Who invented the game monopoly. Stop at Utilities

RULES of the Shortened Monopoly Game

If you know a little rules of the game Monopoly, you can now play it faster with the Quick Play Rules! In this game, the rules are exactly the same as in Classic Monopoly, but there are three differences:

    At the initial stage of the game, the Banker shuffles the cards for the ownership right. Then the player sitting to the left of the Banker removes the deck, after which the players are dealt twice one card to the right of the Property. If the Banker is also an ordinary player at the same time, then he distributes cards for the ownership right to himself. Players must immediately pay the indicated price to the Bank for both cards received for the Title. Then the game continues according to the standard rules.

    In the shorter game, you only need to build three Houses (instead of four) on each Color-Group Lot before you can buy a Hotel. The rental fee remains the same as in the standard game. When you sell the Hotel, the proceeds are half of the original cost, i.e. one House less than in the normal game.

    End of the game Monopoly... The first player to go bankrupt is eliminated from the game as in a standard game. When the second player goes bankrupt, the game ends. A player who becomes bankrupt transfers to his creditor (the Bank or another player) everything he owns, including buildings and other property. Then each of the players remaining in the game adds up the following:

    Cash on hand.

    Player's own Lots, Utilities and Railways

    Stations at the price indicated on the playing field.

    Mortgaged property in the amount of half the price shown on the playing field.

    Homes assessed at the purchase price.

    Hotels valued at the purchase price, including the value of the three Homes for which the Hotel was exchanged.

The richest player wins!

Time limit game.

Before starting this variant of the game, you need to agree on the time of the end of the game. The richest participant at the end of the game will win. Before starting the game, you need to shuffle the deck of cards for the property right and remove it. The Banker then deals two cards to each player, one card at a time. The Participants immediately deposit the value of the Property issued by them to the Bank and the game continues according to the standard regulations m.

Remain the only non-bankrupt player.


Playing field, 28 cards - Title Deeds, 16 cards - Public Treasury, 16 cards - Chance, 8 gold luxury chips, Bank Cashier, 1 set of special money for Monopoly, 32 wooden Houses, 12 wooden Hotels and 2 dice, one rules of the game Monopoly.


    Place Houses, Hotels, Title Deeds and money (at par) in separate sectors of the game board. There is a diagram on the field showing the correct placement of all game elements.

    Separate the Chance cards, shuffle them, and place them back side up on the appropriate board on the board.

    Separate the Public Treasury cards, shuffle them and place them back on the appropriate board on the board.

    Each of the players chooses a playing piece and puts it on the “FORWARD” field.

    Banker and Bank: One of the players is selected by the Banker. If the game involves more than five players, the Banker can, at his discretion, limit himself to only this role in the game. The banker gives each of the players 1,500 thousand rubles in the following denominations:

    Two bills of 500 thousand rubles

    Four bills of 100 thousand rubles

    One note of 50 thousand rubles

    One banknote of 20 thousand rubles

    Two bills of 10 thousand rubles

    One bill of 5 thousand rubles

    Five bills of 1 thousand rubles

In addition to money, the Bank also has cards of Title Deeds, Houses and Hotels until they are purchased by the players. The Bank also pays salaries and bonuses, grants loans secured by Real Estate and collects all taxes, fines, repayable loans and interest on them. During the auction, the Banker acts as the auctioneer. A bank can never go bankrupt, but it can issue the required amount of money in the form of IOUs written on a regular piece of paper. 6. The players roll both dice. The player with the most points starts the game. The player to his left moves next, and so on.

When it’s your turn, roll both dice and slide your token forward on the board in the direction of the arrow. The field you stop on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on which field you find yourself in, you have to:

    buy building plots or other real estate,

    pay rent if you find yourself on the territory of real estate owned by others

    pay taxes

    pull out a card of Chances or Public Treasury

    end up in jail

    relax in the free parking

    receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles

The same number of points on both dice

If you roll the dice, and both have the same number of points (double), move your piece and act in accordance with the requirements of the field on which you find yourself. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to prison.

Passage of the field "FORWARD"

Every time you stop or walk through the “FORWARD” field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the Bank pays you 200 thousand rubles. You can get this amount twice in the same move, if, for example, you found yourself on the Chance or Public Treasury field right after the FORWARD field and pulled out a card that says “GO” to the FORWARD field.


If you are staying on a field denoting Real Estate that is not occupied by others (i.e. on a Building Plot for which none of the other players have a Title Deed), you will have the right of the first buyer to purchase it. If you decide to buy Real Estate, pay the Bank money in the amount indicated on this playing field. In exchange, you will receive a Title Deed for this Property, which you must put in front of you with the text up. If you decide not to buy Real Estate, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the player who offers the highest price for it, starting with whatever price anyone of the players is willing to pay. Even if you have refused to buy the Property at the original price, you can still participate in the auction.


Owning a Property gives you the right to collect rent from any tenants who stay in the field that designates it. It is very beneficial to own all Real Estate of one color group - in other words, to own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any property in that color.


If you are staying at someone else's Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to rent for that stop. The player who owns this Estate must ask you to pay the rent before the next player behind you rolls the dice. The amount payable is specified in the Title Deed for this Property and may vary depending on the number of buildings built on it. If all Properties of the same color group are owned by one player, the rent charged to you for stopping at any undeveloped lot of Properties in that group is doubled. However, if the owner of the entire color group has at least one plot of the Real Estate of this group, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels were built on the plots of the Real Estate, the rent will increase as described in the Title Deed for this Real Estate. No rent is charged for a stop at the mortgaged Real Estate.


If you stop at one of these fields, you can buy this Utility, if no one else has bought it yet. As with the purchase of other Real Estate, pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field. If this Property has already been purchased by another player, he may charge you rent in accordance with the number of points that fell on the dice when you made the move that led you to this field. If the other player only owns one of the Utilities, the rent will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice. If he owns both Utilities, you will have to pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points dropped. If you enter this space as a result of the instructions on the Chance or Public Treasury card you took, you must roll the dice to determine how much you have to pay. If you decide not to buy this Property, the Banker will auction the Utility and sell it to the highest bidder. You can also take part in the auction.


