Knights of old republic 2 influence. Guide and walkthrough for "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords"

I continue on the impact on the characters in SW KotOR II. So,


You restore the HK-47 by collecting all the necessary components. One of the HK-50s on Peragus, one of the HK-50s after the crash over the Academy on Telos, and another can be obtained from the HK-50s in Vogga's warehouse on Nar Shadaa. The rest can be bought from merchants. HK-47 is an assassin droid from the first game. He is probably the best ranged character in the game.

Result: Gaining Influence at HK 47 gives you numerous upgrades, boosting your own stats and abilities. HK-47 gives you some very useful tips on how to kill Jedi.

Influence Through Dialogue: Conversing with HK-47 does not give you any Influence points, unless you are trying to end the conversation and HK-47 stops you. You need to say: “Anyone who tries to stop me when I finish the conversation will be dead. Now let me go, otherwise…” After that, you will receive Influence points.

Dantooine - Hunda District - After talking to Master Vrook in the cave of crystals, Azkal will be waiting for you at the exit. Listen to his plan, then choose "I'm not interested," then "Die, hired brute!" (this option leads to the loss of influence on Kreia)

The Hunda area is (possibly a Bug) the only time when gaining Light Side points can gain Influence on HK-47. When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the invasion of mercenaries, you will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench belonging to Akker, a droid merchant. Talk to Akker and agree not to betray him. What HK-47 says is a clear disapproval, but as a result you will receive Influence points.

ONDERON - Jungle Dxun - As with Hanharr, if you kill a Mandalorian stuck on a rock, you will gain Influence points.

Marketplace - Support Ponlar and instigate a riot. HK-47 will be glad of the blood and you will receive Influence points.

Space Port - Use the Power of Persuasion on guard to enter the city and say "Let's discuss this in the city, otherwise..." to gain some Influence.

Cantina - After you meet Kavar, Tobin will interrupt the meeting and his men will attack you. Tell HK-47 that he can kill anyone and get Influence.

TELOS (DURING ATTACK) - Kill an injured soldier (instead of healing him) that you will find in the Telos Station Entertainment Module during the Sith attack. This will give you Influence points.


Kreia is a skilled manipulator of events. She travels with you throughout most of the game. She is skilled in the use of the Force and is handy to have as a companion. It has a huge number of Influence options. More than any other character. Kreia will train you, but this is not related to Influence.

Result: When your Influence gets high enough, you can force Kreia to show stories about her life. They give you some experience.

Influence Through Dialogue: She only tells you what you need to know. She is neither light nor dark and does not respect any of them. So by doing something really evil (killing) or really good (saving a life) you lose Influence, while staying in the shadows and managing events gives good results. In conversations with her, you gain influence for the Dark Side's responses, such as "if she betrays us, then I will kill her." Kreia is not interested in your opinion of her, only how you react to her opinion. Therefore, the response options following her advice will always gain influence. If you ignore or reject her advice, you lose influence. Kreia doesn't like it when you kill random people, though you can level up Influence by asking what she would do if she were you and telling her she's right.

PERAGUS - Aboard the Harbinger - As soon as you board, there will be an argument between Kreia and Atton. You can get Influence points by supporting Kreia in an argument.

EBNY HAWK - After the Handmaid joins, tell Kreia that you will keep an eye on the Handmaid and that you will use her as a link to Atris to gain Influence points.

After joining Visas, tell Kreia that you will kill her if she tries to betray you for Influence points.

Also, after joining Visas, by talking about Visas' home world, with good intelligence you can speculate about why the world was attacked.

- (Light Side only) When Kreia sees you "glow", she gets angry and urges you to show less mercy in the future. Tell her she's right.

Dantooine - Cave of Crystals - After talking with Master Vrook in the cave of crystals, Azkal will be waiting for you at the exit. Listen to his plan and LIE that you are joining him to gain Influence on Kreia.

Cave of Crystals - When you find a Jedi guarded by mercenaries, don't kill them. Instead, suggest that they send a Jedi to Nar Shaddaa. Kreia will say something about creating an echo in the Force and you will get Influence.

Enclave Sublevel - Lie to Jorran about destroying all the Laygrex. After he dies, you will receive Influence points.

Hunda District - Talk to the mechanic near the Ebon Hawk, ask him "Why so busy?" and follow the "Caution" and "Persuasion" lines of dialogue to get him to give you the information you need. This use of your persuasion skill will give you influence over Kreia.

NAR SHADDAAH - Main Sector - After you deal with the first group of thugs, a beggar will approach you (this encounter cannot be avoided). He will ask you for alms. No matter what decision you make, Kreia will speak to you or enter into a telepathic connection (if she remains aboard the Ebon Hawk). Agree that she is right and get Influence points.

Refugee Camp - Find the sick person first, but don't heal him. Speak to the leader of the Exchange in this area and tell him that he must kill this patient or the disease will spread.

Port Docks - Flophouse - Talk to Luutra to find out about his wife. Tell him that she is dead (blatant lie, since she is alive and well) and that he can trust you. He must accept Church's offer. You will gain some influence on Kreia.

ONDERON - Market Square - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to speak with Anda who is behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate the three guard captains. Agree to her offer and tell Kreia that you know where this will lead to get Influence points.

Spaceport - Use the Power of Persuasion on the guard to enter the city, this will be followed by a dialogue with Kreia, after which you can get some Influence.

Palace - If you side with the Queen, after Vaklu is defeated, say that you agree that he should be killed, or let the Queen decide his fate for Influence points.

KORRIBAN - Valley of the Graves - ONLY for the Light Side. At Ajanta's grave, listen to Kreia's story, then use the Awareness dialogue line to gain Influence points.


Mandalore, the current leader of the Mandalorians, respects violence as a means of communication and strength as a measure of success. He is also good with weapons.

Result: Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Bagel hole.

Influence Through Dialogue: There is little that can be done with Mandalore. It cannot be influenced through dialogue. Also, he doesn't react too often to the player's actions. In order to gain enough influence with him, you must support General Vakla in the dispute over Onderon.

ONDERON - Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. Tell Mandalore that you want to support Vakla. You will receive more Influence points.

Market Square - Two people are standing near the crowd, discussing local politics. Side with General Vaklu and gain influence with Mandalore.

Market Square - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda, who is behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate the three guard captains. Agree to her offer and tell Mandalore that you like General Vaklu to gain Influence points.

Palace - If you join Queen Thalia, agree to kill Vakla. Mandalore will say that you did the right thing and you will receive Influence points.

DESTROYER - Kill Tobin for Influence points.


Mira will join you on Nar Shaddaa if your character is on the Light Side (otherwise you will get Hanharr).

As a result: Having received enough Influence points, you will be able to train Mira and make her a Jedi.

Dialogue Influence: The best way to gain Influence on Mira is to get her to "argue" with you. Ask her why she doesn't kill, follow the "Understanding" dialogue line and she will argue with you. Develop it and get Influence points.

Dantooine - Hunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the invasion of mercenaries - you will get access to the room with robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench belonging to Akker, a droid merchant. Talk to Akker and agree not to betray him in order to gain influence on Mira.

ONDERON - Dxun - during the meeting with the crashed assassins, tell Mira that she was also an assassin. She will say that she does not need your protection, but you will receive Influence points.

Market Square - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to speak with Anda who is behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate the three guard captains. Agree to her offer and tell Mira that this is a good way to earn credits to get Influence points.

Cantina District - The Twilek hitman who attacks you will make claims to Mira. Answer "I'm not going to let you insult my companion" for Influence points.

Marketplace - When the riot starts, don't take sides. Mira will agree with your choice and you will gain some influence.


T3-M4 is a droid from the first game. A real professional in working with equipment and well versed in explosives.

Result: Gaining Influence on T3-M4 allows you to upgrade T3-M4 by increasing its stats. Also, if your Influence is high enough, T3-M4 will give +1 to your knowledge. The T3-M4 upgrade requires you to know Computer Usage and Repair.

Influence Through Dialogue: You can get all the influence you need just by talking to him, and telling him that what he's done is not his fault, or that he's a useful droid. Almost all of his influence gives you Light Side points. Ask about his injuries, and tell him that you are happy to have him by your side.

PERAGUS - Fuel Depot - When you return T3-M4 to your squad, praise it for Influence points.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - When you free T3-M4, just tell him that he did everything right and didn't make mistakes to get Influence points.

DANTOOIN - Hunda District - Speak to the damaged protocol droid roaming near the landing site. T3-M4 will beep. Praise him to get Influence points.

Near Hunda - Show compassion for Akker, the droid merchant, to gain influence over T3-M4.

NAR SHADDAAH - Refugee Sector - There is a broken airspeeder at Serocco's base in the Refugee Sector, which you can repair and let T3-M4 check your work for Influence points.

ONDERON - Market Square - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent Ponlar's riot in the city to gain influence on T3-M4.

Visas Marr

Visas is found on the Ebon Hawk after your dark/light side affiliation is clear enough. First, you will see a cutscene, and then, when you board the Ebon Hawk again, you will meet Visas and fight her. Defeat her and she will join you.

Result: With high influence, Visas will teach you Force Vision, an ability that allows you to see through many doors and also see the dark/light side of people.

Dialogue Influence: Visas gains Dialogue Influence. In fact, one good dialogue with her and you will get all the Influence points. Influence on it contributes to obtaining points of the Light Side.

DANTOOIN - Hunda District - Bao-Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after finding out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you will first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

NAR SHADDAAH - Landing Area - Help the man who was attacked by the Exchange thugs (who says that you have his money) for Influence points.

Refugee Sector - Talk to the sick person at the entrance to the refugee camp and heal him to get Influence points.

ONDERON - Market Square - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate the three guard captains. Agree to her offer to get Influence points. (this will not work if Mandalore is nearby).

Marketplace - Near the crowd are two people discussing local politics. Side with General Vaklu and gain influence with Visas.

Market Square - Give the "Open" visa to Terlin, the mother near the entrance to the starport, then say "Compassion may cause problems, but it is a source of great power" for Influence points.

Cantina - After being attacked by Tobin's soldiers, Visas will ask you for permission to use a destructive weapon, resulting in casualties among the cantina's patrons. Allow her to do this to get Influence points.


Gaining/Losing Influence from killing.

Gaining Influence from Killing: Atton, HK-47, Hanharr, Mandalore, Visas

Loss of Influence from killing: Bao-Dur, Disciple, Handmaiden, Mira, T3-M4

(All this is not guaranteed)

Also, Kreia can force anyone to gain influence if she and another character are present at the time of the kill, but you must take her advice or lose her influence.

Only one character gains Influence from each kill.

Lazavvou - Nar Shaddaa

Luuthra - Nar Shaddaa

Mechanic near landing site - Dantooine

Saedh - Dantooine

Opo Chano Droid Trader - Telos

Church Registrar at Church Apartment - Telos

Twi'lek - Telos Military Base

The Man in the Apartment - Telos

Akker, Droid Trader - Dantooine

Jorran - Dantooine,

Crew without a captain in a rooming house - Nar Shaddaa

Wounded Soldier - Telos (Under Fire)

Brief description of the game interface and team management.

II. Companions of the Exile

So, we were given 12 satellites, but in view of certain characteristics of our hero (Light / Dark Side and Gender of the Character), we can only take 10:

Kreia— Jedi Consul. Joins during the passage of Peragus.
Atton Rand- Tramp, pilot and gunner. Joins during the passage of Peragus.
T3-M4- Expert droid from the first part of the game. The plating is slightly peeling, but under the metal cover is stored invaluable experience from previous adventures.
Bao Dur“A good mechanic with a useful prosthetic instead of one of his arms. Joins immediately after landing on the surface of Telos.
maid, she is Brianna— Warrior from the secret academy in the north of Telos. Joins the male character after passing the planet. Able to teach the hero the combat techniques of Echani.
Follower, he is Mikel- a typical intellectual, will join the female character during the passage of Dantooine.
Visas Marr“A Dark Jedi sent for our souls. Will wait in ambush right on the "EbonHawk" "e on the first planet after Telos.
Mira- A red-haired bounty hunter with her own notions of honor. Will join a light or neutral character during the passage of Nar Shaddaa.
Hanharr- a vicious ball of wool. A Wookie who hunts people not for a reward, but "for the love of art" is an unpleasant phenomenon, even if he is on your side. Will join the dark character during the passage of Nar Shaddaa.
G0-T0- a spherical droid of obscure purpose. Will join after completing Nar Shaddaa.
HK-47- Killer droid from the first part. Pretty rusted, but, like the T3, it did not go to the detriment of him. Present on the ship from the very beginning, but the lack of 4 parts prevents it from launching. Collect them and the droid is back with you.
Mandalore- Commander of the Mandalorians dug in on Dxana. Will join you before leaving for Onderon.

