Paintball basic rules. What is paintball Paintball game conditions

If you know how to play a team-type computer shooter, then there should be no problem understanding the tactical features of paintball. By and large, there are no special features. Your goals:

  • to survive on your own;
  • help the members of your team survive;
  • inflict as much damage as possible on the opposing team;
  • complete the mission.

Along the way, you will need to run, hide and shoot. In general - an ordinary shooter according to a certain scenario.


Paintball rules may vary from organizer to organizer. In general terms, both Big paintball maneuvers held in the Moscow region and modest games in a distant province are held according to the following rules:

There are two categories of people on the playing area: players and all other people ("non-combatants") - organizing and serving the game; spectators accidentally entering the playground; players who removed the helmet. Non-combatants do not participate in the game. Shooting at them is prohibited.

Players differ in the color of the headband (or other item of clothing). Sometimes belonging to a particular team is determined by the established form of clothing.

White color is a symbol of surrender or negotiations.

A player is considered to be in the game as long as he:

  • not hit by a solid spot from a hit from a game weapon, a burst of a color grenade or a mine;
  • did not leave the territory of the playing field, did not attack the enemy headquarters
  • did not take off his helmet
  • was not disqualified by the judges.

Color splatters on clothing that do not merge into a stain, as well as paint on weapons, as a rule, are not considered a defeat for the player.

Players have the ability to coordinate their actions by radio communication.

The “killed” player cannot transfer his weapons and ammunition to other players, as well as contribute to changing the balance of the game, including by transferring information that may affect the outcome of the game. The "dead" player must remain silent. He is obliged to leave the playing territory on his own, with a weapon raised up or signaling in another agreed way about his non-playing position.

Disputable issues are resolved by representatives of the organizer (judges). Usually controversial situations arise on the issue of validation (verification) of the hit. For example, if there is reason to believe that the shooter himself was "killed" long ago. In this case, the disputed player is assigned a neutral status for the duration of the verification.

Large games, such as Big Paintball Manoeuvres, use mobile equipment. Equipment can be disabled by grenade explosions. As a rule, one grenade deprives the vehicle of the possibility of movement, but allows you to fire from it. Two grenades disable equipment completely.

The player is removed from the game if:

  • does not follow the requirements of the organizers and judges;
  • shows incorrect behavior towards other players or representatives of the organizer;
  • uses "left" pyrotechnics without the consent of the administration;
  • demonstrates a clear inadequacy of behavior.


Paintball is for everyone. The number of scenarios is endless. Meanwhile, all of them can be grouped into several main genres.

Free play. This is an individual type of game, most suitable for beginners. Each player has another player as a target, but does not know for whom he is the target. Having hit the target, the player receives the next similar task. The game continues until one player remains on the field. For those who play for the first time, it seems logical to first sit out in cover for a while until everyone has shot each other, and come out towards the end of the game, increasing their chances of winning. However, this is a completely wrong tactic. Points are awarded for each affected participant. The winner is not necessarily the one who reaches the end, but the one who gets more points. So move more, but be careful.

Artifact capture. Team, the most common type of paintball. There are at least two variations of this game, different in goals:

  • capture an artifact of the opposing team;
  • capture a neutral artifact.

The flag is usually used as an artifact. Anything can be a neutral artifact, for example, an explosive package, a bottle with a hidden map, etc. The location of the artifact is known, it is forbidden to hide or carry it with you. In this genre, the player has several lives: after each defeat, he must return to his original position.

Depending on the number of participants, teams can be divided into squads, each of which is assigned a commander from the most experienced players. Since the game is a collective one, knowledge of the basics of flag capture tactics and the ability to implement them in specific field conditions is required. The success of the mission depends on the experience of the commander and the ability to correctly carry out his commands by the rest of the participants.

Security / storming of the object. Team game. One team guards the object, the second - storms. The goal is to destroy all members of the opposing team. It is easier for beginners to guard than to storm. Meanwhile, both teams require the ability to think strategically more than make tactical decisions. In this way, the assault on the object differs from the scenario of capturing the artifact and other collective missions.

