Red alert 3 review. I said about freedom

All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.
From the cartoon "Peter Pan"

Series Command & Conquer- a circus horse that is already making its third round in the arena. Electronic Arts drives her through a familiar program - who knows if a tired animal will be able to learn fresh tricks? Alas, trainers have no former talent: Tiberium Wars turned out to be a dull imitation Tiberian Sun, a Red Alert 3 didn't come out of the shadows Red Alert 2 .

Same and kawaii

System requirements

Pentium 4 2.2GHz/Athlon 2100+

1 GB memory

GeForce 6800/Radeon X800

10 GB hard drive

Internet connection

Recommended Requirements

Core 2 Duo 2GHz/Athlon XP 2800+

1 GB memory

GeForce 6800/Radeon X800

10 GB hard drive

Internet connection

EA LA copies the second part so diligently that at first it seems as if she spat on the neophytes and decided to please the veterans. The authors did not waste their energy on the backstory: if you don’t remember how agent Tanya Adams caught Prime Minister Romanov with his pants down, then you are unlikely to understand why dissidents rage on Red Square, and the surviving bosses seek salvation in the Kremlin’s dungeons.

tie Red Alert 3 repeats the Soviet campaign from Yuri's Revenge. Having lost, the "commies" rewrote history in their favor - they went into the past with the help of a time machine and killed Einstein. Unfortunately, the intervention had a side effect. In the altered reality, Japan has mutated into an aggressive superpower with 23rd century technology. When the Red Army again pressed the bourgeoisie to the Atlantic Ocean, the energy blades of the samurai pierced her back. It was not possible to respond to the Empire of the Rising Sun with nuclear weapons - they could not be invented without Einstein. Another world war has begun.

If beautiful sprites had not been replaced by the ancient, unkempt Sage 3D engine, RA 3 it would be easy to confuse with the second part. Almost the same units run on cheerfully bright maps. The "Soviets" are again crushing with the human mass or thick armor. There are not enough colorful novelties - only bears clad in shells are worthy of neighborhood with Kirov airships, V-series installations, rocket dreadnoughts and all kinds of Tesla units (although they are also a replacement for "watchdogs"). Allies rely on solid defenses and air strikes. The sets of troops of the old rivals are similar, almost every character of the "Reds" has a more or less effective Western counterpart. The difference in the construction system, which should drive a wedge between communists and capitalists, is far-fetched: some indicate the location of buildings before, others after the completion of the contract.

The Japanese are different. Their motto is versatility. The eastern army is armed with stingray-like submarines that can become airplanes, walking robots that turn into helicopters, defensive turrets with different fire modes, etc. True, we pay for flexibility with power. Most combat units, not counting battleships, are inferior to competitors in a one-on-one fight. Imperials are building not according to the canons C&C- Their Construction Yard quickly "spits out" mobile containers that deploy anywhere on the map.

Time Paradox

Red Alert 3 stuck at a crossroads. Its authors tried to introduce original ideas into the genre that was stalling on the spot, but they only had enough strength for small touches - in general, the game remained a typical RTS, made according to ten-year-old templates. Sadly, in all the heirs C&C, Besides Generals, only the technical wrapper changes.

The most typical example of a "suitcase without a handle" that is hard to carry and a pity to throw away is the resource gathering mechanic that follows the precepts Dune 2 in a very perverse way. According to fashion trends, EA LA has reliably protected the virtual economy from fools. "Harvesters" now do not crawl on open mineral deposits, but deliver ore from mines for processing. A reasonable idea, if the factories were not standing ten meters from the excavations. Instead of burning gasoline by constantly turning the truck around, a conveyor belt could be stretched between points A and B, or factories could be set right on the mines.

