Basic information about the citadels. EVE Online

April 27, 2016 at EVE Online A patch is coming out that will bring drastic changes to the game. More specifically, new types of space structures called citadels will be introduced. In the material under the cut, read the basic information about these space structures.

General information about the citadels

Citadels are a new type of space structures that are designed to replace outposts, outposts and autonomous blocks. After the release of the patch, these types of structures will be used for some time, but then they will be cut out of the game. Citadels can be placed throughout New Eden, with the exception of systems with a security level of 0.9-1.0. In addition, some stronghold modules will not be able to be placed in highsec. Citadels can also be placed in W-Space, but some features will be limited in their use. For example, it will not be possible to jump to and from the Empire with a jackclone.

Key Facts:

  • three types, differing in size medium (Astrahus), large (Fortizar) and extra large (Keepstar);
  • similar to ships, they will consist of a hull with empty slots and modules that can be inserted into these slots;
  • in addition to the traditional connectors of high, medium and low power, there are service slots into which you can insert modules that provide the capabilities that the station now provides;
  • fuel will be needed only to power the service modules of the citadel;
  • strongholds have no restrictions on the size of hangars.

Below is a video that talks about the main points related to the strongholds.

More about the components:

  • Building body. Everything here is like a ship - connectors for modules and rigs, to which connectors for service modules are also added.
  • Modules mounted in connectors of high, medium and low power. They require the power of the reactor and processor to operate, and also require a charge in the capacitor.
  • Service modules. An innovation that is inherent in new buildings. These are modules with which you can provide functions that were previously assigned to the substructures of POS and outposts. In addition to computing power and power, service modules will need fuel.
  • Riga. Here, almost everything is the same as the ships. Three connectors, standard size (rigs for medium citadels are not suitable for large ones), calibration.

Types of strongholds

As already mentioned, there are three types of citadels, depending on their size.

Astrahus("Astrea"). The citadel is medium in size (up to 25 km in diameter). Suitable for solo players and small corporations. All modules can be installed in it except for the shopping center. It has 4 highslots, 4 midslots, 3 lowslots, 2 slots for launchers and 5 slots for modules. It occupies 8.000 cubic meters. unassembled, that is, it can be delivered to the installation site on a regular Indian. All ships up to the subcapital class will be able to dock in it. The cost of the hull will be approximately 350-700 million claims in materials. BPO is worth 6 billion claims.

Fortizar("Fortizar"). The citadel is large (up to 50 km in diameter). Choice of large corporations and small alliances. It has 6 highslots, 5 midslots, 4 lowslots, 3 slots for launchers and 7 slots for modules. Outside of highsec, can use weapons of mass destruction. Can accept everything up to sub-capitals and freighters. The disassembled volume is 80,000 cubic meters, which will require a suitably fitted orca for delivery. BPO Cost: 70 Billion ISK, Finished Hull Cost 3-7 Billion in Raw Materials.

In this video you can see what the Astrahus and Fortizar class citadels look like

Keepstar("Kipstar"). An extra-large citadel, perfect for large alliances, if only for the reason that everything can be docked in it, up to supercapital. It has 8 highslots, 6 midslots, 5 lowslots, 4 slots for launchers and 8 slots for modules. The volume of the hull in assembled form is 800,000 cubes, so a freighter is needed for delivery. The cost of BPO is 700 billion ISK, the cost of the hull is 30-70 billion.

We look at the appearance of Keepstar on the video

The parameters of different types of strongholds are summarized in the table

Citadel Connectors and Modules


Basic connector information:

  • Highslots are mainly intended for weapons and means of providing remote support for allies, for example, for repairing armor and pumping up a shield. You can also put netrias in them.
  • Midslots are used to install electronic warfare and support equipment.
  • Lowslots are equipped with passive modules to increase the power of the CPU, power grid or improve the characteristics of weapons, expand the volume of cargo compartments.
  • Connectors for service modules. A feature that is typical only for strongholds - it is with the help of service modules that the functionality that is available at stations, POS and outposts is increased. Trade, klonilki, processing and compression of ore. These modules will use fuel.
  • Riga. As in the case of ships, rigs significantly improve the performance of modules in slots. In total there are three connectors for rigs, and you can put only one that improves a separate characteristic.


Basic information on modules:

  • Service modules consume reactor and processor power;
  • Ship modules are not suitable for fitting strongholds;
  • Armor is repaired automatically in repair mode, they do not have a shield pumping;
  • The weapon effectiveness threshold determines the amount of damage a citadel can take over time.