Team fight. In other words, deathmatch is a battle between two sides until complete victory. A very popular genre. Suitable for those who are just starting to play paintball. Does not require possession of tactical and strategic skills. It is better to play in pairs: so that one can always cover the other or help with something. As in other team games, team discipline is required to win.

A rare semi-team type of paintball. Predators play as a team or individually - at will. Their goal is to find and neutralize all representatives from the opposing team. The purpose of the "victims" is to make sure that she is not caught. For this, various natural and artificial shelters are used.

"Victims" can move around the field if necessary. If a member of the hiding team is hit by a marker, they join the predator team and begin the hunt. For this reason, the members of the “victims” team act in isolation from each other and do not inform their comrades-in-arms about the place of shelter and the tactics of the cache.

Paintball is very easy to play. Rules that will be useful for beginners:

  1. Play with a cool head. Before you act, look around, evaluate your disposition, and think of a sequence of actions two steps ahead.
  2. Be vigilant and always prepared for the fact that the enemy may be in any unexpected place. If you are pursuing a goal, remember that you can always be the target of another.
  3. Learn to be invisible. Direct attack is the basis of some scenarios, for example, built in the deathmatch genre. But much more often, the participant needs to merge with the surrounding texture, become invisible, move unnoticed in order to be able to attack in the most convenient way for himself.
  4. Move. Sitting in ambush, you won't play much (unless it's part of the script). The more active you are, the harder it is for opponents to hit you. Paintball is a game of movement.
  5. Use the "shoot first" tactic. Before you make a maneuver, shoot so that the enemy hides in cover. So you buy time, and you will be more likely to stay in the game.
  6. Stay in touch with other team members. The well-coordinated actions of the players are a guarantee of personal success.
  7. Train your memory and orienteering skills. You must clearly understand the topography of the place, your location on the playing field, the direction of the outgoing threat, which side of the world, etc.
  8. Use unconventional approaches. Attack from a side no one expects. Work in pairs to be able to divert the attention of the enemy and turn the situation in your favor.

Play small and big paintball maneuvers. It's fun and helpful.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Paintball (hereinafter referred to as the “game”) is a team sports and technical game using pneumatic markers that shoot gelatin balls filled with water-soluble paint. For safety reasons, everyone on the playground is required to wear protective masks.

1.2. Persons over 12 years of age are allowed to participate in the game. Agree with these Rules and familiar with the Safety Rules.

1.3. Players have the right to enter the game only after filling out the Collective application for participation in the game.

2. Purpose, objectives and course of the game

2.1. The purpose of the game is to have fun and be active.

2.2. The tasks of the game are the fulfillment of the game task in accordance with the Scenario, the receipt of points.

2.3. The game involves players armed and equipped in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

2.4. The tasks of the game, the start and end time, the boundaries of the playing area are determined by the Scenario and the Regulation.

2.5. The course of the game, the performance of game tasks, compliance with these Rules and the Safety Rules can be controlled by the organizers. The decisions made by them are not subject to discussion and contestation.

2.6. The game is played for fairness, so no disputes during the game are allowed.

3. Game area

3.1. The territory of the playground does not include respawns, headquarters, camps, shooting at them is prohibited.

3.2. All non-game objects must be identified in the Regulations and marked on the Maps.

3.3. The boundary of the playing area must be clearly marked on the ground and on Maps. The border must be visible from a distance of at least 3 meters.

3.4. Paintball rules prohibit moving, damaging or destroying stationary objects (flagpoles, shields, banners, shelters, etc.) and structures (playing and non-playing). Other items and structures can be moved, damaged or destroyed only if it is a game task.

3.5. The entire playing area is divided into playing squares, they must be marked on the Maps.

3.6. It is forbidden to install devices capable of causing any harm to people, animals, machinery, as well as playground equipment.

4. Game weapons, gear and equipment.

4.1. Weapon. It is allowed to participate in the game with commercially available industrial pneumatic game weapons, adapted for firing gelatin balls filled with water-soluble paint of 0.68 mm caliber. The muzzle energy of the game weapon must not exceed 3 J.

