Big Daddy, a BioShock fanfic fanfiction BioShock

He held his breath ... Sweat poured out in a stream, his hands were shaking, but this did not frighten him, he was frightened by laughter. Children's laughter, what's wrong with that? That could scare a grown man in full bloom, and even from head to toe hung with weapons. It's just a little girl's laugh. He knew what kind of girl she was, not everyone could leave alive when they met her. And Jack was not so much afraid of the girl as the one who followed her, followed everywhere, slowly and relentlessly.

But now, a languid mooing echoed to him. But this mooing is not the one we are used to hearing in the meadows, from the cows, but a dull cry, full of pain and evil. Jack tensed, his hands were no longer shaking, he was all ready. Jack had the advantage - he was in the theater, and was already ready for the performance. The red velvet curtains hung without swaying, it seemed that the blood froze in them, now it was already impossible to understand, the color of the curtains fully corresponded to the color of the blood and maybe there were stains on them, but he could not see it from above from the bed.

There was a crash, another one. The familiar heavy gait, the crunch of breaking seats and the hum - black and terrible. Jack looked out from the balcony. In the mezzanine, somewhere about 100 meters away, there was a corpse, a Sister was swarming with a syringe nearby. Big Daddy came up from behind her, bellowing and breathing heavily.

An impressive steel round helmet with ten sight glasses, dirty and black with caked blood and algae, and transverse rods that formed something like a visor. A heavy diving suit, almost two meters tall in some places already covered with rust and corrosion, with shells growing here and there. When walking, the rubberized fabric creaked, and these creaks were sometimes more frightening than a dull hum. Behind Daddy's back was a large balloon with a valve, all over his back. The shoes of the suit looked like two huge irons, and when one such iron fell on the head of the splicer, it burst like an egg in the microwave. "What kind of strength do you need to have to carry all this on yourself?" - Jack thought. Instead of his right hand, Daddy had a drill, blood was running down it. In his left hand, the giant diver was holding the remains of the splicer he had just torn apart, one and the three who again decided to earn a light Adam.

On the left of this monster's suit there was a headlight, now it was yellow and Jack sighed freely, it would be worse if the color were red. There are three options in total - like a traffic light, green, yellow and red, and, accordingly, each option is worse than the previous one.

Jack understood the complexity of the situation, but the girl had to be saved, although he could have killed, having received even more Adam, but he had already decided everything for himself. He took out the syringe with Eve from his pocket, the last syringe that he had left and injected into his left hand. I loaded the shotgun, he had very few cartridges to kill this giant, so he would have to use all possible options. Jack looked down at his feet, there was an empty tin can lying there - just in time. He took the can and, without thinking twice, threw it into the hall. The tinkle of a falling tin and the show begins.

Daddy tensed up all over, the light turned red. Jack heard a questioning roar. The huge diver was already turning around and slowly - like an elephant, walked in the direction of the fallen tin. The little sister never looked up from the corpse. "Not for long, Mr. Bubbles!" she said, filling the syringe with a dead pink Adam. "This is the moment" - thought Jack, and jumped onto the curtain. Under his weight, the fabric began to crunch and tear, the flap came off almost to the floor. Jack jumped down and ran to the girl. He grabbed it with both hands and threw it into the far corner. The little sister began to cry. "Dad he offends me ... dad ... dad ... pa ...".

Before she could finish, there was a roar of fierce power. Not that - a dull hum, which was before, but the roar of an angry bull, which is ready to trample everything that comes in its path. Jack was already ready, the plasmid he released approached the daddy and began to turn him into a huge icy block. It was necessary to act with lightning speed - only a few seconds at his disposal. With two strong jolts, he pushed off the seats, grabbing a wrench on the fly. And now he is already close, with all his might Jack hit the block, and then again and again. He struck five more blows until he heard a measured buzz, something like a fly over his ear. Another blow, one more. And now the buzzing is getting closer, you can already see the tip of the drill sticking out of the block. A piece of ice fell off the block and a part of the suit on the chest was visible in the opening hole. Jack, without thinking twice, took out a shotgun and fired a couple of charges into the hole formed, blood spurted from there and hit his face. A terrible roar and a block of ice broke into pieces. At full throttle, the drill flew past, nearly slashing Jack across the face. And here was a terrible kick in the chest, Jack flew three meters and fell on his back, hitting his head on the seat.