Service modules

  • Market Hub (shopping center) - with its help you can organize your own outlet. You can not bet on Astrey. They operate within the stellar sector, for W-Space systems - within the system. Brokerage tax is set by the owner of the stronghold, may have different values ​​for different groups. In order to carry out operations, you need to dock in the citadel.
  • Office Hub (office).
  • Cloning Center (med bay) - own klonilka. In systems, W-Space works within the system, that is, it will not work to jump from VX to the Empire.
  • Reprocessing Plant (refinery) - processing materials in the stronghold.
  • Compression Plant (press shop) - allows you to compress ores and other raw materials.
  • Assembly Arrays (production lines).
  • Research Laboratories (research laboratories).
  • Drilling Platforms (drilling platforms) - extraction and processing of resources.
  • Observatory Arrays (reconnaissance complexes) - designed to collect data on spaceships, mask detection, podscan and scan probe blocking, and the like.
  • Gates (portals) - replace jump bridges, can affect wormhole spawn timers, warp speed, etc.
  • Administration Hub (administrations).
  • Billboards (bigboards) - placement of ads.

High power connector modules

  • Anti-capital launcher) - missile launcher for the destruction of capital and sub-capitals. Not suitable for smaller ships.
  • Anti-subcapital launcher - missile launcher for destroying ships up to the capital class.
  • Guided Bomb Launcher (bomb launcher with a guidance system) - launching guided bombs. There are three types of bombs - for BS, frigates, as well as those that reduce the level of energy in the cap.
  • LXL Energy Neutralizer (large and extra-large energy neutralizers) - work similar to ship neutralizers, but are much more powerful and can neutralize BS and capital class ships.
  • SM Energy Neutralizer (small and medium energy neutralizers) - similar to ship modules.
  • Point Defense Batteries (local defense systems) - provides protection against drones and frigates, operates within a certain radius.
  • Tractor Beam (combat gravity grip) - the principle of operation is similar to the ship's module, but it pulls spikes rather than vreks and does not jam warp engines.
  • The Arching Vorton Projector is a doomsday weapon. The beam hits the target and is reflected from them to five neighboring targets.

Medium power connector modules(most of them work like similar ship modules)

  • Bumping Module (gravipulse): pushes all ships around the target accordingly.
  • Multi-spectrum EMC (multi-frequency jammer) target tracking: corresponds to a similar ship module, but can be configured to a specific type using scripts.
  • Remote Sensor Dampener (target detection jammer).
  • Stasis Webflier (stasis field generator).
  • Tracking Disruptor (jammer aiming guns).
  • Target Painter (target illumination system).
  • Warp Scrambler (warp silencer).

Low Power Connector Modules

  • Ballistic Control System (trajectory control device): Increases the rate of fire of launchers and the amount of damage.
  • Guidance Enhancer (missile guidance complex): increases the radius of the blast wave, the speed of missiles and bombs.
  • Co-processor (coprocessor).
  • Signal Amplifier (signal amplifier).
  • Reactor Control Unit (reactor control system).

A summary of the modules in the table below.

The stronghold can only be deployed by members of a player corporation.

Only the station manager, director, or president of the player corporation can deploy the citadel.

Strongholds cannot be deployed in the following system types:

  • Trade nodes (Jita, Amarr, etc.)
  • Shattered worlds

The citadel can be deployed anywhere in the planetary system at a distance of at least 1000 km from another structure and at least 1000 km from a celestial body.

How to deploy the citadel:

After the start of the deployment process, it will take exactly a day to anchor the citadel.

After 24 hours, a 15-minute window of vulnerability will begin, during which the player must defend the structure. After 15 minutes, the values ​​of the safety margin of the armor, force fields and the hull of the structure will reach 100%. If the structure is still attacked during the vulnerable period, the repair function is activated, in which case the standard vulnerability rules apply.

Anchoring in a sovereign system in zeros

Anchoring a citadel in a system with zero security will be delayed if there is an Infrastructure Hub in the system that belongs to a different alliance.

The extension time is 24 hours for each level of the Strategic Development Index.

Strategic Development Index 0 = anchoring lasts 24 hours

Strategic Development Index 1 = anchoring lasts 48 hours

Decommissioning of the structure (mooring)

You will need 7 days to write off the structure.

Only the director or president of the corporation who owns the structure can unmoor it.

After the start of decommissioning, it can be canceled, but in this case, when the structure is re-anchored, the duration of this operation will again be 7 days.

