in Koneriya: there the Hotel is three times cheaper.

Cape Finger
Once the team is at least level 8 and has some decent equipment, it can be great to cut down on the remaining leveling. Swim back to Provokia, then go east along the passages in the rocks. When you see the port, head north. You will reach a cape that looks like a finger. The top 4 spaces of this cape are formally part of another world zone, so the monsters there will be very serious. Take a dozen tents with you so that there are no problems with saves. If you are not killed here, then the time spent on pumping and creating capital will be reduced by just an order of magnitude. When Black Belt reaches level 10, sell him to Iron Nunchuck - now he will fight better with his bare hands than with any weapon.

So, the heroes are swung, equipped and eager to fight. Return to Elfland, buy about 25-30 Heal potions and 10-15 Pure potions and rest in the Inn. After leaving the city, go far to the west, bypassing the mountains from the north; when you see a lake connected by a river to the sea - go through the mountains to the west and turn south. Eventually, you will reach the swamp. There is a hole at its southern end. This is the entrance to Swamp Cave. Save and climb into the hole.

Swamp Cave
Recommended level: 10-11
On the 1st floor head north first, take the winding path and drop down. Search the chests in the three rooms; the trophies will be Short Sword, Large Dagger, 620 and 680 G. After that, return to the cave entry point and now move south to a small room. Enter it and go down the stairs.
On the 2nd floor Exit the room you're in and head south. All chests on this floor are empty, so don't get distracted. Along the south wall, move to the right and go through the room with two doors, then go down the stairs.
3rd floor looks like a grid. Move methodically from room to room and take treasures from the chests: Iron Armor, Copper Bracelet, House, 385 and 295 G. The rooms of the bottom row are locked with the Mystic Key. It is better to run away from many enemies, especially poisonous ones. In the second room from the left of the third row, there is a chest surrounded by statues. Having cured the whole team, approach the chest - several wizards will attack you.

Mini Boss: Wizards
HP: 84 each. EXP: 276 for each. G: 300 for each.

The exact number of enemies varies from battle to battle in range 2 to 5. True, no matter how many there are, wizards will not create serious problems. Interestingly, they do not own magic! This is offset by good physical attacks that can spoil the blood of wounded characters. At the beginning of the fight, the Black Mage casts Lightning 2, and the Fighter, Black Belt and White Mage begin to beat opponents in hand-to-hand combat. When there are many wizards, the procedure must be repeated on the next turn. More than two moves, mini-bosses will not succeed, even if there are five of them.

After laying down the villains, take from the chest crown. If you leave the cage near the chest and return, the wizards will attack again! Follow the familiar route to the exit of their cave, and then to Elfland.

After resting and replenishing the supply of potions, go hiking again. First, go in the same way as in the Swamp Cave, when you see a lake connected to the sea - move past it to the north, there is Northwest Castle. It also has a room locked with a Mystic Key. From the entrance, go upstairs and slightly to the left, and you will enter the throne room. Astos sits there - the king of the dark elves, who bewitched the elfland prince. He will demand the crown from you, after which he will take on his true appearance and unleash the battle.

Boss: Astos
HP: 168 . EXP: 2250 . G: 2000 .

The main danger posed by Astos is his magic. He casts all elemental spells of the second level (Fire 2, Ice 2, Lightning 2), Slow 2, Fast and, most importantly, Rub. In addition, the boss has a very good defense - it will not be possible to knock him down with a couple of kicks. The easiest way to defeat the scoundrel is to shut his mouth with the Mute spell at the very beginning of the battle. When Astos loses the ability to conjure, he will become just a stuffed animal for practicing hand-to-hand techniques. Cast Fast on Fighter and Black Belt to speed up the process.

The defeated Astos will leave behind crystal ball. Return to Elfland and board the ship. Swim to Coneria, go around it from the east and swim under the bridge, then move north again until you reach the port. After landing on the shore, go north again until you find a cave. The good sorceress Matoya lives there. Return the crystal ball stolen by Astos to her, and she will give you grass to heal the elven prince. Take two Heal potions and one Pure potion from the chests in the witch's house.

Return to Elfland; this time head to the castle. Climb up to the throne room (it is located in the same place as in the Northwest Castle). Supply the prince's servant with grass, and he will remove the sleeping curse of Astos from him. The awakened prince will thank you with mystical key! It's time to run around already explored locations and delve into mystical castles.
First of all, inspect Elfland Castle and take it from the chests in the treasury (you need to go through the grass at the right side of the castle) Silver Hammer (for the White Magician), Copper Gauntlet, 400 and 330 G. Go to the Northwest Castle and the Treasury to the west (go around the throne room from the north) take Power Staff, Falchon and Iron Gauntlet (for Fighter). Return to the Swamp Cave and go down to the 3rd floor. Unlock the three rooms in the bottom row (they are guarded by wizards!) and collect trophies - Silver Bracelet (for the Black Mage), Silver Dagger (for him) and 1020 G. Look into the Demon Temple; the rooms in the top right and bottom right corners contain a Were Sword plus a Soft potion and a Rune Sword respectively. Finally, there are six chests in the castle of Coneria (located in two treasuries in the north - you need to go along the perimeter of the castle from any side). Five contain Saber, Iron Staff, Silver Dagger, Iron Armor, Iron Shield, and the last one contains TNT.

Once on the ship, sail west from Coneria until you hit a narrow isthmus that blocks access to the open sea. From it, move north and land at the port. Head southwest until you see a cave. Enter it - it will turn out the cave of the gnomes. In the room to the north of the entrance, the chests contain gold - 575 and 450 G. The second room on the right in the same row is the forge. The dwarven gunsmith will promise to rivet a super sword for you, if only you bring him adamant. Follow the long passage to the south. Near the large room stands a dwarf named Nerrick; give him TNT, and he will complete the digging of the canal with the help of an explosive charge. Take Silver Armor and Iron Helmet from the chests in the big room (for Fighter), Silver Dagger, Dragon Sword, Wooden Helmet, House, Cabin and 575 Gs. Return to the ship and sail south. Now the isthmus has been blown up, you can go through a narrow strait into the open sea! Keep heading west until you reach a port near the city; his name - Melmond.

First, wander around the city. The main drawback of Melmond is the lack of a Clinic and an Item Shop, so you will have to travel to other cities for potions and tents. The fact is that the Demon of the Earth constantly bakes the townspeople, sending earthquakes on them; in addition to two buildings destroyed to the root, one can notice the general distortion of Melmond. At the Inn, they will demand 100 Gs from you. The Gun Shop has nothing interesting to offer the team; in the Armor Shop you need to buy the Fighter Steel Armor, and the White Mage - Silver Bracelet. Perhaps at first there won’t be enough money for steel armor - but it’s not in a hurry for us, the main thing is to have time to buy it before the end of the chapter. Note that meticulous exploration of the mystical lock rooms has cut our costs here considerably. In the Magic Shops, get the White Mage Cure 3, Harm 3 and Life, and the Black Mage Fire 3 and Bane.

If the team has not yet reached level 12, pump up a little; buy 2 tarpaulins, 30 Heal and 15 Pure, rest and drive all the way west, then turn southeast. After reaching the hole in the rocks, save and enter Earth Cave.