And now about how to make Jedi out of all satellites (except Hanharr, and robots) :

Bao Dur: He needs high influence, after we have it, we approach him on the ship and talk about the war. He wants to help us - whether you want this is up to you.
maid: On the ship in the cargo hold, you need to ask her to train us Echani. We defeat her three times, after one of the battles you need to ask her to dress up (if you are naked, the trick will not work), we ask her about Rob (Where did you get the Jedi robe from?). She tells you that she was a Jedi from mommy. , we discuss this topic. Then she suggests making Brianna a Sith, we think and approach the Handmaid. We also speak in our party of a Jedi or a Sith assassin.
Mira: We speak with her on the ship about the fact that she is on Nar Shaddaa, where life is in full swing, de better. We say that Kreia showed us the Force, we go to the human bar, and tell her. A dialogue begins in which you need to tell her that she can then overcome this pain, protect herself and others.+1 Jedi.
Atton: On Nar Shaddaa in the Refugee Sector, two Twileks come to us, they say that for 25 credit cards they will say something interesting.

And now - more about the characters of our satellites:

The old woman Kreia accompanies our hero throughout the game (except for a few episodes). She joins the GG on Peragus and gradually restores our connection with the force. She is a Jedi Consular, but she does not consider herself to be either a Jedi or a Sith and does not recognize either the light or the dark side at all. She is trying to teach our hero to become cunning, smart and strong. Supports evil in some situations and good in others. Kreia has no one but us, so she protects the hero with all her might. If you constantly listen and heed her advice, then the whole galaxy will remain in front of you "indebted." The old woman is really wise and can teach a lot, but she considers everyone around her more stupid than herself and therefore does not tolerate when we disagree with her. The whole team is suspicious of her and is constantly trying to reason with the hero: "Do not listen to her, she will teach you bad things." But what she can teach us depends on us.

Atton Rand

We meet this comrade locked in a cell, which immediately leads to certain thoughts. Atton is a classic rogue: he is charming, agile, good with ranged weapons, and loves to play cards. He is also the only pilot in our team and is forced to control the ship.

A dark personality is immediately noticeable in him (moreover, she is dark to the point of horror, but only the master of persuasion will know this), one gets the impression that he is hiding something (the way it is) and does not say anything. Atton has a strange craving for dark deeds and cruelty. If our hero can talk this guy, then maybe he will become a Jedi or a Sith - it all depends on us.

Our savior (for those who pass the prologue). Little droid specialist. This droid is one of those who survived the first part, in which he was laconic, but in the second part, a devoted, kind and vulnerable (as far as it is applicable to a droid) heart suddenly beat inside the metal case (Goodwin adjusted it :)) The little mechanic is well versed in computers , hacking and other technical issues, which, however, is not surprising, because it is a droid. Another thing is surprising: this droid appreciates only kindness in our hero and absolutely cannot live without love for him (again, as far as this is applicable to the droid). T3M4 should be praised at every opportunity and taken care of more often. Throughout the game, our hero gradually restores and improves T3M4 using his own repair and computer skills. In general, T3M4 behaves like a dog (in a good way) and is ready to tear anyone for his master. But it does not always work out for him. he is not built for battle.

We meet him on the surface of Telos.

Zabrak is a war veteran who tries to do as much good as possible. His soul is disturbed by the wound inflicted by the war. He fought alongside our hero and constantly calls us General. Bao-Dur feels guilty for every Mandalorian killed in the war, and to take his mind off these thoughts, he constantly repairs the ship. Quite interesting is the energy prosthesis that replaces his left hand. With it, Bao-Dur can hit enemies in the muzzle with his signature blow, as well as with a prosthesis, just like with a lightsaber, you can turn off force fields by hitting them hard. Also around Bao-Dur his little helper constantly flies.

Bao-Dur is laconic, so to gain influence, you just need to do good deeds before his eyes.


She is Brianna. Joins us at the secret echani academy on Telos if the hero is male.

All she was taught was: How to beat, how to beat, where to beat. Appreciates kindness, honesty and generally a positive person. Everything that is taught at the academy, she can safely put into practice, and she will also tell and show everything to us. She vowed never to follow the path of the Jedi or the Sith, but the art of boltology moved even less mountains. She also has a very specific attitude to training, believing that clothes interfere with the comprehension of skills, so the hero in family families will have to boldly clobber an attractive woman in underwear. Obtaining influence on this person is carried out by the method of mass doing good deeds and winning in training.

Visas Marr

Attacks our hero inside the ship after passing one of the planets.

After Visas recovers from our hero's Kung Fu in the infirmary, she informs us that she is defeated and now her life belongs to our hero, while wondering why he (a) did not kill her (a).

Visas constantly meditates in his compartment on the ship. From Atton we can learn that Visas is Miraluka, blind, seeing through power. HER home planet is destroyed by her "teacher" and now she has no home. Visas follows any word of our hero and will follow us into fire and water, regardless of whether we are evil or good. Gradually, she falls in love with us, which she decides to say only at the end of the game.

Initially, she is impregnated with evil, but we can give her a “setting for good” and then she will become the second (no one can compare with T3M4) in kindness to a member of our team.

Wow, this droid is truly a genius. He managed to fool the entire galaxy and become the main crime boss of Nar Shaddaa. The comrade is trying to persuade our hero to establish stability in the galaxy, and it doesn’t matter to him who the Jedi or Sith will be “at the helm”, the main thing is that everything settles down. By his own admission, the droid is still counting the damage caused by the mayhem of Darth Malak. The comrade is not fighting, but is quite interesting in conversation and can tell a lot of interesting things.

This is another example of a droid that survived the first part. True, he didn’t quite survive it :) Our hero will have to add the missing details to HK, which can be found in various Ironworkers
HK-47 is a fun guy, just made to kill "meatbags". It's not just a droid - it's a person! He considers himself a unique, perfect (as he is) model of a killer droid and is very angry when he learns that clones of such a treasure are walking around the galaxy. At first, he even takes it for a failed joke.

IMHO this is the most DEVELOPED character in Kotor. What is worth only: “Master, you broke my heart!” in response to the fact that he doesn't look much like a killer.


Observant comrades will immediately guess who it is.

He joins us on Dxun before leaving for Onderon.

Mandalore decided to unite the scattered clans of the Mandalorians into one iron fist, which they once were. This comrade is harsh, but fair, though according to the concepts of the Mandalorians, which moves him closer to the dark side. However, military honor is above all for a real Mandalorian, so Mandalore hates scammers and scoundrels.


Joins the female hero in the ruins of the Jedi enclave on Dantooine.

The Disciple is a typical nerd who is head over heels in love with the Republic and each Jedi individually. Since our heroine is a Jedi, she also receives such an honor. A very positive friend. He carries a portable chemistry table with him everywhere, which can be used to sculpt first-aid kits, implants, and stimpacks.

Description of all kinds of ways to get out of any battle alive and generally make life easier for the hero.

Personally, I advise you to first download from mastery: Dual Wielding. Because it's better to bludgeon with two swords, or fire two lasers, than run like a jerk with one. Also, for those who run around with melee weapons, I advise you to download the "flurry". he is powerful. And from your strength, download "Lightsaber Throw", "Lightning Bolt" and "Drink Life". Lightning has saved my life many times. And don't be afraid to take Bao-Dur on your team. He has a huge number of skills, so he will save you from a difficult situation more than once.

IV. Prologue

The prologue was created to familiarize the player with the control options in the game. And you can skip the prologue at any time.

In the prologue, you control the T3-M4 droid, and your character, which you created at the beginning of the game, lies in the infirmary.

Security room:

Get to the security room (forward and to the left from the cockpit). Open the container there, from which get the spike (Spike). Use the communication console to open the door to the main hold.

Main hold:
Break the box on the right and get the spike and the broken product. There are two broken droids on the floor in the hold, each of which can contain parts, and after searching the body, you will find a card key. Use the security console in the center to open and close the outer and inner garage door and view the camera feeds.

Medical point:

Through two doors, guided by the map, get to the first-aid post, where your character will lie on the couch. Take out the medical pack from the medical container and use it on the character after talking to him. Leave the infirmary and go right along the corridor to the door leading to the engine room. Try to open it, but this requires a mine. Turn around and go left to the cargo hold.

Cargo hold:

Here you will find a 3C-FD droid that is in need of repair. Repair him and he will join you. Open the closet near the entrance with the keycard and get parts and armor from it, which you can put on your droid. There are also 2 containers in the far part of the hold, one of which contains security tunnelers, which serves to open containers and doors with a complex security system. Only with the help of it, by the way, you can open the second container with spare parts and other things. While still in the hold, by opening the container in the center, from which you can take a pistol, you can practice combat with flying droids.

Outside Ebon Hawk:

Go to the lift opposite the first-aid post and take it up. We are outside the ship, primarily to find the mine and spare parts. On the right side of the ship, find all the spare parts, which are mainly located in the hatches, and also, after rummaging through the wires, open the bedroom door. On the port side, you will see two mines, which the droid will detect, which will be indicated by "bubbles". You can take the mines or defuse them, but it's better to choose the first option, as in this case you will get. In the proton rocket nearby you will find a mine and spare parts, and you will find one more spare part in the turret.

To get into the garage, you need to switch to single mode. Select the T3-M4 droid and send it to the area between the inner and outer garage doors (it's to the left of the engine room entrance). Switch to the 3C-FD droid. Go to the security console in the main hold and use it to close the outer garage door first, and then the inner one. Switch back to T3-M4. Once inside the garage, look at the workbench where you can create new items from everything you have. Create a repair kit and use it immediately on the droid. Go to the bedroom on the right side of the ship and get the droid flamethrower and spare parts from the boxes. Now you can exit the garage the same way you got here and head to the engine room.

Engine room:

The last thing left to do on the ship is fix the hyperdrive. Blow up the door leading to the engine room by planting a mine. Approach the hyperdrive and repair it with spare parts. Return to the cockpit and click on Peregus on the galaxy map.

V. Peragus

Medical department:

After waking up, go through the door ahead, then through the door on the left into the room with the computer. Remove the medpack from the container and, using the computer, unlock the doors of the morgue and storage room. Pay attention to the laboratory table, with which you can create new items. Go to the storage room behind the computer and take out the medpack and chemicals from the containers. Now go to the morgue. Search the corpse, which lies in the far part of the morgue, and find a plasma torch. Talk to Krea. To get goodness points, you will need to select the option at the end of the dialogue: "I'll be back soon to make sure you're all right." To get evil points, you need to choose at the end of the dialogue: "Don't stand in my way, or you will end up like these corpses." After the conversation, equip the plasma torch, exit the morgue and go to the broken door on the right to break it completely.

Administrative level:.

Search the corpse for a vibrosword and equip it. With it, you will kill the droids that flooded the administrative level. Search the broken droid for some useful items. Do this whenever possible. Go through the door on the left and get to the security room. Along the way, you will notice an escape hatch. This is the place through which we will need to go further. In the security room, break the locker, from which you take all the items, and then use the computer on the table. View all logs. Go through the next door and Kreia will warn you about the droids in the next room. You will also receive Power - Foresight. After destroying all the droids in the room, you will gain enough experience points to advance to the 2nd level. Kreia will tell you about Strength and you will get Strength points. Check the boxes for items and go to the administration center.

