Do-it-yourself coin products. Crafts from coins with your own hands

More and more often, coins are lying around in an apartment in different boxes, on shelves. If a lot of little things have accumulated, you need to find a worthy use for it. Moreover, you can make decorations, panels from 10-kopeck coins, decorate stands, tables.

Using a variety of handicraft techniques, it is easy to create a variety of items for interior decorating and just for creative enjoyment. And coins are ideally combined with many materials.

Decorating frames is a fairly popular type of needlework. Coins from different countries will remind you of travel and are perfect for decorating travel photos. It's easier to work with a wooden frame - then you can quickly change photos.

The coins are glued to the frame one at a time using super glue. It is undesirable to glue a lot of money, since the product will become quite heavy. To mask the gaps between the coins, the frame is pre-painted in a golden or silver shade.

Kopeck jewelry can be very diverse - bracelets, earrings, necklaces. To create complex jewelry, you need a special tool and wire skills.

To make a simple bracelet from coins, you will need a decorative bracelet-chain of a copper shade, small rings, a few kopecks, a drill, and a vice. Preparatory measures - drill holes in the coins, then attach every little thing with a small ring to the chain.

The easiest way is to weave the bracelet using special coins with holes. To make the jewelry look stylish, it is advisable to use a leather cord.

According to the fashionable direction of feng shui, you can attract monetary prosperity to your home by decorating with coins. The original version of the craft in this case will be a stylized money tree. To create it, you will need clay, wire, coins of various denominations, paint, superglue. Stages of work step by step:

  1. A round base is made of clay and left to dry.
  2. A dense trunk is twisted from the wire and separate branches are formed.
  3. The barrel is glued to the base with superglue. The surface is additionally decorated with coins.
  4. Coins are glued to each branch, placing them almost horizontally.

To give the craft a finished look, it is painted in one color. It is better to use paint in spray cans. Both shiny golden trees and matte pale silver look original.

An unusual souvenir or gift - a panel depicting a money tree. To create a craft, you will need cardboard, corrugated cardboard, twine, PVA glue, acrylic paints, gold enamel. Step by step process:

  1. 2 sheets of corrugated cardboard measuring 15x25 cm are pasted over with ordinary cardboard on both sides.
  2. A 2.5 cm wide frame is cut out of one glued sheet and glued to the whole sheet.
  3. The cut twine is laid out on one side of the picture, forming a tree trunk. The ends protruding beyond the frame are cut and fixed with glue at the end.
  4. Coins are glued to the twigs, threads, forming a crown.
  5. When the panel dries up, it is painted on both sides with paint (blue, green, dark gray).

The finishing touch is the application of gold enamel with light sliding movements. Thanks to this, the panel will acquire a relief and effectively decorate any room.

Hardly anyone will refuse an original souvenir in the form of a waterfall made of money. Even a schoolboy can create an unusual craft with his own hands. You will need: a metal fork, a saucer with a cup, superglue, silver paint in a spray can, coins. Sequencing:

  1. The two ends of the fork are bent so that the cup can be glued to the fork and secured to the saucer.
  2. Several coins are sprayed with paint.
  3. The base is wrapped with a bandage or cotton pads, which are tied with a thread.
  4. The coins begin to glue in the cup, gradually covering the base of the fork and saucer.

For the final decoration, the mug and the edges of the saucer are covered with foil. The open part of the craft with coins is painted with golden paint.

The box has a rather exotic look, all the walls of which are lined with kopecks. Making such a craft from coins with your own hands is not a matter of one day. After all, it will take time to collect many identical coins and gradually glue them together, forming a craft.

A great idea is to create a box using a minimum of iron money, a little time and imagination. This will require a ready-made box (preferably of a certain geometric shape). The essence of the work is pasting the surface of the box with coins. The base is preliminarily cleaned of dust and dirt. It is better to glue metal elements with superglue. Coin boxes made of kopecks of the same color look very elegant.

