Why dream that he found gold coins in a dream. Why do old coins dream - interpretation of sleep from dream books Dream interpretation to find old coins

Seeing small coins in a dream portends pleasant family chores, large coins of old minting - to receive unexpected wealth.

Making or counterfeiting coins is a waste of effort. Smelting coins into metal is a sign of greed and greed.

A dream of a one-ruble coin foreshadows trouble, accompanied by tears.

Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that wonderful prospects will open up in front of you to improve your financial situation.

Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise insignificant returns with a lot of effort.

If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so to avoid deserted ones.

Finding coins of insignificant value in a dream - you are threatened with losses in entrepreneurship due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs.

To discover a treasure of ancient coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency.

A chest filled to the brim with gold coins portends that your wishes will come true.

A monisto of gold coins means that your merits will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings.

Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but mean man.

To dream of gold ducats of the royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect thanks to your success in the business field.

Hearing the ringing of gold coins is a sign of wealth and prosperity.

To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you at work.

Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone.

Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large.

Small silver coins indicate that your dreams are not destined to come true.

Melted in fire, they portend loss.

Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to do work that brings small earnings.
Seeing in a dream a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in entrepreneurship, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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Dream interpretation - Coin

Gold - prosperity, pleasure, new travel;

Silver - failure, squabbles, family strife;

For a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you;

Copper - to hard physical labor;

Nickel - you have to perform work of a rather low quality;

You dreamed about silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - an auspicious sign.

Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Interpretation of dreams from

Almost all people have dreams. But not everyone knows what it means to see coins in a dream. The interpretation of such a dream may vary, because much depends on whether gold coins or iron money were seen in a dream. The most important thing is to remember everything to the smallest detail in order to understand exactly what the dream promised. Sometimes the prediction depends on the details.

Money tree made of coins

For example, you should pay attention to:
  • The material from which the coins are made;
  • In what atmosphere the vision took place;
  • What was the mood of the person during the events taking place in the dream.

These details will help to draw up the most detailed and reliable forecast that the dream brought.

Many people who understand the nature of dreams focus on what they saw at night. And these persons are doing the right thing, because dreams are signals from the subconscious that, when awake, are not fed to the brain. The impulses enter the brain only in a state of sleep. Therefore, what a person sees at this time helps to understand what is happening and tells how to behave in different situations.

In general, seeing money in a dream is a good sign. If in a dream you dreamed of a trifle, the meaning of predictions may vary depending on many factors.

The meaning of the dream, in which a person acquired ancient coins or gold coins, is two-faced. To understand what the subconscious wanted to say, it is necessary to delve into the process of studying the interpretation of visions.

This is what silver coins look like

  • Those who see coins in dreams should think about what their relationship is in terms of money. It is worth revising your inner world and correctly placing emphasis on desires. It is better to strongly desire the goods that money can buy. After all, money in itself does not mean anything. The greatest role is played by things and emotions that can be purchased for them;
  • A person who in the near future will receive a very special and original gift from loved ones can see in a dream. In this case, the price of the gift in this case will not play any role. It may even be a handmade present, but it will cause a whirlpool of emotions for the recipient;

    Antique Royal Coppers

  • If you dreamed that you had to collect small change and it turned out to be a full bucket, you need to be attentive to the details of such a vision. If these are valuable gold coins, then the meaning is one, but if they are ordinary small pennies, then the dream book broadcasts a completely different one. In the first case, the dream can be interpreted as a small receipt of an unexpected amount of funds. In the second case, as vain efforts for mere pennies, which are unlikely to bring satisfaction;
  • If a person says: “I see many coins in a vision,” then it doesn't matter if they are gold coins or non-precious ones. The dream book says that such a dream means that you will have to make a lot of effort to make money. If you happen to collect a large number of coins, then all the money earned will most likely go to entertainment and travel;