Administration Center:

There are 6 droids here that you can just kill (which is not good, get little or do the following with them. Run to the control panel and use it, then the droids will simply turn off. Use the remote control to also turn off the force field from the door behind you. Go through through the door to the room where you will find Atton in a cage.Talk to him.If you want to get good points, then tell him in dialogue: "I trust you. And if we work together, then we can get out of this mess."On the contrary to get evil points, say "I'll turn off the cage, but if you try to escape, I'll kill you without a second thought." whatever you say, control will pass to him anyway.

Equip T3 with the items you found earlier and search the crates and the broken droid. Go through the door opposite the broken droid and down the ramps down to the entrance to the fuel depot. Go through the door, where you destroy all the droids, and after searching the corpse and the droid, find the datapad, as well as other items. Go back to the slopes. Droids with energy shields will appear. Destroy them with grenades and climb the ramps back to the room with three doors. Upstairs, place a mine on the locked door. Search the containers and crates for items, specifically spikes, and head through the third door to the control room. Climb up the ramp to the console and use it. Climb into the computer menu and be sure to open the door leading to the fuel depot. Go through the opened door. Kill all the droids with grenades in the corridor and go to the fuel depot. Go straight down the corridor and go left to the fuel control station. Open the escape hatch and this will complete the T3 mission for now.

Mining tunnels:.

Tell Atton to go downstairs and you will get evil points. If you tell him to stay here, you will get good points (in both cases). Go to the escape hatch that T3 opened for us and go to the mining tunnels. Go ahead until Atton contacts you. He will do this all the time, and you can order him to shut up at any time. After going through the door, in the barrel you will find a uniform and equipment, which you immediately put on yourself. Go to the fork with the pump. Raise the mines and explore the two dead ends, then go to the caves. Before entering, you can repair a droid that will help you in the fight. To do this, you will need the appropriate skill and spare parts. Destroying the droids in various ways, get to another pump. Before corrosive gas, use a shield and quickly pass through the danger zone. Pick up the planted mines again, and make your way to the place where the 4 pumps are located. Use the control panel in the center and use it to cut down the protective fields. You can also turn off all droids so they won't attack you (but that's if you have two spikes) or raise the temperature and the droids will ignore you. Check everything near the pumps, and then go down the corridor that starts from one of the pumps. Atton's voice will indicate the correctness of your route. Next, get to the fuel depot.

Fuel depot:.

Talk to the Hk 50 droid. There are two responses for good points: "Those miners may have been injured or in danger - we'll have to make sure they're okay" and "Then I'll have to get there to rescue them." And two answers to get evil points: "I only need the codes that the miners have, and when I get the codes, I will get rid of them and leave the rock" and "Then forget them. I must go into the hangar and get out of this rock ". You will also receive 200 XP by finding out what happened to you. Go to the room opposite, where from the container take Sonic Imprint Sensor (sonic sensor, 50 XP). If you want, dig around the desktop and upgrade your equipment or craft new items. Go back to Hk 50 and in the conversation, select the dialogue with the sound sensor. Go through the door between the rooms into the hallway with the droids and follow it to the right. When the MkII droids come out of the doors, destroy them, and then go straight ahead (there is a locked door that we will unlock even further) and to the right to the turbolift. On it you will reach the administrative level. Go to the security room, where you can use the computer. Select the sound sensor option to record a second message. Go to the medical department to the computer and find out from it who ordered the injection of drugs. Return to the turbolift and, having risen on it, go to the room on the right. Use the service station. Select the sound sensor option to record the last message and unlock the door mentioned above. Also find out that the injection of drugs was ordered from here. Now go through the inner door that we opened, into the vestibule and take the space suit and other items from the locker. Go into outer space through the outer door of the vestibule.

Open space:.

Walk around the platform until Atton contacts you. Tell him your plan, and then watch Harbinger arrive. Then go through the vestibule door, kill the two droids and go through the next door.


Open the security door and search 4 lockers. Upgrade your miner's uniform to increase cold attack resistance as you'll encounter freeze turrets next. Go into the room with the turrets, destroy them and go into the corridor, along which go right to the control panel opposite the door. You can select the first menu item and then close the ventilation of the bedrooms, thereby turning off the gas, or destroy the remote control and go to the medical room (right side of the map) for a breathing mask to walk safely in the bedrooms filled with gas. After opening the door to the bedrooms, go first to the right compartment, where you will search all the rooms and pick up all possible items, including the dispatcher's log. Now go to the left compartment, where you also search all the rooms and take the datapad from the corpse near the terminal. Use the terminal and watch the administrator's holovids, then select the transfer verification option. Decipher the code, you should get the following combination: 3, 17, 13, 5, 7. This is the code to open the turbolift.

Exit from the bedrooms:.

Exit the bedrooms and go left along the corridor. Then go through the door on the left. In the hall, if you go to the left, you will get into the medical room, and if you go to the right, then to the turbolift. Also in the center of the hall, find a corpse with a datapad "ohm. Go right to the turbolift. Use the console and try to enter the received code. Then look at the log, where you will be told that the code must be entered the other way around, i.e. 7, 5, 13, 17, 3. Enter it automatically (if you have a high enough intelligence) or manually and get into the turbolift.

Administrative level:.

Walk forward to Kreia. Talk to her and she will join you. If you say "I won't let the old scow hold me back. I'm traveling alone," you get evil points. There are no good points in this dialogue. Go to the administration center, where you will have a talk with Atton as you wish. He will also join your company. After the conversation, Hk 50 will appear in the hall. Talk to him and make him confess to imitating the voice of an officer. If you don't, you will. In any case, you will have to fight with Hk 50. The battle is quite simple. Destroy the flying droids first, and then destroy the Hk 50. If you hit slowly, he will regenerate his energy. Collect all the items with Hk 50 and go aboard the Harbinger ship (entrance on the left side of the map).

As soon as you get on board, a conversation with Atton and Kreia will automatically start. To the sentence "Ok, we have to get to the bridge", choosing the 1st answer will increase the influence on Kreia, and choosing the 2nd answer will decrease it. By choosing the 3rd option, you will increase the influence on Atton, and by choosing the 4th and 5th options, you will decrease the influence on him. Walk forward, then right through the door. You are on the bridge. Use the navicomputer on the far side of the bridge and download the directional charts. Also look at the first log (100 XP). Go through the door to the right of the one you entered through. Kill the Sith assassins and go through the door on the right. Next, explore all the rooms and search all the containers and boxes.Now that you have Atton, you can open locked boxes and doors without resorting to physical force.After reaching the dead end, go back to the place where we started and go through the security door.Go down the corridor to the intersection, where turn left.In the briefing room, use the remote control to view the holovids (100 XP).Go back to the intersection of the corridors and go to the cockpit.

Go forward and search the rooms on the sides. When you reach the second pair of doors, the door on the right will lead to your room, where you will find a datapad. The door opposite has a difficult lock for Atton, so it will most likely have to be broken. Go through the door between the rooms and examine the two dead ends on the sides of the medical bay. Then go into the medical bay itself, where you can use the remote control. Insert the datapad from your room and explore each menu item. Then, if you want, repair the medical robot and it will heal your team, but only at that level. Exit the medical bay through another door and enter the storage room where you will find a lot of items. Skip the next door on the right in the hallway that leads to the turbolift and go into the next room on the right, into the droid storage room. View the protocol, and take the datapad from the corpse. Return to the turbolift, which will take you to the engine deck.

Engine deck:.

Once here, Atton will speak to you. Ask him "What happened?", and then during the dialogue "We must be careful. But we must continue to move on" to increase the influence on Atton. Going forward through the door, Kreia will leave you. Go through the door ahead, into the room with the remote control. Select any item on the menu to eventually open the door. Exit the room and turn right if you want to get to the work desk room and upgrade the items, otherwise take the hallway to the right. Go until the control panel of the ion engine appears on the left. Use it to unlock the door. Go through the door and Atton will speak to you again. Tell him "Atton, you must trust me" to get good points or "Then stay here and die" to get evil points. After the conversation, go through the door on the left.

Fuel depot:.

Who do we see ahead? It's T3-M4! Talk to him. Select the first dialogue option first, and then the second one to increase influence on it. After finishing the conversation, talk to him again. Ask about damage, how many of them, how many programs he lost and, in the end, say that he will regain all his skills. This way you will further increase the influence on T3-M4. Go through the door on the right. Explore the entire floor, destroying the droids, and then climb up the ramp to the console. Use it to disable the energy field (110 XP). Climb up the ramp even higher and turn right, destroying the MkII first.

Hangar compartment:.

You have been here before. Return to the control panel, using which you unlock the door. Pass through it and go to the decontamination area. Use the remote and select the first or second menu item (105 XP), then turn off the gas (220 XP) and unlock the door. If you select "destroy the remote", then not only will you not get XP, but poison gas will also seep into the room. Also, if you do not have enough spikes, then the T3-M4 droid can make them for you. Go through the door you opened and go through the cave to Ebon Hawk. In the beginning, examine everything around the ship, and then go on board.

Inside the Ebon Hawk:.

And here attention! In no case do not shoot at the Sith running to your ship. Let them run. After all, if you shoot them with a cannon, you will not get absolutely no experience points. And on the ship they will have to be killed manually. Several hundred experience points are not lying around on the ground! Talk to Kreia. "Another beep and you're a waste", "The next time someone calls me a Jedi, he'll be lying in a pool of his own blood", "The Jedi are dead: good riddance", "They seek to fight us - I say, that we will fight back", "If the Sith threaten me, they will all die", "Only the Sith will pay the price by standing in my way". All these offers will give you evil points, and the next 4 offers will give you good points. "If there are survivors, then we must warn them", "This is self-defense, not war", "The life of a Jedi is a sacrifice. It is a small price", "If evil is not fought against, then we sacrifice the galaxy." Next, talk to Atton. In a dialogue with him, you can only get good points by saying: "You are right, she may need help" and "You are right, she may be sick." After finishing the conversation (1000 XP) go to the bedroom on the port side, where you will find Kreia. Talk to her again. This gigantic conversation has a lot of points of evil and good, as well as an increase and decrease in influence on Kreia. Go to the small room in the main hold where the Hk 47 will be. For now, all we can do is insert the Hk Vocabulator confiscated from the destroyed Hk 50. The last thing left to do is use the galaxy map in the ship's cockpit and select the Telos.

After that, there will be a beautiful cutscene and a choice of actions related to Pegarus: that is, blow it up and or get away from the chase.
The ending of the game depends on this, or rather the choice of the main anti-hero and a couple of additional missions.

VI. Telos

Telos - Citadel Station.

Warm welcome:

When you arrive on Telos, you will not be greeted in a friendly manner and no matter what you say, you will be imprisoned and your ship and droid will be confiscated. In prison, a hired killer will try to kill you. Fight him (1000 XP) and then you will be transferred to a more luxurious prison, which is an apartment in a residential area. Alternately answer calls first from Ithorians, then from Czerka. Ithorians are peaceful people who live in tune with nature, while Czerka is an evil corporation that would like the Sith to win the Jedi Civil War. Who you will join is pretty obvious - on the side of good you will side with the Ithorians, and on the side of evil you will side with Czerka. For now, you can agree to offers from both sides to visit their bases. After a call from Czerka, Lieutenant Grenn will arrive, who will free you from imprisonment and say that you can find all your things in the TSF offices of the entertainment module.

East residential block:

Talk to Krea. Ask her if she really is a Sith Jedi, then use your intelligence or wisdom to get the tale out of her (1000 XP). There is no important business in this area, so you can immediately go, if you want, to the TSF offices for things. But if you are not in a hurry, then first examine all three blocks of apartments A, B and C. In apartment B 2 you will meet Opo Chano, who sells droid parts, and you will also find a workplace in his apartment. In apartment A 1 you will find Harra, who will give you a side quest.

Side mission "High stakes".