To make a bright money craft, they select a vase of any size and shape. You will also need coins (preferably the same size), a thermal gun, black paint, paint in a spray can of copper color. Work progress:

  1. The vase is covered with black paint and allowed to dry.
  2. Coins are painted with a copper-colored paint from a spray can.
  3. Pennies evenly, row by row, are glued to the vase.

To create crafts, you can use transparent glass vases and decorate surfaces not only with coins. Small colored beads, lace braid - you can combine a variety of materials. These vases will exquisitely decorate interiors of different styles. The same principle can be used to decorate a fruit dish.

Creating a craft from a large number of kopecks will take a lot of time. You can collect different animal figures, models of cars or ships. You must first draw up a detailed drawing in order to calculate the dimensions of the product, taking into account the diameter of the coins. For a spectacular look, all the money is painted in one silver color. The decorative elements of the ship will be stripes of golden coins, blue paper sails.

If you dream a little, then it's easy to create a picture - an owl from coins. A great idea is to depict a money tree as a background on the craft and place an owl on a branch. You will need a picture with a frame, coins of ten kopecks and larger, twine, golden paint, a thermal gun.

Initially, a sketch of the picture is drawn on the basis. A tree trunk and a branch-support for an owl are formed from pieces of twine. The crown of the tree is laid out in large coins. The body of an owl is formed with pennies, which are glued in a checkerboard pattern, forming the appearance of plumage. Paws, head, eyes, wings are cut out of thick cardboard. All elements are glued to the body. When the glue dries up, the picture-panel is covered with golden paint.

There is a belief that a horseshoe is a sign of good luck, a symbol of happiness. It is believed that it is also a talisman or amulet that protects the house and households from failure.

It is not difficult to create a talisman from coins with your own hands. A workpiece is cut out of thick cardboard in the shape of a horseshoe. The front side is pasted over with coins of the same color and size, placing them in a checkerboard pattern. On the reverse side of the workpiece, a strong suspension thread is glued and the surface is also filled with pretty pennies.

Hanging the craft on the wall above the door, keep in mind that the horseshoe can be positioned in two ways:

  • the position "horns" upward attracts positive energy into the house and symbolizes the house - a full bowl. The horseshoe is hung indoors;
  • outside the house, the horseshoe is hung upside down. It is believed that the talisman protects the home from trouble.

It is believed that the donated horseshoe carries a greater energy charge. Therefore, such a souvenir craft will be a great gift for any occasion.

An exquisite flower, decorated in the style of topiary, will always be in the spotlight. To create a craft, it is advisable to use 10-kopeck coins. You will also need a foam ball, woolen threads, hot melt glue, a pot, thick wire, self-hardening paste, gold paint. A step-by-step process for creating a flower:

  1. The ball is wrapped with threads and pasted over with coins, placing them in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. A spiral barrel is formed from the wire.
  3. The pot is filled with a self-hardening mass and a spiral is installed in it.
  4. The wire is wrapped with twine and a ball with kopecks is put on it.
  5. Decorative sheets are glued to the trunk, the whole craft is covered with golden paint from a spray can.

Separately paint several gold coins, which cover the base in the pot.

Given the multitude of ideas, the hand will no longer raise a hand to throw coins into the far corner of a drawer or throw out a table, because it seems that the tabletop can no longer be embellished. Even if you do not urgently need to create a gift, you can still come up with a sketch of a pendant made of coins in the form of a heart or an original circle. Ideas are in the air, so do not throw coins around, it is better to collect them in anticipation of creative inspiration.

Many are accustomed to the fact that coins are a means of payment, which can be left in the store and put in a piggy bank. But restless needlewomen with irrepressible imagination came up with an unusual application for them, constructing crafts from coins with their own hands. Yes, such that sometimes you wonder what kind of creations you get. Further information for those who are not indifferent to creative delights at home.


Coin master class

At first glance, it is difficult to make beautiful crafts from small money, but in fact, nothing is easier if your hands know how to implement the plan.

To confirm the veracity of our words, let's take a step by step how to make a gorgeous apple.