    Dream about a large number of coins

  • The dream book also says that seeing a silver coin in a dream is good enough. Such a vision means that in the near future a fun life will begin, filled with adventures, fun events, travel and adventurous situations;
  • An old coin seen in dreams is a sign that it is time to reconsider your attitude to life. If this is an old coin that is no longer in use, then you need to try to forget some of the events of the past that interferes with a normal life. If you saw or saw a huge full bucket of old coins that went out of circulation in real life, then you are too immersed in the past and have forgotten that there is a present and a future;
  • Coins in dreams can be deciphered as symbols of poverty or wealth, and sometimes they are interpreted as symbols of happiness, grief, mystery and luck - it all depends on how valuable the coin is, whether it is alone or not, whole or has defects.

    What does the dream mean, in which I found gold coins

    Gypsy dream book

    According to the Gypsy Dream Book, real coins are a sign of profit and happiness, fake coins are dishonor. A gold coin is a small loss, a silver coin is moderation, a copper coin is happiness.

    Medium Hasse

    Coins are a sign of stubbornness and disobedience, when a person sees that he is minting money himself, it means that he wants to achieve something that he cannot get.

    Dream interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

    A dream where new coins are present - for wealth and fun, gold and silver - for trouble, copper for happiness. Small coins - to insignificant business or worries. Ancient coins mean intelligence and wisdom in actions. For a woman to see coins in a dream is the appearance of a boyfriend who will deceive expectations.

    According to the Home Dream Book

    Shiny coins - to little luck, old - to a find. Gold coins for prosperity, silver for controversy, copper for hard work.

    Jewish dream book

    The Jewish dream book describes the coins seen in a dream on Monday as signs of returning debts or fulfilling a contract. If you dreamed about coins on Saturday or Sunday, wait for calm, on other days - receive money. These readings are suitable for simple coins, and why gold coins dream needs to be recognized separately.

    For men, gold coins are a warning, one should not make hasty decisions, it is better to consult with specialists before making a decision. For women, gold coins dreamed of on Monday are vain expectations, on other days for good luck and health.

    Eastern dream book

    Eastern gold coins are regarded as a possible deception on the part of a loved one. Silver coins are good luck, and the more the silver shines, the more clearly the profiles, numbers and letters are visible, the more favorable the fate will be. Copper coins are hard work, and scattered coins lead to tears.

    Finding coins in a dream is an omen of unexpected financial profit. If the coins had to be collected from the ground, it means that they will not get simply - you will have to work hard to get income or survive quarrels, sharing profits with relatives or colleagues. Find coins in a dream made of gold - get gossip and envy in addition to success.

    According to Miller's dream book

    Coins are chores that will be successfully resolved. Copper coins mean that money will be spent wisely, and gold coins will go to entertainment. Big coins - perspectives, foreign - travel, old - secrets.

    Even the dreams that are closest to the plot are interpreted in different ways. Why ancient coins dream can be interpreted in several ways. Some night dreams are explained by the dreamer's internal contradictions, others come to warn the sleeper of potential danger. To decipher the visions, you should refer to the dream books.

    According to Gustav Miller's dream book, a coin is a symbol of new opportunities or the result of all the efforts made. Such night dreams can be considered a guide to where you should try to look for what you want. The dreamer is encouraged to analyze the past to find answers to his questions.

    Metal coins:

    1. Gold means material well-being, success in all endeavors and new trips.
    2. Silver - difficulties, conflicts and quarrels with loved ones.
    3. Copper - it will take a lot of effort and work to achieve our plan. Poverty and lack of money will remain in the past, but will often remind of themselves with fear or self-doubt.
    4. Nickel - This will take a lot of work and can be dirty or questionable.

    If the dreamer dreams of old coins that are given to them by a representative of the opposite sex, then you should know that only resentment and disappointment awaits them from this person.

    Finding old coins belonging to someone else is a dream of great luck, which will accompany the sleeper in all endeavors. Seeing a similar object in a specific place is a sign. You should remember this location, as there really is something there. It is recommended to visit the area and do a good search around.