Almost passed out! Jack thought. But an even wilder and more terrible roar stopped him. He heard dull and heavy footsteps approaching very quickly. Jack quickly jumped to his feet and threw a fiery plasmid towards Daddy. The roar intensified a hundredfold. The picture that had taken shape clearly did not give pleasure, in front of Jack a burning two-meter creature with a huge burning drill turned on was rushing about in a rage. Jack, without hesitation, lifted a chair with the power of thought and threw it into this burning horror. Screams of pain, hatred and rage were heard in the theater. The girl, having already had time to cry a lot, looked in their direction and whimpered slightly, "Daddy, kill him," escaped her lips. That's all, Jack thought to himself. “Well, burn, burn,” he shouted with all his might. But the fire on the diving suit began to fade. Jack took out his shotgun one more time and fired the remaining clip at the daddy that was no longer burning. Another roar, booming and quick steps. Jack felt a blow, but it was not just a blow, it was a collision with a train. Crunch. Jack fell. Now he could not get up, as he realized that he had broken something for himself. Buzzing, roaring. The last thing Jack saw was a huge drilled in front of his eyes. Crunch, pain, darkness ...

"Mr. Bubbles, please come here, there is still Adam here."

Probably, this instinct was always with him - at least then, when he remembered. A strange feeling of affection. Responsibilities of debt to whom - society, organization, yourself or this little, defenseless girl with yellow eyes? He never thought about it - he was not created for this at all.
Built to protect. Created to ward off the crazed, drugged out bandit drug addicts from Little Sister. He's Big Daddy and he has to kill. Kill those bastards who surrounded the baby. If he could defend, he would defend; instead, the drugged plasmid shot himself in the head.
- Daddy!- the last thing he heard before plunging into darkness ...

Perhaps it is stronger than death - duty and affection; as a team, as a fix idea, as an ideal or utopia. What brought him back from oblivion after such a long time is the miracle of technology and the brilliant mind of a scientist, the hope and desire of his little girl, a daughter who is not a daughter at all, or is it his own desire to always protect the baby? He did not think about it - then it was not at all before when Eleanor communicated with him using telepathy.
It was worth the hurry. Hope for the help of a German woman, in whom a feeling of altruism and a thirst for profit from an old businessman suddenly woke up. Who cares what the hell does it matter? Only one thing is important - to save daughter... And not one - many, many Little Sisters met him on the way. If he could cry, he would cry; instead, he lifted the baby in front of him, purred through a closed helmet, and either sat on his back, or, holding the babies in his hands, stroked them on the head, removing this curse and turning them into ordinary children. And then he helped them little ones to climb to such a far-located hole in the wall.
- And our iron lumberjack has a heart- August Sinclair laughed then over the radio, when the little girl who had thanked for the salvation climbed into the ventilation shaft ...

Probably, once he was wrong, but this is laid down at the genetic level, at the subconscious level - to protect. Protect the little girl, Little Sister, his baby at any cost from any threat ... Even if this is a dark-skinned singer with a fractured destiny and honor after his blow. She always saw him as a threat, but he did not remember her - it was completely unnecessary, not at all necessary.
Break through the destroyed hotel through the crowds of sectarians, find the coveted key behind the locked doors together with the same singer. He heard her voice on radio calls to him and from diaries. He stumbled into her room, holding a nail gun at the gunpoint. If he could answer evil for evil, he would answer; instead, he just took the key and left. He does not need her life and she does not, in fact, matter - only the life of Eleanor is important.
- You took aim at me ... but didn't shoot ...- for Grace Holloway, it was a shock, an impossible event that made two people immediately change their minds, believing that Big Daddy was not at all evil ...