You need to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • base (a plastic orange or apple, a rubber ball, a foam ball, a Christmas tree toy);
  • glue gun;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • coins;
  • decorative leaves.


Simple crafts

If there is a desire, but not enough experience, you can start with the simplest craft options.

Such a pyramid is very easy to make: you just need to glue separate rows first: 3 rows of 5 coins, 3 rows of 4, 3 rows of 3, 3 rows of 2, and the very top is crowned with a structure with 3 coins on each side.

The box is easy to make, but this process can be called protracted in time. You will need to glue many small columns together, and then create any geometric shape you want from them (circle, rectangle, square, heart). The lid of the box can be made flat, or, as in the photo, you can glue the material, creating a three-dimensional appearance.

Any vase or jug ​​can be freshened with old and new coins glued to them (pre-cleaned). And then these items will play in a new way in the interior of the apartment.

If you have collected a sufficient amount of metallic currency, then replace the old or boring upholstery of any furniture with a new and shiny one.

Children will be delighted with their favorite cartoon character made on cardboard, first with a pencil sketch, and then with glue, coins and colored cardboard.

Jewelry made from "zloty" in the old days had a double meaning: they were worn not only for beauty, but also so that in difficult times there was an opportunity to pay for food. Now such pendants are worn by adherents of the boho style and gypsy motives. Moreover, everyone can make such pendants, bracelets and earrings with their own hands.

Coin tree

The most popular type of coin crafts is the money tree, which should bring financial success to the person in whose house it is located.

To get started, prepare:

  • burlap;
  • coins in large quantities (any that are in the house, but preferably of the same size or denomination);
  • PVA glue;
  • glue gun;
  • sponge, brush, acrylic paints;
  • photo frame;
  • 3-layer napkin;
  • scissors.

To get started, take a burlap and wrap it around the cardboard part of the photo frame using glue. From the prepared napkin, cut strips a little less than 2 cm wide for the future trunk. To do it, take one of the strips, unfold and divide into 2 parts (for more comfortable twisting), then quickly dip it into water to soften it, and twist it with a flagella. Move clearly in one direction at an inclination of 45 °.

At this stage, you need to find any sketch you like on the Internet (or a craft magazine). It's good if you did it a little earlier. Looking at the selected photo, you should recreate it as closely as possible in your craft. Glue the paper filaments to the burlap in a certain order, achieving the exact shape of the trunk and twigs.

After gluing all the tissue material, leave the work for a while so that the glue is completely dry. After a while, using a heat gun, place 50-100 coins on the burlap. First, the contour of the crown is "outlined" with metal kopecks, and then the rest of the space is filled. Coins can also be glued on top of each other to visually increase the volume of the "leaves".

Advice! Make sure that the coin crown is beautiful and lush, otherwise the meager amount of coins will not be able to recreate the beautiful look of the tree.

If the glue has left marks on the burlap, they can be removed with a stiff brush. Only then should the application be dried.

When everything is dry, acrylic paints are applied to the entire craft, and then the coins can also be processed with bronze paint. After done, leave the semi-finished product to dry again. When the time is up, paste the result of the work into the frame. In this form, the craft is quite suitable for a gift for any event.

It turns out that it will not be difficult for a woman not only to make a salad and a scandal out of nothing, but also to find an adaptation for any little thing, turning it, at least, into a funny souvenir. It can be the notorious plastic bottles, and burned out electric lamps, and cellophane bags. The most recent trend is crafts from coins.

You can build such an owl from coins. The base can be purchased at a store that sells handmade materials.

How do you like this penny portrait of Sherlock?

A goldfish made of coins should bring financial success to your home.