Blunt attacks in large crowds still work, although not as dashing as in C&C 3. Slightly more important were "special abilities". Usually these skills are beneficial in strictly defined circumstances. For example, a Soviet conscript can replace a machine gun with a “Molotov cocktail” (for “cleansing” buildings), and a Western peacekeeper hides behind a police shield in order to get closer and shoot for sure. For some units, mostly Japanese, the "skill" button is used to switch modes - they have to press it more often. Anyway, Red Alert 3 does not require insane style micromanagement Warcraft 3. The right combination of troops, ready to repulse aircraft, tanks and infantry, is more useful than quick fingers. However, you are unlikely to hit the enemy with surprise tactics.

Army of Two

The set of tricks available in Red Alert 3, stands out from other RTSs solely due to naval battles. More attention has been paid to this topic than in other strategies (except, perhaps, Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander). And it's not that EA LA allowed you to build a base and get money far from the coast, and many auxiliary or not very powerful troops turned into amphibians. The main thing is that the “water” part of the game is not an appendage of the ground one and is not driven into the reservations of “special maps for naval battles”. Passions in the patrimony of Poseidon boil in almost every game, they are as important as the events on land.

Lifebuoy that did not give RA 3 drown, became a mode of joint passage. Fighting shoulder to shoulder with a friend is much more interesting - the most banal tasks are more fun when you can arrange a joint assault and help a friend out of trouble. The campaign is well adapted to the “cooperative”: the commanders manage a single budget, repair the buildings of an ally and erect buildings on his base, use transport together, etc.

wade through Red Alert 3 alone is a dubious pleasure. In this case, the computer takes over the role of the partner. Artificial intelligence can both withstand an attack and help in difficult times. One click of the mouse - and he will dutifully send armies to the desired area or attack the enemy at a given point. However, it is better not to be poisoned by a surrogate. Many have overcome gray C&C 3, because they wanted to see new pages of the cult saga. At the 3D remake Red Alert 2 there is no such trump card.

Screw "em all

Red Alert 3 short. Each of the three independent chapters has only nine missions and no normal narrative. Jumping from Europe to Asia and back, the player does not see the map with changing front lines and does not feel that he is doing something important. Even in C&C 3 EA LA simulated more dramatic and tense situations. The fight for dominance over the planet seems like a series of brawls around the world's attractions. To disable a superpower, 3-4 battles are enough.

Like previous games in the series, Red Alert 3- a collection of stamps, a parody of the horror stories of the Cold War. Unfortunately, rich material is used half-heartedly. RA 3 looks like a "licensed game", the creators of which managed with a loud name and "bait for fans". In fact, six-star Soviet generals, long-legged "helpers", time travel and the demolition of the Statue of Liberty do not guarantee success. Despite a lot of funny jokes and a couple of daring twists and turns, the plot is shockingly secondary and predictable. “Unexpected betrayals” and “sudden alliances against a common enemy” are easy to predict - these tricks have surfaced more than once in C&C.

The best reward from EA Los Angeles is not a date with an adjutant girl in honor of conquering the world, but a chance to blow up the office of a Californian studio when taking over Los Angeles. Humor (mainly in videos with live actors) is the second whale after the "cooperative", supporting Red Alert 3. If you perceive it not as an RTS, but as a comedy, there will be much less complaints. Hollywood stars perfectly understood the essence of the "red threat" - reading completely crazy texts, the performers of the first plan do not stoop to stupid antics.

Some characters came out so successful that they should have been given more "airtime". Our favorite is President Ackerman, worthy of the glory of Kane and Yuri. Be sure to watch his pre-election campaign. It is sad that the lion's share of video inserts is occupied by staff briefings with "talking heads" a la

EA decided to go back seven years and revive the most beloved series in the history of the Command & Conquer™ project. Released for PC and Xbox 360™, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 is coming soon to stores, bringing us back to the carefree, whimsical and slightly crazy world of Red Alert™. After several years of clashes, the Allies are about to achieve victory. Hiding behind the walls of the Kremlin, the Soviet command resorts to the last resort - an experimental installation, thanks to which it is possible to travel in time. Mission: Go back in time and eliminate Albert Einstein before he creates the technology that helps the Allies win in the present. After completing the task, the Soviet leadership discovers that the positions of the allies on the world stage have noticeably weakened. However, the celebration is overshadowed by the news of the emergence of a new superpower with powerful technology - the mysterious Empire of the Rising Sun. Welcome to World War III.

