Guide Heroes of Order & Chaos: secrets, strategies. Heroes of Order & Chaos - online multiplayer game Cheats heroes of order and chaos

Hack game Heroes of Order & Chaos will give you an unlimited amount of Money and Runes (Crystals) for free. These cheats for Heroes of Order & Chaos Works great on mobile devices with iOS and Android. You can use this hack even without root and jailbreak. If you want to get 99999 Money and Runes, then you do not need to download anything and learn a difficult hack, you just need to enter the cheat code into the Heroes of Order & Chaos game, and you will immediately receive them. If you are suddenly new, and still don’t know where and how to enter cheats for hack Heroes of Order & Chaos, then below you will find a link to the instruction, in which everything is described in two steps. Have a good game.

  • To get 99999 Money enter this Cheat Code - OC_hGvp9uZzOf
  • To get 99999 Runes (Crystals) enter this Cheat Code - OC_eNjYMqQj3E

All Cheat Codes can be entered many times.

Attention! In order to get instructions for cheats, you need to subscribe to this guy's YouTube channel, and like any of his videos and watch this video until the end without rewinding

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The first MOBA game developed for Android and iOS mobile platforms. Gamers fight in two modes: 3x3 or 5x5.

First steps

Every gamer must first complete a training course. Hardcore doters might not like this, but for most people, an introductory briefing is a must. Anyone who has never tried MOBA games should go through the training in the most thorough way and assimilate the basic information. Otherwise, you will make the most ridiculous mistakes on the battlefield, and bring the entire team under the monastery. Of course, you will not hear flattering words addressed to you.


After the training is completed, you get the opportunity to take part in the match. Before the start, choose one hero from the 6 offered (these heroes are free, their list is updated every week). The game cannot boast of a rich choice of characters, but do not forget that Dota "was not built right away."

By choosing a hero, you get some money in addition to buy the necessary things. For example, you can purchase a mantle that will increase the character's spell power. In the future, you will be able to knock money out of opponents and make purchases in the store. The hero has 4 skills, 3 of which can be upgraded 4 times, and the ultra skill can only be upgraded 3 times. Thus, in one match you can increase the level of the hero to the 15th.

The main task is to upgrade the hero: if his skills are not developed, he is easy prey for other players, which means he lets his team down. For development, it is necessary to kill creeps (warriors who act on the side of the enemy and are controlled by AI) and heroes of other players. For this, the character will receive not only money, but also experience, which will allow him to grow in level. By the way, dying yourself is not recommended: if you accept death at the hands of an enemy hero, he will receive a large amount of experience for this.

Your ultimate goal is to destroy the enemy base.

Do you remember the game Heroes of Order and Chaos? It was the first and only MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) for Windows Phone with Xbox support. Despite the game's huge popularity with fans, Gameloft's publishers initially chose not to make an online version of the game. A game for which there were no patches, updates, and compatibility issues that made it impossible to play on the Nokia Lumia 1520 simply could not be the masterpiece it was meant to be.

However, one year has passed and Order & Chaos is back with us! Publishers recently released the game for Windows Phones with 1GB RAM, Windows 8 and RT. The game is an offshoot of the main Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game. After League of Legends, which is one of the best games on PC but not playable on mobile devices, the new Heroes of Order & Chaos clearly has to be the best of the best. Let the videos and first impressions presented by us destroy the negative stereotypes about this game!

Combat system

The game comes with a great audio guide. The player is asked to choose one of the three basic Heroes. But you won't be able to change the class of the hero or his appearance, as in Order & Chaos Online. However, over time you will build a whole team of characters, so don't worry about the first Hero, you need him to start playing.

As soon as you choose a Hero, you will be transferred to a village that was attacked by monsters. Your first task is to help the city guard to fight off the monsters from the city gates. Next, you will have to save a couple of associates from another crowd of monsters. After that, your team can destroy a couple of towers of control, fight the dragon and eliminate the remaining invaders.

Although Heroes of Order & Chaos is quite complex, the basics of the combat system are quite simple. You can control the movements of the character either through a virtual analog joystick or simply by clicking anywhere on the screen. On the right are attack buttons, target switching, and ability buttons. If you click on the minimap, it will stretch, after which you can select any place on the map and send the hero there with one click.