Find Doton Het in the bar of the entertainment module. You can buy Ramana's slave from him for 2000 credits (having a high persuasion skill can drop the price to 1500 credits) or play Pazaak with him. If you choose the second option, first practice with Atton in Pazaak. By winning the game or by paying the credits, Ramana will be yours. There are many options for how you can proceed. Keep her as a slave (350 xp, evil points) or take her to Harra. In the latter case, you can force her to return with him (or sell her to Nal Hutta, 350 XP, evil points) or let her do what she wants (350 XP, good points) or indicate that she still belongs to you (300 XP, evil points) or extort money from him for her freedom, which he will not have (300 XP, evil points). If you keep her as a slave, then you can periodically visit her to collect income.

Go to the center of the area and, using the information terminal, download the map of the area. Now you can get to the places where you have already downloaded the map with lightning speed just by using the information terminal.

Entertainment module:

Walking towards the bar, you will meet Sullustan, whom the mercenaries are trying to kill. You can let them kill him (evil points) or fight them (good points). Download the map from the terminal near the bar entrance and head towards the TSF offices. Talk to the droid to find out that your ship is gone and so is your droid, but thank goodness your belongings are safe and sound (50 XP). When the droid opens the door to the storage room, take all your belongings from the locker and then go to the next room where you will talk to Lieutenant Grenn. You will receive 4 side quests from him.

"Awards" TSF

1. False Batu

Remember the killer who broke into the TSF cell to kill you? To find out who sent him, talk to Lieutenant Grenn about the "rewards". Then find out where he came from by talking to the dock operator #3. For a small reward (25kr.), he will tell you everything he knows. Further, the traces of the mercenary lead to Nar Shadda...

2. Missing Btomo

After talking with the lieutenant, we set off, as we did last time, to docks No. 3. We speak with the Cherki officer (he just won’t tell everything, he needs to be suppressed). He says that Botomo worked for Cherka Corporation. We go to the Cherka's office and talk to Jarno Losso about Botomo. Ohana sends an hour to the Yoidorians. We go to the Yoidorians, talk to Koto Habe, convince him that you are a reliable person. He gives a peck from room C1. Peter 2 options: go to C1 and lead Botomo to lieutenant Grenn, killing 2 mercenaries along the way (light side), or hand him over with giblets to Jarno Losso for a reward (dark side).

3. Escaped criminals

They can be found in the Cherka office immediately after receiving the task, but you will not be able to detain them. Subsequently, when passing through the Recovery Zone, they will meet and attack you. After killing them, all that remains is to report to Lieutenant Grenn about the completion of the task.

4. Fuel for the station "Cytodel" (performed on Nar Shadda)

RJob for Ithorians:

If you chose Ithorians, then you are on the side of good. The Ithorians' base is in the western residential block. Enter their base and tell the receptionist that you've come to meet Chodo. Head right through the rooms and talk to Chodo Habat. You will receive the first mission from him (100 XP).

Enter the docking bay through the entertainment module. Step forward to the door near which sits Ithorian. Several people from Czerka will contact you with a demand to reconsider your decision and go over to their side. Send them politely and speak to Ithorian to let you in. After passing, use the remote control that opens the door of the bay. Go to the ship, near which there is a droid, accompanied by two guards. Fight the enemies who will try to destroy the droid and all who are at the same time with him, and after the victory, talk to him and escort him to the Ithotians base (500 XP + 500 XP).

Mission #2 - Meeting with Loppak Slusk.

Chodo wants you to meet Slusk and try to reason with him. However, you can't just get to Slusk. Go to the entertainment module bar and talk to Luxa, who is guarded by the Gamorreans. Ask her to arrange a meeting with Slusk. She will let you see him if you agree to get rid of him. Exchange offices are located in the eastern residential block. Talk to the guard at the entrance and tell him that Luxa sent you. Go inside and talk to the receptionist. You can avoid the fight in the next room if you convince her. Otherwise, you will have to fight the Gamorreans. There is one Ithorian in the cell in the room on the left, but our goal is to go to the room on the right. Destroy everyone who will be there, and in the next room, talk to the Gamorreans boss in order to open the door near him. Inside the room, you will finally come face to face with Slusk. Talk to him, then kill him. After the fight, talk to Luxa. She will also have to be killed, since there is simply no other way out (1300 XP). Use the security terminal in this room to turn off the cell holding the Ithorian and head back to the Ithorians' base where you will speak to Chodo Habat (700 XP, good points and the first part of the Lightsaber).

Mission #3 - Expose Czerka.

Now Chodo wants to hack Czerka's main database, but this can only be done from inside the corporation. Go to the local bar and talk to the Czerka Corrun Falt employee near the stage. Ask him about Lorso and then fill him in on your plans. You will need 1000 credits (you can try to lower the price) or a developed persuasion skill to convince him to help. You can also threaten him and, when he comes to his home, extract all the information from him (evil points). We need to win B 4 D 4 over to our side, this will require the credentials that Opo Chano has (100 XP). You can find him in apartment B 2 in the east residential block. For credentials, he will require 2500 credits, which you can take from Chodo Habat. It is also possible to get letters for free by killing Odo Chano, but for this you will receive evil points. With your credentials, go to the Czerka offices. Talk to droid B 4 D 4 behind the counter. Order him to follow you and show his credentials (300 XP). Driving B 4 D 4, return to the Czerka offices. Go to Lorso and talk to her to gain access to the main computer. Go to the computer, next to which there will be a droid. Lie to him until he leaves, then copy the data from the computer and erase your own existence within their files. Now head back to the Ithorians base and talk to Chodo. At this point, we will say goodbye to B 4 D 4 and talk to Chodo again, already managing our team (500 XP).

Mission #4 - Rescue the Ithorians.

Head to the docks (entrance in the entertainment module). On the way there, you will be contacted by Moza, who will report an attack on the Ithorians' base. Go back and help your friends by destroying all the mercenaries and droids. First you need to get to Moza, who is in the room on the left, and then save Chodo, who is in his usual place (500 XP, good points).

This completes the work for the Ithorians. Head to docking bay #2 (that's where we went to get the data droid) to board the ship.

Work for Czerka:

If you are on the side of evil, then Czerka Corporation is your choice. Go to the Czerka offices, which are located in the eastern residential block. Talk to Lorso and ask her about the job. She will give you Ithorian credentials and send you to the docks (100 XP).

Mission #1 - Get the data droid from the second dock.

Enter the docking bay through the entertainment module. Speak to the Ithorian up ahead near the door and show him your credentials to let you in. Use the remote to open the dock door and then approach the shuttle. Fight with the thugs and, after destroying them, you will be given a droid (500 XP). Take him to Czerka by choosing the appropriate option in the dialogue (500 XP, evil points). Next, Lorso will offer you another job.

Mission #2 - Kill Lopak Slusk.

Go to the bar and talk to Luxa. Ask her to arrange a meeting with Slusk and in return she will ask you to complete some tasks for her (50 XP).

Task from Luxa No. 1 - Trade in weapons.

You should be alone when you go to the medical section, the entrance to which is located in the western residential block. To do this, remove Atton and Kreia from the team for the duration of this task (the team is controlled through the corresponding menu). In the medical unit, use the communication computer opposite the laboratory table. You will be ordered to go to apartment B 3 in the east residential block. When you get to the apartment, wait a bit until two armed mercenaries come to you (500 credits). Kill them (500 XP) and return to Luxa's bar to give her part of the amount (250 XP).

Task from Luxa №2 - Opo Chano.

Use the information terminal to quickly get to the eastern residential block. Go to apartment B 2 towards Opo Chano. Ask him about the return of the money, which he, of course, will not have. You can negotiate with him to the extent that you yourself will repay Luxa's debt, but for this you will need 2500 credits. Or you can just kill him, which is desirable and do, because if you chose the Czerka corporation, then you are on the side of evil. Return to Luxa no matter what you did (500 XP) and get her next - and last - task, which will be to kill Slusk. Just what we need.

At this point, I won't repeat myself, but just ask you to look at mission #2 in the "Working for the Ithorians" section (1000 XP). After Luxa and Slusk are dead, return to Czerka's offices. You will notice that the offices are filled with enemies. After killing everyone, get to Lorso. Deal with the unfriends that surround her, then ask Lorso for a reward (800 credits, 100 XP). Talk to Lorso again, but about the mission she gave you earlier (150 XP).

This completes the work for Czerka. Head to docking bay #3. At the entrance, talk to Duros to open the door for you and give you the first part of the Lightsaber. Get on the ship.

Telos - Planetside.

Crash Zone:

After the ship on which you were flying is shot down and you are on the ground, talk to Bao - Dur. He will join your team and will be a mandatory companion for this level. This means that you have only one place left in the team, which can be filled by either Kreia or Atton. Decide for yourself who you want to see in your ranks now, I would recommend Atton. You don't need to do anything at this location. Just make it to the Czerka base alive. Your route will have to run along the coast and, passing the group of mercenaries in the center, pass along the cliff to the minefield, passing through which you will be very close to the Czerka base.

Base Czerka:

It doesn't matter what you say to the mercenaries here. You still have to fight them anyway. Reach the platform in the center of the base where the remote will be placed. Use it, and Bao - Dur will locate your ship, which, apparently, should be in a military base. The entrance to the base is located right next to the platform.

Old military base:

Firstly, the military base is crammed with bars, stepping on which you will be poisoned with gas, so they must be bypassed every time. Secondly, power shields are installed everywhere, which can only be deactivated by Bao - Dur with his hand. So, having received introductory instructions, get to the room with the ship. Until we can use it. Find the force field here and, after disabling it, use the security controls in the room to finally turn off all the gas grills. Opposite this room is a control room with a remote control for opening the hangar door, but first we must turn on the reactor. Go through the door between these rooms. Through one room you will meet an employee of Czerka. You can bring him to the exit from the military base (good points) or kill him (evil points). Next, get to the room, on the sides of which there will be rooms for recharging droids. Use the remote to destroy the droids (500 XP). Walk forward and to the left. After reaching the reactor room, turn on the reactor, and then return to the droid reload station. Go into a small room, where from the box, get the datapad with the codes. Return to the ship to destroy the huge droid. Examine the room from which he left, and after that go to the control room and, using the computer, unlock the hangar door. Everybody get on the ship.

Telos - Hidden base.

After crashing a second time, and crashing right next to the entrance to the Jedi training base, destroy the Hk 50 droids that will greet you unfriendly. Pick up a control cluster from the body of one Hk droid and go inside the base, the entrance to which is located in the center of the plateau.

Jedi Training Base:

After stepping foot into the base, a group of handmaidens will ask you to put away your weapons and go with them. There is no other choice but to comply. If you want to kill them, you will get evil points, if you remove the weapon, you will get good points. After Kreia and Atton get into the camera, you will talk to Atris. By not saying anything aggressive to her, you will get good points and vice versa. After a long dialogue, go to the hall with a column in the center, where you will talk to Hendreden. To gain evil points, say the following during a conversation with her: "She was right. It's your luck that I don't kill you all", "When the methods of inflicting violence are limited, it weakens us all", "I agree. It shows how far you are ready to go for your goal", "Loyalty? I prefer obedience", "The glory was in battle, not among even one Jedi", "If I crush the skull of Atris, can I get to the bottom of the matter?", "Why Atris allows me to move freely, because I can easily kill you all." And to get good points, say: "Combat is not the truth of Jedi training", "Combat is not the way of the Jedi and not my way", "Combat is not the best way to connect with others", "I went to war to protect others, not just fight", "I have no desire to fight Atris" and "I'm sorry. I didn't mean infringement". If you chose a male character at the beginning of the game, then Hendreden will join your side later on your ship Ebon Hawk.

It's time to get Kreia and Atton out of the cell. Go to the prison, where Kreia will immediately start a conversation with you. Telling her that "She's hurting me. I'll probably have to kill her" will give you evil points. As soon as Bao - Dur gets back on his feet, you will have to talk to him. After asking if he is ok, you will receive good points. Otherwise, only evil points, which are easy to get in this dialogue. So, after talking, head north from the prison (looking at the map) until you find the droid T 3- M 4. Find out how he is, and then choose one of the two either "It was not your fault that they took over the ship" or "Don't waste my time making excuses" to get good or evil points respectively. Go through the door on the right and you'll reach the Ebon Hawk, which will take you out of here.