The Command&Conquer series is one of the longest in the gaming industry. Try to remember what other line could boast of seven projects? No, no, addons don't count! What is difficult? That's the same. The secret of such success and, as a result, fertility is simple: C&C is a classic RTS. Yes, Westwood, which later migrated to EA Games, does not even try to bring something new to the series, yes, C&C games do not differ in original concept and unique gameplay - but this is not required of them. From year to year we are served the same dish, but with different sauces, but that's what we like, isn't it? When it comes to a well-made product, following the traditions and canons set a long time ago is not a bad idea.

In the post-Soviet countries, the Red Alert branch is especially popular, offering us alternative options for the course of historical events. Its heroes either try to prevent the Second World War, or fight against the aggression of the communist bloc - in general, they solve the problems that the restless Soviet Union constantly throws at them. Westerners appreciate the "Red Threat" for its exoticism, and we, the Slavs, for the opportunity to chuckle over the spreading "cranberry", of which there is plenty.

In Red Alert 3, which was released recently, we again have to plunge headlong into the conflict between the Allies and the USSR. The scientists of the latter got access to time management, which they used to establish the world domination of their power. Oddly enough, this required the assassination of Albert Einstein: his developments caused a major breakthrough in Western military technology. The Soviet figures, who went to the past to eliminate the mentioned person, successfully completed the task, but upon returning to the present, they found that the result of the operation was slightly different from the planned one. Yes, the position of the Alliance in the international arena has deteriorated significantly, but a new obstacle has appeared in the way of the Soviets - the Empire of the Rising Sun, the third superpower. Thus, the usual duel has turned into a geopolitical triangle, each vertex of which strives for leadership. The chances of all opponents are about the same, so the outcome of the collision depends on ... sitting at the computer.

Naturally, we will be offered to play for each of the opposing sides. Three campaigns of nine missions, and no one will allow them to pass in splendid isolation. Did not find a suitable ally among the comrades on the local network, then choose from the "generals" proposed by the computer. Of course, there is less sense from them than from a “living” ally, but they are able to provide elementary assistance and fire support.

As we have already said, three states take part in the Red Alert 3 military conflict. The army of each has advantages and disadvantages, depending on which we will think over the tactics of passing. The Soviet Union, for example, crushes the enemy with the number and survivability of units. Battle bears (hallelujah, which is not with balalaikas at the ready and not with vodka under the arm), armored tanks and conscripts - the latest technologies are clearly disdained here. The allies flaunt traditionally strong aircraft and excellent defensive capabilities, so it is easiest to starve out the enemy, slowly but surely destroying the base with air raids. As for the Empire, its trump card is versatility: infantrymen can easily wield both photon guns and lightsabers, coupled with surrikens, ground robots transform into airplanes in the blink of an eye, and turrets change firing modes. Alas, versatility turns out to be less stamina and firepower compared to the Alliance and the USSR, and it is pointless to try to sweep the opponent only due to the size of the units, you will have to act more cunningly, making full use of special abilities and secret developments.

In order to somehow distinguish the third Red Alert from the rest of the projects in the C&C series, the developers made the water area a full-fledged battlefield. When thinking about the construction of one or another type of ground troops, pay attention to the presence or absence of sea barriers: not all units are able to overcome them easily and naturally.

Otherwise, the gameplay of Red Alert 3 is not much different from its counterparts in the series, and therefore the recipe for victory remains the same: well-chosen combinations of units capable of repelling infantry, vehicles, and aircraft, plus a well-fortified base constantly churning out fresh reinforcements. And for especially difficult situations, we reserve secret scientific developments like a cryogenic impact or a satellite falling from orbit.