Actually, coins in jewelry and souvenirs are not new at all. Think of the gypsy monistos, created from many tiers of coins of different denominations. They were also adorned with the edges of scarves, and during the dances they rang cheerfully to the beat of the dancer's movements. Various pendants, key chains, talismans were made from coins. Recently, various Chinese trinkets such as a money tree, souvenir toads and gods sitting on coin placers have been revived. It is believed that this is not only cute, but also very symbolic, as it accompanies the material well-being of the owner of such a toy. Who knows, all of a sudden feng shui will work, but at least it won't get any worse. But a funny souvenir made of coins, and even made with his own hand, will certainly delight the eye. And the process of its manufacture can become an excellent relaxer. Working with coins and other little things can be so captivating that it becomes a real outlet in the world of vanity, eternal rush and endless problems. Just try it once! Moreover, souvenirs from coins Made with your own hands, with a soul invested in them, can be a wonderful gift for a birthday or for a wedding of friends.

From coins of different shapes and colors, you can achieve the effect of a game of light in a picture of coins.

Having pasted it on the canvas, it will not be superfluous to hang such a picture in the house and it will bring financial success.

At the Olympics in London, they laid out just such a mosaic of fines.

Pennies were laid out in several layers.

Where can I get coins? And the stale piggy banks, and the compartments of women's handbags, wallets or pockets littered with trifles, and Soviet rarities lying around unnecessarily, kept just in case! Or maybe this is exactly the case? So, we rake out all the stash and to the point!

If enough coins have accumulated, then they can be used to decorate the walls!

Coins in the interior will look even better than Italian tiles.

Some hotels make walls out of coins.

Old furniture can be decorated with coins and varnished.

The first and the simplest option is to make an original souvenir that will serve as a real talisman, attracting financial well-being and good luck to you. To make it, you need to prepare some voluminous object with smooth lines, for example, an old vase, a jug or even a simple bottle. You will also need plasticine and many small coins - it is desirable that they are of the same denomination. Penny coins are best suited, because of the small size, which the souvenir will look more delicate and sophisticated. The manufacturing process is DIY coin crafts simple to the point of being primitive. To begin with, on the surface of a vase or other object with which you decided to work, a thin layer of plasticine is evenly applied, and then, one row after another, coins are attached according to the principle of scales - from the bottom of the vessel to the top. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the distance between the rows, avoiding too wide gaps. If a trifle of different value and quality, then it will have to be sorted before starting work, separating the newest and most shiny coins, especially pleasing to your eye, to decorate the upper part of the dishes.

An old vase in the alteration will shine with new colors.

For the vase, it is better to choose bright shiny new coins or clean old ones. Cover the vase with black lacquer or paint and glue the coins. you can use Moment glue for iron and porcelain.

Remember to ventilate the room. The glue is toxic.

This is how we got a vase. Looks very solid, doesn't it?

The largest and dimmest coins should be attached to the bottom of the vase. If the object to which the plasticine with money layers is attached is too large in size, then coins of different colors and denominations will look very appropriate on it. For example, from white and yellow metal, you can form real patterns over the entire surface. Nothing limits your imagination here. After the completion of the work, the finished craft must be protected from darkening of coins and dust by covering it with several layers of transparent varnish. After the varnish dries, you will get a wonderful work of art, which will allow you to be proud of yourself: after all, a real masterpiece has been created with your own hands!

To make this ring, we used two one euro cent coins and a two cent coin (base).

To work you will need: nail polish, a base ring and three coins.

Paint two coins with nail polish and glue them together as we did.

Coins will also make wonderful earrings.

Funny crafts from coins can be obtained using a minimum of tools: a drill with a thin drill or superglue. The simplest option is a pendant: if you drill two thin holes at the bottom and top of the coin, you can assemble such a decoration of any size and shape.

This is the kind of money waterfall can be obtained with skillful pens.

We will need a glue gun or just a tube of glue, coins of different denominations, a fork and a cup with a saucer for work.

Bend the fork in this way.

As you understood, the fork is the basis of our money waterfall.

Glue the fork to the saucer and wait until the glue dries.

Now glue the cup to the fork.

Then build the waterfall itself out of coins.

You can make a table souvenir from coins glued together in the form of a tower or a pyramid. And if you collect ordinary beads, in which coins of different materials alternate, and fasten them, for example, with wire rings, and even put them on a chain, you will get not just a necklace, but a real necklace. According to the principle of a vase pasted over with coins from the above option, you can turn a simple flower pot into a luxurious planter. Go ahead: the aged lampshade of your favorite table lamp will sparkle with lively renewed colors if you decorate it with the same strings of coin beads. The basis for their fastening is a few wire rings.