Talk to T3 and Bao - Dur without fail. You can then either go directly to one of the four planets or chat with your companions to gain points for good or evil, as well as influence. The first planet I recommend you visit is Dantooine. You can also add the Hk part to the Hk 47 you got from Telos near the Jedi training base. But this can be done later.

Visiting any planet and returning back to the ship, you will find Visas. Fight her, and then when her Lightsaber is destroyed, talk to her. Dialogue has many light and dark sides as well as influences. After talking to Visas, she will join your team and you will also receive the second part of the Lightsaber.

VII. Dantooine


A woman will meet you on the planet. Talk to her and head out of the dock towards Khund's building. One entrance is sealed, so we enter through the other. Inside, talk to the receptionist and find out where you can find an administrator. Speak with Administrator Tirena Adari. You must learn from her about Master Vrook, as well as gain access to the sublevels of the Jedi Enclave. There is a shop in the building where you can buy weapons and lightsaber crystals. But they can be found in the crystal cave later. Exit the building and go right along the map to the entrance to the crystal cave.

Crystal Cave:.

Enclave Courtyard:.

Reach the ruins to the west, cross the bridge and enter the Enclave through the door on the right side (the entrance on the left is littered).

Enclave sublevel:.

If Bao-Dur is not in your team, then follow him to the ship. This must be done so that he can build a lightsaber right in the Enclave. After going inside the Enclave, go to the fountain and from it step to the left along the corridor. After reaching the room on the left, try to open the door and then talk to Yorann, who is in the room. If you are on the side of evil, then lie to him, saying that "Yes, all Laigreks are dead." If you killed all the Leygreks, then in addition to the said phrase, say that "You are saved. How strange" and "People think you are dead. They are right" and then kill him (get the last part of the lightsaber and crystal). If you stick to the side of good, then kill all the monsters near the room and free Yorann. Immediately ask him for a part of the sword and a crystal. He will ask for 1000 credits for the last part of the sword and for the crystal he found. So, having got the last part of the sword in any way, talk to the Irridonian (Bao) about the sword, and he will build it for you - either single or double of your choice. At the workplace, you will be able to upgrade your sword with all the crystals you have found.

Walk around the Enclave clockwise along the corridor. In the first pair of rooms you will find the corpse of a scavenger (I called it that), in the second pair there is a passage to the droid compartment. You can repair all droids or dismantle them for parts. Go to the library in the east of the Enclave, talk to Disciple there. If you are playing as a girl, then he will join you. Go deep into the library and inspect the bodies of the mercenaries. You'll find a PDA that states that Master Vrook has probably been captured by a certain Azkul and is being held in a crystal cavern. Continue moving clockwise along the corridor. Search the remaining two pairs of rooms, and between them in the round room, find the corpse of another scavenger with a will. By changing it (testament), you will receive his equipment. Once you get to the fountain, get ready to fight a group of enemies led by Jerevic, who doesn't want you to get out of here. After killing him, go outside and go to the crystal cave.

Crystal Cave(2):.

Follow the passage on the left until you reach the mercenaries who are imprisoned in Vrook's power cage. If you answer "I must save the Jedi", you will receive good points. If you say "If you let me make changes" or "This is the last insult I hear from you", you will get evil points. After defeating the mercenaries, talk to the Jedi. Ask him whatever you want and he will leave. If you fight him, he will stun you and retreat.

Mercenary attack:.

After leaving the cave, Azkul, the leader of the mercenaries, will speak to you. If you want to help Khund, then tell him that you are not interested in his offer, and then say "Die!". If you want to join the mercenaries, then say "Ok, I'll help you." The same phrase, but with a lie, will allow you to think about which side to take later (I advise). Return to Khunda and speak with the administrator, then with Zherron. The latter will give you many tasks (wander around the building, looking for unfinished business) - repair droids; repair turrets; repair the meddroid. In case you are on the dark side, you can program the turrets to destroy the inhabitants of Khund. The main thing at the end of everything to Zerron is that you did everything you could.

When the mercenaries attack you, you will speak with Azkul again. Tell him that "she means nothing to me" and then they will kill the administrator, and you will go over to the side of evil. Otherwise (doba side) kill him. Then ask the administrator for 400 credits (you can take it for yourself, or you can donate to the needs of Khunda), and Master Vrook will teach you a lesson and answer any questions.

VIII. Nar Shaddaa

So, having landed on the planet, the first thing we will see is the winged Crazy Frog, he says they say it’s busy here. We convince him, scare him or give him credit cards, he lags behind. On the planet, to find the Master, you need to attract the attention of the Exchange. Good or bad deeds. a man sits, he asks to find his wife. You can either release her at the Exchange base, then ask, under the pretext of finding an early plague-infected NPC, to expand the space for refugees.

IX. Korriban

About the search for Master Vash at the Dark Jedi Academy, as well as the trials of the Exile in an ancient tomb.


Valley of the Evil Lord:.

Head south to the Shyrack cave entrance. There is nothing more interesting in this place. One has only to say that if you search the skeletons, then you will be attacked by Hssiss.

Shyrack Cave:.

A gnawed corpse with a datapad will lie ahead. Take any path to the bridge to the east, taking out Shyracks and Tuk'atas. Cross the bridge and destroy the Sith assassins. Then head north to the entrance to the Sith Cave. Kreia will tell you whether or not you are ready to move on. If you can't pass, then it's due to two things: you're either not entirely on the side of good or evil, or you're low level.

Sith Cave:.

Case 1: Malak.

As soon as you enter the cave, you will see Malak preaching the Jedi war. You can shorten this dialogue by saying just "Enough playing, take your lightsaber and fight!". Otherwise, you must listen to it all and answer each of his questions. Once the fight starts, you will only need to hit Malak to make everyone else disappear. Go through the door ahead (east on the map) and go down the corridor, at the end of which you will find a hand with a datapad. Go through the next door.

Case 2: Shyrack nest.

Destroy all Shyracks in this location. Then go down the long corridor and go through the door.

Case 3: Minefield.

The soldiers want you to help them get through the Mandalorian line, but there is a minefield ahead. You can send them or go yourself. The evil side includes the following sentences: "Fight is an invaluable opportunity. We will fight", "War requires blood. Yours were taken that day" (evil points), "The only victims that mattered in that war were the Jedi." (points of evil). There is no good side, you can only avoid saying the sentences above. Once you get to the other side, fight the Mandalorians and go through the door to the east. When you reach the fork, head south. So you will reach a room with four columns, in the center between which a dead Jedi will lie. Touching a dead Jedi each time (touching the first time will give you 200 XP) will summon Hssiss. This is the perfect opportunity to upgrade your hero. After you're done with this, return to the fork and head north.

Case 4: Kreia betrayed.

Ahead you will see "Kreia", who has trouble with Atton, with Bao - Dur and with T 3. Say what you want until all the listed characters appear. The easiest way to get through this is to say, "I think I'll stand aside and wait" or "You're all just a vision, anyway. It doesn't matter what I do." In this case, you will fight with everyone.

Case 5: Revan.

Go down the corridor and through the door. You will confront Revan. After talking to him, fight. The fight won't be too difficult (2000 XP). Search the sarcophagus ahead and the two small rooms to the sides, then go through the door to the east. So you exit to the Shyrack cave. Choose a team and break through to the exit. Then stomp to the Sith academy.

Sith Academy:.

Break through the monsters and Sith assassins to the main area, from which there are 5 passages. Go through the west passage first. Get the datapad from the bag and continue to move to the end of the corridor, where the corpse will lie. After examining it, you will find a datapad that will tell you how to open a large door next to you. To do this, you need to have a charge of thorium with you. Go to the first passage from the locked door to the right (south on the map). Get the datapad from the drawer in the back room (50 XP). Then turn into the second passage on the same side. Use a computer. Select the "New Recruit" option and then select your ID # 3401726- B 853 S 5 O 0 X 001. Next, select "access to study materials" to open the door to the library. And finally, take the written test. Answer the first question Freedon Nadd, the second - Twenty, the third - Gizka, the fourth - I always lie, the fifth - Passion - strength - power - victory. By answering at least 4 out of 5 questions correctly, you will gain access to the study room (select the "access to the study room" option, 150 XP).

Go to the library that is marked on your map. Open the box and take the thorium charge out of it. Now go back to the big locked door and use the thorium to blow it up. In the room, use the hologram to watch the cutscene. Return to the main area and take the east passage, then turn south. In the training room, use the computer to start sequential training. You will be interrupted by hungry Tuk'atas. Kill them and use the computer again. No matter how quickly you dealt with the animals, the computer will tell you that you have failed and you need to go to the hall of punishment opposite (100 XP). Go there. In the cage you will find the corpse of a Jedi. Saying "maybe I killed her directly" will give you evil points (500 XP anyway). Search her body and find the datapad. Then use the computer terminal. Select "access system commands" and type "Lonna Vash". Return to the main area where Darth Sion will be waiting for you. Fight him and you will automatically leave the academy afterwards, which will help you with Kreia (200 XP).

Then we fly for the Bao-Dur ball and activate the generators in the ships (two in one location, two in another), I don’t want to tell the plot. If you haven't killed all the animals it will be bad.

Then at the academy we go through the rooms and locations we go to Zion. After the second fight, if you have a good cons and persuasion, you can weaken it. We beat Zion as many as 4 times, convincing him that he must die, and at the end - that he should kill Kreia. If you can’t cope, hide behind a column and heal yourself. From Zion towe pick up the sword (I don’t know why it is needed at the end, are we supposed to beat it with an ordinary sword?).

We go to Krei through the door behind Zion's back. If you are a Sith Lord, it will be fun, if not, "fun". with three flashlights, and they will attack you. When you destroy them, hit Kreia long and hard (if you are not a Lord), because. she is great at dodging, if you are a Weapon Master, everything will be easier because. with the maximum skill of two weapons and maximum speed, 5 hits per round are dealt, I think two or three will definitely hit.

Congratulations, you have completed the game.


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: 12

  • Mark Grisky[d]

Game process

Knights of the Old Republic II based on the principles laid down in the first part of the game. At the beginning of the game, the protagonist wakes up, not knowing where he is, then escapes on Ebon Hawk and begins to travel from planet to planet (optional), solving his own and other people's problems in each world or, by his actions, creating new ones. In the final part, the player will experience numerous and extremely unexpected plot twists and discoveries, as well as the final battle that will determine the future of the Republic.

Each planet you visit offers a variety of NPCs to interact with, several main quests, and a fair amount of side quests. Side quests mostly belong to the standard kill-and-fetch group. Many of them lead to new information about your character, party members, or the reason the Jedi and Sith are after you.

Over 60 new perks and Manifestations of Power have been added to the game. Most of them will not be able to choose when leveling up. Instead, these new talents are awarded to specific classes. As the player advances in the Force, the player will be allowed to select a second class of Jedi, an even more specialized class than the original one chosen at character creation. The six new classes are divided into three equally for Jedi and Sith, respectively. Each of the classes has its own Powers and perks.

Combat system

The combat system has not changed since the original. On the one hand, you can pause the game and set the sequence of actions for the player's reconnaissance trio, on the other hand, you can choose actions on the fly. Although everything happens in real time, behind the scenes everything is also determined by the rounds.

A couple of features have been added to the battle that make the game a little more interesting. It will take some time before the player receives their Lightsaber, but immediately after receiving it, the character will begin to learn lightsaber combat styles (eng. Forms, adaptive translation). It is possible to switch to any of the forms that the character owns at any time, even outside of combat. Each style has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Shii Cho- works well when the player is surrounded.
  • Juyo- very aggressive style, good for one-on-one combat (but makes the player more vulnerable to Force attacks).

AT KOTOR II fights are difficult in the early stages, but become much easier after getting a lightsaber. Although the game has a level limit (maximum 50), it is almost impossible to achieve it (for this you will have to complete all the quests in the game, and given that the game is cut off, you can only reach level 30), so before the final battle you can become truly powerful and easy to deal with any opponents. Although the final bosses of the game are not strong enough to withstand a level 45 Jedi / Sith with powerful equipment, they still increase in proportion to the level and characteristics of the protagonist (so a character with a 99 constitution is waiting for a boss somewhere from 1500). However, despite the relative weakness of the bosses, the information they provide is more compelling than the combat itself.