Your character and his team will fight against various enemies: weak NPCs, rather strong enemy heroes and boss monsters. It is possible that your character will die quite often, after which you will have to wait for the respawn and join the battle again. Any skirmish can drag on, so join the battle when you are ready to go through it to the end.

Cross-platform battles

Heroes of Order & Chaos requires an Internet connection, although the game also has a single player mode. You can enter the game using your Gameloft or Facebook account. The game does not store your Facebook credentials, so signing in with your Gameloft account is more convenient. Once your profile and character are saved on the server, you can play on both Windows Phone and Windows 8 devices.

The Windows Phone version of the game is currently experiencing problems connecting to the server, which the author of the article went down after several attempts to play single-player. If someone faced similar problems when trying to play from the phone, leave comments.

Server dropouts aside, the game runs pretty well on Windows Phone devices. The game features more than 40 Heroes, some of which are not free. The game has single and team modes, PvP mode, an infinite number of trophies that fall out of defeated opponents. If you were looking for a quality online RPG that will run on your tablet or smartphone, you have found it. It remains to be hoped that publishers Gameloft will release regular updates for the game.

The Heroes of Order & Chaos Guide mainly deals with the strategies, features and subtleties of the game. It is suitable for all players, both for beginners (with little gaming experience) and for advanced players. In order to understand it, you need to know the tactics and mechanics of the game, as well as.

Contents Guide (guide) to Heroes of Order & Chaos

  1. Introduction
  2. Terms
  3. Basic knowledge and tips
    1. Wards
    2. Skins of heroes.
    3. Chasing (pursuit)
    4. Numerical advantage
    5. Respawn Opponents
  4. General strategies and tricks
    1. Gunking
    2. Tower Defense / Tower Capture (hugging)
    3. Kiting
    4. When to push the line
    5. Baiting (bait)
    6. Backdoor
    7. No invisibility!
    8. Heal Surprise
    9. Hidden teleport
    10. Non-standard use of the ward
  5. Strategies on the map 5x5 Sinskalda Rift
    1. Differences from League of Legends
    2. How to start the game
  6. Strategy on the map 3x3 Battle of the borders
    1. How to start the game
    2. Positioning
    3. Skills
    4. The strategic importance of the first tower
  7. Strategy on the map 5x5 Underworld (Locomotives)
    1. Starting Strategies
    2. Skills
    3. Push lines
    4. Priority on enemy trains
  8. Conclusion of the Heroes of Order & Chaos guide


So, you have a basic understanding of how to play this game, but you are constantly getting killed, you often cannot kill / finish off the enemy and lose pvp fights. So you are here. After studying this guide, you will be able to play better. For each strategy, 2 sides are considered: how to set a trap for the enemy and how to avoid the tricks of the enemy. There are a lot of beeches, but I'm sure the guide will be useful.


Here is a list of terms that I use for myself. Note: they are optional and universal.

  • Wards (eyes): Staff of Tinos and Staff of Protection are items that are sold in the shop.
  • Blue zone: the zone containing the blue golem, bears and goblins (for the Sinskaldic Rift map)
  • Red zone: the zone containing the red golem, spiders and goblins (for the Sinskaldic Rift map)
  • Top and Bot line: top and bottom lines (for Sinskalda Fault map)
  • Baron: the most important bosses on the maps
  • Line of attack: the line on which your train travels (for the Paravoza map)
  • Defense line: the line along which the enemy train travels (for the Paravoza card)

I'll start with these things, as they are very important in the game. Wards - 2 items in the store during the match on the "expenditure" tab, the price is 75 gold for the staff of Tinos and 150 gold for the staff of Protection. Installing such a staff on the map allows all heroes to see the map area around the staff for 3 minutes. The Staff of Protection allows you to see invisible heroes. Setting up a ward will help prevent or vice versa to gank, steal the dragon and the baron yourself. You may think that this is too expensive. Let's guess. If on a 5/5 map everyone buys one ward, then you will have 5 wards. For example, one each for the dragon and the baron, one each in the nearest bushes to the enemy towers. As you can see, 5 wards will give a good vision of the map. Such an advantage as wards, unfortunately, is used by very few players, it's sad. That's why I started with ward. This is not the last time in this guide when I mention wards.