If you are the first to stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this Vokzap. If you do not want to, the Bank puts it up for auction, even if you refused to buy at the original price, you can also take part in the auction. If the Station already has an owner, the person who happens to be there must pay the amount specified in the Title Deed. The amount payable depends on the number of other Stations owned by the player who owns the Station you are staying at.


Stopping on such a field means that you need to take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may require that you:

    moved your chip

    paid money, such as taxes

    got money

    went to jail

    Free from Prison

You must immediately follow the directions on the card and place the card at the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you took a card that says "Free yourself from prison", you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player at a negotiated price.

Note: The card may indicate that you must move your chip to another field. If in the process of moving you pass through the “FORWARD” field, you will receive 200 thousand rubles. If you are sent to the Prison, you do not go through the FORWARD field.


If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.


If you stop at such a field, just rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any fines, you can enter into transactions as usual (for example, collect rent, build buildings on your Property, etc.).

You will be sent to Prison if:

    You will stop at the Go to Prison field, or

    You took a Chance or Public Treasury card that says “Go Immediately to Prison” or

    you have the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to the Prison. If you find yourself in the Prison, the salary in the amount of 200 thousand rubles is not paid, no matter where you were before. To get out of the Prison, you need:

    pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles and continue the game when it’s your turn, or

    buy a Free Out of Prison card from another player at a mutually agreed price and use it to free yourself, or

    use the Free Get Out of Prison card if you already have one, or

    stay here, skipping three of your next turns, but every time it comes to you to roll the dice, and if you get a double on both dice in one of these turns, you will be able to leave the Prison and go through as many squares as cubes.

After you have missed three turns, being in the Prison, you must leave it and pay 50 thousand rubles before you can move your counter to the number of squares dropped out on the dice. While in PRISON, you have the right to receive rent for your Property, if it is not mortgaged. If you were not “sent to Prison”, but simply stopped at the “Prison” field during the game, you do not pay a penalty, since you “Just visited” it. On the next move, you can move on as usual.

Once you have collected all the lots of the same color group, you can buy Houses to place them on any of the lots you have. This will increase the rent you can charge from tenants staying at your Property. The value of the House is indicated on the relevant Title Deed. You can buy houses during your turn or in between other players' turns, but you must build up your lots evenly: you cannot build a second House on any of the lots of the same color group until you have built one House on each from the plots of this color group, the third - until they built two on each, and so on. The maximum number of houses on one plot is four. You also need to sell houses evenly. You can buy or sell houses at any time, and as much as you see fit, and as much as your financial situation allows. You cannot build houses if at least one section of a given color group is laid. If you own all Properties of the same color group and have built Houses on only one of the two lots, you can still receive double rent from a player staying on any of the undeveloped lots of Properties of the same color group as indicated on the cards.

Before you can buy Hotels, you need to have four Houses on each plot of your wholly owned color group. Hotels are bought in the same way as Houses, but they cost four houses, which are returned to the Bank, plus the price indicated in the Title Deed. Only one Hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings

If there are no Houses left in the Bank, you will have to wait until someone from the other participants returns their houses to him. Likewise, if you sell Hotels, you cannot replace them with Houses if there are no extra houses in the Bank. If the Bank has a limited number of Houses or Hotels, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the Bank has, the Banker puts the buildings up for auction for sale to the player who offers the highest price for them. At the same time, for the initial price, he takes the one that is indicated on the corresponding Document for the Right of Ownership.

Property For Sale

You can sell undeveloped Plots, Train Stations and Utilities to any player by entering into a private deal with them for the amount agreed upon between you. If any of the Plots of the same color group contains any buildings, you cannot sell Plots of that color. If you want to sell any plot of a color group belonging to you, first you need to sell to the Bank all buildings located on the plots of this color group. Homes should be sold evenly, just as they were bought (see “Homes” above). Neither Houses nor Hotels can be sold to other players. They should be sold to the Bank at a price two times less than that indicated in the relevant Title Deed. Buildings can be sold at any time. Upon the sale of the Hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the Hotel plus half the cost of the four Houses that were given to the Bank upon the purchase of the Hotel. All Hotels of the same color group must be sold at the same time. If necessary, in order for you to receive money, the Hotels can be replaced by Houses again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and receive in return four Houses plus half the cost of the Hotel itself. The mortgaged Real Estate can only be sold to other players, but not to the Bank.

If you have no money left, but you need to pay debts, you can get money by pledging some Real Estate. To do this, first sell to the Bank all buildings located on this Property Plot. In order to pledge the Real Estate, turn the Document to the right corresponding to the Property face down and receive from the Bank the amount of the collateral indicated on the back of the card. If you later want to repay your debt to the Bank, you will need to pay this amount plus 10 percent on top. If you mortgage any Real Estate, it still belongs to you. No other player has the right to redeem it from the Bank instead of you. Mortgaged Properties may not be charged rent, although rent may still be paid to you for other Properties of the same color group. You can sell the mortgaged Real Estate to other players at a price agreed with them. The Buyer can then decide to repay the debt collateralized by this Property by posting the corresponding amount of the collateral plus 10 percent to the Bank. He can also pay only 10 percent and keep the Property as collateral. In this case, upon the final withdrawal of the pledge encumbrance, you will have to pay another 10 percent to the Bank. The opportunity to buy Houses at the regular price appears only after the purchase of all Plots of the same color group without exception.