What is disappointing is the graphics. The RNA engine, which is a modernized SAGE, is responsible for it. And we recall that his legs grow right out of C&C: Generals itself. The creators of Red Alert 3, apparently, stinted on the creation of a completely new "motor", which led to a sad result: if earlier C&C games favorably differed from rivals in the genre, including visually, now the advantages of the project should be sought in the gameplay, but nothing not in the picture. Ugly surrounding world, uninteresting unit models, poor detailing... Red Alert 3's external shortcomings can be listed for a long time, but they have one reason: an outdated engine that needs urgent replacement.

The gentlemen from EA LA have created a universal project: beginners will quickly get used to it (thanks to a simple and understandable tutorial), and old fans of the RTS genre will plunge headlong into a well-known game with gameplay polished to perfection. Yes, she is not much different from her predecessors, yes, she still conveys the storyline through naive and pretentious videos, yes, busty beauties and politicians with the appearance of fashion models appear in the frame to the point and not only, yes, the authors, as always, We were generous with the chic voice acting, but spared the money for the graphics - yes, we have an almost complete copy of the previous C&C, but this is exactly what Red Alert 3 bribes us with. After all, Command & Conquer is one of the best lines in the history of the gaming industry and, believe me, it is worth clones multiple times.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 discussions and opinions

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Fan art of the game Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 is a real-time computer strategy that continues the story of the confrontation between military superpowers in a parallel reality created during an experiment on time travel. In this reality, the Second World War began a little later and Germany had nothing to do with it at all. The aggressor in the confrontation was the Soviet Union, which launched a full-scale offensive against European countries in order to spread socialism. The opponents of the "Red Machine" in this confrontation were the North Atlantic Alliance and the Imperial Japanese Forces. The plot continues the story of the second part of the game, but already 30 years after the fall of Moscow. The authorities of the victorious alliance imposed strict restrictions on the development and manufacture of any weapons for the Soviets. But this state of affairs does not at all please many officers of the allied forces who are developing an operation to change the past by sending a special group to 1927 to eliminate Albert Einstein, because it was thanks to him that the alliance received such a prominent superiority in weapons. After the successful completion of the mission, the participants of the operation return back and find out that none of the countries has a nuclear arsenal. Without the work of a scientist, nuclear weapons were not invented, and Japan became the third participant in the war, which acted as an aggressor.

Game features

  • First of all, the novelty has acquired a completely new look thanks to the use of a three-dimensional graphics engine, which is a seriously modified model used in.
  • In terms of visual appeal, the game has added significantly, and as for game moments, here at first glance everything is the same as before - the councils crush the enemy with the number of soldiers and the power of armor, the allies, as before, are strong with defense structures and strong aircraft.
  • A new nation in the virtual world - the Japanese respect multifunctionality very much. Here you can find all sorts of delights, such as submarines that can transform into airplanes, bipedal robots (hello Optimus Prime), which in the blink of an eye become helicopters and defensive towers with various types of fire.
  • We will pay for this motley variety with the power of the troops, and it will be somewhat difficult for the warriors of the rising sun to fight one on one with other nations.

Red Alert 3

Shortly after the release of the original third part of the game, the developers decided to finalize some controversial points and released an independent add-on called Uprising. The solo part of the add-on included four small companies - one for all three factions of the original version and one for Yuri. In addition to several single levels, more than a dozen new combat units, commanders and characters have appeared. Most importantly, a large number of maps for online battles have appeared.


In this novelty, the developers have tried to implement the possibility of joint passage. Up to this point, the idea of ​​a team mode in strategic games during a single campaign has never been implemented. If you play in splendid isolation, then the role of an ally in the mission will be played by a computer that will independently rebuild its base and rush to the attack. But in the place of a soulless artificial intelligence, your next door neighbor or a distant stranger from Australia may well be. If you still play alone, then the created reality gives you the opportunity to minimally control the allied troops, giving individual orders - to attack or retreat, but even in cases where the computer sees that the defeat is irreversible, it will independently decide to retreat.