The flight speed, when shooting with a 0.68 caliber ball, must not exceed:

for paintball markers 300 fps.

4.2. Pyrotechnics. Industrially manufactured pyrotechnics that have passed state certification in Russia and are freely available on the territory of Russia, as well as pyrotechnics based on its work, are allowed to participate in the game. The striking element can be water-soluble paint or gelatin balls filled with water-soluble paint.

4.3. Everyone on the playground is required to wear face masks.

4.4. For all players and equipment taking part in the game, the following color differentiation is adopted (to be specified before the game):

red - belonging to the army, team, group of "reds";

yellow - belonging to the army, team, group of "yellow";

white - serves to designate a capitulated army, team, group or their units. It is an indispensable attribute of parliamentarians;

orange - judges, operators and other service personnel who adhere to neutrality.

The color marking must be clear and visible from a distance of 10 m.

4.5. In armies, teams and groups, a system of club ranks has been adopted: General, Colonel, Major, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Private. Players who do not have a club title are automatically ranked as privates.

4.6. Players holding a club title are entitled to wear a cipher corresponding to their club title.

5. Defeats and disqualification

5.1. A player is considered hit if:

On it (on the arm, leg, body) there is a stain of paint (from a shot from a game weapon, a cannon, a grenade or a mine explosion);

He entered the "mining" zone, the buffer zone near the enemy headquarters, attacked headquarters, respawn or camp, went out of the playing area;

He declared himself defeated;

He announced to another player "out" with a game weapon from which it is impossible to shoot a ball;

When taking the “out”, the player began to shoot back without requiring a “control shot” into the tree / ground;

He was declared defeated by the judge.

5.2. The affected player is obliged to raise the game weapon up, leave the portable items (except for personal or rental equipment) and go to the headquarters, camp or respawn in the shortest way.

5.3. Hitting the marker does not count as a loss. Splashes that do not merge into a solid spot are not considered a defeat.

5.4. The affected player does not have the right to transfer his in-game weapons to anyone, share ammunition, or tell other players any information about the enemy and the progress of the game. The affected player must maintain complete radio silence.
5.5. The player is disqualified from the game if:

Refuses to tell the organizers the number of the control badge (there is no control badge) (if it is valid in the game);

Was noticed in unsportsmanlike behavior in relation to other players, attendants, organizers;

The player uses balls / pyrotechnics not sold by the organizer and without an agreement with the organizer for its use;

The player is under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

The player was seen in gross violation of the Safety Rules.

5.6. The player is obliged to present a control badge (if it is valid in the game) at the first request of the attendants, both on the playing court and outside it.

6. Technique

6.1. The admission of equipment, the rules for its participation and the restrictions imposed on it are determined by the organizers.

6.2. Each piece of equipment is accompanied by a judge who performs the duties of a navigator. Also, the judge can perform the duties of a shooter.

6.3. Vehicles serving on the side of one or another army can be hit as follows:

The explosion of one grenade in one of the baskets fixed on both sides immobilizes the vehicle for 5 minutes, but does not deprive it of the ability to shoot;

The explosion of 2 grenades in two baskets destroys the equipment, in this case the color of the army, team or group changes to a neutral color. Vehicles are sent to headquarters, respawn or camp.

7. Non-combatants

7.1. “Non-combatants” include: spectators, random people, operators, attendants, organizers, as well as players who have removed their protective mask. Shooting at non-combatants is prohibited.

7.2. The organizers are obliged to notify the players about the presence of operators on the playground. Operators, in turn, should not interfere with the course of the game and also interfere with its conduct.

20 essential paintball rules for beginners.
They will certainly help you not to make many mistakes while playing paintball.

Never take off your mask!

The most important rule in paintball. The ball flies at a speed of 90 meters per second, it will easily knock out your eye forever! If your eyes are still dear to you - do not ignore the constant reminders of judges and instructors that the mask should always be on your face! We put on masks before entering the playing field, and take off the masks only when we have already left the field. Take this rule seriously.