Sides of power

The main purpose of planetary visits is to search for Jedi Masters hiding on planets scattered throughout the galaxy. The objectives of the search depend on the side of the force chosen by the player.

The game of ethics in The Sith Lords is an order of magnitude better than the first game, as pretty much every mission and nearly every dialogue has options for good, evil, and neutral. Some of the decisions may have major consequences and immediate changes in the situation. But there is much more to choose from than just cruelty or generosity, good and evil. The number of dialogue branches is very large and includes various "good", "evil" answers and neutral answers.

The decision to go to Darkness or Light does not depend on one event. The player makes a choice starting from the first dialogue and up to the very last word he said. The “moral compass” of the character will be able to open new branches of dialogue, new missions, and even influence the choice of party members.

While the player's ultimate goal is the same regardless of which side of the force they choose, the NPC's path and reactions vary greatly depending on the protagonist's inclinations. When approaching the Dark Side, the character's face will show signs of deformity, and NPCs will make comments about appearance, and some will even be frightened by the appearance of the protagonist.

The constant struggle between Darkness and Light goes beyond the character. Based on actions or words, other members of the player's team can also change their alignment, leaning towards the Light Side or the Dark Side.


Influence is a new feature of the game that plays a fairly large role in progressing through the history of party members. When talking to them, choosing certain answers can sometimes increase or decrease influence on a particular character. For example, Kreia does not care which path the player chooses, the main thing is that he will do it and do it with complete confidence. Taking decisive action and finding ways to control the situation will impress Kreia and increase influence. Atton, in turn, wants to be like Han Solo; on the one hand, he has a good heart, and on the other, he realizes the meaning of self-preservation and personal gain.

If the player decides to be the Dark One, they must learn to control the party members so that they can say what they want to hear, but do what the player wants. The Light One must be a person who can negotiate, find a way to communicate with the Dark characters without losing ground in their own morality. It's quite confusing, but it pays off in several ways.

If a character has high influence with another character, they start to lean towards the morality view. This means that if the player was able to gain influence on a Light One, they can make a Dark One out of them. On the other hand, the Light Side player can gain the trust of his Dark allies and lead them to the Light. A player-influenced character is more likely to reveal information or secrets from their past, although many of the party's storylines are cut in the final game due to tight development times. Also, with high influence, you can "untwist" party members on the history of their past. At the last stages of the game, light characters can be forced to train as a Jedi or Sith, and dark characters can be forced to give out information and gain experience or a bonus.


The game starts about five years after the end of the events described in the first part of the game. The main characters of the game are new, previously unknown personalities.

Of the characters who join the protagonist at the beginning of the game, Kreia, who will be the protagonist's mentor, and Atton Rand, the pilot of the spaceship, can be distinguished. The game has several characters mentioned in the last part, and some of them can join the player's party. New planets the character can visit include the recoverable Telos, the planet Onderon, the jungle-covered moon Dxun, and the asteroid Peragus, which is the starting point of the game. Korriban and Dantooine, which were in the first part, are also available. The Black Hawk, the ship on which the protagonist of the last game flew from planet to planet, will again become the main transport. Further events will unfold for a female character, since the Exile is canonical (within the framework of the RV) and her name is Mitra Surik

The player will control the Exile, a Jedi who lost touch with the force due to her sins during the Mandalorian Wars. As a result of the Jedi Civil War and the rise of the Sith triumvirate, the protagonist is considered the only, last true Jedi capable of saving the Republic and destroying the Sith. The player can either fulfill this destiny or destroy the surviving Jedi and the Sith triumvirate in order to reach the heights of mastery of the dark side of the force.



  • Exile(eng. Exile) - the main character of the game (despite the possibility of creating a male character in the game, these gender and name refer to the canon after the release of the book Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan). The class depends on the choice of the player. Real name - Meetra Surik (Eng. Meetra Surik). The Exile served in the Mandalorian Wars as Revan's top general (since Malak), and was the only revanchist to return to Coruscant to answer to the Jedi Council for her deeds during the Mandalorian Wars. By decision of the Jedi Masters, she was expelled from the Jedi Order.
  • Kreia(eng. Kreia) - Jedi Advisor, was a Jedi historian prior to the Mandalorian Wars. Loses his left hand in a duel with Darth Sion, so he can only use one-handed weapons. Revan's former mentor, joins the player at Peragus Station.
  • Atton Rand(eng. Atton Rand) - tramp, does not like when the Jedi "dig" in his head, therefore, almost all the time he mentally plays the card game "pazaak" (an analogue of the card game Point), thus preventing possible reading of thoughts. Joins the player at Peragus Station. She is one of two possible love interests for the female protagonist. In the past, he was an assassin for the Sith, his goal was to destroy the Jedi. Becomes a Jedi Guardian.
  • Bao Dur(eng. Bao-Dur) - engineer, Iridonian Zabrak. During the Mandalorian Wars, he served under the command of the Exile, whom he still refers to as a general. He lost his arm in the war, replaced it with a cybernetic prosthesis with an energy field instead of an elbow joint (thus, Bao-Dur is a cyborg). Also flies with him remote control is a small droid built by Bao-dur as a child. Attaches to the player on the surface of Telos. Become a Jedi Warrior.
  • Maid Brianna(eng. Brianna the Handmaiden) - echani servant. Joins the male player after they leave the Telos Polar Station by ship. Is one of two possible love interests for the male protagonist. Then he becomes a Jedi warrior.
  • Apprentice Mikal(eng. Mical the Disciple) - soldier and Jedi Advisor, former Padawan. Joins a female player on Dantooine in the Enclave, and the female protagonist can romance him.
  • Visas Marr(eng. Visas Marr) - Sith, one of the last of the Miraluka race. Former slave of Darth Nihilus. On his orders, she tried to kill the Exile, but was defeated and joined him. The Miraluka are blind, but this is offset by their ability to see through the Force. During the game, Visas may have feelings for the protagonist, regardless of their gender, which the player can respond to. (again depends on the gender) According to the Jedi guardian class.
  • T3-M4 - expert droid(engineer). In a training mission, the player controls it to repair the ship and save the Exile. Joins the team at Peragus Station. Its core contains a hologram that can reveal the events that happened to Revan after the events of the first part. Makes computer lockpicks.
  • HK-47 - battle droid. The player finds it in the ship's closet without four important parts. If the player collects these parts during the game and repairs the droid, he will join the team.
  • Mira(eng. Mira) - bounty hunter. Unlike other hunters, she prefers to take the target alive. Her wrist cannon allows her to quickly and accurately fire darts (with poison, sleeping pills, etc.) and missiles. Joins a light or neutral player on Nar Shaddaa. Unlike Brianna and Visas, she stays away from the male protagonist as she doesn't want problems with other "girls". In addition, Mira believes that he is too old. Becomes a Jedi Guardian.
  • Hanharr(eng. Hanharr) - a bounty hunter from the Wookiee race. He hates anyone who saves his life, as for the Wookiees, this means that he must serve the savior for life. For Khanharr, this means slavery, and he kills all his saviors to free himself from obligations. Joins the dark player on Nar Shaddaa in place of Mira.
  • Mandalore(eng. Mandalore) - the leader of the Mandalorians. He is always dressed in Mandalore armor that hides his face, but by some signs you can find out that he is actually Canderous Ordo, a character from the first part of the game who decided to revive the culture of his people at the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Mandalorian wars, Dxane (eng. Dxun ) is the moon of Onderon.
  • G0-T0- recovery droid, representative of Goto, one of the most powerful mafiosi on Nar Shaddaa. It was he who "ordered" the Exile, but later joined him himself. It turns out that his main task is to save the Republic from the inevitable collapse. To do this, the conflict between the Jedi and the Sith must end. Also, if you gain "influence" on G0-T0, he will tell you that he is a Goto droid whose program is aimed at saving the republic.

Main enemies

  • Darth Nihilus(eng. Darth nihilus) - one of the three dark lords of the Sith in the game. Kreia described it as "a wound in the Force". He senses those who are strong in the Force and moves towards them. As soon as he arrives, all living things die. So the assembly of the Jedi on Katarr was destroyed, along with the Miraluka - the inhabitants of the planet. Only Visas Marr survived, and Nihilus took her on as an apprentice.
  • Darth Zion(eng. Darth sion) - one of the three remaining dark lords of the Sith. Although he prefers a direct approach to everything, he is also the best Sith assassin of all. On his personal account - countless killed Jedi. He is like a living corpse, torn apart and reassembled. This is due to the destructive orientation of Zion. Sion is a follower of the philosophy of Darth Malak.
  • Darth Traya(eng. Darth Traya) - the Sith name of Kreia. One of the three Sith Lords left after the Jedi Civil War. She is the teacher of Nihilus and Sion, but they deceived her, betrayed her, humiliated her and expelled her from the Sith Order. Trayus Academy is located on the site of the last battle of the Mandalorian war - the planet Malachor V. Hates the Force and longs for a reduction in the number of both the Jedi and the Sith. Predicts the future of the hero's partners.
  • Headhunters- hired by the mafia Goto to destroy the main character. According to the rules of their guild, hunters have no right to interfere with other hunters, but the price announced for the head of an exile makes them forget the rules.
  • HK-50- A series of assassin droids based on the HK-47 model, always moving in groups of three. They communicate and act as one, pursuing a goal relentlessly. Just like their prototype, they can pretend to be protocol droids. The final release of the game did not include the level with the HK-50 factory.

Returning characters

In addition to the already mentioned T3-M4, HK-47 and Mandalore, the game also has several characters from the first game that the player can meet with due skill (depending on the chosen path of action at certain points):

  • Bastila Shan(eng. Bastila shan) - appears in Uthar's room at the Sith Academy on Korriban in the form of a holographic recording mentioning Revan (if the player mentioned the ending of the first game as dark in the dialogue at the beginning of the game), or at the end of the game on the planet Telos (if the player mentioned that Revan was a man of light). Also, if the player has influence over T3-M4, advanced computer repair and hacking skills, they will show Bastila's hologram if Revan was mentioned as male; if Revan was mentioned as a woman, then Carth will appear instead of Bastila.
  • Kart Onasi(eng. Carth onasi) - seen several times as a holographic transmission from the headquarters of the fleet of the Republic, also appears on Telos in front of Malachor (if Revan was mentioned as light) and tells something about Revan, after which he asks the Outcast to find him. Apparently, Kart's merit made him an admiral.
  • Master Vrook Lamar(Eng. Master Vrook Lamar) - one of the four remaining Jedi Masters, after the destruction of the Jedi enclave on Dantooine and the destruction of the planet Katarr.
  • Darth Malak(eng. Darth malak) - appears as a vision on Korriban, where the player sees how he (who has not yet crossed to the Dark Side) calls on the Jedi to go to the Mandalorian War.
  • Darth Revan(eng. Darth revan) - also appears as a vision on Korriban, his face is hidden by a mask. If the player mentioned that Revan was dark, then the phrase appears in the dialogue: "This is where the true Sith Lord is", and if the light one, then: "Revan, I thought you turned away from the darkness."
  • Master Vandar(eng. Master vandar) - seen in a holographic recording of a protocol droid on Dantooine (when repairing its memory core). The recording plays back Master Vandar and Master Vrook Lamar talking about the Exile.


The game is a sequel to the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR or KotOR), which was a resounding commercial success. The original game was developed by BioWare. According to the publishers, BioWare was busy at the time with projects Jade Empire and Dragon Age: Origins They didn't have time to make a sequel. BioWare recommended Obsidian as an alternative developer because they had worked together before. The Sith Lords developed on a significantly improved (although some flaws remained, such as "glitches" with movement)

This week marks 13 years since LucasArts published Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Sith Lords from Obsidian Entertainment.

It has earned a reputation as the most morally ambiguous Star Wars game, so for its 13th anniversary, we are re-publishing the developers' view of their own brainchild. This article, accompanied by images from various versions of the game, was written by Kevin Saunders (later Senior Designer at Obsidian) and first appeared in the April 2005 issue of Game Developer Magazine.