Earth Cave
Recommended level: 12
The fights there are simple but quite nerve-wracking, mostly due to monsters with poison/paralyzing attacks. It is better to run away from large groups of scorpions and werewolves, otherwise you will not get enough bottles of Pure.
On the 1st floor there are 6 roads. Northwestern and western merge into one; the area of ​​​​the link is densely populated by giants who will attack the team at every turn. The place is quite dangerous, but here you can pump up well and earn extra money. The southern path ends in a dead end, the northern one leads to a chest with 1975 G. The southeast path splits into three: the middle one ends in a dead end, the left one leads to the building with Heal Potion and 880 G, and the right one leads to the building with Pure Potion and 795 G. Finally, the east road will take you to the stairs to the next floor.
2nd floor is a labyrinth of rooms. We need to aim to the right; along the way, grab Coral Sword, Cabin and 330 G in the large room in the upper right corner. After leaving the room, return a little to the west and head down, from the chests in the room found there, take Wooden Shield, 575 G and 5000 G. Returning to room "coral sword", move strictly south, to the stairs to the next floor.
On the 3rd floor go first to the east, then to the north (grab the Tent in the room on the turn). At the fork, first turn right and go south to get a Heal at the end of the path, then return to the fork and go left. On the way to the west, take 3400 G in the building by the road. Turn south (there is nothing in the room at the turn, but in the room on the way to the south there is a chest with 1020 G). Finally, move east and enter the room that was visible from the stairs. A vampire is blocking your way - talk to him and get ready to repel the attack.

Mini Boss: Vampire
HP: 156 . EXP: 1200 . G: 2000 .

On the first turn, the White Mage casts Harm 3, and the Black Mage casts Fire 3. If the vampire by some miracle remains on his feet after that, the Fighter and the Black Belt will finish him off with a couple of physical attacks. If there are problems with level 5 magic, Harm 2 / Fire 2 will also do. Most likely, the enemy will not even have time to fight back.

Take away ruby from the chest behind the vampire. The second exit from the room leads to a heavy stone slab, which the heroes cannot even move yet. Return to the exit from the Cave of the Earth, then to Melmond, rest and replenish supplies.

Head straight west from Melmond, when you get to the stop - turn southwest. There is another hole in the rock - the entrance to Titan tunnel. Inside, feed the ruby ​​to the Titan and he will let you go deeper into the cave. In the room to the south, clear the chests of the Silver Helmet (for Fighter), Great Ax, 450 and 620 G. Return back up the stairs to the surface on the other side of the mountains. Go south and enter a new cave. Find in it a wise man named Sarda and beg from him rod. Get upstairs, go through the Titan Tunnel again, catch up with the team level to 14 and rest in Melmond. After that, visit the Cave of the Earth again.

Follow the already familiar path until you reach the vampire's room. Exit it through the second door and approach the stone slab. Break it with a newly acquired rod and go down. Caught on 4th floor, you will notice a sharp drop in illumination. The monsters here will be much juicier than on the upper floors. From the stairs go north, then west until you reach the room and pick up Wooden Staff, 3400, 1455, 1520 and 5450 G from the chests in it. Go back a little, move first to the west and then to the south. The building in the southwest corner of the floor contains the Silver Shield (for Fighter), Cabin and 1250 G. Now head to the northwest corner, towards the stairs to the top floor.
5th floor poor in treasure, so just follow the following route: north, then turn west, then south and west again. In the room, touch the Ball, it will crack, and the Demon of the Earth will break out of it.

Boss: Lich
HP: 400 . EXP: 2200 . G: 3000 .

The Earth Demon is able to deal serious damage with its elemental magic of the second level (Fire 2, Ice 2, Lightning 2), and Ice 2 usually casts immediately, so the White Mage must cast the Anti-Ice spell on the team first, you can also cast Anti- Fire and Anti-Lightning; The Black Mage casts a Fast Fighter. After that, the Fighter and the Black Belt begin to beat the Lich with physical attacks, and the Mages use spells against the undead - Harm 3 for White, Fire 3 for Black. The enemy can try to put all the characters to sleep or attack them melee (his blows cause the PARALYZED status), but if the heroes were healed before the battle and the team's actions are clearly coordinated, the boss simply won't have time to cause serious damage - two or three moves, and he's finished.

After destroying the Demon of the Earth, stand on the slab, the passage to which he blocked, and one of your Balls will shine - his strength has returned Earth! Behind the stove is a teleport that will take the team to fresh air at the entrance to the Cave of the Earth. Return to Melmond and accept the gratitude of the townspeople.

Chapter 3 Ball of Fire

Next destination - Crescent Lake. To understand why the city got such a name, take a look at the map. The crescent-shaped lake is located in the southeast corner of the world. The fastest way to get there is to take advantage of the fact that the earth is round. Sail west from Melmond; disappearing from the western border of the map, the ship will appear on the eastern one. Moor at the port on the cape on the east side of the continent and head west. The city is located in the bend of the lake.

As always, we start with shopping. The Weapon Shop does not offer anything special, and in the Armor Shop it is worth buying only the Silver Gauntlet for the Fighter; Shops of Magic are terribly expensive (6th level spells cost 20,000 Gs)- take Soft for the White Mage and Lightning 3 for the Black Mage for now, and buy with the rest of the money maximum, i.e. 99 pcs. potions Heal and a dozen Soft. The hotel here will cost 200 G, and the Clinic - 400 G.
Go through the gap in the bushes in the northeast of the city behind the Magic Shops. There you will meet the "Circle of Wise Men" - twelve bearded uncles in red robes. From some you can get valuable guidance on the further actions of the group, from others just vague remarks. The most useful sage stands in a position coinciding with the southeast compass point: he will congratulate you on your victory over the Demon of the Earth and reward you with a valuable gift - canoe. With it, the team will be able to swim on rivers and lakes, and canoes can be launched anywhere.
The sages will tell you that there is only one way to return the light to Sharam - by sepulching all four Demons. They will urge you to go to the Gurgu Volcano and fight the Fire Demon, but we will go the other way.

Upgrade the team to level 15 and rest in the Inn. Then board the ship and sail north along the east coast. Entering a small bay, you will see the port and the mouth of the river flowing to the west; leaving the ship at the mouth, launch a canoe and swim along the river. On the way, as usual, you will have to extinguish the monsters; the fights will be quite tough, but not particularly dangerous. The route of the swim is as follows: at the first fork, turn up, at the second, swim along the right sleeve, at the third along the lower, at the fourth, along the left. Having landed at the end of the path to the field, cross it and find yourself in front of the entrance to the cave. This is - Ice Cave. After saving and spitting over your left shoulder, enter.