    Miss Hasse's interpretation is significantly different from Miller's. Actions that are performed with money play an important role. Mint coins yourself means that all the efforts of the sleeper will be in vain. To receive them from another person means that the dreamer will have new hopes for a brighter future.

    Having coins of gold or silver in a dream promises big troubles and problems. Copper is a success in all endeavors.

    And also Miss Hasse separately deciphers the meaning of the coins:

    1. To see - the sleeping person will be respected by the people around him.
    2. Hearing the sound of coins is material wealth and general well-being.
    3. Find - the dreamer will find personal happiness and joy. And also such a dream is deciphered as a symbol of future business trips.
    4. Paying off is a sign of longevity.

    According to this dream book, a man dreams of ancient coins as a sign that he is too cruel towards the people around him. A lot of coins - you have to spend a lot of time and effort on relatives.

    The famous healer Wanga believed that if these items were dusty and very dirty, then it is recommended to take care of your material condition, otherwise it may soon dry out. But an old coin shining with purity indicates an unexpected profit that the dreamer can get.

    The recalculation of funds in night dreams speaks of the pettiness of the sleeper. You should reconsider your attitude to money, as they are not able to become a substitute for friends.

    Other interpretations

    According to Loff's dream book, finding old coins is a dream of a long journey or deception. For married people, such a dream can predict that their marriage will fall apart. Night dreams of a waning moon mean that soon the sleeper will have to defend himself.

    According to the French dream book, losing or voluntarily throwing away a copper trifle indicates losses in real life. It can be money, property, or even spiritual loss. Giving gold coins means loneliness. Throwing them away suggests that the sleeping person will greatly offend someone in reality.

    Tsvetkov assured that coins of any value and material found in a dream speak of profit in real life.

    According to Felomen's dream book, old coins personify news that can influence the course of events in the life of a sleeping person. For example, an old family secret or someone's secret may soon be revealed. If the coins were not too old, then, most likely, the dreamer will learn some information from his old friend.

    Freud's interpretation:

    1. Seeing and collecting a lot of small money speaks of the sleeper's desire to diversify his sex life.
    2. A lot of little things - the dreamer has several sexual partners.

    The home dream book interprets the dreamed coins as quick wealth and well-being in the life of the sleeping person. If they dreamed in the hands of another person, this means that the dreamer will soon have an acquaintance who can help him financially, or the dream watcher himself will lend money to someone.

    Small money should be interpreted as a series of small troubles that will prevent the sleeper from fulfilling his dream. Gold coins indicate rigid thinking that presents many challenges. It is recommended to revise it. Finding a similar thing in a dream means gaining new experience or knowledge.

    Slavic dream book:

    1. Raising coins from the ground - to material well-being, which does not require much effort on the part of the dreamer.
    2. Finding a golden little thing - success and luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. To see - the sleeping person dreams of becoming rich at someone else's expense.
    3. Iron trifle - it is not recommended to rush to the realization of all the conceived goals, since they may not come true.

    The modern combined dream book interprets that finding silver coins is a symbol of good luck and new acquaintances.

    The golden trifle indicates that wealth will be not only material, but also spiritual. But monetary wealth will be achieved without much difficulty on the part of the sleeping person. Giving coins to another person in night dreams is the readiness to share joy or sorrow with him. Metal money in dreams speaks of the intention to rethink your life priorities.

    Additional values

    Large coins are a sign that portends good prospects for the dreamer. If you work hard, your plans and goals will come true. A lot of little things speak of tears that won't last long.

    Various metals:

    1. Gold - to material well-being.
    2. Silver - to great luck.
    3. Iron - the sleeping person will have all the experience he needs.
    4. Copper - to sadness.

    Throwing coins in your nightly dreams suggests that it will be difficult to make decisions in life. Making a choice, you have to sacrifice something. If among the large coins there is one small one, then such a dream portends the birth of a son to women.