He probably swore when the bullets and buckshot pierced his spacesuit - it hurt a lot, but from under the massive suit only growls and groans could be heard. He's Big Daddy, he doesn't have to talk - just kill and protect - or die. Then he did not cope with this task, by no means of his own free will, but now he is ready to fulfill it with zeal. Especially, breaking through the abode of some sect ...
If he could be angry, he would be angry; instead, he took out his anger on these freaky mutant drug addicts. Crash with acceleration with a spun auger into three geeks, turning them into a terrible, solid bloody mess. And the bitch over there wants to offend the baby - a powerful swing with a still spinning drill broke her back. And the freak over there is trying to crawl to the machine - so this is not a problem, you can pierce it with a drill and, without turning on the drill, tear off his legs. And one there is reloading his weapon; ran out of fuel in the storm? No problem! Get it, creature, in the face with buckshot. And there is one more, he wants to shoot from a shotgun - with a swing knocking the weapon out of the hands of the mutant, with his free hand he grabbed his head and beat him against the wall until it was erased into bloody dust. And there ...
- Daddy, I'm done. It's time for the angels to go to bed!- the thin voice of the Little Sister tore the Big Daddy from the captivity of the bloody veil; wiping blood from the glass on his helmet, he sat it on his back and carried it to the nearest ventilation shaft ...

I guess he had a life before transforming into a Big Daddy model and the name Delta, but he did not remember her. And I didn't want to - a new life, a new aspiration, new fundamental ideas, a new goal. A strange guy, locked in a room from where a train could be sent, asking to "deal with the three Little Sisters," told him. What he - a certain "Johnny from the surface", caught and turned into a defender on espionage charges - Big daddy ... This is how they dealt with criminals. And for all the crimes comes the reckoning.
If he could take revenge, he would take revenge; instead, he forgave and spared, remained merciful even to the vilest and filthiest scoundrels of all Rapture. Stanley Poole was the true culprit all the troubles, their catalyst, the beginning of the reaction. And he was not even ashamed, did not repent when he was opened, shaking his skin.
- I forgave him long ago. But you can take revenge on him for all the atrocities that he committed; and all the pain that caused you, - said already pretty enraged with her stupid thoughts of Sophia Lamb as he aimed the barrels of the machine gun at the shaking miserable nonentity, the man, shaking with fear. But instead of firing a roar, he simply pushed it aside with his free hand to pick up a portion of EVE and go on the train ...

Probably, it was hard for him - not knowing the barriers, fatigue and hunger, without sleep and rest to go, to save his little girl, waiting for him. Who is crying there, languishing without him, oppressed by a foolish mother who has gone. A strange desire arose inside her to smash her stupid head on stones, drill a hole in it with a drill, discharge the entire clip of a machine gun, a shotgun, or nail it with a harpoon gun. The desire to kill her was undeniable.
If he could be ruthless, he would be; instead he spared, was merciful and fair even in relation to the monsters - which he himself was, so what? - which he did not understand. In a huge jar, he saw an overgrown freak who prevented him from reaching his little Eleanor - but the monster, once a man, went mad; it is understandable, how not to get off here? In a pre-prepared message, Alexander Gilbert, who turned into Alex the Great, begged him to die. Something inside pushed Delta to pull the lever, ending the eternal torment failed experiment; abandoned and useless.
Nobody said anything then. But everything was clear without words. And then, if he wanted to say something about this, all the same there would be only one buzz that he understands ...