Although the original Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) was developed by BioWare, its sequel, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Sith Lords), LucasArts was commissioned to make Obsidian. The brainchild of BioWare fell in love with both critics and players, and therefore Obsidian was faced with the task of not only releasing the game in record time, but also not disgrace the honor of its predecessor.

We decided to take as a basis the most successful developments of the first part, trying not to fix what did not break. Instead, we focused on those aspects of KOTOR that needed to be improved - thus, almost all the changes we made, in one way or another, logically continued the ideas of the original game.

It was Obsidian Entertainment's first project. Most of the 33 members of the development team had solid experience in the gaming industry. About half worked at Black Isle Studios, the rest came from companies such as Blizzard, Electronic Arts and Activision. About a third of the team was hired within six months before the end of the project, including 70% of all designers.

The development of KOTOR2 was led by two dedicated producers from the publisher and developer, each developer reporting to one of the heads of their respective departments: art, programming, and design. BioWare provided us with the KOTOR engine and development environment, LucasArts took care of testing and quality control, sound (effects, music, voiceover), cinematics, and also helped with art resources. Almost the entire development process of KOTOR2 was accompanied by hellish revisions, however, the staff happily stayed - not because they were forced, but out of a desire to make a good game.

What's Done Right

1. System of world views and influences

We consider the influence system used in KOTOR2 to be the best example of the development of the mechanics incorporated into the game. One of the most successful elements of the original KOTOR was interaction with squad members (companions). Their fascinating biographies, personalities, and roles in the story are often cited as virtues of the first game. Another mechanic that players liked was the ability to earn points of the dark and light side for game actions, reflecting the worldview of the character.

We have improved all this in KOTOR2. We've expanded relationships with companions, allowing them to change as the game progresses. When a follower expresses his opinion, the player gains or loses influence with him depending on his reaction.

Influence (positive and negative) changed the information that the companion shared with you, and could also push him to become your student. Your character's world view also affected their relationships with companions, changing their own view of the world. Two prestige classes, such as the Sith Lord and the Jedi Master, had the most influence on the alignment of companions. This mechanic has been a hit with KOTOR fans.

In addition, we have significantly increased the influence of the worldviews of the characters on the gameplay. Some dialogue, especially with companions, changed noticeably depending on the player's inclination towards the light side or the dark side. One of the lightsaber crystals changes depending on the alignment and level of the player character, sensitively reacting to all changes. The evil and good deeds of the player affect the fate of his companions.

2. Memorable moments

Another aspect of KOTOR that was highly praised by players was the non-linear gameplay. After completing the introductory part, the players independently chose the path through the game world. We have improved the gameplay by enriching non-linearity with memorable events.

Often, players remember only certain key moments of the game. Using cinematic scenes and innovative approaches to the implementation of the functions of the game engine, we have ensured that the story kept in suspense throughout the game.

Many of the events in KOTOR2 felt outside the realm of traditional RPGs and provided an experience that was very uncharacteristic of other members of the genre. For example, at several points in the story, the player controlled a companion or another NPC that was not part of his squad. These kinds of interludes gave the player the opportunity to see the game world from a different perspective. We thought it would be a good idea for a Star Wars game, especially in the context of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, where the "squads" split up to pursue different goals.

We also tried to increase the impact of player decisions. As mentioned above, one of the key aspects in this direction was the mechanics of influence. Another example is the conflict between the Dantooine government and several mercenary factions. You could support either side by performing some actions, such as repairing the settlement's defense system or reprogramming it to shoot at friendly people. This significantly changed the balance of power on the battlefield, the outcome of which influenced other game events. Many subsequent events changed depending on the decisions made earlier.

3. Computer-aided design systems

To improve game balance and conserve resources for game content creation, we have developed semi-automatic item placement and NPC difficulty scaling systems.

In KOTOR, items were placed manually, and every time you played, you found the same things in the same places. The open game world contributed to the fact that the developers could not predict the player's route and correctly place equipment. Having found cool armor at the very beginning, the player lost interest in all subsequent finds and trophies.

In KOTOR2, we have implemented a system of random distribution of items. From now on, each of them was intended for a character of a certain level. Before you entered a new playable area, the system filled it with trophies corresponding to the player's level. We've added a relatively low chance for a powerful artifact to spawn, increasing every time you come across something mediocre. When such an object appeared, the counter was reset, and everything started all over again. This approach ensured that cool gear didn't come across too often.

The random item distribution system ensured that the player would find interesting items throughout the game. In addition, this mechanic increased the interest in replay, because each time you came across different things in different places (in one playthrough, you saw no more than half of the items available in the game). It's also worth noting that automation has allowed us to easily make any changes to the distribution of items and add new equipment without having to recalculate the game balance. However, plot objects were still placed manually.

The auto-balancing system scaled the difficulty of NPCs. In KOTOR, the complexity of the NPCs was static in most cases, which created huge problems in the design of the open world. A character of both level 8 and 18 could appear in any of the game areas. In KOTOR2, we took advantage of the automatic difficulty adjustment system, which saved us a lot of time and nerves.

Before the player entered a new play area, this system scaled the level of all characters and monsters to match the level of the player's character. We set the difficulty spread to plus/minus five percent and did manual testing to find the necessary benchmarks. The auto-balancing system set sparing parameters for ordinary enemies, which did not allow players to relax. For bosses, more severe parameters were applied, pushing players to find new tactics and use various items. This system also significantly helped us meet the tight development deadlines.

4. Crafting and upgrading items

Some items in KOTOR could be upgraded. They usually had two to four upgrade slots, depending on the type of item. For example, armor could be improved with various linings. With the exception of lightsaber crystals, the number of upgrades available was extremely limited. Not only did you not have much choice, but all the available options appeared quite early. Simply put, any item was improved to its maximum without any effort.

In KOTOR2, we have added the ability to choose to the crafting system. For example, you can put on armor with one of 30 types of linings and linings (although many of them were almost the same). We've expanded the number of lightsaber upgrade slots from three to six. And this is not to mention the fact that the total number of upgradeable equipment in KOTOR2 has reached 200 units, and upgraded items are no longer rare.

Another notable achievement is the item creation mechanics. Almost any of them can be disassembled into components and used to create other items. The list of available items is limited by the character's skills. While most normal items cannot be crafted this way, all item upgrades are crafted from components, with the exception of lightsaber crystals. Many disposable items such as mines, grenades, and medkits can be broken down into chemicals and used to create other disposable items.

The crafting system solved two problems at once. First, she emphasized the importance of choosing character skills, which we felt didn't have much of an effect on the gameplay of the original KOTOR. Secondly, it allowed players to exchange something they didn't need for something they needed (for example, demolition workers could make mines from disassembled items). Item upgrades were rare enough to encourage players to make their own without losing interest in finding new gear.

5. Many small improvements

We've made many subtle improvements to keep the game "modern" using the same graphics engine and development tools.

In particular, in the choreographic battles that the players liked so much, new animations of unarmed combat appeared. To showcase them in all their glory, we've added a few side quests using them, such as dueling the Handmaidens and Mandalorians on Dxun. In addition, we've expanded the options for unarmed combat, making it more attractive, as well as adding two possible companions who are skilled in unarmed combat.

In addition, we've increased the distinction between Jedi classes with new combat stance mechanics. Each stance offered impressive advantages, but always had noticeable disadvantages. For example, Soresu's stance was great for deflecting blaster shots and fighting a single opponent, but poorly suited for mass battles. There were special racks designed for the active use of the Force. Depending on the class of the character, the player learned 11 forms, greatly expanding his tactical capabilities.

The last item of the program was the user interface. We've added an additional weapon configuration to quickly switch between melee and ranged weapons. We've slightly restructured the inventory and equipment screens by adding the ability to sort items. Modifier information hidden in KOTOR has appeared on various game screens.

Where did we go wrong

1. Scale of the project

Given the rather tight deadline and small team, we set ourselves completely unrealistic goals for the number and size of playable areas, tasks, and NPCs, as a result of which the game that hit the shelves looked unfinished. We were too ambitious, but realized the consequences too late. However, this problem is typical not only for us, but also for many other game studios, which is clearly seen in numerous similar articles in Game Developer, and we have nothing to add to them.

2. Rollers on the engine

KOTOR2 has a lot of cutscenes in the engine - much more than in the first game. Many scenes, and especially those that did not make it into the game, demanded more from the game engine than its capabilities allowed. For example, if there were moving objects in the video, the result often became unpredictable.

Our programmers spent many sleepless nights, only to later find out that the carefully crafted video stopped working for unknown reasons. So, sometimes it turned out that adding a single sound effect at the other end of the map completely destroys the synchronization of the video. All these problems did not help us meet the tight deadlines of development. The programmers did not know about many of the technical nuances of the engine, so finding and fixing bugs turned into a pain in the ass.

3. Technical limitations

KOTOR2 has often been criticized for lack of performance. Some players and journalists felt that we couldn't get around the technical limitations of the original KOTOR, which also suffered from performance spikes.

Part of the problem is due to our approach to development, part of the lack of time to optimize the engine itself. We were able to speed it up a bit, but the difference in performance was offset by more detailed models, as well as an increase in the number of NPCs and the size of playable areas (so you don't have to load too often), which often resulted in twice the active game content per area compared to the original KOTOR. Loading speeds in both games are about the same, but loading into KOTOR2 was much less frequent.

The result is ambiguous. Few players commented on the livelier and more detailed playable areas and variety of character models. Perhaps we should have scaled down the play areas to the size of the original (and reduced the amount of play material in them accordingly), then the game would have been a bit more stable.

4. Realization of artificial intelligence

One of the main goals in the development of KOTOR2 was to improve the artificial intelligence of satellites and enemies. The implementation of AI in KOTOR is extremely primitive. Companions attack or run directly towards their target with a melee weapon and beat them to death (hers or theirs). They never change weapons. You can only specify whether to use grenades and Forces or not. The use of these abilities was controlled by primitive algorithms that did not take into account the specifics of the tactical situation.

We left the AI ​​improvements for last, but due to lack of people and time, we were unable to deploy at full strength. We have added several behavior options, the ability to adjust the distance between the player's character and his companions, the use of melee or ranged weapons. As a result, our efforts did not have a significant effect on the gameplay. We should have scrapped the idea entirely, or dedicated more resources.

5. Lack of time

We didn't have time to fine-tune a lot of the game mechanics, and as a result, many of them felt like underdeveloped, draft versions of themselves with a lot of flaws.

So, dialogues with satellites were introduced at the earliest stages of development, which limited our experiments with the influence system. The number and strength of influence changes can hardly be called balanced.

Already in the final stages of testing, we realized that some characters are practically not subject to the influence of the player. Since we couldn't increase the number of situations in which you can influence your teammates due to the development timeline, we simply increased the number of influence points in the existing ones. However, the positive reaction to the influence mechanic hid this flaw from the eyes of the players. However, it must be admitted that it needed to be improved.

The automatic complexity balancing system also did not cope very well with the tasks assigned to it. We barely beat the game once before we sent it to print, so we couldn't really appreciate the balance before it was too late. As a result, a system that was supposed to support adequate difficulty made the game too easy.

Obviously, good planning would help avoid many of these problems. More realistic plans would have freed up more time for testing.

May the Force be with you (engine)

Without a quality engine, BioWare development environment, and support from LucasArts, we would not have been able to release such a massive game in just 14 months. We will use the experience gained in the development of future projects, such as Neverwinter Nights 2. In general, we are pleased with the game and the feedback from the players. Given the ambition of the task, we believe that we have created a worthy successor to the magnificent Knights of The Old Republic.

Companion characters are one of the few assets of the game that turned out to be at the level of the first part. Each character is endowed with different abilities, character, strengths and weaknesses. The relationship between the main character (the Exile) and his companions has reached a new level thanks to a wonderful innovation - a strip of influence. It is on its basis that many plot twists, main and secondary quests are built. Therefore, the player always has to pay attention to his behavior, because at one point your former friends may turn their weapons against you.