    News should be expected in the case when in a dream the sleeper admired the reflections from the coins. Clearing the change and discovering that the coin is made of gold is the solution to a long-standing conflict. It turns out that the person whom the dreamer disliked is not so bad.

    If the coins are stolen, then the sleeping person should be careful, as in the near future he can expect big trouble. For women, such a dream means that her lover will have a mistress.

    To great losses, there is a dream in which the dreamer discovers that the coins he found are in fact fake.

    Whatever the plot of such night dreams, you should not be upset. You should not even worry about a negative prediction, because a dream is one thing, and real life in reality is quite another.

    The article on the topic: "why are ancient coins dreaming about" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

    Even if a person is not associated with numismatics, ancient coins in a dream will not leave him indifferent and will push him to find out in a dream book what witnesses of the past centuries dream about. Having taken up the deciphering of symbols, you will have to remember everything that has not escaped attention.

    The path to the dream

    Why dream of looking for and finding old coins? The interpretation of the dream gives both hope and warning. A person who dreamed that someone pointed out to him a secret place will receive a very seductive offer in the near future. But getting rich quickly can turn into a quick collapse.

    Looking for a treasure for a long time and finally finding it is interpreted by dream books as a difficult path to well-deserved success. Finding by chance means that sudden luck in life will not bring joy.

    Seeing large, gnarled old coins is much more favorable than golden ones - dream books interpret this as greater luck. In a dream, grateful to fate for a valuable find means that in reality it will really be possible to find something important, but the person will never know thanks to whom it happened.

    Miller's dream book about the power of old copper

    Finding ancient copper coins in a dream has long been considered a favorable sign. Copper trifle, as interpreted by Gustav Miller's dream book, portends the rise "from rags to riches": poverty will remain in the past, but it will remind of itself with constant uncertainty, fear of failure and ruin.

    Collecting scattered coppers from the floor means that the sleeping person is doomed to poverty - in reality, he will not even try to escape from want, resigning himself to the circumstances.

    Do well and don't be jealous!

    The more valuable the find in a dream, the more joyful the prospects. Listen to what the dream books say about why you dream of finding metal money:

    • From yellow brass - for small earnings or an unstable career.
    • Seeing cleaned to a bright red shine is envy.
    • From copper covered with patina and dust - for a reliable income.
    • I dreamed of silver ones - to joy.
    • Pick up gold coins - to prosperity.

    Numismatics as the embodiment of activity

    If ancient coins are presented in a dream as a collectible, then the interpretation shifts from the sphere of accidents to the area of ​​consistent rational actions.

    A person who dreamed that he was collecting numismatic rarities in reality will engage in painstaking work that gives him pleasure. Collecting, changing, examining interesting specimens portends to be aware of important news.

    Someone else's numismatic collection does not carry any positive message. Why dream of seeing the visual result of another person's efforts? Only to envy and resentment.

    A little crime for the thrill

    If in a dream it happened to lose ancient gold coins, then in reality some rare opportunity will present itself, and it should not be missed. To lose, but then to find - such adventures are interpreted by dream books as a chance of gaining power.

    If you dreamed that a large collection was stolen from you, then the level of adrenaline in your blood will go off scale - something is clearly threatening you. What if one of the exhibits turns out to be fake? We must keep our ears open, otherwise someone will try to grossly deceive the dreamer.

    Why do old coins dream - interpretation of sleep from dream books

    Miller's dream book

    old coins according to the dream book

    According to this dream book, finding ancient coins is a great success. Sleep can be viewed as a guide to where to look for what you want and analyze the past, perhaps the answer to your question is hidden there. If you count coins, then this speaks of your practicality and frugality.

    Dream interpretation of Wangi

    old coins in a dream

    If the old coins you saw were dusty or dirty, then you should take care of your material well-being. But shining clean coins, on the contrary, dream of unexpected profits. Counting money in a dream indicates your pettiness. You need to reconsider your attitude to money, since it will not replace human communication for you.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    which means if old coins in a dream

    Seeing old coins in a dream is a sign of making a profit, and it doesn't matter if you dreamed about old coins, new or rare. If the coins are copper, then it promises sadness, silver coins dream of tears, and gold coins to grief.