Ice Cave
Recommended level: 15
It will be very difficult to break through this dungeon with a fight, because the monsters live there are very vigorous - fighters, magicians, ice dragons and basilisks (it’s better to always run away from the latter, and in general it’s worth making it a rule to try not to get involved with serious enemies here).
On the 1st floor go east, then turn south and head in the opposite direction, thus describing the horseshoe. After reaching the stairs, go down the floor below.
2nd floor is just a square. Walk along its perimeter in any direction, there is no difference. Eventually you will reach the southwest corner of the square and stairs to the next floor.
3rd floor- a tiny piece of land; take two steps to the stairs and go down.
On the 4th floor go west, then south to the entrance to the building. It contains three chests and fifteen holes. First, carefully bypassing the holes, take the Flame Sword from the upper chests (for Fighter) and Cloth, then fall into any hole. Attention: Cloth is guarded by a group of mages who rigorously attack first and cast Rub, so consider if it's worth messing with.
Landing on 5th floor, be careful: one step forward will cause a gang of undead to attack by a number of 9 snouts. Kill them all with one Fire 3 or Harm 3, then go outside. Pay attention to the strange cells of the floor! They hurt heroes that step on them, so don't wander around unnecessarily and keep an eye on the team's health. Go west, enter the room and slay the ice dragons, then collect the Ice Armor (for Fighter) and Silver Gauntlet. Back at the top of the floor, head south; at the first fork, deviate to the right, at the second - to the left; after reaching the building, collect all the gold lying there - 9900, 5000, 12350, 7900, 5450 and 180 GP. Return to the second fork and now deviate to the right - you will reach the stairs to ... 1st floor!
You will be in the area 1st floor previously unavailable. Get Heal Potion and 10000 Gs from two chests, then head east to a long room with three chests. Taking Ice Shield from them (for Fighter), Tent and 9500 G, fall into the hole. Land next to that chest on the 4th floor that you couldn't get to before. Having cured, approach the chest - the team will be attacked by the Eye.

Mini Boss: Eye
HP: 162 . EXP: 3225 . G: 3225 .

This strange type knows various instant killing spells and does not hesitate to use them. At the same time, he has ridiculous Health and low defense, so speed is everything here - the Black Mage imposes Fast on the Fighter, and he brings down the reptile with a single attack. For safety net, you can connect the Black Belt to the attack.

After winning, take from the chest Floater, fall down the hole again and follow the familiar path to the long room you fell from to the Eye. Behind it is a staircase leading to the surface.

Return in the canoe to your ship and sail to the southern tip of the Crescent Lake area. On the east side there is the mouth of the river; disembark in a canoe and go down the river to the south, then go west into the desert. Use the Floater - it will rise from the sands airship! From now on, this is your main transport - it flies very quickly and through any obstacles, and also eliminates boring random fights with monsters - they simply cannot attack a flying ship. It’s just that it can land far from everywhere, but only on plains and fields.

First, visit the Crescent Lake, relax, sell unnecessary equipment, buy spells of level 6 (White Mage - Fog 2, Black - Quake and Rub) and upgrade the team to level 16 if necessary. We are flying to Castle of Trials. It is located in the middle of a small swamp on the western edge of the northeast continent. (with giant desert), the archipelago to the west can serve as a guide. The problem is that it is impossible to land at least somewhere in the vicinity of the castle. The closest landing site is located about 15 squares diagonally to the northwest, but walking from it to the Castle of Trials is quite a distance, and the monsters here are not weak. Move along the peninsula to the northeast, then, describing the horseshoe, to the southwest; Having crossed the river, go south and enter the castle.

Castle of Trials
Recommended level: 16
Talk to the sage - you will find out that in order to pass the test you need to put a crown on the throne. The throne is in the room in the upper left corner; sit on it and you will be teleported to the dungeon.
1st floor is a labyrinth of columns. Each room is tightly isolated from the rest, and to get into another, you need to touch (i.e. stand on it) one of the columns. If the column is chosen correctly, the team will be teleported to the next room, if not, to the beginning of the maze. You don't have to choose in the first two rooms, because there is only one column. In the third room, touch the bottom column, in the fourth it is one, in the fifth - again the bottom, in the sixth it is the only one again, in the seventh touch the bottom, in the eighth look into the room in the upper right corner and take the Zeus Gauntlet, then go south and touch to the lowest of the three columns. You will be teleported to the stairs to the next floor.
On the 2nd floor first go north and in the first room free the chest from the Heal Staff (for the White Magician). Then head west and grab the Ice Sword in the second room. (for Fighter), Gold Bracelet (for the White Magician) and the Iron Gauntlet. Then go south and in the lower right corner, clear the row of chests from House, 1455 and 7340 G. Finally, head east, open the chest and take tail. When you try to sit on the nearby throne, the team will be attacked by dragons.

Mini Boss: Zombie Dragons
HP: 268 each. EXP: 2331 for each. G: 999 for each.

Undead, and that says it all. The number of dragons varies from one to four, but no matter how many there are, the tactics do not change: at the beginning of the battle, the White Mage casts Harm 3, the Black Mage casts Fire 3, and the Fighter and Black Belt finish off the survivors. If necessary, repeat the casting: zombified dragons will not survive the heavy fire/holy magic fire.

After killing the dragons, sit on the throne and teleport to the throne on the overground floor, then exit the castle and return to the airship.

Now let's actually deal with what all this hemorrhoids was started for. Fly to the archipelago to the west of the Castle of Trials. Land on a large wooded island with two holes in the ground and climb into the southern hole. Going down the long corridor to the south, going down the stairs and going up to the north for the long room, you will see Bahamut, the Dragon King. Show him the tail, and Bahamut, as a reward for bravery, will produce the entire team in upper classes! The fighter will become Knight, Black belt - Master, Thief (if he was) - Ninja, and Mages, White and Black (and Red if there was one) - Wizards corresponding colors.

Once on the surface, roam the rest of the caves (Total Dragon Isles five, on the island of Bahamut two holes, on the rest one each)- your trophies will be House, Cabin, Soft Potion, 2750, 2000, 1455, 160, 9500, 2750, 1520, 500, 10 and 575 G. Fly to Coneria, buy Cure, Fog and Ruse spells for the Knight; in Provokia, buy him Mute, Anti-Lightning, Invisibility; in Elfland buy him Cure 2 and Anti-Fire. Then visit Melmond and Crescent Lake; in the first, take Warp for the Black Wizard, in the second, Exit for the White Wizard.

In the northeast of the vast desert of the northeastern continent, a small town hid in the mountains Gaia. Go there. The Gaia Hotel charges 500 G, the Clinic charges 750 G, but we don't need either. There are four Magic Shops in the city - two sell level 7 spells (although only half of all possible), two (those in the same building, you need to go through the forest path to them) - spells of 8th level (one of the possible ones is not in the list). They will cost a lot of money, besides, now your Wizards simply won't be able to cast them. In the Armor Shop, be sure to buy four ProRings, one for each hero; Immunity to instant kill attacks is power! Also take the Gold Bracelet for the Black Wizard. In the Weapon Shop, purchase the Catclaw for the Black Wizard - this is his best weapon. If you don’t have enough money for something, it doesn’t matter - buy it later. Get your team level to at least 17 and rest. Now it's time to start the Demon hunt!

Volcano Gurgu, where the Fire Demon dug in, is located west of Crescent Lake in the ring of mountains. After landing nearby, save and enter. The monsters here, of course, are mostly fire, so prepare your ice spells, Anti-Fire and Ice Knight equipment. In addition, many floor tiles are filled with lava - you should not step there unnecessarily, and keep an eye on the health of the heroes!

