ItemPhysic Full Mod - realistic physics in Minecraft. ItemPhysic Full Mod - realistic physics in Minecraft Mod for physics of things

The realism of the game world depends not only on the environment and the quality of the graphics. The ItemPhysic Full mod creates realistic physics of objects, which manifests itself when falling onto different surfaces, hitting and interacting with objects. Now especially heavy blocks will sink in water bodies, and light ones will float up. The tree will burn in the fire, and many discarded things will form a heap. Weapons, armor and food will be placed on shelves and tables. Such functionality has appeared thanks to volumetric 3D models. The need to build kilometer-long warehouses with chests has disappeared. Place your belongings in convenient places! The ItemPhysic Full physics mod can be downloaded for Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.8.x, 1.9, 1.10.2, 1.11.2 and 1.12.x. We recommend that you evaluate his work in the video.



  • Non-combustible items can be saved after hitting lava.
  • Ricochet when thrown into a wall or from a height.
  • Modified system of reviving items (time of disappearance).
  • Compatible with packs of textures and other modifications.

ItemPhysic Full video review

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A realistic drop mod makes it so that in the game Minecraft feel more realistic when you collect them. One of the issues that exists in Minecraft, as well as a bunch of other games with similar mechanics, is the fact that picking up a drop seems too unnatural, since you just click on the image and it disappears and is added to your inventory. While this isn't such a big problem in terms of gameplay, it has been a pet peeve for many players who really want to immerse themselves in the game and luckily the realistic drop does an excellent job of fixing it.

Realistic drop mod makes a whole bunch of changes to the visual component of the game as well as several gameplay mechanics changes to make sure picking up items in the game feels truly realistic and realistic. Thanks to this mod, objects on the ground look like real objects, and not a flat set of pixels and, in addition, objects that fall on the liquid generally float on the surface of the liquid, it is said, and this simulates a sense of realism, thus making things much more enjoyable and fun ...

The new gameplay mechanic that Realistic Item Drops mod brings to the table is primarily the fact that you can catch objects in the air before they hit the ground, similar to how you catch something in real life. You will also be able to sprint toss items, and you can even manually pick things up with the right mouse button. Finally, each setup and mechanic that realistic drop mod can be customized according to your preferences, so that you can fine tune it however you want.

Maud Realistic Item Drops- will make the dropped drop (item) more realistic, now it will not circle in the air, but will lie on the ground like a normal thrown item, in order to pick it up, you will need to click on it.
The mod is pretty cool, things and blocks lying on the ground are very unusual to see, but it looks cool.
Also, if you throw an object while sprinting, then it will fly off further, you can also catch the object thrown to you on the fly.
By default, the function of automatic lifting of objects is disabled in the mod, you will have to press RMB on each lying drop, which can be very tiring, you can enable automatic lifting of things through the config, read about this below.
Unfortunately, just using this mod for decoration (beautiful decomposition of things and weapons in the house) will not work, the drop will disappear as usual, but there are other mods to disable the disappearance of the drop.

How to enable automatic picking of items:
Turn off the game.
Open the file \ .minecraft \ config \ realdrops.cfg using a notepad.
Find the line: B: "Auto Pickup" = false and change false to true.
Save, turn on the game.

Demonstration of the mod:

How to install a mod for a realistic drop in minecraft?

1) Install.
2) Download the mod file.
3) Copy the file to C: /Users/USER_NAME/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/mods
4) Run the Forge version of minecraft in the launcher.

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