Which deck to pass the Lord Rebrad. Hearthstone: Lower Tier Walkthrough of Icecrown Citadel

The passage of new story content in Heartstone, in which you have to conquer the legendary Icecrown Citadel, begins with a prologue. The introduction will not require the choice of a deck or a class, since this is a plot and a purely plot part.

You will fight for Jaina against the Lich King himself, who will appear again in the finale, but in the form of the last boss. Accordingly, now Jaina will be defeated, and therefore you will not have to win this game - just lose without getting help from Tirion Fordring.

After death, Jaina will be resurrected by the enemy, turning into Ice Lich Jaina. Thus, the heroine will take the side of the Lord of the Dead, and you, already in the role of a servant of the Lich, will have to fight Tyrion who has arrived in time. Crush him by dropping his health to zero.

To win faster, activate Jaina's ability on those opponents who have no more than 1 HP. So you will immediately kill them and instantly summon a Water Elemental that can freeze enemies.

How to beat LorYes Rebrada

The first boss of the Lower Tier of the CLC is Lord Rebrad, in the battle with which you will need your own decks. You need to keep in mind that this opponent has a lot of cards with Whirlwind abilities. Also, the boss once per turn is able to regenerate his own HP to the maximum.

His most dangerous offensive ability is Bone Spike, which instantly drains fifteen of your HP. Finally, you won't be able to use Mindbreaker during this battle.

As you might guess, in order to defeat Rebrad, you need to kill him in one turn, lowering all his health to zero. Of course, you are not required to do this on the first turn, so the essence of the whole battle will come down to preparing your side of the field for the decisive blow.

Try to destroy enemy units as quickly as possible and stick with cards like Polymorph to instantly eliminate Bone Spike if you don't want to lose 15 health. Also, cards with effects that buff them when damaged will help you, as the boss will often resort to Whirlwinds.

S Aurfang the Deadly Walkthrough

Like the previous enemy, Saurfang has several cards with the Whirlwind effect. Being a warrior, he will definitely bother you with Executions and Crushes. The opponent also has a unique card that, while on the table, will regenerate his health by three units every turn.

The icing on the cake is the complete invulnerability of the boss to magical attacks and effects - only physical hits with weapons will take him.

From the last feature, you will have to add up your tactics. The choice of heroes for such a battle will be small - either a Warrior or a Rogue. The latter is the best, as his weapon attacks deal tremendous damage. Keep in mind, however, that the battle will be very long.

The whole battle will come down to killing the opponent's creatures on his half of the table. Every turn you will need to kill the Blood Monsters at once, otherwise they will restore health to the orc, which will drag out the battle even more. Power up your hero's weapons at the right time to keep damaging him.

How to pass Lady Deathwhisper

At the very beginning of the battle, you will receive a unique card - Valithria Dreamwalker, which has no ability to attack. You should be aware that Lady has many cards with taunt effects. She also has a lot of armor - not counting thirty health, her amount reaches up to ninety.

Boss cards will not affect Valithria in any way unless she has taunt. Also, once per turn, the strength of all your laid out cards will drop to one. Finally, the Lady is guaranteed to ruin your life with the help of the Tar Spirit and the Tentacles.

Lord Rebrad is the first boss in Icecrown Citadel. His terrifying skeleton is already visible behind the crowds of trash. created Lord Rebrad from thousands of bones that were taken from adventurers and now serves as the guardian of the Frozen Throne. Defeating him, in fact, is not difficult. It is easy enough to take epic things from him, although he resists with all his might, the main thing is to know battle tactics.

"cutting blow" - Deals up to 300% damage to the target and two nearby players. Lord Rebrad uses this blow quite often. This is his main melee attack. It is otherwise called "Bone Carver". All players who will be under the "Bone Cutter" are not afraid of "Bone Spike".

"Cold Flame" are emerging beams from ice flames. Rebrad lets them randomly. Frost damages the player for 8k up to three times over the course of a few seconds. Each player must be extremely careful and not stand in the ice flame. The width of the ice flame reaches eight meters and has an instant effect.

"Bone Spike" - pierces random players during the battle. The player hit by the spike will have HP removed in the region of 9k, and then within a few seconds, HP will be taken away by 10 percent of the total. The spike itself also has its own HP, which for 10 players is 39k HP, and if there are 25 players, then 63k HP.

"Whirlwind of Bones" - From time to time, Lord Rebrad goes into a whirlwind. In a whirlwind, he begins to attack all nearby players. The whirlwind lasts about 30 seconds. There is a one-minute cooldown between whirlwinds. When Lord Rebrad makes a whirlwind, no damage is dealt to tanks, however, when the whirlwind ends, aggro breaks. Tanks must be extremely careful.

Tactics of the battle with Lord Rebrad

There are three combat strategies that involve slightly different raid setups. It will change accordingly combat tactics. We'll take a look at everything one by one.