Volcano Gurgu
Recommended level: 17-18
On the 1st floor go through the lava to the west, to the stairs down.
On the 2nd floor immediately enter the building and start maneuvering along the corridors - all the way to the north, then to the west, and finally to the south, bypassing the building along the perimeter. Deviate from the main path periodically to take Silver Helmet, Giant Sword, 4150, 750, 795 and 1520 G scattered around the room, and Silver Gauntlet, Silver Helmet, Silver Ax, Silver Shield, from a large cluster of them in the lower left corner, potions Heal (2 pcs.), Pure, Cabin, 1975, 1455, 1520 and 1760 G. Exit the building through the middle door at the bottom and go along the lava to the southwest corner, to the stairs to the next floor.
On the 3rd floor there are no treasures, so just follow the lava due east until you reach the stairs down.
4th floor all filled with lava. Head to the southeast, constantly healing; the stairs in the lower right corner lead up.
You are in a previously inaccessible area 3 floors. The easiest way to overcome it is to first go south, then turn west, then south again and west again. When you see the stairs to the 4th floor, get down.
This area 4 floors rich in treasures. In the room near the stairs there is a Soft potion and 2750 G. Move west, then south and enter the second room - there is 1760 G. If you now go west, you will reach a dead end with a room full of treasures: Ice Sword, Flame Shield , Pure Potion, 7340 and 880 G. Go back to the second room and head south. There is some gold in the next room: 155 and 10 G. If you go east from here, you will find a room with House and 2000 G; after taking them, return to the previous room and go south again. Having grabbed Wooden Staff and 1250 G in the building along the road, taxi out to the stairs down.
On the 5th floor you are offered a choice of 8 roads. Most of them lead nowhere. (at best, you can see an empty chest at the end of the path, at worst, nothing at all). Head straight west to start and enter the building. On the way to the chest, destroy the agama, and then, at the very chest, engage in battle with the red dragon. Use Ice 2 and Anti-Fire against him. After the victory, take the Flame Armor and return to the center of the floor. Now go to the southwest, enter the room and touch the Ball - it will split and release the Fire Demon.

Boss: Kari
HP: 600 . EXP: 2475 . G: 3000 .

For some reason, Kari doesn't care about ice spells at all. However, it lends itself perfectly to euthanasia. On the first turn, the White Wizard casts Anti-Fire, while the Black Wizard casts Sleep; On the second turn, White must apply Fog 2, Black imposes Fast on the Knight. Thus, the team will be protected from the fire magic and powerful physical attacks of the boss. The Knight and the Master thresh Kari in hand-to-hand combat, the Black Wizard keeps him sedated, and the White Wizard heals the wounded if necessary. The fight should be over in a few moves.

When the Fire Demon is defeated, stand on the slab behind him and your second Orb will glow - his power has returned fire! The teleporter behind the stove will take the team to the surface next to the volcano.

Chapter 4 Ball of Water

After resting after the Gurgu volcano, fly to the northwestern continent (with little desert). The only place suitable for planting is a patch of grass in its southern part, near the rocks. Head north and cross the desert. We are interested in a piece of sand in the north, not connected with the rest of the desert. Hidden there oasis and it has a small shop. Get a bottle there at a extortionate price 50000 g, but nothing can be done - a quest item, however. Do not open the bottle under any circumstances!

Now fly to Gaia; buy there equipment, for which there is enough money. Climb north of town to the Clinic, then follow the forest path east until you see a spring. Stand right in front of the source (close) and then and only then open the bottle, otherwise fifty tons of gold will go down the drain. The freed fairy will thank you and fill the bottle oxyel from the source. This mysterious substance serves as an air purifier. Head straight east from Gaia; having circled the world and found yourself on its western edge, turn southwest, so you will soon notice a small town Onrak. You can't land near it, so drop off to the south and get there on foot.

This settlement is notable for the absence of Weapon and Armor Shops. The Magic Shops offer level 7 spells that were not available in Gaia. At the Hotel they ask for 300 Gs, at the Clinic 750 Gs. So far, do not buy anything here, but leave the city and canoe along the river to the north. In the end, on the way you will have a lake with waterfall. Swim up to the waterfall and get inside.

Recommended level: 18
This dungeon is one-story and uncomplicated. At the first fork, take the road that leads down and to the left; on the second - again down and to the left. On the third, where the choice is much wider, move to the left, but already up, on the fourth and last - straight down. At the small room, heal up, then enter. Behind the doors, a crowd of monsters will attack you - mostly mummies, sometimes diluted with basilisks. Hit them with Fire and Harm spells. Take valuable trophies from chests - Defense Sword (for Knight), Wizard Staff, 13450, 6400 and 5000 G, and most importantly - Ribbon (for the White Magician). There are only three of them in the game, and everything is worth finding - a hero with a Ribbon on will only be afraid of physical attacks. Talk to the robot wandering back and forth along the chests and take from him cube to enter the Heavenly Castle. Then cast Exit and return to Onrak.

Make sure the team is at least level 18. In the southeast corner of the city, a submarine is docked. The woman on the gangway will let you through to her, as the oxyel will allow the heroes to breathe underwater. The submarine will deliver the team to Sea tomb.

Sea tomb
Recommended level: 18
On the 1st floor tombs, move north, after running right and left at the crossroads, to take 2000 and 9900 G in two rooms. There are stairs in both upper corners; Go down the one in the upper right corner.
On the 2nd floor go south, turn west at the first room. Continue west to the second room and grab a full 20 Gs from it. Exit and head west again, heading north at the first opportunity. Opal Armor is in the building you will exit to. (for Knight). Back at the fork, continue south and find a room with a Light Ax in a chest. From it, move east along the upper of the two parallel roads - you will find a building with Mage Staff. Now go east along the bottom road. Look into the building and take 12350 G in the chest, then go down the stairs in the southeast corner.
3rd floor free from monsters. Explore it to your heart's content. In the chests of the room north of the stairs are Opal Bracelet (for Master), 1760 and 9000 G. In the second room on the left of the top row - 2750 G. In the third and fourth rooms on the left of the second row from the top - 4150 and 5000 G, respectively. In the third room on the left of the top row - 10 and 10000 G. In the first and second rooms on the right of the bottom row - Opal Shield (for Knight) and the drug Pure, respectively. But it is difficult to get into the upper right room. In the upper left corner there is a straight long corridor leading to the west - follow it; he cunningly connects the upper corners of the floor, so you get out where you need to. In the room take Opal Helmet (for Knight), Opal Gauntlet and stove with strange characters. Cast Exit to leave the tomb.

If the team is pumped up to level 20-21, you can do something else before returning to the Sea Shrine. Which is what I advise you to do. Fly to Melmond and find Dr. Unne in the cemetery in the northeast corner. Show him the stove; the doctor will decipher the inscriptions on it and teach the team the Lefain language. It remains to find a place where this language is spoken. Fly to Gaia, sell trophies and buy the necessary equipment; from Gaia head south to the lake and land on a patch of grass to the northwest of it. Go past the lake to the east, then through the forest to the south, and the city will appear before your eyes Lefain.