If you owe the Bank or other players more money than you can get on your assets, you are declared bankrupt and you are out of the game. If you owe the Bank, the Bank receives all your money and Title Deeds. The banker will then auction each of the Properties to the highest bidder. You must put the Free Get Out of Prison cards on the bottom of the corresponding pile. If you go bankrupt due to debts to another player, your Homes and Hotels are sold to the Bank for half of their original value, and your lender receives all the money, Title Deeds and Free Get Out of Prison cards you have. If you have any mortgaged Real Estate, you must also transfer it to the lender, moreover, he must immediately pay 10 percent on it to the Bank, and then decide whether to immediately buy it out or leave it mortgaged.

Game Notes

If you have to pay more rent than the amount of cash you have, you can pay your lender partly in cash and partly with Real Estate (i.e. undeveloped Building Plots). In this case, the lender, seeking to obtain an additional construction opportunity or wanting to prevent another player from establishing his control over a certain group of Plots, may agree to accept any Real Estate (even if it is mortgaged) at a price much higher than that indicated on the corresponding card. The responsibility to collect the rent for the Property lies with the owner. The money can be given in the form of a loan to the player only by the Bank and only on the security of Real Estate. Neither player can borrow money from another or lend to another player.


The last player remaining in the game is the winner.

Board games have always been in great demand. During the period of active development of the Internet era, they somewhat, so to speak, modernized and became even more popular. Today, almost any game can be downloaded to a computer, tablet or smartphone. But it's better to get all your friends together and have fun, say, at "Monopoly". This is a pretty old game. She is more than a hundred years old, but this did not affect her popularity in any way. In this article, you will learn how to play Monopoly.

First meeting

The goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt player. The playing field consists of squares along which participants move, depending on the number dropped on the dice. In any sector there is a plot that can be bought from a bank for construction. But here, as in real life, you will have to pay taxes and mortgage real estate. Well, of course, you need to be at least a little economically "savvy".


First, you need to place all objects (houses, hotels) in the sectors of the playing field in accordance with the diagram. Then shuffle the "Chances" cards and put them back on the corresponding square. Then each player chooses a chip and places it on the "Forward" sign. The team selects a Banker who will manage the money. There are 16 bills in total:

  • 500 thousand rubles - 2 pcs.;
  • 100 thousand rubles - 4 things.;
  • 50 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 20 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 10 thousand rubles - 2 pcs.;
  • 5 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 1 thousand rubles - 5 pieces.

Documents for real estate remain in the bank. Salaries, bonuses and loans are paid in other money. The amount of "cash" is not limited. At any time, on an ordinary sheet of paper, you can write out the Game for Android "Monopoly" is deprived of the ability to "issue" paper money.

Each participant in turn rolls a die and moves a piece across the field. The direction of movement is indicated by arrows. Several pieces can be on one cell. It also contains instructions for further actions: pay taxes, buy land, pay rent, get a salary, or go to jail.

How to play Monopoly: the rules

The player can go through the item "Forward" several times. At the same time, the bank pays 200 thousand rubles when it stops again in this sector.

The "Construction site" position allows the player to be the first to buy out the documents for the property, if no one has done so before. In this case, the card must be placed face up on the field. In case of refusal to purchase, the site is immediately put up for auction at the lowest price and sold at the latest offered. The Banker manages the process.

"Ownership" allows you to lease rent from "tenants". If the property is painted in one color, then that allows you to build houses.

"Do not leave someone else's property": the owner can demand from you, but only until the next player rolls the dice. The amount of payment is indicated in the documents and may change during the game. It depends on the number of buildings built. The lease is charged at each stop at the property of the same color group and is doubled if the player is on a built-up plot, provided that the building is not pledged. For the "Station" field, the rules are similar.

The sector is subject to the same conditions as with real estate. There is only one thing: rent is charged in accordance with the number of points that fell on the dice. The amount increases 4 times if the owner has one company, and 10 if both. If a player hits the field on the "Chances" card, then you need to roll the dice to determine how much the payment will increase.

The game "Monopoly. Millionaire" has one interesting sector. If a participant enters the "Public Treasury" field, then he must take a card from the pile and follow the instructions indicated in it. There are many options: from moving chips to getting out of jail for free. After fulfilling the conditions, the card must be placed at the very bottom of the pile.

Position "Taxes": you must pay the specified amount to the bank.

"Free parking" means that the player can just stay on the field and do nothing.

They get into the "Prison" if the corresponding card or the same number on the dice fell three times in a row. Here the player does not receive a salary, but can accumulate rent. To leave this field, you need to pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles or buy a Free Out of Prison card from another player. Then the game continues. "Monopoly" for two has advantages in this regard. If you don't have enough money in your account, you can stay in jail and keep rolling the dice. If you get a double, make a move. But you still have to pay a fine (50 thousand rubles). Only then can the game be continued. If the player got into the prison sector not from the map, but as a result of a move, then the penalty will not have to be paid.

Property details

With lots of the same color group, you can buy houses and charge rent to players who are in your domain. The deal should be made between moves. The plot is built up evenly: it is allowed to erect a second house on a sector of the same color only after one building on the others. The maximum number of buildings in one area is 4. They are also sold only evenly, but at any time.

After building, you can buy a hotel. Unit price - 4 houses plus the amount shown on the property card. Only one hotel is allowed to be bought in each sector. If the bank cannot sell the house, and there are not enough own buildings, then you will have to wait until the other participants part with their possessions. If there are many who want to buy real estate, an auction is arranged.


The game has another advantage. You can sell lots, railway stations and utilities to other players. If a participant wants to sell an empty sector of one color group, then first he needs to sell all real estate from it - evenly, and then put it up for sale. The bank makes a purchase for half of the amount indicated in the documents. Hotels of the same color group are sold at the same time.

You can get money from the bank by mortgaging real estate. Title deed turned face down is proof of collateral. The bank can sell such property only to other players. Amount to maturity - value of buildings plus 10%. The participant of the game can independently realize the building.

If the player owes the bank more money than he can pay after the sale of all his property, then he is bankrupt. The financial institution takes the property from him and sells it at an auction. If the creditor is another player, then he sells the debtor's property to the bank for half of its value. Here's how to play Monopoly.