You can make such a beautiful table from coins.

For work, select an old table, paint it, update it.

Start sticking coins to the middle of the countertop.

Stick the coins tightly.

This is how we got a decorated table.

Cover the slot with a layer of varnish or silicone.

The table can be used both on the street and in the house - it came out very beautiful here.

If you have accumulated a lot of coins of different denominations and countries, then you can make such a picture.

Glue the coins to the glass and place in the frame. Job is done!

Such a picture can be presented to a guest from another country.

This is how, penny for penny, real ones are created souvenirs from coins... And they are not worth at all as much as the coins attached to them. Their artistic value is much more expensive than the aggregate denomination of the individual components. After all, both the pricelessness of the author's idea and the work itself are simply incomparable. A striking example of this is the small sculptures of the American artist Stacy Lee Webber, created from one-cent coins.

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Stacy Lee Webber

Works by Gabriel Rufete

Gabriel rufete

Gabriel rufete

Gabriel rufete

Gabriel rufete

Works by Colombian artist Federico Uribe

Colombian artist Federico Uribe

Colombian artist Federico Uribe

Works of various arts are bought for money at the most prestigious opening days and auctions. But the bills and coins themselves also become such, for example, in the works of artists Jacqueline Lou Skaggs and Vander Martich, who create small sculptures from the smallest coins. They depict anything: and a tool of labor - hammers and saws, and figures of different people in any life situations, and abstract little things.

It turns out that at the expense of such an inconspicuous little thing that has no special value as a coin, any of us can not only create a funny trinket, a nice gift, a symbolic souvenir, but also join high art.

Crafts from coins photo

Since ancient times, coins have been used to make women's jewelry.

Even the stars wear them. For example, in this we noticed Selena Gomez.

Coin table

Coin table

Coin floor

Coin floor

Furniture made of onet

Coin floor

Another coin decoration, this time a bracelet.

Vest made of coins. Heavy, but dazzlingly shiny.

Coin Crafts Videos

Coins are a good material for making various DIY crafts. Strength and absolutely correct shape provides this material with wide popularity among real homemade ones. In addition, coins can be of various sizes and shapes, which also gives an opportunity for a flight of imagination.

2) To do a box of coins You will need a lot of little things that will act as a frame and a decorative element at the same time. There are two ways to make such a DIY homemade product. First, as a frame, you can take a ready-made box, which you can simply glue over with coins. But we will go the other way - we will completely make the craft out of coins. You need to lay out the coins with turrets, gluing them together. Thus, you will lay out the walls of the box. To lay out the bottom, stick one coin on top of another in the form of scales. I forgot to say that you can use regular super glue to attach coins to each other.

3) Frame made of coins much easier to make than a shiny box. Cut a rectangle with wide walls from durable cardboard. However, the dimensions of these walls (in thickness) should not be much larger than the dimensions of the coins, so that the frame does not turn out to be too heavy. Stick one coin on top of the other like scales. The photo should be placed behind the frame. But if you want the photo to be changeable, you will have to make a simple mechanism. For example, you can glue guide strips from the same cardboard.

4) And to make such a homemade product - ring of coins, you need to be a real master of your craft. This is a real work of art (by the way, quite a lot worthwhile). I can’t tell you HOW you can do it yourself, because I’m unlikely to succeed even in something similar. But there is always something to strive for.))

Crafts from coins: metal creativity (20 photos)

A hand-made thing radiates a special energy, because the soul of the master, his joy from creative work, is invested in it, and articles made from coins also have the magical property of attracting money. However, this is not the only reason why pennies often become part of hand-made compositions.