Service in the city, to put it mildly, is not up to par. Of all the useful establishments, only two Magic Stores function, and even in those there is only one spell of the 8th level (albeit the coolest of all). Of all the inhabitants of Lefain, we are only interested in the one that stands on the right bank of the right river, almost at the very entrance. (stands still, does not dangle back and forth). Talk to this friend and he will give you bell to enter the Mirage Tower.

Leaving Lefain for now, return to the airship, fly over the mountains to the west and move down until you spot a piece of grass on the eastern edge of the vast desert where you can land. Go through the desert to the northwest, to Mirage tower. The bell will serve as your pass to the tower.

Mirage Tower
Recommended level: 20
On the 1st floor enter the big room and clear chests of trophies: Aegis Shield (for Knight), Heal Helmet, Vorpal, Cabin, 2750, 18010, 3400 and 880 G. After leaving the room through the second door, go up at the end of the path to the next floor.
2nd floor go around the perimeter, in the northwest penetrate through the hole in the fence and go down south to the entrance to the large room. Collect the contents of all chests: Dragon Armor (best knight armor), Sun Sword (for him) Thor's Hammer (the best weapon of the White Wizard), House, 8135, 7900, 10000, 7690, 12350 and 13000G.

Cast Exit and return to the ship. Fly to Gaia, sell trophies and buy White Wizard Cure 4 and Harm 4, and Black Wizard Ice 3 and Break. Fly to Onrak, buy an Anti-Rub for the White Wizard and a Saber for the Black Wizard and rest. The team has probably already reached at least level 20. Get on the submarine again and sail to the Sea Shrine.

This time on 1st floor go down the stairs in the upper left corner.
On the 2nd floor there are no treasures; go first to the west, and at the first building turn north and go there and go all the way up the stairs.
Climb up the floor.
Go around the building and go down.
In a new area 1st floor take 110 and 450 Gs in the long room, exit through the south door and go down.
Back on 2nd floor; head south and pick up at building 8135 and 7690 G. Go west from there and pick up Power Gauntlet, 5450 and 385 G from the room. Backtrack a little to the east and turn north as soon as possible. You will find a room with a Light Ax inside. After leaving it, head east until you find a room with four chests - get rich on Ribbon (for the Black Wizard), 2750, 7350 and 9900 G. Finally, go north from it and turn west. In the northwest corner of the floor is a staircase down.
On the 3rd floor head north and enter the large building; go through it to the west and exit through another door. Move west, go down south to the entrance to the huge room; Climb up inside it to the north and go outside through the door to the southwest. Climb north along the left wall of the huge room and enter the small room. Touch the Ball - it will break, and the Water Demon will rush into battle.

Boss: kraken
HP: 800 . EXP: 4245 . G: 5000 .

Take precautions first. The White Wizard casts Anti-Lightning and Fog 2, thus protecting the team from the Water Demon's most serious attacks - Lightning 2 magic and physical attacks. The Black Wizard applies Fast on the Knight and Master. Then the Knight and the Master begin to melee peck the Kraken, and the Wizards cast Lightning 2 and Lightning 3 on him (don't forget about Thor's Hammer magic ability!) The kraken loves to use Ink's special attack very much - don't pay attention, your grunts will hit the target anyway, he just wastes his moves. If suddenly the bastard hurts someone, use Cure 3 or Cure 4.

After killing the Water Demon, repeat the usual ritual - stand on the stove. The third ball will shine - power Water returned to him! The teleport behind the stove will return the team to Onrak.

Chapter 5 Ball of Air

There is only one Orb left, but it will be more difficult to light it than the others. Fly to Gaia and buy level 8 spells there: Fade and Wall for the White Wizard, Zap for the Black Wizard! and XXXX. Make sure your team is at least level 22. Refill your Heal. Rest and return to the Mirage Tower.

Get to the room 2nd floor Where did you get the dragon armor? To the north of it is a staircase leading up.
On the 3rd floor go around the building and enter it from the south - a dragon will attack you.

Mini Boss: Blue Dragon
HP: 454 . EXP: 3274 . G: 2000 .

The dragon is a rather dangerous opponent, as he has a Thunder special attack, which significantly undermines the team's health. To avoid this, on the first turn, the White Wizard casts Anti-Lightning, and all the heroes start melee beating him. Most importantly, keep an eye on the level of HP and do not forget to heal.

After breaking through the door, stand on the teleporter. A cube in your inventory will activate it, and the team will be thrown into a hovering high in the sky sky castle.

sky castle
Recommended level: 22
After being teleported to 1st floor castle, leave the arrival room and head south; pick up the Bane Sword in the room. Return to the center and go west; in the room there you can find Heal Potion, 7900, 4150 and 9900 G. Return to the center again and go east; in the room there is Heal Helmet, ProRing, 6720, 5000 and 180 G. Finally, after collecting all the trophies, return to the center one last time and go north to the teleporter to another floor.
2nd floor in shape it resembles an eight-pointed star - go down to the south, to its center, and begin to explore the rays. We have just come from the north; in the room on the northwest beam are Silver Helmet and House, and on the northeast - Opal Gauntlet. The western beam ends with a room with 13000 and 880 Gs, the eastern beam ends with a room with Ribbon (for Master) and Opal Shield. In the southeast room, grab the White Shirt and Black Shirt (best clothes for White and Black Wizards respectively), and in the southwestern chest there is a party adamant. You can jump right now to strain the dwarves, but it’s better to be patient a little and continue exploring the Castle in the Sky. Go down the southern beam to the teleporter.
On the 3rd floor first move along the winding platforms to the east and pick up ProCape indoors there (for the White Wizard), Soft drug, Cloth, 6400, 8135 and 9500 G. If you look into the window at the teleporter, you will see a place where the forces of the elements flock - Demon Temple. Return to the teleporter and go west to get Katana, Soft potion, 4150 and 3400 G in the room. Transfer to the next floor is carried out by a teleporter a few steps south of this room.
4th floor may seem huge. In fact, these are again cunning spatial tricks. You need to move here like this - go one block to the north, then one block to the west; then again one block to the north and one block to the west. After repeating this several times, you will exit to the teleporter. It can also be reached by alternating south and east.
5th floor It's an awfully long bridge. It would seem that it is difficult to cross the bridge? Meanwhile, serious problems may arise here - the bridge is patrolled by a combat robot WarMech.

Mini Boss: WarMech
HP: 1000 . EXP: 32000 . G: 32000 .

In a nutshell: WarMech is the most dangerous monster in the entire game. Destroying his 1,000 hit points would be tough, given his almost impenetrable defenses. Only the most advanced magic works on WarMech, such as Nuke and Fade. The physical attacks of the robot take from two to four hundred HP and can easily lay down the Wizard, and the tactical nuclear weapon (similar to the Nuke spell) inflicts the same damage to the entire team. Finally, he knows how to sneak up behind him unnoticed and is guaranteed to deliver the first blow to the team. If you want to count on victory, the level of the heroes must be at least 27, and preferably higher. The Knight and Master hit the WarMech with physical attacks, the Black Wizard casts Fast on both of them and then starts to cast Nuke, the White Wizard casts Anti-Fire and Invisibility 2 on the team, and then starts to cast Fade. You might be lucky and beat him.
The best part is that this mini-boss is optional; he may not meet you, and if he does, it is easy to run away from him.