Probably, he was ashamed - because because of him, the baby suffers so much. Because of him, as her crazy pissing mother convinces, everyone suffers; however, the murder of mutants, these stoned and roaming ghouls, did not torment his conscience in the least. If, of course, he had it at all; all the more so, in general, they were the first to show aggression. Probably, he could share this with the old businessman - after all, the goal is important, only one thing is important. And their lives - so petty, so unnecessary - and life, and not a miserable drag? Death will be a gift for them - like gifts from Little Sisters for the lives they saved.
If he could suffer, he would suffer; instead, he absorbed all the pain, all the hurt, all the sadness and sadness without a trace, bearing the responsibility and burden of his repentance. As if shocked, he froze, seeing the very chair where his made Big Daddy, named and model Delta and memories in telepathic transmission. And when he finished off another Big Daddy, Model Alpha, and read his entry, he was horrified. For the first time in a long time. Kill the present, the true father of the baby, who made such a sacrifice for her sake. Kill the same as himself... In fact, kill yourself. After that, groaning, he tightly hugged the baby, as if in an inept attempt he was trying to ask for forgiveness. And defended her fiercely as your own. Like Eleanor.
- Leave the baby, monster !!!- the mutant screamed, taking away from the baby the ADAM so desired for her, when Big Daddy, who jumped up to her with a terrible roar, hammered her into the ground up to her knees with a drill, breaking all the bones, after which he tore off half of her body with his free hand and threw it away ...

He was probably afraid - although he was not a coward. He had his own reasons - he was afraid that he would not make it in time; he was afraid that he would not be able to save his little daughter and die prematurely because of the monstrous act of his mother; was afraid to be aware of himself in the body of a little sister - and to see the world through her eyes : a completely different world. Was he afraid to engage in a fight with August Sinclair, who, like a German woman, is already at the very end - a terrible fairy tale, his life or something else? - suddenly decided to become an altruist. Because I became a friend. I was afraid not to have time to save the little sisters so that they would drain the water.
If he could give up, he would give up and leave everything; instead, he continued to walk in spite of pain, wounds, and fading strength and consciousness. And the further he went, the more violent the jerk was, the stronger the desire save, protect because he's Big Daddy. And when Sophia Lamb rattled her next nonsense from the monitor screen, he growled in rage and wrote on the wall in front of her with the blood of a murdered mutant, unable to tell her otherwise:

Shut your filthy mouth, stupid rode bitch !!! Pissed off!

He probably wanted to start a family - sitting by the fireplace with his little girl to read with her books about knights in shining armor; about seas and oceans, about space and magic. Instead, he dedicated his life - short, defective and imperfect, laid on the altar for her - his daughters, not by blood, but who have become dear and beloved more than someone else's daughter, Eleanor.
If he, Delta, Big Daddy, could make her happy, he would. After going through all the circles of hell, he succeeded. By his actions, his thoughts, his thoughts, he created a beautiful child - in fact, like a father. He showed her a worthy example of perseverance, courage and kindness, and most importantly - pure and sincere love, which only a real father is capable of.

If he could smile, he would smile; but the glass of the helmet hid his smile as the syringe needle sucked ADAM from the dying body, along with knowledge and memories ...

1. In the game, very often there will be situations when you just don't have enough bullets and eva. Therefore, search all the places where you will be as thoroughly as possible. There is nowhere to rush in this game, so you can safely inspect everything around. Search garbage bins, containers, cash registers, corpses. Cartridges and first-aid kits can lie somewhere above and heaped up with all sorts of rubbish.

There are some tricks in the game, secrets hidden in various places. For example, when you get into the room (it seems number 7) where the girl's parents are lying, then if you break the picture, you can find a gentonic behind it.

2.Use wisely. combine them. It's not for nothing that the whole game has water everywhere, spilled flammable substance, big daddies wandering alone. Shock the water where your opponents are and set fire to the spilled substance. Hypnotize Big dad to fight by your side.

3. When playing, combine plasmids and weapons. It often happens that you start using plasmids and forget about weapons, or vice versa. Of which often happens, so that there is a shortage of something, for example, full of eva, but few cartridges.

4. Don't grab anything! If you have a lot of Eve, but not enough health, then you do not need to drink alcohol or use other substances that increase Eve, but decrease your health.

5. Most of the money is in the cash registers and the big daddies you killed.

6. When you shop in a store, do not buy first-aid kits, eva, cartridges, to the maximum, always leave some free space. Because if you find something before you cannot take it, if you have enough of it.