Advantages of coins as a material for crafts:

  • Accessibility (there is a trifle in every home);
  • Durability of metal products (labor will not be wasted);
  • The correct rounded shape makes it easier to make crafts with your own hands;
  • The presence of several diameters expands the possibilities of use (implementation of ideas);
  • Variety of designs (chasing) and choice of colors (yellow and white).

The proposed ideas of "coinage" are easy to implement. You just need to stock up on the required amount of change.

What can be made from penny coins?

The simplest crafts require a glue gun, a base item, and a fair amount of small items. The manufacturing method is simple: a clean surface is sequentially pasted over with coins.

By choosing coins of different denominations, you can achieve filling the entire area without gaps. Finishing elements can be placed flat or at an angle (i.e. glue the coin with an edge).

Such crafts are good because you do not need to drill and bend or cut metal.

Beautiful crafts from coins with your own hands:

  • Vase or flowerpot;
  • Photo frame;
  • Souvenir "money bottle";
  • Hovering cup, money tap;
  • Furniture decor;
  • Topiary (horseshoe of happiness, hearts, balls).

The imagination of the masters is not limited to simple pasting of finished items. A trifle becomes a full-fledged "building material"! The coins are stacked one on top of the other to form cylinders. Then the walls are erected from the coin columns. In this way, crafts are made in the form of a ship, a castle, a box.

What to do so that the craft does not lose its spectacular appearance over time?

Experienced craftsmen cover coins with spray paint (silver or gold), and then with acrylic varnish in several layers. Such a thing is not difficult to look after. It can be cleaned with a damp cloth.

How to get a flat surface? If you are confused by the gaps between the pennies, you can fill them with silicone. Moreover, it is not necessary to use a transparent composition.

Choose a thicker cardboard and cut out a frame of the desired shape from it. The width of the frame should not be too wide (just a little more than the diameter of the coins is enough) so that the product does not turn out to be too heavy.

Then we glue the pennies. At this point, everyone acts as fantasy dictates. You can glue only a few coins in the corners or fill the entire surface with coins, choose coins that are absolutely the same in size and color, or make patterns from different elements.

Place the photo on the back of the frame. For the convenience of changing the picture, you can glue cardboard guides for a photo.

Coins have long been used to decorate clothes, make jewelry, talismans from them. Moreover, the money in the product did not lose its purchasing power. A bracelet or monisto could be exchanged for food.

Modern craftsmen drill holes in coins, connect them together with wires, forming chains (sometimes in several tiers). You can make a pendant, earrings, bracelet from coins with a hole. In the latter case, pennies can be attached to a chain with small rings made of thin wire or connected by weaving from a lace.

The ring is somewhat more difficult to make, but the work of the master is afraid, so nothing is impossible for a hand man.

Money trees have become popular crafts from coins for a long time. This symbol of prosperity serves as a good gift or a good interior decoration.

For work you will need:

  • Kopecks (it is better to use elements of the minimum diameter, with a denomination of 1 or 10 kopecks);
  • Thin wire;
  • Stand;
  • Thick wire or branches of a real tree;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Plasticine or putty;
  • Tools.
  1. We make holes in the coins.
  2. We fix a tree formed from thick wire or branches on the stand.
  3. We cut a thin wire into pieces 10-20 centimeters long.
  4. We pass the wire into the hole of the coin, bend it in half and twist the free ends. It turns out a circle on a flexible stick.
  5. We connect individual blanks to each other in 3-5 pieces. We twist the wires. We form branches.
  6. We wrap the resulting branches around the branches of a tree on a stand.
  7. We mask all flaws with putty. Let it dry.
  8. We paint the trunk and base with acrylic paints. Let it dry.
  9. We cover with varnish. It is better to use a matte varnish for the barrel, and a glossy varnish for the coins.

The money tree can not only stand on a stand, but also hang on the wall in the form of a picture. To do this, we glue the trunk and branches from any suitable material to the selected base. These can be sticks and twigs found on a walk, rope or twine, plasticine or clay. We take what is at hand. Place coins around the branches. You may need to cover the creation with a thin layer of acrylic paint (to even out the color) and apply shadows, add various decorative elements.