Having crossed the bridge, touch the Ball - it will crumble, and the Demon of Air will appear before you.

Boss: Tiamat
HP: 1000 . EXP: 5496 . G: 6000 .

Air Demon has three powerful special attacks: Blizzard, Thunder and Poison, which can greatly spoil the blood of the team. Yes, and his physical attacks are not weak - a hundred and a half health is cut down for sure. Tiamat himself is strong as an oak - 1000 hit points plus excellent defense will significantly delay his death. The nastiest thing is that he can cast Bane with a good chance of success while spitting on your ProRings. At the beginning of the battle, the Black Wizard speeds up both grunts with his Fast, and the White Wizard puts up all kinds of defenses - Anti-Ice, Anti-Lightning and Invisibility 2 (with White Shirt). Then start pounding the Demon in close combat together. Don't forget to heal the wounded! Tiamat is affected by Bane and Break - so you can kill him on the move if you're lucky.

Having defeated the enemy, do what is necessary - stand on the stove, and the fourth Ball will light up; his strength returned Air! The teleport behind it will return the heroes to the desert near the Mirage tower.

Chapter 6 Demon Temple

Now all four Orbs are shining, and you can clash with Evil at any moment. However, in order not to get hit on the forehead, you need to carefully prepare. All heroes must be equipped with ProRings, and all but the Knight must be equipped with Ribbons. Buy 99 Heal Potions. Visit Lefain and find the cleverly hidden Magic Shop there (to do this, go into the hole between the bushes in the upper right corner and move east), where you need to buy Nuke for the Black Wizard, and Life 2 for the White Wizard. Take adamant to the blacksmith in the dwarf cave, and he will make Xcalibur - the Knight's best sword. Finally, get pumping. It is advisable to bring the team level to 29 before looking for a meeting with the main villain. This is done most quickly in the Temple of Demons, acting strictly within the boundaries of the first and second floors - it is too dangerous to meddle below. Well, or hunt WarMehs ;-)

Once you've completed the preparations, head to the Demon Temple. Go north to the room with the Black Orb where Garland used to sit. Talk to five bats (these are your predecessors, the Warriors of Heaven, who tried to stop Evil four centuries ago)- you will find out that the roots of the Demon power are hidden in the past, and you need to travel back 2000 years in order to destroy the true enemy there. Touch the Black Orb; your glowing Orbs will hide it and activate the Time Gate. Step into them, and the team will be transported into the past by two millennia.

Last trip
Recommended level: 29
On the 1st floor can be pumped efficiently; when you get tired, cast Exit - it will throw you not only to the exit, but also back to the future. Rest and return through the Time Gate. There will be no natural way back (without Warp or Exit spells).
After leaving the room, go east, then go down the corridor to the southeast corner, where there is a staircase down.
On the 2nd floor take ten steps to the right and go down to the next floor.
3rd floor inhabited by gas dragons that can crush even a high-level team; be careful! Move south from the stairs to the floor boundary and turn east; when there is a building to the north of you, enter it. At the door, the team will be met by a phantom - a reinforced analogue of the Eye. Since all characters are protected by ProRings, his magic won't work and you can easily chop him into a cabbage. In the chest on the left - 45000 G, in the chest on the right - 65000 G, in the middle - a slab. Walk up to her and play the lute (no wonder they wore it the whole game?). The melody will open the stairs up.
You are back on 2nd floor; exit the room to the south and turn west, then head to the northwest corner, to the stairs up.
Again 1st floor. Go west and go down the stairs.

Now you have to break through the floors of the elements, and the first in this row will be Ground floor. Mostly monsters familiar from the Cave of the Earth live here. Go around the floor around the perimeter: up to the northwest corner, then to the right to the northeast, finally down to the southeast - in this corner there is a staircase guarded by the Lich. He learned new spells Nuke, XXXX, Zap! and generally increased in strength, but his health remained at the same level. Those. A level 29 Knight or DM can take him down with a single attack. Get down.
Next in line - Floor of Fire. The local monsters met in the Gurgu volcano. Move north and enter the building. You need to go through it and exit through the door on the east side. Climb down south and head west to the next staircase. Before approaching it, explore the two rooms to the south. Take the ProRing in the left one and go down the long corridor - in the room at the end of it lies Katana. In the right take ProCape (for the Black Wizard) and at the end of the corridor 26000 G, then go back to the stairs - Kari is waiting for you there. He is also stronger than last time, but not by much when compared to the Lich. The most significant improvement is the addition of the Fire 3 spell, so cast Anti-Fire and put the enemy to sleep. In general, the methods of struggle remained old. After the victory, go down.
Next comes Water Floor. A set of monsters provided by the Sea Shrine. Go around the barrier by going through the room next to it, then move down (through the columns) and to the left. Enter the room, go inside it to the south and exit through the second door. Climbing upstairs, go through another room and go out the middle door. Head down the passage, fenced with columns, down and to the right. On the way to the stairs in the southeast corner you will be met by a Kraken. This one differs from itself in the future with its powerful physical attacks. The White Wizard casts Invisibility 2, the Black Wizard casts Fast on the Knight, and very soon the Kraken will be caput. Get down.
The last thing you need to overcome Air Floor. The monsters are the same as in Sky Castle. Go south from the starting point, then east; go southeast along the narrow corridor, then east. The road will end in a small room with a chest containing a Masmune. This is the best weapon in the game and can be wielded by all heroes. Decide for yourself who to give it to. For our team composition, she will bring the greatest return in the hands of the White Wizard. Return to the starting point and this time move east. Tiamat sits in the passage between two large rooms. Despite some twisting, it is not difficult to deal with it - follow the same tactics as last time, using the advantage in experience. No qualitative improvements were noticed in Tiamat. In the northeast corner of the next room is a staircase.

Last floor absolutely empty. You will not meet a single monster on it. Go around the room in the center of the floor and stand in front of the door in the south wall. Fully heal all heroes before entering. (use lower level potions and spells). In the room you will meet... Garland? In the conversation, it turns out that the four Demons sent him here, 2000 years ago, and he, in turn, sent them to the future, thus forming a Time Loop. After each replica, he will step back - come up and talk to him again. The third time, Garland will change into his true form and attack the team.

Boss: Chaos
HP: 2000 . EXP: why? G: why?

Defeating this demonic creature will not be easy. The monster is as healthy as a bull - two thousand hit points and a very high defense provide amazing vitality. Chaos beats well in melee (minus one hundred or two hundred HP for each hit, plus the PARALYZED status), knows a bunch of powerful combat spells - Fire 3, Lightning 3, Ice 3, Tornado, Swirl, Inferno and Crack special attacks, can cast Fast ( as if his attacks are weak anyway), and Slow 2 on you. The worst thing is that he does not hesitate to use Cure 4; you mutuzili him for half an hour, and he once - and completely cured. Chaos has infinite Spell Charges, so don't try to starve it out.
The team must be at least level 30, and at the peak of form. The Black Wizard inflicts Fast on the Knight and Master for the first two rounds. The White Wizard protects the team with Invisibility 2 and Fog 2 (also Anti-Fire). Then the Knight and the Master begin to guard Chaos with physical attacks, and the Wizards fire at him with the most powerful spells: White - Fade, Black - Nuke. In a slower and more careful version of the battle, instead of Fade, you need to protect all the heroes with the Wall spell. If necessary, get distracted by healing your fighters using Cure 3 and Cure 4. When the boss's health drops below 500 HP, attack him with the whole crowd - otherwise, with a high degree of probability, he will cast Cure 4, and all efforts will go down the drain. In this fight, a lot depends on luck.