"Classic arrangement"

Two tanks run out to Rebrad at the same time. At the same time, having determined in advance who will take the hit first, he uses all the save abilities so as not to fall in the first seconds. The second tank is attached nearby and just starts attacking. Lord Rebrad needs to be deployed with his back to the raid. It turns out that he should be deployed with his back to the entrance to the hall. Heals and the rest of the players stand behind their backs in the form of a semicircle - this minimizes the runaway of the cold flame. A cold flame most often appears at the moments of a whirlwind.

During the fight, Rebrad will shoot spikes by choosing three random players. If the raid is for 10 people, then there will be one spike. As soon as a spike appears, all players must take it down as quickly as possible, otherwise the player who was pierced by the spike will die.

After forty-five seconds, Rebrad begins spinning Bone Whirlwind. At this point, the entire raid should stop damaging the boss. Only tanks hold him, and healers heal them. The damage from the whirlwind is essentially small. After it ends, the tanks should reaggress the boss, since the whirlwind knocks down aggro, and the tanks should also change in turn.

"All Players in Mile Zone"

We start the battle with two tanks. DPS, healers and ranged players gather at one point under Lord Rebrad along with melee players. Druid Restoration, Hunt, if there are any in the raid, should stand a little to the side. Most often, Rebrad will send ice flames to them. The battle, namely his tactics, is otherwise carried out, as in the classical arrangement.

"All players attack Lord in melee zone"

In this setup, all raid players should be in a melee zone, as it will be easier to calculate the frostflame mechanics. Most often, the flame beam works like a snake in Tetris. When an ice beam appears in a melee zone, it continues to move behind the positions of the entire raid. With this tactic, the raid will be dealt minimal damage and minimal damage.

In moments of whirlwind, it will be difficult for healers. It is necessary to heal the raid to the maximum. You need to prepare a little for the whirlwind and not spray your mana. If everything is done wisely, overhealing can be done. Paladins during the whirlwind are also better to burn all the save abilities.

In this arrangement, the easiest way to complete the achievement "Bone Caught". The spikes will spawn in one spot and can be quickly drained with AoE.

Lord Rebrad is the first boss in Icecrown Citadel. Its terrifying skeleton is visible far beyond the crowds of trash. The first boss is not that difficult, and gives away epic things quite easily, although he puffs, resisting with all his might.

Lord Rebrad has four abilities

"cutting blow" - this hit can deal 300% of the normal boss hit to the enemy and two nearby players. Rebrad uses this ability quite often. It replaces mostly his melee attack.
"Cold Flame"- This is a line of blue ice flames that Rebrad lets out just at random players. Deals about 8k Frost damage three times over three seconds.
"Bone Spike"- which will pierce all enemies throughout the battle. The spike also deals considerable damage, 9k to be exact, and once again in three seconds it will take away 10% HP from its victim. In the CLC for 10 players - the ship has 39k HP, the CLC for 25 - 63k HP.
"Whirlwind of Bones"- spinning a whirlwind of bones, Rebrad will attack all nearby opponents. The duration is 30 seconds. The recharge lasts one minute. During this whirlwind, Rebrad does not attack tanks, but once the whirlwind has subsided, aggro breaks. Tanks need to be careful here.

Before moving on to tactics, I would like to recommend an addon for you Deadly boss mods. It notifies you about all the casts and abilities of the boss in advance, and you will also know at what point this or that ability will end in order to notify the raid in a timely manner.

Battle tactics. Lord Rebrad. CLC

To fight with Rebradom, there are three different arrangements of players in the strategy. From this arrangement, tactics also change. Now let's look at everything in turn.

Classic setup for killing Rebrad

The pull starts with two tanks running towards the boss at the same time. But it’s hard to do it at the same time, so the one who reaches first, squeezes all the defensive abilities so as not to become a corpse in the first second. The second catches up, and both tanks turn the boss around with their backs to the mile and the entrance. Heals and Ranged stand in a semi-circle around Rebrad, as this minimizes the cold flames running across. Rays mostly appear in the bone whirl phase.
Throughout the battle, Rebrad shoots spikes at three random opponents. If the CLC is 10, then there is only one spike. It is necessary to quickly demolish this spike, since the player who gets on it will simply not be greeted.
Forty-five seconds later, the boss starts a Bone Vortex. It doesn't do much damage per se, but Bone Whirl delays your spells, so run away from Rebrad. The DBM addon will tell you the time of the end of this stage, so at the time of the end it is necessary to stop all DD, so as not to break the aggro. Tanks here, be careful, grab Rebrad in time. And alternately change each other.

All raiders in Miles

The pull is also done in two tanks. Ranged, healers and damage dealers run under Rebrad to one point along with a mile. But at the same time, a few players, such as the Hunter and the Restore Druid, stand aside. In them, Rebrad always tries to throw ice flames.