Fuse marker!

As soon as the game is stopped, each player must put the marker on the safety and put a protective cover on the barrel. Thus, you will protect yourself and other players from an accidental shot when everyone is on a break and without protective masks.

The judge is always right!

Each player is obliged to unquestioningly carry out what the referee tells him. Any dispute with the judge is not allowed. The judge is doing his job, he is strict with you for the sake of your own safety. If the referee said that the player is hit, then the player is hit and leaves the playing field!


Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed to play paintball. Such a player can not only harm other players, but also cripple himself. The referee will send such a player off the field for the safety of all players. Drinking alcohol is allowed only after the end of the game.

Listen carefully to the instructor!

The instructor will tell you about safety precautions, teach you how to handle a paintball weapon - a marker, listen to your preferences, give you suitable advice, solve the issue of issuing equipment, refueling with air, refueling with balloons, etc.

Don't shoot the victim!

If you see a player who for some reason raised his hands up, then it is strictly forbidden to shoot at him! He may have already been shot or he may have run out of balls or whatever with him. In any case, shooting at such a player is not allowed.

Hitting the ball does not hurt!

You almost won't feel it. Maybe the next day you will see a small bruise. To avoid such bruises, the rules of the game of paintball do not allow shooting at an enemy from a distance of less than 4 meters. Follow this rule and then bruises may be avoided altogether.

Always choose a captain!

When forming a team, it is necessary to choose a team captain. This person will play the role of your team leader. Will participate in the resolution of disputes and conflict situations. The captain is generally responsible for the rest of the players.

Walk across the playing field!

Before the game of paintball has already begun, walk around the playing field, this way you will have a significant advantage over players who have not done so. You will be able to see the most advantageous positions on the field for you, as well as develop a game plan.

Develop a plan!

A well-thought-out team strategy helps to win over an opponent that is superior to your team, both in terms of numbers and experience of players. Let each player in your team perform his function and clearly know how to proceed further in a given game situation.

Do not strive to become a hero - a loner!

Of course, everyone wants to show their best when playing paintball. But do not forget that you are part of the team, part of the functions of which you perform. It often happens that because of one “hero”, the enemy bypasses the entire team and shoots everyone in the back.

Talk more while playing!

Try to communicate more with your team during the game. Alert your players of any enemy sighted and their movement. The more information you share, the easier it will be for you and your team to play. The players on your team should do the same accordingly.

Aim before you shoot!

Most players, especially beginners, make this mistake. The enemy, having heard the shots, will immediately hide or run away, and you will simply find yourself. It will be much more useful if you first aim and then start shooting.

Don't stand in one place!

Try to constantly move, so it will be more difficult for the enemy to understand where you are shooting from, to predict your actions, your appearance, and accordingly it will be more difficult to shoot you. And you, in turn, with constant movement, it will be easier to catch the enemy by surprise.

Don't focus on one goal!

Do not shoot again and again at the player hiding in the shelter. Try to bypass it from the side. Otherwise, by concentrating on one player, you can easily lose control of what is happening around and you will simply be shot by another player from the opposing team. Watch both! Keep your ears open! Look around and look around!

When a player is defeated!

A player's defeat is considered to be a hit in any part of the body. The defeat is not difficult to notice by the fresh spot of paint that appeared at the site of the hit. When you are hit, you must raise the marker over your head and leave the battlefield. Raised, along with the marker, hands up means that you are hit, and that you can no longer shoot at you!

Play fair!

It is strictly forbidden to hide or erase the traces of hitting you in order to continue the game by deception. Be honest with your opponent and yourself! From deception you will not become a stronger player. After all, there is the next game to redeem.

Picking up balls from the ground is prohibited!

It is forbidden to pick up paintballs that have not exploded or simply spilled onto the ground. Thus, you will disable your paintball marker, for which you will later be held liable, because the judge will easily understand what's going on.

Choose the right shoes for the game!