After years of fighting, the Allies are on the brink of victory. The leadership of the Soviet Union decides to go back in time and eliminate Albert Einstein before he creates the technology that will lead the Allies to victory. After the successful implementation of the plan, the allies have weakened their positions at the moment. But before celebrating victory, the leadership of the Soviet Union learned that their actions had created a dangerous threat and a global superpower in the Rising Sun Empire with their advanced technology, which specializes in naval battles. In the game, all three factions have their own single company. Also available are cooperative missions in a single company aimed only at coordinating attacks and developing strategies with an ally. You can play with friends or with computer-controlled commanders, each of which has its own style of play and features. Oceans play an important role in Red Alert 3. They contain the main resources and many units are similar to amphibious animals. Also in the third part there will be many units from previous games in this series. For the convenience of Xbox 360 players, the developers have made the CommandStick 2.0 system. This system is an upgrade of the CommandStick interface used in Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath.

Long awaited return. After seven years of waiting, the story of Red Alert has been continued. The new game has everything that fans loved the previous parts for: signature humor, absurdity polished to a shine and an epic storyline. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, Red Alert 3 adds to its impressive list of virtues with cutting-edge graphics and the unique ability to play a campaign with two people.

Transformer tanks and samurai. The arms race between the US and the USSR did not stop for a minute, the two superpowers were selflessly preparing for war, but overlooked the birth of a third contender for world domination - Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun has advanced in science like no other state. Its troops are a unique mixture of ancient traditions and cybernetics.

What if? The entire Red Alert series is built on the question “What if?” and makes the most incredible assumptions. That is why she is loved all over the world. What if the Soviet Union survived and continued to develop? What would it be like in ten years? What if the Empire of Japan never knew defeat and became the most technologically advanced power on the planet? Do you want to know how the world would change if all this were true? Look for answers in Red Alert 3!

Theater of the Absurd! Armored bears, demolition dolphins, electrocution soldiers, floating island fortresses, transforming tanks, grotesque robots from Japanese cartoons - you will never forget this war!

On land, in water and air. Surprise your opponent by building a fortress on the water - his armada of tanks will be left with nothing. The sea element not only increases the number of available tactical maneuvers, but also contains a number of unique resources. Fight on land, water and air!

Joint passing. Fight shoulder to shoulder with a friend, control unique types of troops, help each other and implement the most sophisticated tactical moves. For the first time in the history of the series, the campaign can be played together!

Star video. The plot is served in stunning videos of excellent quality. In total, you will find sixty minutes of live video in high definition with the participation of famous actors.

OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista (32-bit);
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.2 GHz or better, AMD Athlon XP 2100+ or ​​better;
RAM: 1024 GB;
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better, ATI Radeon X800;
HDD: 10 GB;

The Island of Broken Hopes.

I was waiting for this game. I was told that everything would be really bad, but I still waited. Not at all because I fell for the beautiful advertising tricks of EA, but simply because I wanted to believe in the best. The series will never reach its former glory - but at least get closer to the legendary RA2 and TS? It is clear that figurines. Red Alert 3 did not approach them even a millimeter. We are dealing with a hybrid of C&C3 and Generals.

The plot, as I understand it, EA did not write on the fences. However, I will take the liberty of recalling it. Russian genius Professor Zelinsky created a time machine. This miracle device was used by someone Cheredenko and Kryukov to correct history and bring victory to the Soviets over the Alliance. But there was one problem - along with the disappearance of Einstein, the atomic weapon disappeared. Therefore, no one bombed Japan with nuclear weapons and it became one of the strongest powers in the world. So now we have to think for three - the Soviets, the Alliance and the Empire of the Rising Sun. That's just the authors of the plot did not take into account a whole bunch of jambs. Since in the game the Alliance is using the chronosphere, the Mirage tanks with might and main, and the Soviets are building nuclear power plants. EA says "other people invented it." Well, we say: "The people at EA have a fantasy disaster."

A simple Russian guy with a bear came to the soul of Emperor Yoshiro.​

Fifth legs to dogs. And bears.