The defeated Chaos will effectively crumble and turn into nothing.
The Time Loop is broken; peace reigned on the planet again! The management of the forces of the elements is again returned to the earth. Everything in the world has returned to normal. When Chaos, spawn of the four Demons, was defeated by the Warriors of Light, that victory in the past changed the future. The Magnificent Four, having returned to their time, found that all traces of the intervention of the forces of Evil had disappeared from the face of the earth ... At what time their adventures unfolded is now unknown. But the memory of them will live forever in the hearts of people, and the legend of the Warriors of Light will be passed down from generation to generation.

Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum left his native kingdom with three of his friends. He travels to Altissia, the capital of Accordo, where he is to seal the alliance between the two states by marrying Lady Lunafreya of the Imperial province of Tenebrae.


After the first cut-scene, you will receive your first, real task: you need to push the car. It's simple: when your team grabs onto the car, hold down the R2 button to move around until the newly minted cutscene starts.

A new location has been opened - the Molot outpost.

Meet mechanic Cindy Aurum, Sid's granddaughter, and a little later, Sid Sophiar himself. After the cutscene, talk to Cindy or simply try to move away from her. In any case, you will receive a map of the continent.

Regis Lucius.

Step inside the cafe and ask the seller about everything. New places will appear on your map - parking, outposts, collection points. Informants can grab side quests - "Hunting Tasks". All of them are associated with the killing of certain creatures. In the list of tasks you will see the recommended degree of the character. Taking tasks of a higher level on ordinary difficulty is not recommended. Soon the first task will become available as part of the passage of Final Fantasy XV on the portal StopGame.Ru.

- 100 experience points.

- Bronze bracelet.

Prince Noctis and his companions are heading to the neighboring state of Accordo, where the prince will marry his betrothed. But so far, the comrades have spent all their money on the repair of the Regalia. Now they need to figure out how to earn some gil - money that is in use outside of Insomnia.

Cindy needs to be consulted. Follow the marker on the map in the form of a scarlet square and an exclamation mark. Chat and ask for a discount. You will receive a new task - you need to destroy local pests (0/3).

You will receive 40 gil and one bronze bracer. On the left side you can find an arms dealer. The preparation process remains on your conscience - in the market, by the way, you can buy various potions.

Follow the marker on the map. Attack the stingers. It will be necessary to lay down three monsters, while in the task they will be counted as one pest. At the next point on the map, you will need to deal with six Stingtails, which will appear in two groups. Use all the tips that pop up on your screen before the start of the battle - regular and blitz attacks, dodges and parries.

Use the R1 button to capture the target and the "circle" to hit after teleporting. The farther away your target is, the more powerful Noctis' blow will be. Go to the newly minted place, where there will be even more stingtails.

By the way, additional targets appear in the upper part of the screen during the battle. By completing them, you will receive additional ability points. After defeating the third group of pests, the phone will ring. The current quest will be completed automatically.

Quest "Hunter turned game"

- 150 experience points.

During a conversation with Cindy, you will learn about a new task. You need to go to the abandoned hut and find a hunter named Dave there. Follow the marker, which is located near your current location.

A new point is the Three Valleys parking lot.

Check the note lying on the small table. It tells about the Bicorn mutant named Bloodhorn. After reading the note, saber fangs will attack you - exterminate them all. Killing them will give you Saberfang Claws.

After their destruction, move to another hut, located not far from the current one. You will stop at a hut with saber fangs. Ignis will announce that he has tactics. So sometimes before the battles, Ignis will offer you special actions. By completing them, you can earn additional ability points. In this case, the guy offers to teleport to the mill. Do this to get 3 ability points. It doesn't have to be done in secret. You can complete the task even if you have already joined the fight. Simply, a timer will appear at the top of the screen, before the expiration of which you need to complete the task.

Clue. By standing on tall points such as a windmill, Noctis can quickly regenerate his health and mana pool.

Continue the battle with opponents until they are completely destroyed. Meet David Auburnbree, the trapped hunter. The task will be completed, but you will learn that another beast is walking somewhere in the district.

When Dave asks you to deal with the beast, select the phrase "Ask your friends." In this case, Ignis will receive 150 experiment points. A new quest will automatically start.

Quest "Mutant Slayer"

- 200 experience points.

First you need to find a monster whose favor is marked by another marker. You will have to go a little longer than before - about 400 meters.

Move away from the hut, as Ignis will offer you a rest. While resting in the nearest hideout, you not only regenerate your strength, but also increase your skills with food prepared by Ignis.

Agree, and then head to a new mark on the map. This is Merriot's Sanctuary. Approach the indicated fire pit and interact with it. In the stun, you can refresh yourself with stat-boosting food and take a break after counting your experience.

Once the camp is smashed, you will see the Ignis cooking menu. As you travel through the universe, you will be able to collect new recipes to cook a variety of foods that increase certain skills by a certain number of stakes. By cooking food, you increase Ignis' culinary level.

In addition, you will need ingredients to prepare food. If you do not have them, then the dish will not work.

The higher the photography skill level, the better quality Prompto's shots will be. When you share photos on networks, you get a daily bonus to your photography skill.

Move to the indicated place where the Bloodhorns are waiting for you. Fight him using the skills of various characters. The monster is not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance.

After a telephone conversation with Cindy, return to her service station and pick up the car. You can chat with the girl again to order various modifications. At the end of the first conversation, she will ask you to take some things to a motel in another settlement. Agree to do so.

Cindy, Sid's granddaughter.

Quest "Prince on errands"

- 50 experience points.

Tell Ignis that you will drive the car yourself (or give this privilege to him). You need to get to the marker on the map. This can be done manually (drive the car directly to the destination) or automatically.

A new location is available - the outpost "Longwythe Camp".

When you arrive at the newly minted place, you will learn that Ignis will drive the car during the day, and Noctis will drive it at night (because Ignis refuses to drive when demons are prowling around). When the car is driven by Ignis, the "fast travel" function is activated.

After leaving the car at the indicated point, approach the owner of the motel, looking out through the administrator's window nearby. He will say that he will pick up the parcel from the trunk. Watch the cut-scene with the appearance of Umbra's postman dog.

You will see Noctis' flashback of his encounter with Lunafreya 12 years ago. Choose what note to leave in the notebook, or write nothing at all.

When the task is completed, it will be time to go to Galdin Quay.

From now on, points in the form of a yellow “question mark” will appear on the map. They point to characters or other objects, interacting with which you can get additional (side) quests. For example, one of these characters will appear right in the motel parking lot.

Side quest "Gone and never returned"

Speak with the administrator at the motel at the Longwythe Camp location to receive the new task.

Hunting is a dangerous occupation. One of Dave's comrades died on a mission. Noctis volunteered to find a hunting tag for Dave to take to the relatives of the lost man.