Think in advance what kind of shoes you will play paintball in. Shoes should preferably be athletic. Light running shoes are best suited for this, which you do not feel sorry for and in which it will be comfortable to run. If the game takes place in an open area, some players use studded shoes to play football.

Take the club's business card with contacts!

During the game, the referee-instructor will take pictures of your event. If you want to receive free photos of your battle, don't forget to take a business card from us with the club's contacts before you leave. The business card has our phone number and website address. Photos are posted within a week in our VK group, which you will find on the site. Join our group and find your photos in photo albums.

One of the most important rules of the game of paintball is not to take off your mask during a shootout and presence on the playground. The fact is that a ball of paint, flying out of a marker at great speed, can hit not only the soft tissues of the face, but also the eyes. Therefore, the mask fits very tightly to the face, without squeezing the head, but not falling off it either.

Misted glass is one of the causes of discomfort during the game. To prevent this from happening, before the game, exclude the use of any alcoholic beverages. With vigorous breathing, the glass is covered with moisture from the inside. To reduce this effect, use antifog.

A shot from a semi-automatic weapon is made under gas pressure, simply by pulling the trigger. The automatic marker fires bursts. A full gas cylinder is used for 500 shots. The magazine holds 200 paintballs. Before firing, check that the magazine cover is tightly closed, the feeder is in the “vertical” position. Dirt and moisture can change the caliber of the balls, which will ruin the marker.

If the marker does not shoot:

  • you did not remove it from the fuse;
  • the shutter is not set in working position;
  • foreign objects or dust inside the barrel;
  • the gas cylinder is completely used;
  • empty store.

Correct these shortcomings. If you can't manage on your own, call the judge, and he will help you.

When aiming from 25-30 meters, keep in mind that the ball's flight path can change by 8-9 degrees. The faster you get used to this weapon, the more accurate your hits will be. At the same time, handle the weapon carefully so that snow or earth does not get into it.

Rules of the game

  1. Paintball requires two teams. Each is behind its own starting line, which is indicated by a ribbon. Before the start of the game, on the signal of the referee, no one has the right to shoot. The script can be anything. The end occurs under the command "stop game".
  2. Referees are visible on the site very clearly - they have bright camouflage and masks. These people are inviolable, and they must be obeyed implicitly. Their responsibilities include monitoring not only the implementation of the rules, but also the observance of security measures.
  3. Players may hear the following commands from the referees:
    • "player in the game";
    • "neutral player";
    • "a hit player" (a ball of paint exploded on your body).
  4. If you are hit:
    • raise the weapon up;
    • close the back of the head with your hand;
    • quickly run away from the place of the game.
  5. If your supply of balloons and gas has stopped, and no one is going to help, you are amazed. Report this to your opponents and leave the battlefield with your weapons raised.
  6. If you have problems with your marker, or you are not sure if you are hit, call the referee. You are now a neutral player. The rules of the game of paintball forbid shooting at them in such a case.
  7. Referees use gestures:
    • “out” (amazed) - arms to the sides;
    • "neutral" - one hand points to the player, the other up;
    • "in the game" - one hand points to the new player, the other performs circular rotations above the head.
  8. Security measures:
    • shooting distance of at least 3-5 meters;
    • from the back of the enemy, do not “finish off”, give a command for defeat;
  9. if you hear "out" behind your back, raise your weapon hand up.

Remember that paintball is just a game! Do not offend colleagues with unnecessary movements, and you will not get real enemies. After all, the goal of the game is to get an unforgettable experience and have a good time.

Paintball came to our country relatively recently, rapidly winning the hearts of new admirers. The children's game of "war" has turned into a serious hobby for adults, giving an outlet to the accumulated energy and emotions, allowing you to get a good portion of adrenaline and excitement. This game has gained great popularity in corporate events. It involves organized team actions, has its own tactics and strategy.
A good club can offer a variety of scenarios for the development of paramilitary events. Two teams usually take part in the fighting, with any number of players - the more, the more interesting. The minimum composition of each starts with six people - this is already considered a full-fledged team.
How does the first day of a person who decides to play paintball begin? Arriving at the paint club, a beginner meets with an instructor who, before the game, begins instructing the teams participating in the upcoming battle. If you have arrived as a ready-made team, you will have to choose a captain who decides all organizational issues and directs the conduct of the battle. If you are alone, they will help you choose a team. Then you should definitely inspect the playground, assess the conditions, the location of the shelters.