7. Electrical strains can be removed using telekinesis by throwing objects at them

Correct use of plasmids

The most unnecessary plasmid in BioShock is c trap iclon you can practically not use it at all. The second most useless plasmid is m security arker also in my opinion practically unnecessary plasmids. it can be used sometimes but is easier to hit electric discharge security cameras and hack them. Telekinesis you can use it, but it is quite difficult, it is really useful against nitro mutants and in those places where there are cylinders and barrels that can be thrown at enemies. It is also good to use it in the final battle with Fontaine.

The most useful plasmid is winter cold with this plasmid you will go through the whole game and it will be very useful to you. It is useful in that you can freeze almost any opponents and beat them while they are immobilized. Further electric discharge very good against any technique disables it for a long time and gives time to hack. By the way, you won't be able to get to some places without it. You can also hit the water where your opponents are.

Burning also a good plasmid, sets fire to spilled combustible substances, opponents. Also, without this plasmid, you will not be able to get to some places. Works well when paired with a charge. You set fire to the enemy, he runs into the water to extinguish himself and when he runs into the water you hit the water electric discharge. So it is possible easy to kill Dr. Steinman(the first boss in the game). A swarm of insects is ideal when there are many opponents, this plasmid distracts and at this time you can kill them.

How to kill big daddy

big dad is very easy to kill. Plasmids work well against them. chill and swarm of insects... Freeze him or distract him with insects, and he stops attacking you. At this time, you can calmly shoot him. Armor-piercing rounds are also good against Big Daddy. Or use a grenade launcher against him. You can throw mines around you that react to heat and after you shoot him, he will run at you and run into the mines.

There is also a cool way to hypnotize another daddy and set them on each other. At this time, you can calmly stand aside. Others are killed just as easily, you just need to combine the right plasmids against them.

Weapons in BioShock

Wrench - the very first weapon that is given in the game. It is best used to punch a path for yourself by breaking grids and other obstacles. Also use after stopping the enemy by freezing the charge

Revolver - the second weapon that you get in the game. Has 6 rounds in the drum before upgrade. This weapon is best for immediately shooting in the head.

Shotgun - has a charge for 4 rounds. good against several opponents, preferably to shoot directly at close range in the torso of mutants or just below the head.

Machine - 40 rounds per drum. Very similar to the Thompson submachine gun. Good to use against multiple opponents or fast moving targets. Shoot in bursts in the torso when there are many opponents or short in the head if there is only one enemy. Not bad against big daddy if loaded with armor-piercing rounds.

Grenade launcher - 4 charges. The perfect weapon against daddy. 2-6 shots and he's dead. It is also good to use it against bosses and tenacious mutants at the end of the game.

Chemical spray - 100 per charge. A very good weapon against several opponents and strong mutants. Can also be used against Big Daddy. shoots liquid nitrogen, napalm, and electric gel. Everything except napalm basically only stops the enemy.

Crossbow - 5 charges. With this weapon it is best to shoot at mutants who have not yet noticed you. I do not recommend using it against multiple opponents and big daddies.

Check if you are fully prepared to meet Big Daddy. Do you have anything from the "What do you need?" Do you have a first aid kit in case something goes wrong? Did you activate the nearest Vita camera just to play it safe? Once you've done everything you need to do, you'll be ready to deal with Big Daddy.

Inspect your surroundings. Have you hacked usable turrets? Have you turned off all the pesky security cameras? Have you got rid of all the splicers? Have you noticed any puddles that might come in handy? Having the advantage of the environment in which you fight Big Daddy can come in handy when the battle gets tense.

Fight using tactics that you can afford. Depending on the ammo you can afford to buy, you should try different and sometimes equally effective tactics (listed here under numbers 4-9).

If you have exploding buckshot, use it. She usually deals damage to small enemies in excess of lethal. This even applies to Spider Splicers, so it's best to use Exploding Buckshot against Big Daddy. This explosive ammunition will do significant damage and set Big Daddy on fire. Make sure you have a firing point or some kind of cover before taking the first shot, as the explosions will not stop these monsters.