– Experience 500 points.

– Ultra Potion x10.

Instead of relaxing in the country, you can do it in motels and cities. Although you will pay extra money for this, you can get a small bonus when calculating the experiment.

For example, while relaxing in the Longwythe Camp Motel, your experiment points are increased by one and a half times.

Continuation of the quest "Prince on errands"

Reach Galdin Quay in self-driving mode.

Outpost "Galdin's Quay"

Head down to the pier to meet a mysterious stranger. From him you will receive a refined coin. You can ask the seller at the restaurant to get newly minted points on the map.

Go down to the pier, to the marker, to continue the task. Chat with Dino Girantse. If you allow not to succumb to provocation, then Ignis will earn 150 experiment points.

Quest "Gentlemen's Agreement"

– 300 experience points.

Whatever you do, you will have to make an agreement with Dino. You need to go to the deposit and get some uncut gems for the reporter. Climb up the mountain and sneak past the huge creature to the gems. Take one grenade, then leave this point. It is likely that the creature will wake up and fly away anyway. You don't have to fight him.

Return by car to the pier and talk to Dino Girantse to give him the grenade and continue the passage of Final Fantasy XV on StopGame.Ru.

Additional quest "Cat's lunch"

– Experience 600 points.

– Dragon Scale x1.

Appropriately, on a long wooden bridge leading to the pier, you can find a cat. It is marked with a yellow "question mark". Interact with her to get a new task. It is related to Noctis' hobby of fishing. Find a fishing point on the Vannat coast, which is marked with the corresponding marker on the map (hook and fish).

Walk back to the parking lot and turn left. Follow along the coast until you see the required marker. Near him is a tackle merchant. Get a whalebone from him. Throw the rod into the water, pull the bait so that the fish bite on it. Then move the rod in the direction shown on the screen to keep the tension on the line. Soon you will fish your first fish. By the way, when Noctis catches a new kind of fish, Ignis gets a new recipe for cooking.

Return to the cat and try to give it fresh fish. As it turns out, she loves fish, but only cooked. Follow the chef of "Mother of Pearl" (a restaurant on the coast of the sea) and chat with a girl named Koktura. Give her the fish by talking to her a second time. You will receive Koktura Cat Food x1.

Give this food to your cat. The task will be completed.

Continuation of the quest "Gentlemen's agreement"

Chat with Dino to give the grenade. You will learn about the same stranger and the coin he gave you. Also, as a reward from Dino, you will receive a garnet bracelet.

When you decide to sail, then talk to Dino again. By the way, you can complete all the unfinished additional quests later, after some time.

You will automatically spend the night at the Tavern by the Quay, where your experiment is doubled.

Watch the cut-scene in which you will see Insomnia.

- 350 experience points.

While waiting for the ship to Altissia, the comrades learn the stunning news: “Insomnia has fallen. King Regis is dead." They write about it on the front pages of all the newspapers, but is it really the truth? Four friends decide to see for themselves and set off on their return trip.

Climb up to the marker and fight the imperial archers. Supertonic will fall out of them.

It is likely that in the ensuing battle you will first learn about the threat to the lives of your partners. When their health reaches the minimum rating, "Danger" appears on their scale on the right side of the screen. You need to run up to your partner and interact with him to restore his strength.

Finally, when Noctis's mana pool runs out, you need to find cover or climb to some kind of top (the latter is only possible if you have at least a few mana points needed to teleport). In such poses, mana is quickly restored.

A little later, magitekh ax-bearers will appear. Unlike shooters, these are melee fighters.


The capital of the kingdom fell, hopes for peace collapsed, all in one night. The comrades are sent back to the Hammer to find out what really happened.

Watch the cutscene where you will see the adult Lunafreya Noxfleur for the first time. She receives a message from Noctis through the Umbra and the Lucii ring.

When you arrive at the Hammer outpost, you will receive a task from Cindy.

- 400 experience points.

Kor confirmed Noctis' worst fear: his father, King Regis, had been killed. Still not fully realizing what happened, the four comrades go to a meeting with the marshal to consider further actions.

Go to the garage and talk to Sid. Leave the garage to find out about Kor's message from the outside.

Along the way, you will find a new point - the parking lot "Nordasky Checkpoint". Follow further to the direction point.

A new location is available - "Outpost in the steppe".

A swordsman who is one of Noctis's friends and protectors.

Go inside and talk to Monika Elshett. Move to the Tomb of the Sage, marked with a marker on the map. It is located near the outpost. Climb inside and talk to Cor Leoins.

After the cut-scene, you will receive the Royal Power. Royal weapons are ghostly weapons that contain the power of ancient kings. It is incredibly powerful, but it consumes health points when used. If you're going to use it, be sure to stock up on potions and other healing items to keep Noctis out of mortal danger.

- 500 experience points.

Take the sword of the sage. You will learn about thirteen popular pieces of royal arms located in separate tombs. Now you need to go to the Kikatrikh pit. Once in the right place, fight with a huge number of imperial shooters and axes. Please note that there is a turret at the location, using which you can shoot all opponents.

The axe-bearers drop a muscle stimulator.

Dungeon "Kikatrich Pit"

Climb inside, after which Kor will leave you, giving the key to the royal tombs. With his support, you will open any tomb. Go deep into the dungeon, follow the cable and activate the generator. Go to the farthest room, but the door will be closed. Pump out the element of ice and return to the previous corridor. The door on the right should open if you move from the back room. Pass through it and follow deeper. Climb between the rocks to get to another part of the catacombs. Destroy the goblins that attacked you. You will open the same door that was locked. Again step into the corridor. There are three paths on the left. Two of them are connected to each other and lead to the room below. You need to go through the corridor between two connected lines (middle corridor). Here again you will need to climb under the rubble.

Walk to the left and squeeze between two walls. Open the door on the right and lay down the opponents. This room contains a generator that you must activate after defeating the goblins. A little farther there will be new enemies - tarantulas. Huge spiders attack mainly in close combat. Move on and behind the next door you will meet Arachne - a huge uterus of spiders.

The fight will be quite difficult! Use all the skills available for each character. Otherwise, you will crash. Squeeze through the stones of the next blockage, go a little further and see the door to the Tomb of the Conqueror. Open it and take the Blade of the Conqueror. After that, you will be prompted to automatically return to the entrance. Agree. The task, by the way, is completed. Talk on the phone with Cor.

- 600 experience points.

A new task will start automatically. You need to return to the Outpost in the Steppe and talk to Monica again. After talking by car, drive to the Nordsky checkpoint, flow out to the place marked on the map and talk to Monika again. Squeeze between the cliffs and talk to Kor.

Follow through the location, killing robots and finding one door after another. Don't forget to use attack when teleporting. Press the L1 button to regenerate your mana. Soon you will meet with your guys.

Boss Loki in MT-M

Watch the cut-scene, after which Loki will appear in his armored MT-M. In addition to the boss, there will be imperial shooters and magitek axemen at the location. Attack the enemy in his individual shares, especially in weapons. Gradually, you will be able to disarm Loki's mechanoid. In particular, if you storm its paws, the mechanoid will become immobilized for a while.

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