Tips for beginners

Having figured out how to play "Monopoly", let's move on to the question of tactics. We remind you that the goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant. Therefore, in order to win, in addition to the rules, you also need to know some features.

Buy everything

If you do not have money, then it is worth pledging the existing property to the bank. When participating in auctions, pay special attention to railways and land. It is better not to purchase plumbing and electric companies. Their payback period is 3 stops of the player on this field.

Prison is your helper

At the stage of accumulation, detention sites are best avoided, but if you nevertheless ended up behind bars, you must take all measures to be released as soon as possible. But when other players begin to actively build up their territories, it is better to skip a move or two.

Buy up the railways

All four have a special place in the game. At the very beginning, they bring a lot of profit, in the middle, they will not be superfluous, and at the end of the gameplay it is better to get rid of them.


According to statistics, the prison is the most visited cell on the playing field. The most profitable plots are purple, orange and green. At the same time, it is better to build no more than three houses on a sector of the same color. The only time it is worth buying a hotel is if all your lots are the same color.

Use smartly at home

According to the rules, their number in one game is limited, and at the very beginning you cannot buy hotels. Experienced participants base their strategy on this, namely: they fill all their plots with buildings and never purchase hotels. This prevents other players from owning real estate.

Psychological features of trading

  • People value the mortgaged land less, that is, they are ready to part with it at a lower price.
  • Inexperienced players can easily exchange or sell what they think are "useless" single plots.

A large number of participants is the advantage of the game

"Monopoly" for two is not as interesting as playing with a group of friends. One of the winning strategies works well with a large number of players. It consists in redeeming three cards of any color (starting from blue) quickly and at any price. In this case, the player must have a large number of multi-colored plots of land. You can even sacrifice the railroad for this. After that, you need to quickly build houses and under no circumstances part with your lands.

Which is the best option?

The game "Monopoly" is installed on the computer quite quickly. But it is better to give preference to the desktop version. Having gathered friends at home, you can take advantage of a large number of players and try out the following winning strategy in practice.

How to play Monopoly with bank cards

This option is more suitable for a money manager. One of the rules of the game is that a financial institution can write out any number of bills on plain paper at any time. It is worth using it when the process becomes especially tedious, and "issue" bills of 1 thousand rubles. This will force the other participants to take a break from thinking about the tactics of the game and start counting money.


Monopoly is a game for a group of friends. To win, you need not only to know the rules well, but also to develop tactics and strategy in advance. The ultimate goal, as already mentioned, is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant.

Tabletop entertainment for the whole family, popular for decades, is a classic Monopoly... A game that is not just fun, but also an economic strategy: you need to think quickly and carefully consider each step, and not just rely on luck. A rational approach and the ability to think ahead are important in it. She gained her popularity in the last century, becoming famous in different parts of the world: including in the USSR, reaching us in the late 80s.

It will be a great gift for a birthday, Defender of the Fatherland Day or New Year.

Is a desktop entertainment that is played by over half a billion people and that number is growing every day. But how did this game deserve such wild popularity, sales and loyalty? Monopoly, whose logo represents a mustachioed rich man in a top hat, is loved by people of all ages because of its characteristics. They should be described in more detail.

Level of difficulty: Average

Number of players: 2-6

Develops skills: Savvy, Communication skills, Planning

About the board game Monopoly

The board game Monopoly was created by the American Charles Darrow more than 80 years ago. A large company refused to release his project, so he released and sold several thousand copies on his own. The game was soon noticed and sales were huge, making him an incredibly wealthy man.

But what is Monopoly? It is where you buy, rent and sell property, trying to get rich by outstripping your competitors. It is designed for two or more players: the battle will continue until there is only one lucky person who has not gone bankrupt. It's really fun to play with the whole family - the rules of the classic version are designed for ages 8 and older, not to mention the simplified views designed specifically for young children. But in Card Monopoly there are many subtleties and conditions that you should be aware of in order to get real pleasure from the gameplay. Therefore, it is so important to first look at the description of the game Monopoly.

Description of the game

In the classic version, 2-6 players are required: each must have their own chip. The rules of the game Monopoly should be studied in detail before starting: look at the values ​​of the various squares along which the participants move, depending on the value of the number dropped on the die. The economic board game is tied to a profitable purchase and sale of real estate, in which the participants' funds are invested. In the beginning, everyone is given the same amount, so at first everyone has equal opportunities. Money for the game of Monopoly is used not only for the sale and purchase of real estate, but also for paying taxes or rent if the player gets into the territory of a competitor.

But, although a lot depends on the player's actions, luck strongly affects the further course of events: the roll of the dice largely determines whether he will get rich or fail. The Monopoly field of the game is represented by cells on which various properties with a specified value are located, sectors "", " Prison" other. Monopoly and its rules may seem complicated even for adults, but after reading the details and gaining practical experience, everything becomes very clear.

Preparing to play

The number of players affects the number of chips on the field: everyone must choose one for themselves and put it at the start. It is also necessary to determine among the participants banker, on whose shoulders will fall auctions, surveillance of bank funds and, in special cases, "printing money." The players receive salaries and bonuses from the bank, and it also collects taxes and fines from them. With its help, property is traded in Monopoly. Further, the shuffled cards "" and " Public treasury»Are laid out on the corresponding sections of the playing field. The basic preparations for the game are complete: then you need to study the rules in order to have a good time with your friends.

Disney Monopoly

General rules of the game "Monopoly" + special rules for this edition

Disney's magical world, full of funny characters and colorful landscapes, is paired with the world's most popular board game, Monopoly. In this exciting Disney Monopoly edition, you have to travel from one fabulous country to another.

For those who have never played the classic game "Monopoly" before, the standard rules of the game are given below in the instructions. People have enjoyed playing the classic Monopoly for over 70 years. After reading the standard rules, skip to reading the specific rules of the game for this edition of Disney Monopoly.