Absolutely everyone attacks Rebrad in miles

This setup is different in that all players stand in miles. It is at this arrangement that the cold flame mechanics are calculated. The beam starts to work like a snake in a Tetris game. As soon as the beam appears under the player in miles, it continues to move beyond the radius of the raid, thereby causing minimal damage in the raid.
Heels will be tight with a whirlwind of bones. An overheal will be needed, and this is a doable task. Or in extreme cases, let the paladins use all the defensive abilities.
This set-up will make it easier to complete the Bone Got Achievement, as all the spikes will pop up in one place and be AoE-filled.

Choose the arrangement that suits you best.
Watch out for cold flames and run back in time.
Destroy Bone Spikes quickly.
Control tanks with a heal.
Stop DD at the end of the whirlwind.

Video. Tactics of the battle with Lord Rebrad. CLC

The fight with Rebrad is available to everyone. Even if the raid has a weak overall DPS, you can put the boss on the shoulder blades. Which of the tactics you choose - will show the complexity of the dungeon and time.

Achievements in the elimination of Lord Rebrad

"Bone caught"- When fighting Lord Rebrad, none of the players should be pierced by the Bone Spike for more than eight seconds.

With the new Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion, Hearthstone's single-player experience has become much more difficult. Players will have to face a very powerful boss, Lord Rebrad, and in this guide you will learn how to defeat him.

Lord Rebrad, like all Hearthstone bosses, has a unique Hero Power, as well as many unique . Of all the abilities available to the lord, two that will particularly shock players when they first encounter them are Bone Fusion and Bone Spike.

Fusion of bones is a unique power of the lord and the main defensive mechanic. him to recover his health up to 30 points for free every turn. Therefore, players must be able to deal 30 damage per turn in order to win. There are several ways to do this, and one of the easiest is the Bone Spike card, owned by Lord Rebrad.

Players with access to priest cards such as Mind Control can take Bone Spike as their own card, effectively cutting the lord's health in half. This makes the match more manageable. Of course, Bone Spike can also be obtained through standard removal, such as Shadow Word: Pain. Damage dealt by minions is also an option for getting the card.

Lord Rebrad has two more unique offensive cards - Bone Whirl and Brintrall, Bone Judge. Bone Whirl is a relatively minor threat as it only deals 1 damage to all enemies. However, this allows the lord to receive additional card. This means that he will be able to use his more dangerous cards.

Bryntroll, Judge of Bones - strong card weapons. It allows the lord to deal 3 damage twice per turn for 3 turns. When the boss uses both Bone Whirl and Bryntroll in the same turn, he can clear key minions from your side. Because of this possibility, it is highly recommended to remove the weapon card from the opponent.

The last two boss cards in this match are minions that benefit the player. Death Steed and Bone Knight reward the player for defeating them by either damaging the lord or giving the player a random card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne. Although Death Steed can help you deal 30 damage in one turn, it will most likely die before you can use it.

Bone Knight can give you a great card, or a completely useless one. around any of these minions is impractical, but none of them are a significant threat.

So, how do you defeat Lord Rebrad knowing these cards? You need to deal 30 damage in one turn and also be able to deal with Bone Spike before you can get damaged. Top Classes for this, the Priest, Mage and Druid.

Lord Rebrad vs Priest

As mentioned earlier, cards like Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Control will be important for this class. Using Bone Spike effectively reduces the lord's health from 30 to 15, and the ability to heal minions after a Bone Vortex attack also helps to alleviate the situation.

Lord Rebrad vs Mage

If you don't have access to a good selection of Priest cards, Mage is another good choice for this fight. The goal here is to get enough cards to deal 30 damage with spells and minions. Spells like Fire ball and Frostbolt are key. The player can cast the above two spells and deal 15 damage in one turn. The remaining damage will have to come from the minions.

Cards such as Shatter or Polymorph can be used to combat Bone Spike, destroying a frozen bone spike or turning it into a sheep that can be easily removed with easier methods.

Lord Rebrad vs Druid

A deck from the Druid class should use a different technique to fight the lord. Instead of using his own minions against him or destroying him with spells, the Druid will use other strategies, such as the popular Jade Druid deck. Basically, a druid is good at summoning a lot of powerful minions. This allows him to defeat the boss with their help.

Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne is the sixth expansion for the free card game Hearthstone. It focuses on the Lich King's army of his kingdom of Northrend. The plot tells an alternate version of the original game. Players will discover what would happen if Azeroth's greatest heroes became dead knights, zombie servants of the King. Players receive a set of 135 cards inspired by the army of the king and the theme of death, including nine brand new types of cards - hero cards. Using them, the hero turns into a dead knight, gets a new portrait, a military click, a skill and a few points that allow him to change his style of play. Players can test the new maps in PvP matches or in a single player campaign where they can face the King. The expansion also introduces a new battlefield and maps.

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