In addition to categorization by types of fighter, mage, knight and healer, there is a more specific categorization by role. It is important to know your role in the game and play it. Here's a link to a link detailing the roles: Link In general, when you're in pvp, the tank has to initiate the attack and protect his carries from opponents. Carries should deal a lot of damage and kills, supports should support. The enemy team will do the same, keep that in mind.

Hero skills

Knowing the skills of each hero is very important. I mean, first of all, not how you play your hero, but how you should play against other heroes. Try to understand how to use skills most effectively and how to combine them. For example, Kagaks. It's not wise to attack Kagax 1v1 unless you outclass him in terms of level and purchase. When you think you almost killed him, he uses his ult, heals and catches up to you with his passive. Always consider such situations and look for options to counter them with the team.

Chasing (pursuit)

If you are sure that you will make a kill in a few seconds, then run ahead and catch up with the enemy. But if you are going to chase the enemy across the floor of the map, most likely you will not kill, but rather they will kill you. In addition, you lose a lot of time chasing, which is better spent on creeps and jungle to get gold and exp. stages too). More often than not, you'd rather die than kill. In general, chase your opponent if you're sure you can take him to the tower. Otherwise NO. Even if he runs away, he will lose time, and you will calmly farm the lane, getting exp and gold.

Numerical advantage

As long as you don't outnumber your opponents by 3 or more levels and are better equipped, don't attack outnumbered. You will most likely be killed faster than you can do anything. This applies to situations 1vs3, 2vs4, 3vs5, etc. Better play defense, retreat to the tower, wait for the command.


Analyze what your opponents bought. So you can play against them more effectively by choosing a defensive or attacking strategy. To see the purchase of the enemy, click on the gear on the screen. The purchase will be shown at the time of your last meeting, i.e. the last time you or your teammates saw this opponent. Also, knowing what items were bought from opponents, plan your purchase. For example, one of the enemies collects things for damage. In this case, the priority purchase of armor can be very profitable. If the hero guide says what items to take and in what order, they may not be right. There may be different situations (depending on the pick of the enemies, their purchase, play style, etc.) in which it is worth deviating from the standard purchase in order to play more effectively.

Respawn Opponents

To a greater extent, this applies to the late stage of the game. Suppose there was a batch, you won, but you have little HP. Should I continue to rush or retreat? One of the factors here is the respawn time of the opponents. Time ticks on the portraits of the heroes, so you can always determine whether the enemy is alive or not. Keep in mind that he can use runes to quickly respawn. Sometimes it is better to retreat and prevent the enemy from making a kill in order to maintain an advantage.

General strategies and tricks of Heroes of Order & Chaos

I will share some general strategies and tricks to help you get a kill and not die yourself.


Gunking is a sudden attack on an opponent. If you get ganked a lot, don't call the enemy a rat and a noob. It's your fault and your team's. Ganking is easier when the team plays well. Ganking can take patience. When you are about to gank someone, you should position yourself well so that the enemy cannot escape. Be careful if the enemy has a blink (flash) and he can run away, in this case, you may not need to use your gap close (a skill that allows you to quickly approach the enemy, for example, 1 paladin skill). Also, when you are about to gank, alert your team (for example, by signaling with a tap on the map). Let the team attack in a straight line, and you will go around the enemy from behind. How to avoid enemy gankers? First of all, watch the map, watch if one of the opponents is not visible on the map. They can jungle, they can be at the base, or they can be waiting for you to gank! Let's say you check a card and you can't see any of the enemies. How to make sure that you are not waiting? I'm reminded of wards. Place wards in the bushes, fog or in the lane behind you in order to notice the enemy in time and take the right action.