What common?

Object and general principles of the game

Owner cards are equivalent to Title Deeds in the classic game. The value of the property remains unchanged.

Money for the game and the Banker tray - the money has a changed appearance while the nominal value is saved

The structure of the playing field is preserved

What's new?

8 tokens in the form of figures of characters from classic Disney works - Snow White, Peter Pan, Alice, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty , Mowgli, Lady and the Tramp, Dumbo

The playing field: all the actions of the players are left unchanged, but instead of the streets you have to buy episodes from Disney cartoons

Scrooge McDuck's Tax is similar to Income Tax in the classic game, and Prince John's Tax is similar to Super Tax

4 Stations (Railway stations) replaced by 4 types of Transport: Aladdin's flying carpet from the cartoon Aladdin, Captain Hook's pirate ship from the cartoon Peter Pan, Cinderella's Coach from the cartoon Cinderella, Cruella De Vil's car from 101 Dalmatians

2 Utilities replaced 2 Special Powers - Magic Wand and Pixie Dust

Instead of Houses and Castles, you need to build White Rabbit Cottages and Sleeping Beauty Castles to increase your total cost. There are a total of 32 White Rabbit Houses and 12 Sleeping Beauty Castles in the game. Community chest cards replaced with Magic moments cards and Chance cards replaced with Show time cards

One standard die is replaced by 2 bright ones

The set of the game includes: a playing field, 28 cards of the Owner, money to play, a Banker's tray, 8 tokens in the form of figures of characters from classic Disney works, 2 bright dice, 16 “Magic moments” cards, 16 “Show time” cards, 32 White Rabbit Houses, 12 Sleeping Beauty Castles.

Brief description of the game

Participants in the game Monopoly buy, rent, lease or sell property, making a profit and thereby increasing their capital. The player who managed to earn the most money during the game becomes the winner.

At the beginning of the game, the participants place their chips on the “Go” field, and then move them around the playing field, depending on the number of points dropped on the dice. If you find yourself on a field with a property that does not yet belong to anyone, then you can buy this property in the Bank. If you choose not to buy the property, an auction will take place and the player with the highest bid will go to the property. The player receives rent from competitors who stay on the field with property owned by him. When building Homes and Hotels, rents increase significantly, so you should build on as many Sites as possible. If you need additional money, you can mortgage your property with the Bank. During the game, you must always follow the instructions written on the cards "General Treasury" and "Chance". In some cases, you may be put in a Jail.

Purpose of the game

The only remaining participant who does not become bankrupt wins.

Preparing to play

1. Place Houses, Hotels, Owner's cards and money (sorted by face value) in separate cells of the Banker's tray.

2. Separate the “Chance” and “General Treasury” cards, shuffle them and place them face down in the appropriate places on the playing field.

3. Each participant chooses his game piece and puts it on the “Go” field.

4. Banker and Bank

One of the players is selected for the role of the Banker. If the number of players is less than five, then the player chosen by the Banker continues to simultaneously participate in the game as an ordinary player; if the number of players exceeds five, the Banker, at his choice, may limit himself only to fulfilling this role and not take part in the game as an ordinary player.

The banker gives each player money in the amount of 1500 units. with the following bills:

Two bills x 500 units Two bills x 10 units.

Four bills x 100 units. One bill x 5 units.

One bill x 50 units Five bills x 1 unit.

One bill x 20 units.

The banker keeps not only money, but also the cards of the Owner, Houses and Hotels until they are bought by the players. In addition, the Banker pays salaries and bonuses to players, issues money when drawing up mortgages and collects all taxes, fines, loans and interest. When conducting auctions, the Banker takes on the role of the moderator.

The bank cannot go bankrupt. If all the money in the Bank has run out, then you can make the required amount of money yourself from ordinary paper in the form of IOUs.

5. To determine the participant who will go first, each player rolls both dice before the start of the game. The player with the most points goes first, and then the turn goes to the player to his left.

Rules of the game

When it comes to you, roll both dice and move your piece clockwise across the playing field. The field that you will be directed to will determine your further actions. Two or more chips can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on the field you are on, you can do one of the following:

§ buy a Property or other property

§ pay the rent (if you find yourself on a field that is already someone's property)

§ pay taxes

§ pull out the "Chance" or "General Treasury" card

§ go to the Prison

§ stop at the “Free Parking” field

§ receive a salary of 200 units.

§ go to the Prison only “as a visitor”

Dropping out takes

If you have the same number of points on two dice (double), then you must move your piece and perform your move as usual. Then roll the dice again and make another extra move. If you get three takes in a row, then you will go to the Prison.

Walking through the “Go” field

Every time you stop at the “Go” field or walk past it in the direction of the arrow, the Bank pays you a salary in the amount of 200 units. You can get 200 units twice. in one move. For example, this will happen if you enter the “Chance” or “General Treasury” field immediately after the “Go” field and take a card that says “Advance to Go” (“Move to the“ Go ”field).

Buying property

If you enter the field with property that does not belong to anyone (that is, property for which none of the players have an Owner card), you have the right to buy it first. There are three types of property in the game - Possession, Utility and Railway Station. If you decide to buy a property, deposit the amount of money indicated in the field with the Bank. For this you will receive a card of the Owner. You should place this document face up in front of you. If you decide not to buy the property, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the player who will bid the highest bidder. Bidding starts at any starting price that a player agrees to pay. Even if you choose not to buy this property at the original price shown on the box, you can also bid.

Ownership of property

Owning a property gives you the right to collect rent from all players whose chips appear on the relevant field. A big advantage over other players is the possession of all the Possessions of the same color, that is, the possession of a monopoly. You can build on any Property that is included in a group of a certain color you own.