    Muslim dream book (Islamic)

    To dream of any money, including old coins, to unpleasant events, anxiety and excitement.

    Freud's dream book

    old coins according to the dream book

    According to Freud, ancient coins symbolize sex life and secret desires associated with it.

    Loff's dream book

    dreamed of old coins

    Ancient coins found in a dream portend a long trip or a possible deception. For married people, this is a harbinger that the marriage may fall apart. If you had a dream on a waning moon, then this may mean that you will have to defend your rights.

    Dream interpretation Hasse

    old coins according to the dream book

    Finding old coins in a dream means expecting a business trip or news. In addition, you will have to devote a lot of time to your loved ones. If a man dreams of coins, then this suggests that you are cruel with your friends.

    Slavic dream book

    interpretation of sleep old coins

    In accordance with the Slavic dream book, old coins dream of an unexpected find, but they can also be dreamed of when a negative influence is possible.

    Esoteric dream book

    dreamed of old coins

    The esoteric interpretation suggests that dreamed old coins and money foreshadow the receipt of gifts.

    With a dream, people also dreamed of ancient coins

    Sleep from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the beginning of a new stage in life.

    Why is an old coin dreaming: the meaning and interpretation of a dream

    Interpreters do not come to a common conclusion on every subject, although they do not negotiate. Everyone relies on the experience of the people in which they grew up. It is believed that coins dream of tears, enrichment, good news and much more. They are deciphered in different ways. And why do you dream of an old coin made in the distant days of the absence of banknotes and bank accounts? This symbol is not interpreted by all publications, but those who refer to it are interesting and useful to read.

    What is the dream of a coin (old)

    Let's start with tears. Most of humanity imposes a basic attitude on the interpretation of a dream. Pessimists try to see them as a bad omen, optimists - positive. But there is an unrecognized rule that allows the compilation of detailed collections of interpretations. It says that the subconscious mind gets images from the general energy-informational field, they are mostly unitary, the same for everyone. And the people say that a trifle leads to tears. This should be taken into account when figuring out what the coin is dreaming of. Whether it is old or modern, and sadness and frustration are not ruled out in the near future. If you held it in your hands and looked at it, you will be subjected to unfair attacks. This will be the cause of the disorder. Interpretation should not be considered the only one possible. For example, in Persia they explained in a completely different way what a coin (old) is dreaming of. But more on that below. Our world is so arranged that thoughts and images do not disappear anywhere. They accumulate in a special space - the astral plane. From there dreams come. And the belief of our ancestors that a trifle leads to tears leaves its mark on night visions.

    What they say in the East

    In the old days, coins were minted from precious metals, they were "real". It is from this that they are repelled in the East. To dream of gold or silver is very good. The plot speaks of wealth, and whether it will come or, conversely, disappear, depends on the specific situation faced in the astral plane. So, if you dream of finding old coins, it means that fate is preparing you for big profits. Such a vision portends wealth. Pay attention to the subtleties. A large number of precious coins in good condition - to a wealthy life. If they were stained, covered with a coating, it means that well-being will not fall on your head just like that, you will have to work hard. To clear the found treasure - to good luck in your career or entrepreneurship. Take risks, such a step will lead to great success, there is no need to be careful. Old gold coins are dreaming - circumstances will develop in the most favorable way in the near future. It is necessary to take advantage of such a turn so as not to regret later.

    Why dream of finding old coins

    Let's analyze the plots further. In Great Britain, as you know, gold is respected in any form. If it appears in a dream, it is recommended to recall the whole plot, the message of the subconscious depends on it. Collecting the found coins in a hat - get a big reward. If in the country of Morpheus you happened to count them, you are a thrifty and zealous person. A dream characterizes a person and indicates the need to continue adhering to their principles in the financial sphere. If someone else claims your treasure, then there will be a dispute or loss. In real life, it all depends on your behavior. In any case, there will be opportunities to defend their property, but how to use them - see for yourself. Walking around and finding old coins is fortunate for the girl. She will have a rich and generous husband. The same plot promises a great career for a young man. Probably, his talents will be noticed by an influential person and will contribute to their unhindered realization.