The fact that there are three sides to the game is no surprise. Yes, and it would be strange - after C & C3 to make a game in which there are only two sides. Honestly, Red Alert 3 is very reminiscent of RA2, which was converted to a three-dimensional engine. The lists of buildings and units for the Alliance and the Soviets have not changed much. But EA, out of some fright, decided to change the system for building bases. If the Alliance builds buildings the old fashioned way, then the Russians first install the building, and then it is completed. Cunning Japs generally produce buildings in the form of units, which are then deployed into buildings. Thus, our narrow-eyed friends are not limited to the construction zone around other buildings. Now let's talk about ore. This only resource in Red Alert 3 is now mined instead of collected in the fields. Thus, reminiscent of Warcraft with its gold mines or KKND with oil rigs. Another thing is that it is pointless to send more than one harvester for ore mining - they will only create “traffic jams”, since two machines cannot enter the mine at once. In addition - the ore is now b-e-s-c-o-n-e-ch-n-a! Yes, the resource has a certain “reserve” that will run out over time, but the ore is gradually mined even in a depleted mine. That is to say, we are forced to look for new mines only when hostilities are ongoing and construction is ongoing. Used a "new approach" to progress through the technical level. The Soviets do not need anything for this, except for the construction of a technical center. But the Alliance and the Empire need to improve buildings.

Catching Ihtandra.

As the authors have repeatedly boasted, ore can also be mined on water. And the truth is that on the water surface you can find the same mines, only standing on piles. And you can build any buildings on the water, and a good half of the units can swim. From this innovation for some reason neither hot nor cold. Yes, there are water areas in almost all campaign missions, and all multiplayer maps also have water bodies. This leads to the fact that you need to fight on two fronts all the time and be wary of an attack from the sea. Although no one prevents the same ships from attacking from land, as someone's sick fantasy awarded the local ships with legs and wheels.

This bunch of squares with propellers is the proud base of the Alliance!​

The upgrades we saw with C&C3 are not here. But almost every unit has some kind of special ability (which we have already seen in Generals). Recruits throwing Molotovs, Apocalypses using Magnet Cannons, Imperial Warriors pulling out Jedi swords, King Oni charging, an aircraft carrier firing an EMP missile, and so on. There is in Red Alert 3 and something like the "general's points" from the aforementioned game. Except that now these abilities form a "tree". That is, in order to learn the desired ability, it is necessary to learn all that lead to it. Thank God, their use is free, and many are passive. And half of the abilities, it seemed to me, is of very dubious value. There is also a super-weapon. One tactical, and the second mass destruction. The Soviets have an "Iron Curtain" and a kind of vacuum bomb. The Alliance has a chronosphere and an andr…sorry, a proton collider. And the Japanese will please us with nano-robots that make their base invulnerable, and a psi-disruptor. All killing weapons, despite the pretentiousness of the names, act the same way.

Acid is a friend of youth.

I'm sorry, but the game is terrible. Yeah. It's one thing - the capabilities of the engine and modern video cards, and another thing - how to use them. On the "Gioconda" you can also ride down the hill. Red Alert 3 is a realm of acid colors and rounded shapes. The buildings look more like heaps of geometric shapes, and the appliances look like Chinese-made children's toys. No, tell me, where did they see SUCH tanks and planes? I got the impression (what the hell is not joking) that everything was drawn in the editors of the game Spore. The other day I tried to recreate MiG equipment in the editor and was shocked by the similarity. The only thing I want to praise Red Alert 3 for is beautiful effects and a decent level of detail. I also want to note the beautiful water. On this, perhaps, everything.

The ghost of Westwood walks around Europe.

EA promised us a mind-blowing campaign that "will be emphasized." Oh well. The campaign in RA3 is criminally short - nine missions per side. Moreover, they are not related in any way. That is, there is no view for each side of the events, as was the case in C&C3. There was also a rumor that the campaign for Japan would be secret. But this is also not the case. There are few really difficult and interesting missions, and for some reason they all fell to the lot of the Empire of the Rising Sun. Implemented and joint passage. I don’t know how the campaign is played together with a person, but having a computer ally quickly gets boring. You somehow don't notice that "each colleague commander has his own unique tactics". Either he manages to cope with everything himself, while the player develops, or he is beaten down. I know that computer allies are rare in RTS, but when he is with you every mission, it starts to get annoying. Although it is clear that the missions are designed for two players and it would be difficult alone. Many tasks take place in famous cities. Such as Tokyo, Leningrad, Amsterdam, New York and Los Angeles (want to level the EA office?). Very often we will be asked to destroy or protect some architectural monument. The vile Cheredenko built a spaceship under the Peter and Paul Fortress, it must be demolished! The distraught US President built laser guns inside Mount Rushmore, they also need to be demolished (by the way, for the first time I see a mission where there is a squabble inside the Alliance). Do you want to smash Odessa to pieces with the help of a Japanese monster robot?