Stopping at the Possession

If you are staying on a Property that has already been purchased by another player, you may be asked to pay the rent for your stay on that Property. The owner can only ask you for rent before the next player behind you rolls the dice. The rent for a stay on the Property is shown on the Owner's card and may vary depending on the number of buildings built on the Property. If all the Possessions of the same color belong to the same player, then the rent for staying on any of the Possessions of this group, on which buildings have not yet been built, is doubled.

However, if any Realm is mortgaged, then the owner of the entire group of Realms of the same color cannot collect double payment. If Houses or a Hotel are built on the Property, then the rent will be increased in accordance with the amount indicated on the Owner's card for this Property. There is no fee for staying on the mortgaged Possessions.

Stop at Utilities

If you are staying on a field with a Public utility that has not yet been purchased by other players, you can buy it. As with other types of property, you must pay to the Bank the cost indicated in the Utility field. If the Utility is already owned by another player, you may be asked to pay the rent. This fee is determined by the number of points rolled on the die during the roll that resulted in you entering the field with the Utility.

If the owner has only one Utility, then the fee will be four times the number of points rolled on the die. If both Utilities are owned by the same player, then you must pay ten times the number of points on the die.

If you decide not to buy the Utility, the Banker will hold an auction and the Utility will go to the player with the highest bidder. You can also take part in the auction.

Stopping at Railway Stations

If you got to the Railway Station first, then you have the opportunity to buy it. Otherwise, the Banker organizes an auction. Although you refused to buy the Train Station at the original price, you can bid along with the rest of the players. If the Railway Station you entered is already the property of another player, then you must pay him the amount indicated on the Owner's card. The amount of the fee is determined by how many other Railroad Stations the owner of the Railroad Station you have got to has.

Stop at the fields "Chance" or "General Treasury"

If you hit one of these fields, then you must take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may include the following:

§ Move the piece

§ Pay money, for example, in the form of tax

§ Get paid

§ Go to the Prison

§ Leave the Prison for free

You must perform the action written on the card, and then put this card at the very bottom of the pile. If you pulled out the “Free Release from Prison” card, then you can keep it with you until you want to use it. You can also sell this card at a price negotiated with other members.

Note: The card may instruct you to move the piece to another square. If at the same time you pass the “Go” field, then you will receive a sum of money in the amount of 200 units. If you are sent to Jail or ordered to move a piece back, then it is considered that you do not pass the “Go” field.

Stop at the “Tax Spaces” field

If you find yourself in such a field, then you must pay the corresponding amount of money to the Bank.

Stop at the “Free Parking” field

If you hit this field, then you can stay on it until your next turn. You do not need to pay anything for being on this field, and you can perform any operations (collect rent, build buildings on your Possessions, etc.)


You will be sent to the Prison in the following cases:

§ If you stop at the “Go to Jail” field

§ If you take a “Chance” or “General Treasury” card that says “Go directly to Jail”

§ If you get three takes in a row

When you are sent to the Prison, your turn ends. You also cannot receive a salary of 200 units. no matter which field you left off.

You can leave the Prison as follows:

§ Pay a fine of 50 units. and continue the game from the next turn

§ Buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player at a negotiated price and use it to free yourself

§ Use your own “Leave Prison Free” card if you have one

§ Remain in the Prison for three turns, rolling the dice each time in the hope of getting a double. If you have a double on your turn, then you can leave the Prison and make a move according to the number of points dropped

After you have spent three turns in the Prison, you must leave the Prison by paying a fine of 50 units. before you move your piece according to the number of points dropped.

While in the Prison, you can collect rent from other players for the use of your property if it is not mortgaged.

If you were not sent to the Prison, but stopped at the “Prison” field during the game, then it is considered that you simply enter the Prison “as a visitor” and do not pay any fines. When the next move comes to you, you can continue the game.


After you buy all the Properties of the same color, you can buy Houses and install them on any of these Properties. This increases the rent you charge to players staying on your Owned Properties.

The price of the House is indicated on the corresponding card of the Owner. You can buy a House on your turn or between other players' turns. Remember that you must build evenly, that is, you cannot build a second House on any Property of the same color group until you have built one House on each Property of this group. This rule applies to any number of Houses, up to the maximum possible: four Houses on one Possession. The sale of a Home must also be done evenly according to the above rule.

You can buy and sell Houses at any time and in any quantity, as far as your financial condition allows. You cannot build a House on a Possession if any Possession from the same color group is mortgaged. If you own all the Domains of the same color group, and you have built a House on only one or two of the Domains, then you can still receive double payment from other players staying on your Domains from that color group (even if they have nothing not built).


Before you can buy a Hotel, you must build four Houses on each Estate of a given color group. The hotel is bought in the same way as the House. For one Hotel you have to pay four Houses, which are returned to the Bank, and the price indicated on the Owner's card for the Hotel. Only one Hotel can be built on one Property.

Lack of Homes

If there are no more Houses left in the Bank, then before buying a House, you must wait until other players return their Houses to the Bank. Likewise, you cannot receive a House instead of a Hotel if there are no houses left in the Bank.

If there is a limited number of Houses or Hotels left in the Bank, and two or more players want to buy more of them than there is left in the Bank, then the Banker holds an auction, and these buildings go to the player who named the highest price.

The starting price at the auction is the price indicated in the corresponding card of the Owner.

Sale of property

You can sell the Unbuilded Estate, the Railway Station and the Public Utility to any player for a predetermined amount of money. However, you cannot sell a Possession to another player if at least one Possession of the same color group has a building. If you want to sell a Property belonging to a certain color group, you must first sell to the Bank all buildings on all the Property of this group.

Houses should be sold evenly, similar to the buying rule (see the “Houses” section). You cannot sell Houses and Hotels to other players. They must be sold to the Bank for half the price indicated on the corresponding card of the Owner. You can sell a House or Hotel at any time.