    Give away coins

    Dreams are interpreted in a completely different way, in which a person, of his own or someone else's will, parted with ancient wealth. The sign is considered unfavorable for almost all peoples. For example, see what the French dream book says about it. "If you dream of old coins that you throw away or lose, it means that there will be big losses in the material or spiritual sphere." In fact, gold symbolizes inheritance. The interpreters also proceed from this. To give it away is to interrupt the ancestral bond, to remain alone in a world filled with dangers. If you threw out coins of your own free will, commit an unseemly act, offend loved ones.

    Coin type

    Some commentators classify jewelry by size. Separately, they explain why old coins big and small dream about. So, if you are surprised by the size of a round piece of gold, you will receive an unexpected gift. One small coin among many large ones portends the birth of a son to a woman. Shiny gold or silver - to the news. Thus, a dream is interpreted only in the case when the sight of the coins is engraved in the memory, you admired the reflections of the rays on its edges, for example. Moldy jewelry - to enmity. Clearing a coin and being surprised to find that it is made of gold is to resolve a long-standing conflict. In reality, it will soon become clear that the person who was considered the enemy did not try to harm. Both of you have fallen prey to a cunning schemer.

    Theft of antique gold

    Collectors know how hard it is to part with precious trophies. If thieves stole ancient coins in a dream, wait for enemy activity. The foes have already set up a trap that targets your wallet. This plot may portend other troubles as well. For example, a neighbor's pipes will leak from above, water will flood the apartment. As a result, you will have to spend the funds accumulated on vacation for repairs. When a woman dreams that she is carrying coins in her hands, and the robber takes them by force, adverse changes are likely in her personal life. The plot foreshadows treason. Her sweetheart has or is about to appear sweetheart, to which he decides to leave. Not to give up, to defend your goods - to cope with your rival. For a woman, a dream about ancient gold portends unrest on the personal front. A girl who often dreams that her treasure is given to another may remain alone until maturity or old age.

    All sorts of strange transformations with gold coins in dreams are unfavorable. If you see them suddenly turn into shards (like in a fairy tale), be careful. This plot suggests that there is no clarity in a person's head about his position in society. He tends to pass off his own fantasies as reality. The reverse transformation speaks of the excessive, even harmful modesty of a person. You need to be bolder in life, and luck will turn to you. To find in a dream that your precious treasure is fake is to suffer losses. You bet, as the racing fans say, on the wrong horse. All dreams will be shattered by cruel reality. There is no need to hope for the implementation of plans in the near future. To make a fake old coin yourself is to successfully pull off an intrigue.

    Very ancient coins

    We have described precious money known to numismatists and history buffs. What if you dreamed about fantastic coins unknown to science? The country of Morpheus sometimes throws up completely surreal pictures. Such a dream means that a person has unusual abilities. What are they - except you, no one will figure it out. Throwing old money away means being left without support, breaking the connection with the Guardian Angel. Soon you will feel very lonely, like on another planet. There will be a struggle in which you will not have any support. This is a serious test, which is given only to a few, the most powerful people on Earth. If you saw such a story, be proud, you are one of the chosen ones. Good luck!

    Dream interpretation

    Find old coins

    Dream interpretation Find old coins dreamed why in a dream Find ancient coins? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Find old coins by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation - Coins

    Seeing in a dream a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in entrepreneurship, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

    Dream interpretation - old coins

    Dream interpretation - Coin

    silver - failure, squabbles, family strife;

    for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you;

    copper - to hard physical labor;

    nickel - you have to perform work of a rather low quality;

    Silver coins are miles to you, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - an auspicious sign.