Tower Defense / Tower Capture (hugging)

When you are outnumbered or you just need to protect the tower, you stand under it (parallel or slightly behind) and help kill creeps and damage enemy heroes, keeping them away from the tower. Most likely, the enemies will not attack you, as the tower will inflict significant damage on them. Mages can usually defend towers more effectively. If you attack the tower with the whole team, and the defense is, for example, Goroshia, who can easily take creeps with his AOE skill, then most likely you should not waste time in the early stage of the game. The received exp and gold will be divided into all team members who are nearby, while the opponents will be able to farm well in the lane and jungle. This is the main reason why everyone shouldn't go mid in the early game.


Kiting is about attacking and controlling the enemy from a distance. Don't think that you can kill an enemy with full HP in a lane in a couple of seconds, especially in the early and mid game. Use the hit and run strategy known as kiting. The strategy is very effective for kills and is best suited for ranged heroes. (Mystic, elf, etc.) Your task is to hit the enemy once or twice and run away so as not to receive damage yourself (from creeps or the enemy). Bale the enemy until his HP drops below half, then you will have a higher chance of killing him by slowing, stunning, or just a combination of skills and a normal attack. Also, be careful when playing against kiters, especially when you are low on HP. For example, a mystic can use 3 skills per second, causing a lot of damage.

When to push the line

Pushing the lane is killing enemy creeps and taking out the enemy tower, with the support of your creeps and teammates. This is necessary to win. However, there are times when you shouldn't do this early in the game. First, the further you go into enemy territory, the more likely you are to run into gankers. Of course, wards help, but it's not 100% protection. Secondly, if you play a melee hero and you lane against a ranged hero, you will get kited. It is obvious that in such situations it is not worth shoving. But that doesn't mean you have to stand by and do nothing. Your task will be last hitting - you have to make the last hit on each creep in order to get gold. It is not necessary to attack creeps without a break, just try to last hit the creeps, this can be done with skills or just “run” next to them, guessing the time for the last hit. In fact, this is rarely seen in random pvp, but if opponents do not push, perhaps you need to push too, but it's better to let the enemy get closer for a coordinated gank.

Baiting (bait)

Usually on the lane in front of the enemy, your teammate (he is a bait) with a low level of HP shines. The enemy thinks it's a light kill and starts chasing while your team waits in ambush in the bushes/fog. The bait dives into the fog or runs into the forest/tower, and the team calmly ganks the chaser. Beware of such traps. If you see an enemy with low HP, it is quite logical that he will return to the base for a heal, but if he circles around the jungle for a long time, it is possible that there is an ambush.


A backdoor is a rear attack on towers without the support of creeps. Usually done late when neither team has a clear advantage. This is a good strategy, usually requires the support and understanding of the team. For an effective backdoor, a fighter with high damage and attack speed is usually used. A good example is an elf. He can use invisibility and jungle to stealthily get to the enemy base while your teammates are in the fight. When enemies appear, you can retreat or if the tower has little HP, finish it off by sacrificing yourself. How to protect yourself from a backdoor? First, follow the map. If you see that the enemy is alive, but he is not on the map with the team in the fight, he may be preparing for a backdoor. If someone has a free slot, you should buy wards and place them on the approaches to the base. Finally, you can leave someone at the base for protection. If someone tried to backdoor, they will do it again.

No invisibility!

What a stupid headline you think!? Well, well... It's not a universal strategy anyway, and I'm probably one of the few who use it, since it requires wards. It's really simple. Buy a staff of protection, and as soon as someone goes into invisibility, put a ward nearby, the team will be able to see those who are invisible. Many people pay attention to players with a potion that allows you to see invisibility ), by the icon above the character. If everyone is without a potion, then those with invis feel safe thinking they can make kills out of invis. But if you place a ward nearby, they will be trapped and can be easily killed. Farsin, ants of the hero Ant, etc. can detect wards.

Heal Surprise

Yes, I know, another section for noobs. Heal helps in a 1v1 fight when you have HP left for one or two hits. Use heal. This will be a surprise for the enemy. When playing against a player with a heal, just remember that he is there.