After 7 days, the players' property that was in the warehouses of the structure will be moved to . Modules, charges and fighters installed on the structure will be moved to a container, the contents of which can be accessed by any capsuleer. The structure itself will remain in space, it can be lifted into the hold. Tuning modules installed on the structure are destroyed.

During decommissioning, the vulnerability hours of a structure do not change. If the structure is successfully attacked, the unmooring process is canceled and the structure will return to normal.

Please remember that the timer that is related to the structure displays the vulnerable period, not the anchoring period. The anchoring timer is hidden and not available for review.

Along with new updates in the game Eve Online, it's time to speculate about what's new awaits the player in their favorite game. A lot has changed, but most of all I am glad that the citadels in Eve Online have become an order of magnitude more powerful, more solid and have become much more defensive structures than they were before. Whereas previously the Entosis Transmitter could pave a fast path to victory, now you will have to work hard in your attacking steps.

Obviously, the game itself has become an order of magnitude more interesting and sharper, which many gamers lacked. And much of this merit lies in the renewal of the citadels. Start playing Eve Online if you were unfamiliar with this development before. We will talk more about the development of citadels in the cult MMORPG game.

Medium-sized strongholds in Eve Online are characterized by a diameter 5-25 km. This type of defensive structures will be more appropriate for players who act as solo performers or for small teams. It is possible to install good protection, which is suitable for repelling many attacks. Protection can be built with the participation of KBT.

Large citadels in diameter 100 km. Alliances and corporations are those groups of players who will give preference to this type of defensive complex. You can install service modules and mass attack weapons. Note that strongholds also exist in the game super-large areas, which are larger than 100 km. They are equipped with everything necessary to repel massive attacks against large military fleets. Regarding the dock, this may include most large ships, including a typical CBT.

Citadels are able to independently repulse the invader

Citadels in the game Eve Online are equipped with launchers and gun mounts that have 2 varieties. But this is quite enough to perform a defensive function. These weapon systems will become available to the player after he has mastered the appropriate skills.

The mounted long-range type gun will be perfect for use against slow and large targets. It can be CBT or battleships. There are also weapons for conducting a close defensive attack, which is very effective against small targets.

Updated OSOM protection

The super-large strongholds in Eve Online can be equipped with a special power fire system. The new defensive module has a number of technical features that allow you to defend effectively. Such protection effectively compensates for the immobility of the citadel during massive attacks by the opponent.

This article is written primarily for the audience that considers the story of Eve Online to be one of their favorite game developments. If the material seemed useful and interesting to you, then do not forget to thank the author in the comments. Or leave your personal opinion in the same interactive form for communication and discussion of the material. Thanks!

The Citadel in Eve Online is a new structure that can be built in the game. The main task of the citadels is to replace the already boring POS, autonomous blocks and outposts. True, this will not happen immediately, but over several patches, which will gradually remove obsolete buildings and structures.

So, strongholds Eve online, let's start with the most important thing - where can you build citadels?

You can build almost anywhere, except for sectors with a security level of 0.9-1. But you can install not all modules available in the citadels functionality in cases where high-secs are located, they will be discussed below.

You can put your citadel in W-Space, but their functionality will be limited, as in highsec, for example, jumping into the empire and back with a jump clone will not work.

Citadels in Eve online are divided into sizes and types

Keepstar is the biggest

Fortizar - big

Astrahus - medium

The structure of the strongholds completely copies the structure of the ships in Eve online - there is a hull in which there are empty slots for equipment and which the player equips at his discretion

In addition to the standard 3 types of connectors (high, medium and low power), modules that are currently used in stations will be available.

Citadel modules require fuel reserves to power them

There are no restrictions on the number of Hangar spaces in strongholds.

The size of the shield, armor, health, as well as the defense and attack power of the quote.

Vulnerability Hours, which can be selected at any time in the game that suits you (3 hours per week for Medium Citadels, 6 for Large Citadels, and 21 for Extra Large Citadels), but do not forget that when the vulnerability clock changes, the changes will not take effect until next week.

Number of module slots (med, service, low, high and others) to equip

Occupied space in the hold (8000 m3, 80 000 m3 and 800 000 m3)

Citadels are useful for both singles and alliances, and their capture is one of the most exciting moments in the game. But, unfortunately, building and equipping a citadel with all the necessary modules costs a lot of money and not every player can afford it. With us, you can easily buy any citadel that you can show off to all your friends.

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