    Why do coins dream?

    Why do coins dream according to Miller's dream book

    Finding small coins on the road - to anxiety and all kinds of trouble. Large coins portend happiness and change for the better. If a stranger pours metallic money into the dreamer's palm, then this promises the latter great prospects. Losing coins in a dream entails troubles in reality. The person who counts the coins is in reality thrifty and economical, and the one who counterfeits them can expect problems with the law. Seeing silver coins in a dream is not a very good sign. Such a vision promises family scandals or quarrels with friends, and gold coins prophesy prosperity and an eventful life.

    See coins in a dream. Freud's interpretation

    Coins symbolize a person's sex life and all his secret desires. Anyone who throws handfuls of metal money is simply overwhelmed with energy and is ready to enter into an intimate relationship with anyone he likes. Receiving coins from someone in a dream is a sign that in reality the dreamer lacks either love or sex. The found coins foreshadow a sexual relationship full of joyful sensations, and the lost ones symbolize impotence and frigidity.

    Coins in a dream. Dream interpretation of Wangi

    Only a petty and stingy person counts coins in a dream, but if he gives them to someone, then this portends an unheard-of investment of forces and means to achieve his goal. To receive metal money from a stranger is to be known as a kind and generous person. To find coins of various denominations somewhere, which means that you have to take care of your own protection, because the enemy does not sleep. To dream of bent or melted coins - to poverty and hunger. You may have to lose your fortune due to theft or robbery.

    Why do coins dream about Simon Kananit's dream book

    If the dreamer is busy minting coins, then all his efforts will be in vain, and he will not achieve the desired result. They will bring only misfortune to the owner of coins made of precious metals, and to the owner of coins made of copper, such a dream portends great joy and happiness. Small coins symbolize small chores, minor successes, short-term relationships, and large ones - on the contrary. New coins promise quick wealth, and old and worn ones portend the acquisition of valuable experience or the discovery of a great secret.

    Why do coins dream about Hasse's dream book

    Seeing a countless number of coins is a sign of wealth that will unexpectedly fall on the dreamer's head. Anyone who mints coins illegally will lose their inheritance or freedom, and those who distribute them to the right and to the left will face complete poverty and hunger. Counting coins in a dream is good, which means that in reality you will be able to make a lot of money, but taking small coins from someone for change is bad. This is to sadness, tears, deception and trouble.

    Why do coins dream about Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book

    Coins made of copper dream of trouble, gold coins - to the completion of important matters, and silver - to empty troubles. To receive metal money from someone is to add to the family, and to give away is to the success of all enterprises and events. Finding a treasure consisting entirely of gold coins is a great success, and copper pennies clutched in your hand symbolize sadness or grief, from which you will not have to recover soon.

    Why do you dream of gold, silver coins?

    Gold coins always dream of respect, which will be won through success in the professional field. But handing over gold coins to the state in a dream is very bad. This portends a loss of confidence in colleagues or the loss of a job. Selling gold coins portends loneliness for old age.

    The larger the size of the silver coins seen in a dream, the more happiness "rolls" on the dreamer. Small silver coins are a bad dream, which means that dreams will only remain something beautiful and ephemeral, and if they are still melted or damaged, then losses cannot be avoided.

    Antique, old commemorative coins in a dream

    Finding a rare coin, a real rarity, means that the bank will approve the loan or someone from your acquaintances will agree to lend the desired amount. Thanks to this, everything conceived will come true. If you dreamed about old coins, then you should expect a gift that will simply amaze the dreamer's imagination.

    Why dream of finding, collecting coins?

    When a person finds small coins (pennies), then he will face large losses in business. And all because people far from entrepreneurship intervened in their own business. Digging up a treasure or finding somewhere especially valuable coins means being in a good mood for a long time, thanks to which all problems will be solved easily and with little blood. Collecting coins in a dream means that you will have to be pretty worried in reality, but the outcome will be favorable.

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