Hidden teleport

Teleport (TP) is a skill that opens at lvl 40 that allows you to teleport to a friendly unit. Used to help a teammate, defend a tower, or just get back on the battlefield quickly. There are 2 more options for using TP. You can teleport to the ward. Given that the enemy does not see the wards (most often), he will not see you until the last moment. This tactic can be used for amazing ganks. When you use TP on a teammate, the enemies see it and run away, but if you use TP on a ward, it will be unexpected for them. Another option is to use TP for a backdoor. Let's say you were set on fire while trying to backdoor and killed, but you managed to put a ward. After the kill, opponents will push, and at that time you respawn, make a TP to the ward and take out the base.

Non-standard use of the ward

This is a little trick in which wards are used for other than their intended purpose. To complete, you will have to drain a lot of gold. Best suited for the Engines map to destroy the towers closest to the enemy base. The technique is complex and requires a high level of team play and communication, as well as keeping track of the respawn of the heroes. So, if there is an empty slot and 675 free gold, buy up to 9 wards (calculate how much you need). This can be done with any tower on the 3x3 map, but I will show it using the example of the third tower of the attack line on Steam Engines. Let's say your team just killed all the opponents, giving you the opportunity to attack the tower. In order not to wait for creeps, you alternately put wards under the tower. The tower attacks the wards and you attack the tower. This way you can buy time without taking damage from the tower.

Strategies on the map 5x5 Sinskalda Rift

Differences from League of Legends

If you have played League of Legends, then the map will seem very similar to you, but it is played differently. Firstly, there is no strict binding of heroes to the lane, any hero can play in any lane and no one cares. Secondly, everything is jungled and it is approved. Third, contrary to section 4.4, everyone pushes their lanes. Finally, the dragon and the baron are easy to pick up solo.

How to start the game

There are 2 common strategies. First, everyone starts in the jungle. Ideally, the mage takes the red golem, the carry takes the bears and the blue golem, the third takes the spiders, the fourth helps the carry, the fifth takes the goblins or tries to take the red buff from the enemy. Skirmishes often occur in the blue zone of Order or Chaos spiders. This can be advantageous if the other team is using the same strategy or there are weak players that are in or close to this zone. To counter such an attack, the easiest way is to retreat, evenly spread out in lanes and farm. As long as your team or the enemy team is crowding, they will lose in getting experience and gold.

Strategy on the map 3x3 Battle of the borders

How to start the game

There are 2 common strategies. The first - 2 people are on the line, the third is preparing to clean the upper forest. The second - the whole team arranges a batch before the start of the main game. Usually in the mid lane, sometimes lower. The winning team will get a good advantage.


The ideal lineup on this map is when one player jungles up and ganks down. The other two play in the lane, one of them periodically takes the goblins half the lane.


The best skills for 3v3 are mass heal and blink. The map is too small for a teleport. Mas heal is highly recommended as it helps a lot in early fights where winning can give you an advantage. Most 3v3 games are over in 15 minutes.

The strategic importance of the first tower

This is probably the only tower on all the maps that you should not push early on, sometimes in the midgame. Play defensively, try to last hit. If you keep pushing early on, your creeps will take out the tower, and you shouldn't do that. Why? When you take out the first tower, you get "extra creeps", your creeps will respawn 2 more than before. And this is a potential exp and gold for the opponent. This way you feed the enemy team. Therefore, it is worth pushing the first tower when you are sure of an early victory.

Strategy on the map 5x5 Underworld (Locomotives)

Starting Strategies

Two starts are possible. The first - everyone goes to the line of attack in the fog, the second in a row from the enemy tower. Second - everyone goes to the defense line and prepares to pick up the enemy creeps and the train. Keep in mind that the other team can also use the first strategy, you need someone from the team to check the fog AoE skill. Depending on the behavior of the team, there may be early team fights on the lanes or both teams will peacefully take the trains.


The best skills are teleport and blink. Since the towers are hard to destroy, the game often gets late, making the masking point useless. I recommend teleporting to your towers for protection, or teleporting to your own train after destroying an enemy train.

Push lines

To win on this map, the main goal will be to push the attack line. The defensive line should only be pushed if there is some time before the next trains. Pushing the defense line will give you more time to destroy the train and a better position to defend yours. However, constantly pushing the defensive line to the enemy tower is a bad idea, because you won't be able to quickly push through the entire defensive line. Leave it for later, when the whole team is lvl 15 and with a good purchase.