For the Hotel, the Bank will pay you half the cost of the Hotel plus half the cost of the Houses that you handed over to the Bank when purchasing this Hotel. All Hotels from the same color group can be sold at the same time. If necessary, the Hotel can be divided into Houses again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and get four Houses in return, as well as money for the Hotel (that is, half of their value). You cannot sell the pledged property to the Bank, but you can sell it to other players.


If you have no money left, but you need to pay debts, then you can get a certain amount of money by mortgaging the property. If you mortgage a Property, you must first sell all buildings to the Bank. When mortgaging the property, turn the Owner's card face down and receive from the Bank the amount of money indicated on the back of the card. If you want to buy your property, then you will have to pay this amount plus 10%.

If you mortgage a property, it remains in your possession. Other players cannot buy this property by paying the cost of the mortgage to the Bank.

You cannot receive rent on mortgaged property. However, you may be charged for other properties in the same color group. You can sell the mortgaged property to other players at a predetermined price.

The player can then redeem the mortgage by paying the Bank the amount of the mortgage plus 10%. If this is not done, the player must pay the Bank 10% when purchasing this property, and later, when he decides to redeem the mortgage, he will have to pay the Bank the cost

mortgage and additional 10%.

When all the Possessions of the same color group are no longer pledged, the owner can start buying Houses again at the appropriate price.


If you owe the Bank or another player an amount in excess of the total amount of funds that you can receive by selling your property, you are declared bankrupt and out of the game.

If you owe the Bank, then all your cash and all cards of the Owner are received by the Bank. The Bank then sells all of this property piece by piece at auction.

If you are declared bankrupt, you must return the Free Leave Jail Cards by placing them on the bottom of the appropriate pile.

If you go bankrupt owing to another player, your Homes and Hotels are sold to the Bank for half their original value, and that player receives your own cash, Owner's cards and Free Leave Prison cards. If you have any mortgaged property left, you must also transfer it to this player. In doing so, he must pay 10% of its value, and then decide whether he wants to keep the mortgages or buy out the property.

Game Notes

If you do not have enough cash to pay the rent, then you can pay your lender part of the amount in cash and part of the amount of your property (there should be no buildings on these Properties). In this case, the lender may accept certain property (even if it is mortgaged) at a price significantly higher than that indicated on the Owner's card, in order to obtain additional property or prevent another player from gaining control over it.

The control over the collection of rent should be carried out directly by the owner of the property.

The player can borrow money only from the Bank and only on the security of his property. Players cannot lend money to each other.


The last player remaining in the game is the winner.

Shortened game rules

There are three differences in the rules of the cut game when compared to the rules of the regular game:

1. During preparation for the game, the Banker shuffles the Owner's cards. Then the player sitting to the left of the Banker removes the deck, and the latter deals two times in a circle to the players, one card of the Owner. If the Banker is also an ordinary player at the same time, then he distributes the Owner's cards to himself. Players who have received the Owner's cards must immediately pay the Bank the indicated price for both received Owner's cards.

2. In the shorter game, you only need to build three Houses (instead of four) on each Color-Group Hold before you can buy a Hotel.

The rental fee remains the same as in the standard game.

When you sell the Hotel, the proceeds are half of the original value, which is one House less in this version of the game than in the regular game.

3. End of the game. The first player to go bankrupt is eliminated from the game as in a standard game. When the second player goes bankrupt, the game ends. A player who becomes bankrupt transfers to his creditor (the Bank or another player) everything he owns, including buildings and other property.

Then each of the players remaining in the game adds up the following:

1. Cash on hand.

2. The player's holdings, utilities and railway stations at the price shown on the game board.

3. Mortgaged property in the amount of half of the price indicated on the playing field.

4. Homes valued at the purchase price.

5. Hotels valued at the purchase price, including the value of the three Homes for which the Hotel was exchanged.

The richest player wins!

Time limit game

Before starting this variant of the game, you need to agree on the time of the end of the game. The richest participant at the end of the game will win. Before starting the game, you need to shuffle the deck of the Owner's cards and remove it. The Banker then distributes two cards to each player, one card per round. Participants immediately deposit the value of the property issued to the Bank, and the game continues according to the standard rules.

"Show Time" cards (arranged in alphabetical order of the first Latin letters of the instructions on the card)

Article I. Show Time

Buy a new spaniel puppy.


Buy a new spaniel puppy.

Pay 150 units.

Show time

Cottage and Castle repairs. Pay 40 per cottage and 115 per castle.

Article II. Show time

You need to renovate your Cottages and Castles. Pay 40 units. for each Cottage and 115 units. for each Castle

Show time

Dwarfs strike diamonds.


The gnomes have found diamonds.

Get 150.

Show time

Dumbo's magic feather lets you fly.


You can fly with

Dumbo's magic feather.

Get 150.

Show time

Fly to Capitain Hook's pirate ship. If you pass GO, collect 200.

Show time

Fly to the “Capitain Hook’s pirate ship” field. When you pass the “Go” field, get 200 units.

Show time

Fly to Go with Peter Pan.


Fly to the “Go” field with Peter Pan. Receive 200 XP.

Show time

Get spotted with 101 Dalmatians.

Move ahead to this place.


You were discovered with 101 Dalmatians. Move to the “101 Dalmatians” field.

Show time

Go and visit Dumbo.

If you pass GO, collect 200.


Pay a visit to Dumbo. Move to the “Dumbo” field. When you pass the “Go” field, get 200 units.

Show time

Lose your way in The Queen of Heart’s maze.

Move back 3 spaces .


You are lost in the Queen of Hearts maze. Go back 3 fields.

Show time

Robbed by Foulfellow and Gideon.


You were robbed by Fulfellow and Gideon.

Pay 15 units.

Show time

Robin hood helps you to escape. Get out of Jail free. This card may be kept until needed or sold.


Leave the Prison for free. Robin Hood helped you escape. You can keep this card until you use or sell it.

Show time

Save Simba from the Stampede.


Save Simba from the stampede.

Pay 50 units.