An experienced instructor, briefly and most importantly quite intelligibly explains to beginners and experienced players the rules of the upcoming game. This is a prerequisite for the safety of participants.

Paintball basic rules:

The main thing that every newly arrived fighter should learn is the role of a judge. All commands and decisions of the referee are carried out quickly and unquestioningly. The referee decides who is hit, what to do with the neutral player, when to stop and restart the interrupted game. Helps to resolve all disputes.
The basic rule of paint clubs around the world says: do not take off your mask on the field! This cannot be done if it is splashed with paint or fogged up and nothing is visible if the game is temporarily stopped. A gelatin ball, breaking on the face, can be harmful to health.
It is forbidden to shoot outside the field, at a hit, neutral or blinded player, to make hard contact. For this threaten penalties, and even withdrawal from the game.

A player is considered hit if the colorful spot on the mask, body parts is more than a five-ruble coin, if he goes out of bounds, he declared himself hit, or he is presented with an out.
not just a great weekend entertainment, it is a sports competition in which each participant can test their physical fitness, agility, speed in movement and reaction time, and accuracy in shooting. At the same time, it develops sociability, logic of thinking, the ability to coordinate actions, the ability to navigate the terrain.
As in any battle, the strategy and tactics of warfare play an important role, which should not be neglected and decided in advance. There are two basic tactics for conducting competitions - these are aggressive and defensive, rarely used in their pure form, they usually abruptly move from one stage to another. Taking into account that paintball is a team game in which cohesion and coordination of actions is the key to victory, it is important to distribute the roles of participants into attackers and defense before the battle begins. That allows you to take comfortable positions, cover and support each other.

The main mistakes of beginners

Beginners, participating in such military-sports games for the first time, usually cannot join team activities, relying on themselves. They do not ask for help themselves and do not support their comrades with fire. Rushing to extremes, some are looking for a reliable shelter, wanting to hide from the enemy's balls, others "heroically" go on a frontal attack. At the same time, both of them run the risk of leaving the battle at the very beginning, since they become a good target. Not knowing how to coordinate their actions with the members of their team, on the first day they are often doomed to the role of a victim, since out of inexperience they are substituted almost constantly.

Some tips for new players:

  • Never take off your mask on the battlefield if you are hot, the glass is fogged up or splashed with paint, if the game is paused;
  • Before starting, try to study the scene of action in order to determine convenient places for hiding for yourself and the enemy;
  • Be sure to review and study the marker. Take at least a few shots to test your accuracy, trajectory and speed of the ball;
  • Do not sit in one place for a long time, becoming a target for shooting;
  • Frequently and chaotically move from place to place, accompanied by shooting, so it seems that you are not alone, it is more difficult to aim at a running person;
  • Shoot often and a lot, since this is not a sniper rifle, then you need to shoot 3-4 balls - it is almost impossible to hit one;
  • Do not focus your eyes in one place, even if you see the enemy, look around and behind, use peripheral vision;
  • Listen to the captain's commands, provide information, ask for help. On the battlefield they are not silent;
  • If there is any doubt that you were killed, call the judge;
  • At the end of the game, put the marker on the safety, as it may not be authorized to shoot.

If you use at least most of these tips, you may even get out of the fight “alive” on the first day and be able to get a good boost of positive energy. In addition, after the fighting, have a good time in the recreation area of ​​the club for a picnic or sit with friends in a cafe.
The paintball club Gvardiya offers players 4 well-equipped paintball fields and two large bases for large-scale scenario projects. All related ammunition. On our site you can get acquainted with all the playgrounds and the variety of scenarios ready for implementation. You will find the necessary information about the rules of paintball and tips for beginners, the services offered, the possibility of holding corporate events, parties, all kinds of celebrations.

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