Priority on enemy trains

Prioritize destroying enemy trains. Don't chase an opponent with low HP. Perhaps this is his plan to distract you from the train. Making kills on this map is much easier than destroying towers. Especially the towers near the base. They do a lot of damage and are hard to take down.


That's the end of the tale, and whoever listened - well done. Don't forget the wards!

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Heroes of Order and Chaos is a toy in the MOBA genre, created for those who want to team up with friends to demolish enemy towers and fortresses. For those who want to be called the best of the heroes of chaos and order. For those who have no equal on the battlefield. Another multiplayer arena we have on the test. Earlier, we already managed to consider the beautiful "", which, despite all the pros and cons, left the most positive emotions. What to expect from the creation of Gameloft, which is rightfully considered a leader in the mobile gaming industry? We warmly hope that the toy will give a huge amount of positive emotions. Let's take a closer look at this whole thing!
1. What is "Heroes of Order and Chaos"? The game should, according to the developers, give everyone the opportunity to get great pleasure, showing their skills and intelligence. By choosing one of the heroes, you can take part in team battles (3x3, 5x5), and it is the team that should be the key to success, it is the well-coordinated team game that is the only thing that will help you defeat enemy units. Maps and characters are borrowed from the multiplayer "RPG" "Order & Chaos", but have been significantly improved for this genre of game.

2. Game modes. Several game options are currently available. First, there are three maps for battles in teams of three to five people. Secondly, you can play in teams consisting entirely of real players, as well as a team of people against the computer, in addition, alone with bots. It is noteworthy that it is possible to create a game with the people you have chosen, which is severely "cut off" in "". store and the Lohotron system. The in-game purchase system contains small bonuses and improvers, some of which can be bought for game coins (the one that is worse), the other (the one that is better, respectively) only for crystals that represent real money. Also, part of the bonuses can be won in the likeness of a one-armed bandit slot machine (you can enter here only once a day in order to use the free try).

4. Other "bells and whistles". Among other things, the game has a guild system (which will help you team up with friends and comrades), a system of tablets and a talent system (and the first and second will add a few points to the character's coolness scale).

5.Heroes. As in "", some of the characters in the game can be absolutely free, and the second, respectively, is available for money. It is important that anyone can be bought for both in-game and real currency. The set of these most free heroes changes once a week. In addition to buying a character, you can get a skin heaped up to him and other nonsense. The system of paid characters may seem very flawed, because it would be possible to monetize the game simply by making it paid in the App Store, but, as practice shows, in this way it would not be possible to collect a high game "online".

6. Gameplay a.k.a. Gameplay. The goal of the game is to destroy the main structure of the enemy brigade. It will be simply impossible to do this alone, so you should arm yourself with the support of the team. The roles of the heroes in the brigade are simple and clear. Knights (who have weak attack, but very powerful defense and high standard of living) are designed to divert the attention of enemy units. Mages and warriors (which are characterized by maximum damage levels) are designed to attack enemy troops. Healers (who are secondary supports) are a must for a successful team. In addition to the two opposing factions, neutral units are scattered on each arena, which are designed to pump the team. Among them, as a rule, there can be bosses that can provide the team that killed them with untold treasures and simply break the tide of the battle. The last nuance of the toy is the presence of merchants in each of the opposing camps. They are intended to purchase new ammunition, which will help to deal with enemies with even greater ease.

Let's summarize. The game deserves all the praise. This is definitely a worthy representative of the genre, which is not particularly spoiled by donat. The toy captivates with its quality and scale, so it's hard not to recommend it to our dear readers.

“... monsters can have various shapes and forms,
and the one who believes that monsters look like in a fairy tale,
and they can be identified at a glance,
either a fool or an imbecile…”
(Steve Whitton "Blood Angel")

Pros: Excellent graphics and gameplay, constant updates with new characters and game modes.
Minuses: Some complexity and intricacy of the toy for an unprepared user.
Conclusion: A good representative of the genre, which beckons you to run around with your favorite elemental for a couple more hours, it should be recommended to MOBA fans!

Gameplay from Heroes of Order and Chaos for iPad

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