Show time

Take a plateful of spaghetti to Lady and the Tramp.

If you pass GO, collect 200.


Bring a full plate of spaghetti for the Lady and the Tramp. Move to the “Lady and the Tramp” field. When you pass the “Go” field, get 200 units.

Show time

The three good fairies help you clean your property. For each cottage pay 25. For each castle pay 100.


3 good fairies help you clean up your property. Pay 25 units. for each Cottage and 100 units. for each Castle

Show time

You are arrested by the sheriff of Nottingham and thrown in Jail. Do not pass GO.

Do not collect 200.


You are arrested by the Sheriff of Nottingham and thrown into the Prison. When you pass the “Go” field, you do not receive 200 units.

Show time

You tell a lie to the blue fairy.

Pay each player 20.


You lied to the Blue Fairy.

Pay 20 units. to every player.

"Magic Moments" cards (arranged in alphabetical order of the first Latin letters of the instructions on the card)

Magic moments

Break Cinderella's glass slipper.


You broke Cinderella's glass slipper. Pay 50 units.

Magic moments

Caught by the dog catcher. Go to Jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect 200.


You are caught by a dog catcher. Go to the Prison. When you pass the “Go” field, you do not receive 200 units.

Magic moments

Get lost in the jungle. Go back to Tarzan. Do not pass GO. Do not collect 200.


You are lost in the jungle. Go to the “Tarzan” field. When you pass the “Go” field, you do not receive 200 units.

Magic moments

Help Peter Pan find his shadow.


You helped Peter Pan find his shadow.

Receive 100.

Magic moments

It's your unbirthday. Collect 10 from each player.


Today is your Unbirthday. Receive 10 units. from each player.

Magic moments

Join the elephant's jungle patrol.


Join the jungle elephant patrol.

Receive 10 units.

Magic moments

Pay a 10 fine or take a Show time card


Pay a fine of 10 units. or draw one “Show Time” card

Magic moments

Rescue the Dalmatians from Hell Hall.


Rescue the Dalmatians from Hell's Hall.

Receive 20 units.

Magic moments

Take a bite from Snow White's poisoned apple. Pay 50.


Take a bite of Snow White's poisoned apple.

Pay 50 units.

Magic moments

The Stork finally brings your new baby.


The stork has brought you a baby.

Receive 25 units.

Magic moments

Tinker Bell sets you free. Get out of Jail free. This card may be kept until needed or sold.


Leave the Prison for free. Tinker Bell sets you free. You can keep this card until you use or sell it.

Magic moments

Tinker Bell transports you to GO.


Tinker Bell has moved you to the “Go” field.

Receive 200 XP.

Magic moments

Wake Sleeping Beauty from her Slumber.


Wake Snow White out of her dream.

Receive 200 XP.

Magic moments

You are hypnotized by Kaa.


Kaa hypnotized you.

Pay 100 units.

Magic moments

You are the fairest of them all.


You are the most honest player.

Receive 50 points.

Magic moments

You defeat Maleficient.


You have defeated Malificent.

Tabletop entertainment for the whole family, popular for decades, is a classic Monopoly... A game that is not just fun, but also an economic strategy: you need to think quickly and carefully consider each step, and not just rely on luck. A rational approach and the ability to think ahead are important in it. She gained her popularity in the last century, becoming famous in different parts of the world: including in the USSR, reaching us in the late 80s.

It will be a great gift for a birthday, Defender of the Fatherland Day or New Year.

Is a desktop entertainment that is played by over half a billion people and that number is growing every day. But how did this game deserve such wild popularity, sales and loyalty? Monopoly, whose logo represents a mustachioed rich man in a top hat, is loved by people of all ages because of its characteristics. They should be described in more detail.

Level of difficulty: Average

Number of players: 2-6

Develops skills: Savvy, Communication skills, Planning

About the board game Monopoly

The board game Monopoly was created by the American Charles Darrow more than 80 years ago. A large company refused to release his project, so he released and sold several thousand copies on his own. The game was soon noticed and sales were huge, making him an incredibly wealthy man.

But what is Monopoly? It is where you buy, rent and sell property, trying to get rich by outstripping your competitors. It is designed for two or more players: the battle will continue until there is only one lucky person who has not gone bankrupt. It's really fun to play with the whole family - the rules of the classic version are designed for ages 8 and older, not to mention the simplified views designed specifically for young children. But in Card Monopoly there are many subtleties and conditions that you should be aware of in order to get real pleasure from the gameplay. Therefore, it is so important to first look at the description of the game Monopoly.

Description of the game

In the classic version, 2-6 players are required: each must have their own chip. The rules of the game Monopoly should be studied in detail before starting: look at the values ​​of the various squares along which the participants move, depending on the value of the number dropped on the die. The economic board game is tied to a profitable purchase and sale of real estate, in which the participants' funds are invested. In the beginning, everyone is given the same amount, so at first everyone has equal opportunities. Money for the game of Monopoly is used not only for the sale and purchase of real estate, but also for paying taxes or rent if the player gets into the territory of a competitor.

But, although a lot depends on the player's actions, luck strongly affects the further course of events: the roll of the dice largely determines whether he will get rich or fail. The Monopoly field of the game is represented by cells on which various properties with a specified value are located, sectors "", " Prison" other. Monopoly and its rules may seem complicated even for adults, but after reading the details and gaining practical experience, everything becomes very clear.

Preparing to play

The number of players affects the number of chips on the field: everyone must choose one for themselves and put it at the start. It is also necessary to determine among the participants banker, on whose shoulders will fall auctions, surveillance of bank funds and, in special cases, "printing money." The players receive salaries and bonuses from the bank, and it also collects taxes and fines from them. With its help, property is traded in Monopoly. Further, the shuffled cards "" and " Public treasury»Are laid out on the corresponding sections of the playing field. The basic preparations for the game are complete: then you need to study the rules in order to have a good time with your friends.

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