The panel can be based on a rectangular sheet of plywood or fiberboard. This way of storing travel memorabilia is much more convenient and effective than keeping "trophies" in bulk.

Making a panel in the form of volumetric letters is as easy as shelling pears. We cut out symbols from plywood or cardboard (you can use dense foam or other convenient material) and glue coins of various denominations and sizes (currencies of different countries) on droplets of hot glue.

Inexhaustible cash flow - who will refuse it? You can only dream about it or admire the symbol of abundance if it is presented to you.

For this craft from coins you will need:

  • a cup and saucer (it is better to use a set made of thin light metal or plastic);
  • aluminum plug;
  • coins;
  • glossy acrylic varnish;
  • hot glue.
  • We bend the fork so that its teeth can catch on the edge of the saucer, and glue the cup to the handle in a horizontal position.
  • We make the base heavier (glue a handful of coins one by one).
  • We attach a fork to the saucer, and glue a cup to its end.
  • We glue the fork with coins so that it is not visible.
  • We cover the "stream" with several layers of varnish (the more the better) to create the appearance of a reflection of the water.

Instead of a cup, you can glue a faucet or horn; this will not change the meaning of the original coin craft.

Such gifts have magical powers. They attract financial well-being. Money to money, penny to penny - the truth of these expressions has been confirmed by many years of practice. The shining object serves as a magnet for banknotes of various denominations. The symbol of an inexhaustible cash flow is useful for both a businessman and a housewife.


19 Creative Coin Ideas

Coins are a very convenient and practical material that is suitable for making mosaics, bracelets and coasters, as well as for simply decorating pots for home plants. A little imagination, diligence, and this is what can happen!

Using a stamp for minting coins, you can make such a nice pendant. Coins brought from another country will look especially good.

A picture lined with coins. A bit of paint, an original frame, canvas - what else is needed for a piece of contemporary art? You can make such a gift for a friend and assure him that material well-being is guaranteed to him. Good idea!

A variant of a coin necklace with intricate weaving. It will look great with an African-style dress!

Coins can be flattened, the drawing can be erased. Such flat coins will make the decoration extraordinary ...

Coin buttons are an addition to free style clothing.

Frame for a mirror or photographs. You don't need too many coins.

I would definitely not refuse such a table!

Covering the ring with coins and using it as a fixer for napkins and holiday letters is an unexpected idea.

A tray lined with coins! Will fit into any interior.

A bar counter or a countertop in coins will become an expressive detail of the room.

Just a coffee table. It's a pleasure to sit at such a cozy evening ...

Ordinary vases can be turned into eye-catching, interesting things. To glue them with coins is as easy as shelling pears, and the effect!

Coins are capable of ennobling almost any item. Even the horse's head is made of wood.

Money and letters. Coin lettering is a fun way to set a themed mood in a room.

A fancy house using coins to decorate the roof! Better than a cookie house. It can be used not only as a bird feeder, but also as a mailbox.

A whole wall of coins!

Sometimes coins seem especially appropriate ...

Making a floor out of coins is not at all as difficult as it seems. They seem to be created for this process!

Category: Crafts from coins and banknotes

Coin crafts are now very popular. Their strength and correct shape, as well as your flight of imagination, are able to create a completely unique gift for your loved ones and friends, which cannot be bought in a store. It is also believed that this is not just cute, but also symbolic, as it accompanies the material well-being of the owner of this souvenir. Ten-kopeck coins are best suited for crafts, because of the small size of which the souvenir will look neat and elegant.

If a souvenir is made according to all the rules, in order to use it to attract money luck, then the coins must be attached with the Obverse up.

Obverse (fr. Avers, lat. Adversus - facing). That is, the obverse is considered to be the side opposite to the side on which the denomination of the coin is depicted.

Nowadays, money for a wedding is not just a usual, but already a traditional gift. But giving them just in an envelope is not very original, and the newlyweds themselves.

There is a special sign - to give a horseshoe for good luck. I suggest you show originality and make a horseshoe with your own hands. In the master class in detail.

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