If you have electro-buckshot, alternate using it with other weapons. Electro-buckshot paralyzes Big Daddy with an electric shock, which gives a little time to hit him a couple of times with a frag grenade or discharge the magazine of armor-piercing cartridges for the machine gun. If there is a puddle nearby, you can do even more damage by using water as an electric shock booster. This tactic usually requires more ammo than the others, but allows you to get away with less damage in the end.

If you have movement-sensitive mines and Telekinesis plasmids, then you can take down the monster in one shot. While using mines may seem like a bad waste of ammo, it is not. The only useful use of these mines is in perimeter guards, but where perimeter guards need to be, there are usually turrets and cameras in the game. Simply attach 3 or 4 mines to a telekinetically propelled object (an oxygen tank will be most effective) and lift it up with Telekinesis. Throwing a bomb at Big Daddy will definitely ruin his day if you don't kill him. If the monster survived the initial explosion, zero out its remaining health with any ammo of your choice (armor-piercing ammo is best).

If you (like most conservative players) almost never use your RPG (Rocket Launcher) or frag grenades, then now your savings may pay off. For a direct hit on Big Daddy, it is extremely important to have a high firing point. Once you're above Big Daddy, thanks to the winding staircases or balcony, start with a Frag Grenade. This will surely anger Big Daddy, prompting him to come close to you for either a ram or a shot. He will take the shortest path to you, therefore, when shooting from an RPG, keep him at gunpoint. So, in theory, it will be possible to kill him, unless he hides behind cover. In this case, find another firing point, otherwise he will find you. Do not use RPGs against the unsuspecting Big Daddy, because grenades are much more expensive than standard frag grenades, but slightly weaker.

If you have the Hypnotize Big Daddy plasmid, then you can provide a fascinating end to several Big Daddies. As soon as you use the plasmids on the lonely Big Daddy, lure him to the Big Daddy with the Little Sister and shoot any ammo at him. When Big Daddy attacks you, your Big Daddy will protect you. Once the dust settles, you will see that either yours or the other Daddy has won. In any case, finish off the survivor with a shotgun or other weapon and take your trophy in the form of a Little Sister and a wallet full of money.

If you likemade with soulaction-packed games set in extraordinary worlds - go and buy Bioshock: The Collection. Please be kind.

The maze levels are filled with secrets and enemies. The hero gets at his disposal not only weapons, but also paranormal abilities. He stubbornly goes to the finale to witness an unexpected denouement ... What, what, and the plot twists of the games of the Bioshock series are able to surprise.

Before continuing, it's worth noting that the request to purchase Bioshock: The Collection does not apply to PC users. If you have already purchased (on Steam) Bioshock, Bioshock 2, and Bioshock: Infinite, then you already have Bioshock: Remastered and Bioshock 2: Remastered in your game collection. And the quality of the PC version of Bioshock: Infinite, as it was initially unattainable for the console versions, has remained. On PS4 and Xbox One, this game runs at 1080p @ 60fps, but frame rates are unstable and graphics are simplistic. In any case, this is significantly better than what was on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

To the bottom

Despite the fact that 9 years have passed since the release of Bioshock () and the game was created on the outdated even at that time Unreal Engine 2.5, it still surprises today, thanks to the magnificent art design, the impeccable combination of shapes and colors. The artists built a huge city in the Art Deco style on the ocean floor and took full advantage of the location to make the audience admire and gasp. It is not just that the city bears the name Rapture.

Gradually, step by step, the protagonist learns the history of this place. How it was built by the greatest minds of mankind and what the games of God led to when scientists discovered a simple way to improve human abilities. As a result, we become witnesses of the death of the city crumbling under the pressure of the elements, where only maddened mutants remained.

The hero also gets superpowers at his disposal. He learns telekinesis, throws fire and lightning, freezes opponents. The list of abilities is wide, but even more impressive is the arsenal of firearms, each of which has three types of charges. In addition, the cannons can be upgraded.