Did you order a monster robot in the center of Moscow?​

Commanders prefer blondes.

We were promised a lot of videos. They did not deceive with this, but again, 75% of the video in RA3 is some general in front of his office, who tells about the state of affairs at the front. In short, C&C3 is not far gone. But local characters will not let you get bored. Company freak circus. There is the cunning and vile General Secretary Cheredenko, who, apparently, is far from military affairs. For he wears cockades on his chest. His comrade-in-arms, whom we will kill in the campaign for Russia, General Kryukov, resembles a melancholy gopher. Three of our colleague generals also distinguished themselves. This is Oleg, Zhanna and a certain Moskvin (here in EA, you see, they themselves did not understand - this is a first or last name). Oleg looks like one of those guys who like to swim in fountains on special days. Well, his call to jointly bite after completing the task is simply no comments. Moskvin is a completely normal man, but he only walks around in some kind of tattered coat and looks like the hero of the National Security Agent series. But Jeanne ... Oh, I'm in love! Beauty, blonde, Komsomol member! And with what an erotic pseudo-Russian accent she speaks - this must be heard. In my opinion, the most beautiful woman in Red Alert 3. Slutty Tanya and Britneyspears-like Eva nervously smoke in the hallway. By the way, the “young commander” (i.e. player) at the end of the campaign is invited to a date by a girl. And this will happen after the end of the Alliance and Japan campaign. But the Russian patriot will not receive either Zhanna, or Dasha, or Natasha (who is Volkov), but some kind of the whole world and skates to boot. I want Zhanna, what for is your world to me, gentlemen Eashniki?

Grandeiza, cho!

I didn't look into the personality of the other characters so closely. But I can say that I really liked the Japanese. Just like real samurai. He didn’t eat sushi when he was born (which we consider to be a touch to Japanese culture), but he directly respected this power. Perhaps the Japanese are the only ones who are not caricatured in Red Alert 3. And in general, the Empire of the Rising Sun, with all its transformers, samurai soldiers and a killer schoolgirl as a commando, is the only one who looks authentic in this realm of acid colors and unrealistic designs. Russians and Alliance, such an impression, here
random guests.

Well, capitalists, are you trying to catch up with Hiroshima?​

What is humor and where does it go?

EA promised us a lot of sparkling humor. And where? Either he doesn't exist, or my sense of humor has atrophied. Fighting bears no longer make anyone laugh. Attempts to joke in Red Alert 3 are so unexpected and unfunny that it just looks like an idiot. Against the backdrop of the Emperor who fell into melancholy, who found out that his state was only a mistake of history, the US President, from whose ears sparks fly. Well, it's funny, as much as there are no forces. So really something cool can only be heard during missions. For example, how Kryukov calls the player "pain in my djopa" or a Russian soldier who is interested in whether New York will be renamed Commandergrad after the victory.

Full out.

Red Alert 3 raw product. It is immediately clear that a lot of holes have been specially left for the future add-on. But, nevertheless, even he is not able to correct the situation. To play or not to play is your choice. But I got the feeling that it should have been called C&C3: Red Alert. If it weren't for the video campaign, it would look like a mean mod. Even the music is somehow not very catchy, and there is no list of tracks, as it was in the games from Westwood. Oh yes, this is an esports game, the people at EA would say. And for those who love the single and played online for the last time ten years ago, and then in a computer club, what do you tell them to do?

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