Throughout the game you will be accompanied by teammates - there can be up to twelve people. As in the previous part of the game, you can take only two satellites with you to the planet. You can change your team almost at any time while on the territory of the location, because a specific situation may require the presence of specific characters. There are even locations in the game where the presence of one or another comrade is mandatory.

It is interesting: the presence of some characters depends directly on the gender of the protagonist and his inclinations to the side of the Force. Therefore, do not be surprised that during the game you might not meet some of the following.

Jedi and Sith


It doesn't matter where we go. The destination is not important. The journey itself is important.


wars", therefore does not recognize either the Sith or the Jedi. And it requires the main character to behave appropriately. So if you want to be on good terms with Kreia, develop a neutral character. The old woman recognizes only her opinion, and therefore during the dialogues you have to agree with her in all situations. Kreia's decisions and actions cannot be predicted in advance. For example, on Onderon, you can support both the queen and the rebel Vakla. With the right further actions, you can get influence points. Kreia is proficient in various manifestations of the Force, such as the Chain of Force, which can be used both during attack and during defense.

Kreia is a dubious fighter; although she has strong and useful spells, she is weak in close combat. She fights exclusively with one hand, it will not work to “change clothes”. Apparently, he is afraid to reveal his true face.

It is easy to lose influence points in the presence of Kreia, she fights much worse than others and has a habit of appearing in the most crucial places in the game. So the best place for this weirdo is in the cabins of the Hawk. When needed, Kreia will appear herself. However, if you want to create the perfect neutral, you won't find a better companion.

It is important: try to ask Kreia more about her past. This way you can get experience points. Suitable situations in the game occur frequently. For example, in the Valley of the Graves on Korriban, Kreia can be asked to tell her story. After listening, you will receive experience points.


Jedi Guardian Level 6

Location: "Ebon Hawk"

Visas is another heroine hiding her face behind a hood. At first, the girl behaves like a real Sith - she gets influence points during murders and rejoices in every possible way when you do dark deeds. However, later it can be turned into the kindest Jedi, and good and merciful deeds will begin to please her. On Nar Shaddaa, be sure to take this girl with you and do as many righteous deeds as possible. So you can turn it to the bright side.

However, be prepared that on Onderon she will laugh at your excessive kindness. To get influence points on this planet from Visas, you will have to support General Vakla, the head of the local junta.

Regardless of the side, Visas is eager to communicate with you. Always try to enter into dialogues with her in which you can choose any answer options. The more options you try, the more influence points you get. The girl has different spells that she can teach you. First up is Force Vision, a spell that allows your hero to see through walls and barricades. Very useful in combat.

Visas is a good fighter, she will be useful in a variety of situations. And since the second Jedi in the team is required, I advise you to take it with you everywhere. And it’s easy to get influence points, and you won’t let yourself be offended.


There are as many as five characters in the game who from the very beginning do not know at all what the Force is and what it is eaten with. However, soon you will be able to raise from them the real knights of the sword and the Force. Of course, for this you have to sweat a little.

Atton Rand

Scoundrel Level 3

Location: prison block Peraga

Atton Rand is an excellent blaster shooter with a repair skill. This guy is so into Pazaak that he even plays the card game in his mind while aboard the Ebon Hawk. If you tell about this poor fellow and apologize, you will gain influence points.

This person needs a subtle approach, so it will be very difficult to achieve influence on him. And without influence, you'll never turn Atton into a Jedi.

With such a company, no troubles are terrible.
If you are playing as a dark character, you will achieve your goal by making kills. For some reason, cruelty is very attractive to Atton Rand. He, like other characters, can be influenced through dialogue, but he is rarely talkative and it will be difficult to extract any information from him. Only by carefully and slowly asking Atton about everything, you can succeed.

When you arrive on Nar Shaddaa, do not take Atton with you. Although there are many situations on this planet where you can increase your influence with Atton, you should still take someone else on a campaign. In the refugee camp, you will meet two Twileks who, for a fee, will tell you hitherto unknown information about Atton Rand. It turns out that the guy can be turned into a Jedi. The further algorithm of actions does not change - careful dialogues will sooner or later lead to the fact that Atton will reincarnate. However, before you start processing Atton, make sure you have enough influence points.

Thus, you get another strong Jedi in your team, who, in addition, has a bunch of abilities. An indispensable companion in battle, which is equally good in battles with lightsabers and skirmishes, has resistance to stun, poison and paralysis.

Bao Dur

Your command is still ringing, General. And I obey, as on Malachor V.

Bao Dur

Bao-Dur, unlike most other subjects, is almost impossible to influence with the help of dialogues. The main way to get influence points is to take Zabrak on planet walks. Throughout the game, influence on Bao-Dur can be obtained in different situations. First of all, we advise you to take him as an assistant on Onderon, Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa. And since Etton on the last of the listed planets is categorically not recommended to invite to join the company, Bao-Dur on Nar Shaddaa is definitely worth taking. This character is attracted to bright things; for example, if you heal a patient in a refugee camp on the same Nar Shaddaa, you will increase your influence. On the other hand, when you kill, you lose points.

My advice to you is don't be afraid to include Bao-Dur in your team. He is an excellent fighter in every way, has a huge number of useful abilities. In addition, his little assistant constantly flies around Bao-Dur - a mechanized ball that shoots at enemies during the battle. And after turning into a Jedi, Bao-Dur becomes almost priceless.


the librarian will remain an episodic NPC for you and will go to Hunda.

The Librarian can be turned into a Jedi Consular, and this is quite simple to do. The first way is the good old dialogue, in which you must definitely show your sympathy for the Jedi and the Republic, which the librarian never ceases to admire. In principle, dialogue may be enough to turn this soldier into a Jedi. Increasing influence with the librarian earns you a large amount of light side points. Of course, he hates murder and bad deeds, so the dark character will have a hard time with him.

The librarian, in the face of a soldier, in the face of a Jedi, looks frankly sluggish against the background of others. Dark women with him will have a hard time. But still, a Jedi is never superfluous. Especially if this Jedi also knows how to generate antidotes and first-aid kits with the help of his portable chemical laboratory.


Soldier Level 6

Location: jedi academy on telos

A fanatical nun will join our team if you play as a man. She is an excellent warrior both in terms of combat poles and swords, and in terms of small arms. And if you turn her into a Jedi, you get a versatile fighter who can be useful at any moment.

For everything to work out so well, you need to fight the nun three times and have enough influence on her. To achieve the location of a nun, as well as a librarian, can only be done by good deeds. Try to get less dark side points and in no case kill anyone in the presence of this girl. There are no special methods for obtaining influence points from the nun. Treat her like a Jedi and be the same in her presence. Then you will get a true friend and a great fighter.


I am Mira. I am the best bounty hunter in this system.


Scout level 6

Location: Nar Shaddaa

You will find this girl on Nar Shaddaa if your hero is inclined to the light side of the Force. Mira is an excellent bounty hunter, but she does not live by the principles of rogues and scoundrels, preferring to maintain friendly relations with the main character.

On a note: the Dark Jedi will get the Wookiee Hanharr, who is inferior to Mira in all respects. In addition, a girl can be made a Jedi. One of the few cases where a light character will have it easier.

Increasing your influence with Mira is easy - admire her as a hired killer.

Mira vs Hanharr. The furry guy doesn't stand a chance.
A specific case will fall on Dksana.

As far as combat ability goes, Mira is exceptionally good. She wears a real Jango Fett wrist grenade launcher on her sleeve. At first, grenades hit a small number of enemies, but as the level increases, the striking radius of the grenades also increases.

With enough influence, you can transform Mira into a Jedi. Try to ask the girl more about her relatives and attitude towards Wookiee Hanharr. A new line will appear in the dialogue about Nar Shaddaa. Promise that you will fly there again with Mira. If your hero is male, return to Nar Shaddaa and visit the refugee sector. There, Mira herself will start a dialogue, after which she will become a Jedi. If you play as a woman, you can start processing Mira right on the ship. Express interest in the conversation, and everything will work out.


The game features three varieties of droids, not similar to each other, like heaven and earth. NK-47 and T3-M4 are familiar to you from the first part of the game, so there is no particular need to introduce them. And the third and most unfortunate character in the game calls himself the strange "name" GO-TO. The role of this strange-looking droid in current events remains unclear even after the full completion of the game. Now meet:


Outwardly similar to the P2-D2, the T3-M4 is a jack-of-all-trades. This little comrade is a real pro at dealing with explosives, computers, mines, and player equipment. The droid can disassemble and upgrade various items from the protagonist's inventory. In addition, you can get four free pins from him, which you will surely need in difficult times. Getting the influence of T3-M4 is not difficult, but very simple. Communicating with the droid and listening to its endless noises and squeals, you can get influence points. Getting them allows you to upgrade the T3-M4, increasing it and even your skills (with enough influence, the droid can increase one of your skills). You are unlikely to take him into the most fierce battles, but this kid knows his business. And he can even take care of himself.


Anyone need to be killed, master?

Battle droid level 6

Location: cabins "Hawk"

NK-47 is a real destruction machine. Naturally, he will demand similar behavior from you - murders, violence and vile deeds. NK-47 is a wonderful fighter, capable of sweeping away anything and everything in its path. However, there are a huge number of problems on the way to gaining influence points. The first and most important problem is that the NK-47 will not be available to you from the very beginning of the game, but only after you collect the four missing parts. The technique of passing for all players is different, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to collect all the components even in the middle of the game. And closer to the finale, you will already have pumped Jedi in your team, who have no equal on the battlefield. But it doesn’t happen once in a while, so if you manage to collect the missing parts at an early stage of the game, then you will have a great fighter at your disposal. You can win his favor, as mentioned above, by killing and various actions that bring you dark side points. If you encourage the NK-47's killer tendencies during the dialogues, you can get small bonuses in return - increased stats and abilities. Light Jedi should keep the HK-47 aboard the Hawk. Away from sin...


I prefer predictable games like the galactic economy.

Expert Droid Level 6

Location: Nar Shaddaa

GO-TO - A ball-shaped droid, Goto's emissary, will join you after the battle on the yacht.

He obviously will not take root in your team and will constantly conflict with Bao-Dur's electronic assistant. GO-TO is neither a dark nor a light character. The path to his "heart" lies through the economy, in which he adheres to a favorable position for him. In order to gain influence points, you must do things that are acceptable to you and forget about noble deeds. Above all, GO-TO values ​​peace and order. He will ask you to stabilize the situation on Dantooine and Onderon. If you do this, you will receive Influence Points.

However, is it worth making such concessions and sacrifices for the sake of such a character? I do not advise. Because GO-TO is a useless fighter even compared to other droids. Its only difference is that it can fly over mines and make master keys. It's commendable... But only the strongest will find a place in the team, so you can safely leave GO-TO on board your ship.


The task of the warriors is to fight and offer their brotherly shoulder in difficult times. That's exactly what they're supposed to be doing in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. But most of the time they'll be aboard the Ebon Hawk...

The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian has his own concept of honor and dignity, talks little to the main character and rarely reacts to the player's actions. He is endowed with armor chained to his body and a powerful cannon. The only way to really get to know the worldview and attitude of Mandalore towards the player is on Onderon. I advise you to take it with you for a walk around this planet. On Onderon, you must fully support General Vakla. In this case, you will increase your influence with the Mandalorian.

The result is average in all parameters and characteristics of the soldiers. On Onderon, you might find it useful. Otherwise, leave it on board the ship.


Scout Level 4

Location: Nar Shaddaa

The Dark Jedi on Nar Shaddaa will get the Wookiee Hanharr, an excellent melee warrior, but useless against the backdrop of pumped-up Jedi. He can't wear implants or armor.

Influence on Hanharr can be gained through kills and harsh dialogue, both with the Wookiee himself and with other NPCs. Don't be afraid to humiliate or anger him. This will only benefit. With enough influence, Hanharr will get a solid stat boost. Will it save him?

The villains are defeated, justice has triumphed, the game is over and forgotten... However, our companions - good and evil, beautiful and terrible, honest and deceitful, will remain in our memory for a long time, reminding us of the unforgettable hours spent playing the game.

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