In addition to battles, the hero is forced to hack security systems and ...

Here I wanted to continue on a positive note, but the damned game of plumber when hacking systems quickly discourages me from using discounts in stores, to subjugate turrets and cameras!

Also, Bioshock does not paint the monotony of enemies. The authors have created an amazing world with a well-developed story, but the storyline is poorly built. The hero just walks, looks, solves puzzles, looks for secrets, fights with the distraught inhabitants of the underwater city, and so on until the very end. Talkative characters rarely remind of themselves. Because of this, after a few hours, the charm passes and an understanding arises that everything ultimately comes down to an essentially banal game: with cool guns, but with poor mechanics of firefights; with a huge number of possibilities, but with a couple of really effective abilities; with a superbly crafted world, but with a dreary main villain.

However, despite the shortcomings, this game should not be missed. Thanks to its artistic style, Bioshock: Remastered still makes a strong impression today. True, it is not entirely clear why the updated version takes 21 GB (the original weighs only 5.7 GB on a PC). Algae and jellyfish have appeared in the ocean, the fabric is now swaying, in some places (far from everywhere) textures have been redrawn, but this does not justify the "extra" 15 GB.

There are almost no graphics settings in the PC version. You can only set the resolution, the level of anisotropic filtering, enable antialiasing and vertical sync. The old problems with the sensitivity of the mouse have been preserved - the sight seems to "float" a little. In Steam reviews, many users complain that the game does not start and crashes, the sound disappears. I cannot confirm this information, everything works fine. But the developers have already promised to deal with the problems indicated on the forums.

As a bonus, the version of Bioshock: Remastered supports Achievements on Steam, contains all the add-ons released for the original ("Challenge Rooms"), as well as developer comments. There was no Russian localization, and no.

And then they knocked from the bottom

As for Bioshock 2: Remastered, here the graphical changes are not very noticeable, even if you look closely, and in general the game looks much simpler than Bioshock: Remastered. Largely due to the fact that Bioshock 2 () was created by other developers. The scenery is much simpler here, the lighting is too bright, so outdated graphics and inferior textures are immediately striking.

Despite the simple picture, Bioshock 2 is played much more cheerful than the first part, because the protagonist here is Big Daddy! He is chained in a tight spacesuit, can walk on the seabed, is armed with a drill and is able to simultaneously use both firearms and paranormal abilities. The authors came up with new nimble opponents and diluted the process with the need to take care of the Little Sisters. The hacking process has become much faster, praise the savvy game designers who fixed one of the main problems of the first part.

Bioshock 2: Remastered includes all the add-ons released for the game, but there is no multiplayer here, which is quite logical. He was good, but did not win the love of the audience and quickly fell into disrepair.

On bends

In Bioshock: Infinite (), the latest game from The Collection, we are already ascending to heaven in the city of Columbia, which soars above the clouds. The game was created on the advanced Unreal Engine 3.5, which provided an excellent visual component, including large open levels, volumetric lighting, good detail.

However, it's not just the graphics and stunning art design that Irrational Games has in common (peace be upon her) that people love Bioshock: Infinite. This shooter is not just received the status of one of the best games of all time. Here, the dynamic gameplay, which combined flying over the clouds, dizzying jumps and shooting from extremely "tasty" weapons, was complemented by a captivating storyline with attractive characters.


The great Bioshock: Infinite (with additions) alone justifies the existence of Bioshock: The Collection. As for Bioshock 1-2, despite all the shortcomings, there are no games like them and are not expected. Here we do not mean the peculiarities of mechanics, but the quality of elaboration and the unusualness of the universe. The first part is better with decorations and general presentation of the story, the second is nicer as a shooter, but both of them deserve attention.

Of course, Bioshock: The Collection is intended for a console audience. Happiness fell on PC users in vain (oh, and their publishers have been spoiling them lately). It's good that Xbox One and PS4 users now have the opportunity to get three great games into their collection.

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